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Does that mean if you have a cocktail at a Meet & Mingle, you've been played? Will you suspect yourself and your comments? Meet & Mingle is a form of on-line loyalty, after all.


Exactly. Maybe all Diamonds and Diamond pluses should volunteer to be banned from the CL too because all those free drinks MUST be influencing them also. They wouldn't want the media to think they were on the take too or being "played" would they? :D I doubt we'll see a show of hands on that one. No one seems to have any problem with the Loyalty Program especially the CL perk so just give the RC title to Diamond plus as a perk. That way everyone will get a chance someday and they won't need to worry how anyone was selected.

I was D plus before being selected for RC in Sept 2008 so we just LIKE to cruise RCCL.

RCCL should get their money back for me, they never had the chance to " dupe" or " play" me with the RC program:D

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Okay, I'm going back to what bugs me and not pulling any punches. Why did CC get so defensive on this subject, won't let people post (or will you?), deleted threads and posts and limits people to this "sticky". Let the Royal Champions off the hook! What are you (CC) so afraid of? I'm sure the Royal Champions would love to see this end. So I'm going to post a thread, and another one until you ban me. This is not fair to the people that are members of your board, they trusted you and you (CC) violated that. Those of us that are aware of this try to "discuss" it and CC says NO.

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Yeah, I am going to bet someone on an anonymous forum when I have no way to verify anything money. Heck for 10k Laura would sell me down the river in two seconds. Let me take that back for 10 bucks.


We both know... ;) Your sad secret is safe with me. I love secrets.




Well according to you it ain't so anonymous if you think you know who I am. Right?;)


I'll be willing to Paypal Laura my money. You send her yours. Then she can reveal where I am and forward me my winnings.


If you aren't willing to put up..then you know what the alternative is.:D


Let's go big guy. Let's show everyone on this board what a big man you are.:D

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What a mess Cruise Critic and Royal Caribbean have created. So much for editorial integrity.


Exactly what part of this did Cruisecritic.com create? CC's involvement ended when they forwarded RCI's request for contact with some CC members to the CC members. This was done this way to keep CC member's e-mail addresses confidential.

Cruisecritic.com has nothing to do with the RC program.

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But sure Kathleen you know the members who were picked by RCCL - just highlight them to bring impartiality back to the boards.






Did they just think they'd won the lottery when they were asked to join pre-inaugural sailings








YES it was CC responsibility to disclose what Royal Caribbean was doing with its Royal Champion’s program to show there was impartiality on the boards


Didn't CC think to ask why RCCL wanted members details - or are you saying RCCL refused to reveal all the details ?








Well i think that somes it up - NOT a Mention OF THE THOUSANDS of other members that provide contributions to this site !!




Thanks Kathleen







needs to be repeated. I have to do a bit of checking my bookmarks, but in one article, Ms Tucker claims responsibility for the initial contacts, or, at least indicates knowledge of the contacting, and in another Laura does -- just going from memory, though.


Onward with our sociological studies.... it interesting to note when the boss lady enters, and when the BIG boss lady enters. What was going on? Not just immediate to the post, you have to look more to the day. Well, today, thus far, what I identify as highlights are our newly founded Royal Chumps, and the discussion, with an excellent linked article, to the use of CHILDREN in viral marketing.


Jaxon -- Royal Chump, charter member

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Okay, I'm going back to what bugs me and not pulling any punches. Why did CC get so defensive on this subject, won't let people post (or will you?), deleted threads and posts and limits people to this "sticky". Let the Royal Champions off the hook! What are you (CC) so afraid of? I'm sure the Royal Champions would love to see this end. So I'm going to post a thread, and another one until you ban me. This is not fair to the people that are members of your board, they trusted you and you (CC) violated that. Those of us that are aware of this try to "discuss" it and CC says NO.


Well, that's what a moderated forum is all about. They make the rules and if you don't like them you can speak with your dollar..oh wait, this is free. Well, then, you can find a site that suits you better.

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I'm not calling you anything. You, however are free to call yourself anything you wish.:D


Someone states that he did not know something and then you in return state that you feel he did. Yeah, you are not calling him anything. Use all the smiley faces that you like. It comes out the same.

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Elizanessie, you might want to read this again:


"The key to success in viral marketing is to subtly influence the influencers without them overtly realizing they are being influenced," Royal Caribbean's manager for loyalty marketing, Rachel Hannock, told the audience, according to a blog on loyalty marketing written by the Customer Insight Group."


I think you are missing something here with that quote (that has been posted here so many times now it will be Dplus soon)....notice how they say Hannock....wrong, the name is Hancock.


Notice how they use the word "according" ....that isnt proof of anything,the writer is assuming that was said...not actually got written proof. So in my eyes...thats wrong.

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Exactly. Maybe all Diamonds and Diamond pluses should volunteer to be banned from the CL too because all those free drinks MUST be influencing them also.


Hey, just curious - i'm no where near a d or d+ so what exactly is a "CL"??

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Ms. Tucker, Am I correct that only CC and RCCL know the full roster of Royal Champions? CC had first contact and RCCL chose them...yet the rest of your many, many posters do NOT know?


In light of the recent admissions by Marketing...of "influencing" these Champs "subtly"...of using these folks to influence US...and monitoring them here for content and frequency...there is a discomfort that this is going on and the vast majority of us here are THE SUBJECTS OF THE PROGRAM...yet unaware who is IN IT.


Respectfully, I think you might also regret how your other NON-CHAMP posters were treated as well. You have read the threads. Some of the comments sent our way were beyond rude and even beyond ludicrous. Are we less valuable to your Board than these special posters?


Uh, yah, I think she made that ABUNDANTLY clear.


Jaxon -- viralated Royal Chump, charter member

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Exactly what part of this did Cruisecritic.com create? CC's involvement ended when they forwarded RCI's request for contact with some CC members to the CC members. This was done this way to keep CC member's e-mail addresses confidential.

Cruisecritic.com has nothing to do with the RC program.

So can anyone email Cruise Critic and ask them to act as a go between for them to get another posters email address or is this privilege only for RCCL? :confused:

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Oh, come on, Royal Champions.


I know that ignorance is bliss but really.


RCL has admitted that this was a viral campaign. Yet not one RC is willing to admit to being part of it. So either RCL is mistaken or the campaign worked so well that RCs still do not overtly realize that they were being used to influence others.

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Exactly what part of this did Cruisecritic.com create? CC's involvement ended when they forwarded RCI's request for contact with some CC members to the CC members. This was done this way to keep CC member's e-mail addresses confidential.

Cruisecritic.com has nothing to do with the RC program.


CC would not let members discuss any of this. Creating exactly this thread. Obviously CC's involvement did not end when they "forwarded RCI;s request for contact with sone CC members" as they are still involved.


Are you kidding me, Cruisecrititc.com has a lot to do with the RC program by your own and RCCI's admission???they forwarded RCI's request for contact with some CC members to the CC members.Huh?

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An IP address isn't "proof" of anything; your real one can be very easily masked. I'm simply pointing that out, and not calling you out as having multiple accounts.



Then I'll send her my name and address. I'll have it notarized. I'm willing to attest that I'm not the poster he is accusing me of being.


I'm happy to do anything I can in order to take jcs money.:D


He's made this accusation before. I'm willing to call him on it. He likes everyone to believe that he is in the "know". He isn't. And I'm willing to prove it.

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Then I'll send her my name and address. I'll have it notarized. I'm willing to attest that I'm not the poster he is accusing me of being.


I'm happy to do anything I can in order to take jcs money.:D


He's made this accusation before. I'm willing to call him on it. He likes everyone to believe that he is in the "know". He isn't. And I'm willing to prove it.


Truth? This story is MUCH more interesting than the rc crapola :) :)

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CC would not let members discuss any of this. Creating exactly this thread. Obviously CC's involvement did not end when they "forwarded RCI;s request for contact with sone CC members" as they are still involved.


Are you kidding me, Cruisecrititc.com has a lot to do with the RC program by your own and RCCI's admission???they forwarded RCI's request for contact with some CC members to the CC members.Huh?


They've explained this over and over again -- perhaps you missed it the first three times??


Now, back to the jc/cakey show!!

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Truth? This story is MUCH more interesting than the rc crapola :) :)





jc is convinced I'm a former poster using this ID. He loves to post that he knows it is me, even though I 've told him before he is wrong. The first time I posted to this board, I posted with this ID.


Of course he still makes that assertion, in order to make everyone believe that he is a clever fellow and should be admired for his psychic abilities.


Meanwhile he is wrong and I'm willing to prove it. I'll put my money where my mouth is. If he is sooooo convinced he is right he shouldn't have any issue with doing the same.

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I think you are missing something here with that quote (that has been posted here so many times now it will be Dplus soon)....notice how they say Hannock....wrong, the name is Hancock.


Notice how they use the word "according" ....that isnt proof of anything,the writer is assuming that was said...not actually got written proof. So in my eyes...thats wrong.


Please read the original post oin the marketing blog.





"In my previous posts, I sited the recent study by Colloquy that found that customers who participate in loyalty-building efforts are 70 percent more likely to actively recommend a product, service or brand than the general population. I thought you might want to see this strategy in action with the Royal Caribbean Cruises’ efforts. Rachel Hannock, Manager Loyalty Marketing and Royal Caribbean Cruises shared their story at a recent loyalty marketing conference. Hannock noted, “The key to success in viral marketing is to subtly influence the influencers without them overtly realizing they are being influenced.”


The wotds used are Hannock "shared their story at a recent loyalty conference." The next sentence in quotes ...is a direct quote from the RCCL loyalty manager.


RCCL has called the quote "unfortunate" but NOT untrue. How could they? Apparently is was SAID at a conference where the whole program was detailed.


I sense your reason for denying it is true..is because...it is insulting and shows the "Champ" status to be nothing more than a manipulation.


Contrary to other posts...free drinks are between YOU and the cruiseline. That's fine. However this is a program to set one group of posters upon another...Champs manipulating Chumps. THAT makes it different. That involves a third party...a chump like me.


If the quote is a lie..let RCCL deny it...with the rest of that marketing conferenc able to confirm or deny. Let them put their corporate integrity on the line.


The attempts of some to close your respective eyes to the actual statement is becoming hilarious and somewhat pathetic. Must really sting...

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Nice to know that some do hold out for more than a drink and finger sandwichs.:p


I do actually think that RCs were well aware of what their objectives were. RCI seemed to certainly expect glowing posts and lots of them. Doesn't seem like RCI would keep those expectations "secret" from their operatives.


Sorry, but you would be wrong. RCCL never told me what I could or should post. How can I PROVE it to you? Easy, look at all my reviews that brought me to the Diamond plus level BEFORE I was selected to be a RC in Sept. Look at everyones reviews that are RC. I really do not think you'll see any difference in their posts or reviews before or after becoming RC's.

I can't go any higher in the Loyalty Program unless they plan on letting me drive the ships myself:D so what do I or others have to gain. Nothing! If they ever send me an invite to an event or inaugural and I have to pay my own expenses like they say I do in the email I received the other day.........still nothing! They are making money ON ME as I'm paying! lol Talk about a great marketing idea!

Send out invites and get people to PAY to be on the ships or to go to an event! They are "giving" us nothing but an opportunity to spend OUR money to go see a new ship or to go to an event and to spend OUR money while we are there! Pure genius PLUS they have everyone buzzing about RCCL and basically........ it hasn't cost them a dime!

So now...... why is everyone so mad about the RC program again? :D

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CC would not let members discuss any of this. Creating exactly this thread. Obviously CC's involvement did not end when they "forwarded RCI;s request for contact with sone CC members" as they are still involved.


Are you kidding me, Cruisecrititc.com has a lot to do with the RC program by your own and RCCI's admission???they forwarded RCI's request for contact with some CC members to the CC members.Huh?


Well Thank God CC did ask my permission to send my contact info to RCCL. I wouldn't want them sending it out willy nilly to just any cruiseline without asking me first:D CC did nothing wrong, we were the ones that gave our permission and accepted the invite from RCCL.

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