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i need some help to get back on program i was 288 now i am 178 at one time i reached goal which was 165 it is now 2 years but i do not like my leader and cannot attend any other meeting please help



Try the on line feature. It's about the same price and has a ton of recipes!

Just go for it.

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i need some help to get back on program i was 288 now i am 178 at one time i reached goal which was 165 it is now 2 years but i do not like my leader and cannot attend any other meeting please help


I agree with Beannie... do the online function... keep in touch with someone else who goes to that meeting so they can let you know if the leader changes... you can weigh yourself at home and check in with us as your support group.


You can do this!

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Greetings to everyone,

Didn't attend my Sunday a.m. meeting as we were away at Lake Havasu for a boat poker run. Prior to leaving for the weekend I had a good week. Being away (especially this early in my journey) was a challenge but I did the best I could considering. I brought healthy snacks and many laughed at celery and carrots (but I did notice that they indulged in them as well?!) I drank lots of water but had many jello shots. I started my period today and am feeling so huge and irritable not a good combination for the committee in my head! Just wanted to check-in so I don't check-out!!



Mmmmm jello shots :p. Those sound good.


Eileen, tell the committee in your head "it's nothing but a thing" so the meeting will break up because there is nothing left to talk about. :D And congrats on taking your own snacks. Felt good didn't it?




Greetings, all,


This seems like a good group of people; looking forward to being a part of it in this health journey. Glad your foot/leg is doing better, Mel / Peaches. Falls are never good! So our sail date is the same? We are leaving from LA for a South American cruise --- it's coming up fast! Where are you traveling? It would be too much of a coincidence to be on the same ship!


I'm just getting back into serious adherence, after too many temptations in September. It's good to read of others' successes, which is a motivation for me!




Hey, we are heading to Hawaii out of L.A.. Not on the same ship I'm afraid. That would have been great because we could have our own little WW meeting on board.


while I have 14 months before Oasis cruise, I started doing a modified WW plan. My wife used to belong and has all the stuff. I am 41, 5'7 and was 213 or so after our 17 day florida trip back in July. While I have been going to the gym for the last several months the weight really wasn't coming off until I actually started the 'diet'. I started in Mid August and at that time I was 210. My current weight is 189. I have not set a goal weight but I am thinking about 165-170. Before we were married I went from 175 down to 149 but felt tired all the time.


Just please make sure you don't set your goal too low especially if you felt tired when you were 149. But....you've done an excellent job so far. Please share your "modified" plan with us.

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First, Welcome to Sitfur, Mtebor, Beannie & Prettybird!

Congrats on losses to Sailemite & WCAB.... way to go!


Lani, you know I have a major problem with getting my water in. How do you guys do it?



I simply try to keep a full non-BPA Nalgene-type bottle with me at all times. Preferably, one that holds at least 20 ounces... I'm not good about "getting up to get" my water, so unless it's extremely convenient, I'm not so good about it. I also go easy on myself -- if I'm truly not thirsty, I don't force it... but if I get hungry, especially when I "shouldn't" (meaning, I've eaten relatively recently, or sufficiently), that's when I make sure to drink some water -- can really curb the hunger. Apparently sometimes when we feel hungry, it's our body's way of getting liquid into us... so water can curb that hunger. I also try to drink extra water when I have eaten extra, or salty things, or in general want to flush out some water weight!


When I'm craving a sweet water alternative, I grab a Vitamin Water 10. They have all-natural sweeteners, and only 10 calories per serving. I cannot stand the taste of artificial sweeteners (plus, I'm spooked by the reported possible health dangers of them... including rebound weight-gain indicated by studies), so I don't do the mix-ins. I'll also sometimes brew up some iced tea... and I will add some sugar usually, and count the points (only 15 calories per teaspoon... not too bad).


Greetings to everyone,

Didn't attend my Sunday a.m. meeting as we were away at Lake Havasu for a boat poker run. Prior to leaving for the weekend I had a good week. Being away (especially this early in my journey) was a challenge but I did the best I could considering. I brought healthy snacks and many laughed at celery and carrots (but I did notice that they indulged in them as well?!) I drank lots of water but had many jello shots. I started my period today and am feeling so huge and irritable not a good combination for the committee in my head! Just wanted to check-in so I don't check-out!!



spmom -- sounds you did GREAT! Congrats!

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This will probably be my only post here as I don't post much. Just wanted to tell anyone who is doing WW that it really does work if you work it. I started on May 3 online with WW. I have lost 34 lbs and haven't been hungry one minute. I also have not drank a lot of water(shame on me). But I have walked every day since May 3 with the exception of 6 days when I was sick with a cold. I feel so much better and of course I think I look better too.:D I am doing a lot of cooking, but have learned to double up on the recipes so I'm not always in the kitchen. I only have 5 more lbs to go before I cruise on Nov 4, but I think that is going to be a little tough as it's coming off very slowly now.

I wish you all the best of luck and don't give up.


Hello, I hope this isn't your only post. I see you've already posted again anyway :p so keep em coming. You've done a fabulous job and we could use your experience around here. And I do think you can take off 5 lbs in 34 days. Switch things up a little bit like eat dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner. Sometimes it's something silly like that that can get the scale moving again.


i need some help to get back on program i was 288 now i am 178 at one time i reached goal which was 165 it is now 2 years but i do not like my leader and cannot attend any other meeting please help


Why don't you like your leader very much? You've lost a lot of weight, was it all going to meetings? If so, your leader has helped in some ways. Having a good leader and one you can relate to or who is supportive is very important but do try to get something positive out of the meetings. Or like others said, try on-line. Me personally, I need the accountability. Good luck in whatever decision you make.

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Hello, I hope this isn't your only post. I see you've already posted again anyway :p so keep em coming. You've done a fabulous job and we could use your experience around here.


Hear, hear!


Having a good leader and one you can relate to or who is supportive is very important but do try to get something positive out of the meetings.


Good point, Mel. I wanted to say something like this, but couldn't word it properly! Don't let one bad leader get in your way... try to get some value out of him/her -- this person struggled in some way with their own weight issues, so possibly there is still something to learn... but I do understand if you need to stay away. Sometimes we just don't mesh with a certain person, and if this is true for you, make sure you don't let it get in the way of your weight management.


Waving Hi to Lani and all my other fellow WW losers. I hope everyone has a great OP day.


Hi, back! Hope your foot is healing well & quickly.


I'm determined to stay OP today... weekends have been tough with football tailgating. We do potluck with other tailgaters so there is a lot of grazing, which makes it hard to count points.... especially because it seems that there isn't that much eating; mostly drinking & talking. Does that mean that DH and I are over-counting our points when we try to estimate later? Or does it mean that the drinking and talking make us THINK we're not eating that much, but really we are?? Hard to say... we'll keep trying to track as best we can, and see how it works out. If we completely stop losing (or worse, start consistently gaining), we'll have to reevaluate and get better about tracking and staying OP.


Thin thoughts to you all!

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Sheryl - I'm glad you're feeling better!!


Becky - YAY!!! a loss two weeks in a row!! Keep it up!! I'm also very, very glad you got to "feel skinny". I'll bet that is a great feeling. :D You've come a long way, you should be very proud of yourself!


Marcia, mtebor & prettybird ***WELCOME*** I think you'll like this group.


Eileen - Great job on bringing the healthy snacks even if it made people laugh...and then sneak a few!


Mel - thanks for the water suggestions. I know I'm not the one who asked, but I like the idea of adding a touch of juice. I like water, so I usually get enough, but I like juice too & that will be a fun way to indulge without the extra calories.


Beannie - Thanks for your story and your well wishes. It's nice to be reminded that this really will work.


pretty bird - WOW!!! 110 pounds!!! I hope to be in that club with you some day!! You've done such a great job!! Stick around with us, we'll have your back!!


Lani! - Good luck staying OP today! You can make it through tailgating season, I know you can!!



I'm going to miss my meeting tonight. :( I have to be at my daughter's school. Luckily it's just one night, so I'll get back to my meeting tomorrow. I may try to find a meeting to go to elsewhere, but I'm nervous about getting psyched out by a different scale. I may go but use my no weigh-in pass. I just don't want to be unnecessarily disappointed this week or next when the scales don't match.


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 263.2 (20.2 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - 0 - missed weigh in


Goal for last week - Continue to track, stay in points and also measure portions this week. I think I did a good job this week. I tracked, went over my flex points by a teeny bit :o (should have just said "no" to the egg yolk sauce at the House of Japan.) and measured to keep a check on my portions.


Goal for this week - continue to stay OP & keep tracking.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Glad to see our old friends back and new ones who have joined! We are all in this together...remember you are not alone in ths journey.


I'm having a bit of a tough week, several foodie things going on. Last night I was at a dinner at my cousin's house. Although I tried, I did take a forkful of this or that and a small piece of something else! However, I had no dessert at all. When it was all over, I said to my hubby, in the car driving home, that I really saw a difference in how I would have eaten if I was not in control. It would have been a huge plate of food and a few desserts that caught my eye. So I am looking at that dinner as a success, in some ways!


Tonight I am having a traditional Spanish meal and again, will try to have a little of this and/or that. If there is a gain on Thursday, I will know that it could have been so much worse.

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Misty, sorry you have to miss your meeting, but good on you for sticking with the program! You can do it!


And Sheryl, it sounds like you are doing the right thing. First and formost, your approach to food is changing. That is the biggest hurdle, IMHO, and you are making it second-nature. Way to go! And I love your attitude about a possible gain -- if it happens, it COULD have been worse, and the fact that you're making the change and sticking with it is how you will be victorious. Good for you! Continue to treat yourself well, and with love (not recrimination) and you will be successful!


Thin thoughts to you all!

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Hi Everyone!

Lani, thank you for the water tips, between you and Peaches, I might just get more water in. Managed to get my 8 in today - first in a long time!

Hi prettybird. I hear ya about the meetings. I was attending one and the leader just always seemed to move past me when I had a question and went to someone else, both before and after the meetings. I then got a change in job status, and now can attend meeting on the same day, but different city. Wow, what a difference. The leader was with me when I hit 75 pounds, and then with other job duties I was only able to run in-get weighed and leave, plus had to miss a couple. So all totaled I hadn't seen her for a couple of months. Well, 3 weeks ago I walked in and she immediately mentioned my new haircut! Talk about a memory! Made a real difference! My sister uses WW online and really likes it.

I have been having major issues since Memorial Day - don't even want to think about the weight I put back on:eek:, but you know, it all boils down to one thing. You have to WANT to lose the weight. I feel I am back on track now -basically did it on my own, but will attend meetings when work permits and gain from the people in the meetings and my new found friends. I get so much inspiration reading everyones posts! Sheryl, I look forward to the day that I can walk into a party and just have a taste here, or forkful of food there. I know buffets are different now, but I can still easily lose control. We all just need to remember why we started, and where we want to be!

Fingers have been crossed for all who had WI today!:)

Good Healthy Vibes To All.


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Hi all,

Glad to see our old friends back and new ones who have joined! We are all in this together...remember you are not alone in ths journey.


I'm having a bit of a tough week, several foodie things going on. Last night I was at a dinner at my cousin's house. Although I tried, I did take a forkful of this or that and a small piece of something else! However, I had no dessert at all. When it was all over, I said to my hubby, in the car driving home, that I really saw a difference in how I would have eaten if I was not in control. It would have been a huge plate of food and a few desserts that caught my eye. So I am looking at that dinner as a success, in some ways!


Tonight I am having a traditional Spanish meal and again, will try to have a little of this and/or that. If there is a gain on Thursday, I will know that it could have been so much worse.


I count that meal as a success too!! Sometimes that is the hardest, having a "little" and knowing when to stop. I think that is so much harder than just staying away completely. Pat yourself on the back for me, because that's what I would do if I could reach!



Misty, sorry you have to miss your meeting, but good on you for sticking with the program! You can do it!


And Sheryl, it sounds like you are doing the right thing. First and formost, your approach to food is changing. That is the biggest hurdle, IMHO, and you are making it second-nature. Way to go! And I love your attitude about a possible gain -- if it happens, it COULD have been worse, and the fact that you're making the change and sticking with it is how you will be victorious. Good for you! Continue to treat yourself well, and with love (not recrimination) and you will be successful!


Thin thoughts to you all!


I did miss my meeting :(, but I found one to go to tomorrow night. :) I think I'm going to just get over it and go ahead and weigh in but take it with a grain of salt. I need to stop worrying about that silly little number so much and focus on sticking to it no matter what.


Hi Everyone!

Lani, thank you for the water tips, between you and Peaches, I might just get more water in. Managed to get my 8 in today - first in a long time!

Hi prettybird. I hear ya about the meetings. I was attending one and the leader just always seemed to move past me when I had a question and went to someone else, both before and after the meetings. I then got a change in job status, and now can attend meeting on the same day, but different city. Wow, what a difference. The leader was with me when I hit 75 pounds, and then with other job duties I was only able to run in-get weighed and leave, plus had to miss a couple. So all totaled I hadn't seen her for a couple of months. Well, 3 weeks ago I walked in and she immediately mentioned my new haircut! Talk about a memory! Made a real difference! My sister uses WW online and really likes it.

I have been having major issues since Memorial Day - don't even want to think about the weight I put back on:eek:, but you know, it all boils down to one thing. You have to WANT to lose the weight. I feel I am back on track now -basically did it on my own, but will attend meetings when work permits and gain from the people in the meetings and my new found friends. I get so much inspiration reading everyones posts! Sheryl, I look forward to the day that I can walk into a party and just have a taste here, or forkful of food there. I know buffets are different now, but I can still easily lose control. We all just need to remember why we started, and where we want to be!

Fingers have been crossed for all who had WI today!:)

Good Healthy Vibes To All.



The part you mentioned, "You have to WANT to lose the weight." really speaks to me. It's so simple, but so true. That's why I love it here. We're all in this together and facing the same challenges. So, sometimes our little pep talks help more than just ourselves. Thanks!!


OK, I've technically only been on my new week for about 4 hours, but I'm on track. I had oatmeal with a few chopped strawberries mixed in. Yum. :D (Quaker Instant Oatmeal made with water - 1 pack regular + 1 pack maple and brown sugar + 4 strawberries = 5 points)

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And Sheryl, it sounds like you are doing the right thing. First and formost, your approach to food is changing. That is the biggest hurdle, IMHO, and you are making it second-nature. Way to go! And I love your attitude about a possible gain -- if it happens, it COULD have been worse, and the fact that you're making the change and sticking with it is how you will be victorious. Good for you! Continue to treat yourself well, and with love (not recrimination) and you will be successful!




Sheryl, I couldn't have said it better myself. This is a life long new lifestyle we are learning and I'd say you are well on your way.

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Hi, back! Hope your foot is healing well & quickly. It's getting there. Slowly, but I'll take it


I'm determined to stay OP today... weekends have been tough with football tailgating. We do potluck with other tailgaters so there is a lot of grazing, which makes it hard to count points.... especially because it seems that there isn't that much eating; mostly drinking & talking. Does that mean that DH and I are over-counting our points when we try to estimate later? Or does it mean that the drinking and talking make us THINK we're not eating that much, but really we are?? Hard to say... we'll keep trying to track as best we can, and see how it works out. If we completely stop losing (or worse, start consistently gaining), we'll have to reevaluate and get better about tracking and staying OP.


Thin thoughts to you all!


Lani, you're probably right in all counts. Do you take your journal and track as you go? If not, try that because I know for me when I try to go back and remember everything from a afternoon like tailgating it is so easy to under estimate how much quantity wise, or leave something out all together. Or track when you get home then add a touchdown (6), a field goal (1) then a (3) pointer field goal just to be on the safe side. :D Ha, your team will win every game ;). I've even been known to keep my beer tops in my pocket so I don't forget how many beers I drank.

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I haven't checked in for a while, & I have missed the support! Just wanted to say hi, & share an accomplishment (I tend to not do that too much!). It doesn't seem like a lot, but I counted the days on my calendar at home that I was under 170 in September, & there were 6 days! Unfortunately, this morning I was right on 170.0! I know the WW scale is usually about 2 lbs more than mine (clothes, breakfast, etc!), but I weigh almost every morning at home, so it's consistent. Now, I need to have about 2 weeks of 160's in October... or more than 2 weeks, & maybe sneak down to the 150's!!! THAT would be a REAL bonus! Maybe I could even treat myself to a massage before my Costa Maya massage in December!!!!


You folks are so inspirational! I know we have all had our ups & downs, but we're in this together! Thanks so much for being here!!!!

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Had a really good on program day today. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes- broiled fish, roasted potatoes and green beans. Had my salad with lunch and will have a WW ice cream bar later for a snack. I feel good about myself today!

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Lani, you're probably right in all counts. Do you take your journal and track as you go? If not, try that because I know for me when I try to go back and remember everything from a afternoon like tailgating it is so easy to under estimate how much quantity wise, or leave something out all together. Or track when you get home then add a touchdown (6), a field goal (1) then a (3) pointer field goal just to be on the safe side. :D Ha, your team will win every game ;). I've even been known to keep my beer tops in my pocket so I don't forget how many beers I drank.


OOH - I like the idea of keeping the beer tops in your pocket! That is sure to help the memory that can be a bit fuzzy, especially after said beers. ;)




I haven't checked in for a while, & I have missed the support! Just wanted to say hi, & share an accomplishment (I tend to not do that too much!). It doesn't seem like a lot, but I counted the days on my calendar at home that I was under 170 in September, & there were 6 days! Unfortunately, this morning I was right on 170.0! I know the WW scale is usually about 2 lbs more than mine (clothes, breakfast, etc!), but I weigh almost every morning at home, so it's consistent. Now, I need to have about 2 weeks of 160's in October... or more than 2 weeks, & maybe sneak down to the 150's!!! THAT would be a REAL bonus! Maybe I could even treat myself to a massage before my Costa Maya massage in December!!!!


You folks are so inspirational! I know we have all had our ups & downs, but we're in this together! Thanks so much for being here!!!!


It sounds like you have a great plan!! I know you can do it!! And, I think the massage is a wonderful reward...I just may steal that idea when I go to Costa Maya in February!


Hi all,

Had a really good on program day today. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes- broiled fish, roasted potatoes and green beans. Had my salad with lunch and will have a WW ice cream bar later for a snack. I feel good about myself today!


You go Sheryl!! You've been doing a great job, keep it up!!


I am pretty proud of myself today, I had a good on program day yesterday and I'm ready for another one today. I went to Red Robin last night and I'm proud of the choices I made. I ordered the lettuce wrapped burger & the side salad with the dressing on the side so I only used about half of the dressing. My husband apparently tried to sabotage me and ordered cheese sticks, and I did buckle a little. But, I did limit myself to three instead of half of the order (5). My dinner was a little high in points, (22 points: burger-10, salad -4, cheesesticks-8:eek:) so I did end up using 4 of my flex points. BUT I consider it a success because my old order at that place was Shroom burger-24, fries-9 and 5 cheesesticks-13 46 POINTS!!! YIKES!


I'm ready for another good day, I started off with oatmeal today, packed a lean cuisine and artichoke-tomato salad for lunch and I'm going to my replacement WW meeting tonight. :)


Have a great OP day, everyone!!! I hope you get to feel skinny today!

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I am pretty proud of myself today, I had a good on program day yesterday and I'm ready for another one today. I went to Red Robin last night and I'm proud of the choices I made. I ordered the lettuce wrapped burger & the side salad with the dressing on the side so I only used about half of the dressing. My husband apparently tried to sabotage me and ordered cheese sticks, and I did buckle a little. But, I did limit myself to three instead of half of the order (5). My dinner was a little high in points, (22 points: burger-10, salad -4, cheesesticks-8:eek:) so I did end up using 4 of my flex points. BUT I consider it a success because my old order at that place was Shroom burger-24, fries-9 and 5 cheesesticks-13 46 POINTS!!! YIKES!


I'm ready for another good day, I started off with oatmeal today, packed a lean cuisine and artichoke-tomato salad for lunch and I'm going to my replacement WW meeting tonight. :)


Have a great OP day, everyone!!! I hope you get to feel skinny today!



Yep, you should be proud of yourself. To go from 46 pts down to 22 and still eat what you really liked is working it baby!!! I'm so glad to see you enthusiastic about WW again.


;) glad I could help with the beer tops.

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It's Thursday and weigh in day for several of us. I do plan on going to the meeting tonight. I even stopped at the grocery store and picked up the food donation items our leader asked for. In addition to the deal where WW donates 1 dollar for every pound lost up to 1 million, our leader is taking donations based on the good health guidlines for a local food bank.


Here's to hoping for at least a maintain after 3 weeks. :o


{{{{{skinny vibes}}}}} to all

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It's Thursday and weigh in day for several of us. I do plan on going to the meeting tonight. I even stopped at the grocery store and picked up the food donation items our leader asked for. In addition to the deal where WW donates 1 dollar for every pound lost up to 1 million, our leader is taking donations based on the good health guidlines for a local food bank.


Here's to hoping for at least a maintain after 3 weeks. :o


{{{{{skinny vibes}}}}} to all



Thanks for the very kind words & fingers are crossed for you tonight!

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Hi Everyone!

loladuvall - you go girl! Gotta take some of your way of thinking!

Sheryl - the fish dinner sounded yummy!

Well, couldn't go to the meeting today - had meetings all day at work and couldn't get out - litterally! Was stuck in the building from 8am to 5pm! My manager brought in a box of donuts today, and I managed to make it till 3pm! Then all the stress set in and the cream stick got me:eek:! But my breakfast was only 1 1/2 pts, lunch -I haven't figured it completely yet - but I figure around 8, supper around 7, so I know I am over. Just have to hit the bike harder tonight! Will work at going Saturday morning again for WI. I know a big part of my problem today was not enough sleep last night, and not getting outside for some fresh air! Gotta work at getting back on schedule for everythig.

Hope everyone did good today on their weighins. Fingers crossed!

Good Healthy Vibes to All!

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Hi Everyone!

loladuvall - you go girl! Gotta take some of your way of thinking!

Sheryl - the fish dinner sounded yummy!

Well, couldn't go to the meeting today - had meetings all day at work and couldn't get out - litterally! Was stuck in the building from 8am to 5pm! My manager brought in a box of donuts today, and I managed to make it till 3pm! Then all the stress set in and the cream stick got me:eek:! But my breakfast was only 1 1/2 pts, lunch -I haven't figured it completely yet - but I figure around 8, supper around 7, so I know I am over. Just have to hit the bike harder tonight! Will work at going Saturday morning again for WI. I know a big part of my problem today was not enough sleep last night, and not getting outside for some fresh air! Gotta work at getting back on schedule for everythig.

Hope everyone did good today on their weighins. Fingers crossed!

Good Healthy Vibes to All!



Awww....thanks! I'm just glad I pulled myself up out of the funk I was in a few months ago. :o


Kudos to you for making it until 3pm and stopping at one cream stick! I don't know about you, but the "old me" would have had 2 at 9am, another one at 12:00 and yet another one at 3. So waiting until the 3:00 call is definately better than I would have done in the past!!! YAY YOU!!


I had another successful day, I did go to the "other" meeting last night & it was nice to visit another meeting. I also weighed in & Mandy, who weighed me in, also works at my regular meeting and she assured me that the scales are equal. Even so, I'm going to wait until Tuesday to update my stats, but I did show a loss. :)


On another note, I did not have my oatmeal this morning, I ate leftovers from last night's dinner (hamburger helper). Weird, I know, but it was the little bargain I made with myself so I wouldn't eat them at 10:00 last night. They were calling my name, so I made an appointment with them for the morning so they would shut up. :o BUT, even though my leftovers were MORE points than my oatmeal (8 instead of 5) they were NOT nearly as satisfying as the oatmeal. Hmmm...maybe there is something to be said for those filling foods.


Have a great day everyone!!

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Morning Kids,


Well, I did go to the meeting last night and I gained. All in all it wasn't that bad for 3 weeks of not counting points except in my head :rolleyes: and not journaling. I also looked at my weight for the first time since starting back. I gained 1.2 lbs. So my stats are:


SW = 174

CW = 168

GW = 154 by 11-22 cruise

Loss = -6.0 lbs.


I'm still positive because it could have been much worse.


Today is going to be VERY challenging. We are having a chili cookoff here at work today. This is actually a big contest and we bring in a few of our customers and vendors to be the taste testers. Each dept picks a person to make it so there are about 10-12 crock pots full of chili. Now you can't have chili without all the fixin's so there are fritos, cheese, sour cream, corn bread, crackers, cakes and cookies. My goal today is to have 2 bites of a friends chili w/nothing on it then stay away from it all. I don't even want to go back in the room. I brought a chicken breast and greenbeans for lunch. A co-worker also brought zucchini and banana bread along with the bagels and cream chez my boss brings every Friday. My goal is to leave it at the very thin, about 1/4 inch, slice of zucchini bread (I figured it had more fiber :rolleyes:) and not have anymore nor a bagel. Whew, I'll be glad when this day is over :p.


Todays Goal:

2 bites of chili w/o anything else

1 very thin slice of zucchini bread

eat my chicken and greenbeans for lunch

stay away from all the cakes and cookies

Journal everything

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