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hi everyone...I have been lurking for some time, but decided to join in...I started WW in Feb and I am down 20.5 and reached my 10%. I have a long ways to go, but keep setting my goal in five pound increments, I can't look to far out or I get discouraged. We leave in 6 weeks for our first cruise to alaska and I am hoping to be 25 down by that time....I think I can make it! I just wanted to add I love all the tips/suggestions/food ideas, I made the taco soup and really enjoyed it. Happy weight loss everyone!



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Welcome back youngcruiser23! your screen name threw me off at first because it's so close to mine lol I was getting posts mixed up :p Way to go on your weight loss!


Welcome strega7! Congrats on your 10%! What an awesome accomplishment.


Frances, another pound, AWESOME! You're doing a great job :)


Today I've eaten a ton of fruit and veggies... oh man. I had 1 cup of blueberries, a pear, baby carrots with fat free ranch dip and an entire cucumber! Reason being that we're leaving on our cruise in 3 DAYS!!! and I need to eat all of the fruit and veggies before we leave. Tonight I'm making a huge salad with grilled chicken on top so we can get rid of more veggies. It's a great way to help me stay on track before we leave. I already feel myself slipping into vacation mode and wanting to eat and drink. I've been good so far *phew* It's tough! It felt great trying on some old dresses this morning that I plan on wearing on the cruise and they fit perfect or were even too big!!! Time for more shopping? heehee :rolleyes:

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Frances-I do feel good about it! I have 4 months left before my cruise and am hoping to be at goal before then. Congratulations on another pound lost! Its always exciting to see the scale go down isn't it?


Marci-Welcome!!! Congratulations on your weight loss so far. You'll be down 25 in 6 weeks for sure. Good luck!


Socialcruiser23-WOW our screennames are VERY similar! I didn't even notice till you pointed it out. You must be very excited for your cruise!!! I wish i was going in 3days! Have fun!!!


So i had my weigh in yesturday(normally wednesday but forgot what day of the week it was lol) and am down 1lb! Pretty excited about that since the scale hasn't really been moving the past few weeks. Have a great day everyone and stay OP!!!

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Hi, all! I've been AWOL again, apologies!


Well, I can't remember what I last updated so I'll start from my return to the drudgery of work/housework/etc. after coming home from vacation. We flew in Tuesday LATE and had had a ton of salty foods; was still bloated by my Thursday weigh-in. This was my highest-ever post travel gain: up 4.6 lbs! :eek: Oh well -- had a GREAT time! And definitely wasn't as good this time at stopping when I wasn't perfectly enamored of what I was eating... I tended to eat it anyway, and I think that was my downfall. Did not start tracking again until my usual start day of Saturday.


The next week (last week, Thursday 5/13), I had given a unit of blood (a little over a pound! :p) in the morning, so at my weigh-in I was down 2.6. That week, though I was tracking, I ate a TON of points. As in, I went over my dailly + my flex points by over a HUNDRED extra points. I'm still totally mourning my vacation ending!


This week, unsurprisingly, I was up 1.8 lbs. :eek:


My consumption is better this week, except I ran out of flex points on Tuesday, and went over a bit. Wednesday I did perfect, and then yesterday hell broke loose again, and after a large lunch, had a too-big dinner.


After work I went with DH to a football practice (he's helping to coach a semi-pro team) and the weather was extremely cold and rainy and we really wanted to warm up after... each of us ate a FULL pizza (the frozen thin-crust kind from Costco... so yummy)... so we each had 3 portions-worth, plus we'd started out with a 1-pt cup of minestrone, and I had a full-calorie hot chocolate (as in, 2 oz of semi-sweet chocolate melted into 1 C of warm 1% milk. YUM). On the plus side, while hubby was coaching, I had gotten cold in the stands and decided to walk around the track while reading my Kindle. I had been wearing my pedometer all day, so with my regular daily walking plus walking around the track, I managed to earn 2 activity points.... for what that's worth! :o


So totally blew the points out of the water yesterday. I will attempt to get back on track...


Good luck to you all -- thin thoughts, everybody!

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Hello everyone,


Marci: You've done really well with 20.5 since Feb. Setting 5 lbs mini goals is a good idea. I think I'll try that.


Socialcruiser: Don't know if you'll see this because YOU ARE SAILING SOON!!! If you do see this.......have a wonderful anniversary cruise.


Jinene: Yes, I'm very happy to see the scale go down - it had been going up steadily for quite some time before I joined WW - something had to be done. Glad to hear that you lost another pound.


Lani: I'm sure it is hard to get back on track after a vacation but after you do it for awhile and get back in the habit it should get easier.


I used to go to Burger King and get a Whopper Jr. for lunch at least once a week and sometimes also got fries. I hadn't been there since I joined WW six weeks ago. I decided to go and get one but I told them no mayo and I brought my own. I used to gobble it down but today I ate it slow and enjoyed every bite and didn't have any fries. I feel fine about it - no guilt.



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Hi Everyone! So excited to find this thread!! I joined WW about 4 weeks ago. We just booked our cruise for 1/23/11 and I can't wait. I joined when we had started looking at our options with the different cruises. This is my third go around with WW and I want so badly for this to be successful! I would like to lose at least 40 pounds before we leave. I am figuring about 5 pounds a month which doesn't sound like too hard of a goal.


But.....I am getting very discouraged. I am not losing as I did the last 2 times! I am sticking to the plan 100 % so can't figure out the problem. The only difference is I am weighing in during the evening hours instead of the morning hours.


I am determined to NOT give up! a pound a week will still bring me down to a weight I can deal with for the cruise!!


Hope everyone else is doing good!



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Just thought I'd say hi! Don't think I've posted on this board but I've been lurking. :)

I joined WW last August and have only lost 40 pounds since then. :( But I got off track and did it halfway some months, but now I'm back on. I'm losing a little slower now because I'm not going to meetings, just doing online... but I'm okay with that. Leaving for our cruise on Saturday... wish I could have lost a little more but I'm going to hit the gym hard this week to try and reach my goal before we board!

Hopefully I don't gain lots back ON the cruise.


Are you guys planning to track on board? Or are you giving yourselves a week off???

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My name is Kerry and I joined WW about 1 1/2 weeks ago. I was out shopping for a swimsuit for our cruise in Feb (wanted to get one while the selection was still good) and I ran across this little number. It is definately too small but I am determined to fit into and look great by out cruise on 2/28/11! I love WW! I actually eat more since being on it. The points make it so easy because you can make choices. Don't know why I didn't start earlier.


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4boysnus you are right around where I am weight wise and what my goal is. My cruise is in January. Good luck to you!! I love the suit!!


Thanks! I just love the liquid gold straps and the fabric has a gold undertone to it as well. So cute in person!


Maybe we can lean on each other! I have a friend attending WW with me but not for the same reason. She isn't going on our group cruise. It would be nice to have someone who knows what its like to try to "lose before you cruise" that is the same size as me. Plus we can plan some cruise meals together. I would like to not gain a ton back on the cruise but I don't want to be tracking on vaca either. Know what I mean?


:) Kerry

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Thanks! I just love the liquid gold straps and the fabric has a gold undertone to it as well. So cute in person!


Maybe we can lean on each other! I have a friend attending WW with me but not for the same reason. She isn't going on our group cruise. It would be nice to have someone who knows what its like to try to "lose before you cruise" that is the same size as me. Plus we can plan some cruise meals together. I would like to not gain a ton back on the cruise but I don't want to be tracking on vaca either. Know what I mean?


:) Kerry

It would be great to lean on someone who is going through the same kind of weight lose that I am and for the same reasons. I would love to be close to my goal weight by the time I leave...I figure it's about 5 pounds a month which I think is completely do-able! Planning some meals sounds like a good plan as well. Like you, I don't want to over induldge while on the cruise but don't want to be counting everything either.

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It would be great to lean on someone who is going through the same kind of weight lose that I am and for the same reasons. I would love to be close to my goal weight by the time I leave...I figure it's about 5 pounds a month which I think is completely do-able! Planning some meals sounds like a good plan as well. Like you, I don't want to over induldge while on the cruise but don't want to be counting everything either.


Great! So my weigh in day is Thursday - lets report our losses (or gains) the day of our weigh in. Also, what we did to lose that week (including awesome recipes). You can email me if you are having trouble or need a pick me up. My address is 4boysnus@gmail.com (4boysnus at gmail dot com) or post on here. I have it coming to my palm so I'll get it quickly either way.


Can you tell how excited I am to have a cruise diet buddy?:D


:) Kerry

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Hello Everyone! I found this thread a couple days ago, and the info here has been really helpful for me. I joined WW in early April, and so far I've lost 5.2 lbs. I finally reached my 5 lb mark last week. I'm waiting until I reach my 10% mark to determine my goal weight. I've tried doing some 'dieting' on my own for a few years now, and nothing had me consistently losing weight. WW is more of a lifestyle change, and I love the freedom of choices it offers. I'm learning how to eat to nourish my body instead of for the sake of comfort. It's a very cathartic program! :D


I'm sailing with RCCL in August, and can't wait to look and feel healthy in my bathing suits and formal dresses. I'm thinking that I will probably stick to filling foods for the bulk of my eating while on the cruise, and indulge in smaller portions of my fave things each day. I'll also probably run some laps at sunrise a few days on the ship. I love it when it's quiet and the sun is rising at sea, it's gorgeous! I'm thinking that running, along with all the swimming and walking we'll be doing should help give me some leeway to enjoy myself without counting points that week.


I'll be checking in with my progress, our meetings are on Thursdays. :)


SW 190.8

CW 185.6


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It's great to see WW buddies forming here!


I haven't posted in a while. I've been working my way to goal slowly but surely, but am now in my 'dangerous' zone. I've lost enough weight to feel SO much better - my clothes fit me, I can see my curves (the right ones) again, and I just feel good in general. But this is where in all my past experiences with WW, I stop working so hard and then eventually fall off the wagon. So I am working hard to reach out to anywhere I can to re-energize.


Those are all good questions about whether to track on vacation or not. I usually start out with the best intentions to stay 'good'. But by the end of a cruise, I would hate to see what my weight gain would be if I wasn't 'trying' to make good choices!


Here is my checklist of what I have learned and SHOULD follow! I'm hoping to be at goal by my next cruise, and need to make sure that is not a temporarily stop before I go back to my old BAD habits:


- Avoid the buffets. Even when I think I'm taking 'just a little taste', I overdo it. Stick to the dining room or venues where you can control your quantities as much as possible.

- Careful with the 'sugar-free' desserts...they are not necessarily low fat or low calorie!

- Eat plenty of fruits & vegetables, and fill up on them before making other choices if possible. I find that sometimes the fruit is fresher and more plentiful at the beginning of the cruise - take advantage of that.

- Look for those 'spa' or healthier recommendations on the menu. Then eat slow and remember I DON'T have to clean my plate.

- Imagine the waitstaff looking at me as a 'Fat Ugly American' and make sure to prove them wrong:rolleyes:

- Feel free to order a 2nd healthy appetizer instead of an entree.

- Just because everyone else at my table is ordering soup and/or appetizer, salad, main course and dessert, doesn't mean I have to eat as many courses.

- Exercise! I really miss the Royal Caribbean Vitality at Sea program. Every day at 4pm I was at the rock wall to walk my 2 miles and get enough points for some silly logo item. Nothing like coming around the aft of the ship and getting whipped by the wind!

- Avoid all elevators - except formal night when I can barely WALK in heels much less climb stairs.

- Much as my idea of vacation is to ALWAYS have an umbrella drink in hand, I will try to limit the high-cal drinks to my one souvenir glass treat at sailaway. All other times, if I want a drink, I should stick to a single glass of wine, or a cocktail with a mixer like club or diet soda. (yeah, right, that'll happen).




SW 182.8

CW 163

GW 150

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It's great to see WW buddies forming here!


I haven't posted in a while. I've been working my way to goal slowly but surely, but am now in my 'dangerous' zone. I've lost enough weight to feel SO much better - my clothes fit me, I can see my curves (the right ones) again, and I just feel good in general. But this is where in all my past experiences with WW, I stop working so hard and then eventually fall off the wagon. So I am working hard to reach out to anywhere I can to re-energize.


Those are all good questions about whether to track on vacation or not. I usually start out with the best intentions to stay 'good'. But by the end of a cruise, I would hate to see what my weight gain would be if I wasn't 'trying' to make good choices!


Here is my checklist of what I have learned and SHOULD follow! I'm hoping to be at goal by my next cruise, and need to make sure that is not a temporarily stop before I go back to my old BAD habits:


- Avoid the buffets. Even when I think I'm taking 'just a little taste', I overdo it. Stick to the dining room or venues where you can control your quantities as much as possible.

- Careful with the 'sugar-free' desserts...they are not necessarily low fat or low calorie!

- Eat plenty of fruits & vegetables, and fill up on them before making other choices if possible. I find that sometimes the fruit is fresher and more plentiful at the beginning of the cruise - take advantage of that.

- Look for those 'spa' or healthier recommendations on the menu. Then eat slow and remember I DON'T have to clean my plate.

- Imagine the waitstaff looking at me as a 'Fat Ugly American' and make sure to prove them wrong:rolleyes:

- Feel free to order a 2nd healthy appetizer instead of an entree.

- Just because everyone else at my table is ordering soup and/or appetizer, salad, main course and dessert, doesn't mean I have to eat as many courses.

- Exercise! I really miss the Royal Caribbean Vitality at Sea program. Every day at 4pm I was at the rock wall to walk my 2 miles and get enough points for some silly logo item. Nothing like coming around the aft of the ship and getting whipped by the wind!

- Avoid all elevators - except formal night when I can barely WALK in heels much less climb stairs.

- Much as my idea of vacation is to ALWAYS have an umbrella drink in hand, I will try to limit the high-cal drinks to my one souvenir glass treat at sailaway. All other times, if I want a drink, I should stick to a single glass of wine, or a cocktail with a mixer like club or diet soda. (yeah, right, that'll happen).




SW 182.8

CW 163

GW 150


Great plan! I can see that working for me as well! You can always take the umbrella out of your DOD and put it in your lower calorie drink. Problem solved!

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Wow, thanks delacruz! Those are some fabulous tips! Well, yesterday was my weigh in. We were having an openhouse, so it was really crazy. When I finally did make it to the scale, I was not at all shocked to see that I had GAINED .6 lbs :mad:. I had a really bad eating weekend and I fell off the tracking wagon on Friday, so I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. After last nights meeting I have commited to tracking and to workout 5 nights a week. I will not be up again next week!! Hope everyones weigh ins are better than mine :D! Good Luck ya Big Losers :D!

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Hello all,


StuckinBuffalo - Your January cruise is something to look forward to and help to achieve your goal. 8 lbs in four weeks is good.


Nicole: How nice that your cruise is almost here. Losing 40 lbs is very good - you should be proud. Have a wonderful time.


Stephanie: Congrats on your 5% - you're off to a good start.


Kerry: That is a very cute suit and you have plenty of time til your cruise is here to get down so that it fits good. You have made wonderful progress so far.


Faith413: Congrats on your first 5 lbs! It sounds like you have a good plan for your August cruise with your eating strategies and lost of exercise. I hope you have a good weigh-in tomorrow.


Judi: I know what you mean about the dangerous zone. I've been there many times in my life. I get to thinking I don't look so bad and slack off and before I know it I've gained it all back. You have a very good checklist - just try sticking to it.


Ashley: .6 wasn't too bad - it could have been a lot worse. Just do your tracking and exercise and it'll come right off for you.


This morning was my weigh-in and my my scale I thought I hadn't lost so I was very happy with my 1.2 loss. Now another new week.


SW: 184 - 4/7/10

CW: 171.8

GW: 155

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My weight in this week went great. 2.6 lbs. I was quite pleased since my last two weeks have been .2 each week. This will be a challenging week this week. Out to dinner with my daughter last night, but I managed to stay within my daily points, anniversary today so I brought dinner home and tomorrow night is our dinner theatre (with buffet). Challenges, challenges but I am doing way better than I used to do!


Good luck to all of you over this long holiday weekend!

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Hi, all!


Frances -- good for you on your trip to Burger King! I love that you had a plan, and allowed yourself to indulge and not feel guilty! I think that kind of thing is key -- if you don't want to give up Burger King forever, don't give it up on your "diet" or you'll never stick to it long-term. You're learning how to work it into your new lifestyle, and that is SO fantastic!


Welcome to stuckinbuffalo, 4boysnus and faith413! Congrats on your successes so far, and thanks for adding your voices of support to our thread!


CruiserNicole47 -- don't feel bad for "only" losing any amount. But I know exactly how you feel... I'm often beating myself up for only having lost 42 lbs since last January. Look at it this way: going slow means your body can keep up and your skin will shrink with you (unlike some people who lose weigh super fast and end up with loose baggy skin making them look weird!) :rolleyes: And plus, your "slow" losing means you're really integrating the changes, so these will be your new habits. You won't even remember how to "eat badly," right? ;) As for tracking during vacation, I don't do it. I try to keep activity up, try to eat mindfully, and enjoy EVERY bite. I mean really SAVOR it. You only vacation every so often, right? If you gain, just go back on plan when you get back, happy that you really enjoyed yourself, and proud of yourself for getting back OP.


soccermomof4: congras on your 5% -- that is awesome!!


Judi -- I totally feel you. Similarly, I think part of my problem is I'm so proud of what I've accomplished that I'm complacent. But I'm still a really big girl, and need to keep losing (I've got another 40-50 lbs to go)! But I totally can see the difference in the mirror and in my clothes (I've lost 2+ sizes), and comparatively I feel "skinny." Luckily, I haven't given up the program completely, so I've been maintaining my weight loss. That's good. But still, I'm having a hard time getting myself to buckle down and really get back OP... I'm sorta half-assing it at this point, and I'm getting a little sick of myself, if you know what I mean. :o


And Judi -- I like your plan, but you're a bit more stringent than I am. My tips for vacation are simply:

- Lots of veggies; at buffets, fill 1/2 your plate w/veg

- lots of water -- keep yourself feeling full

- take the stairs -- use elevators rarely

- lots of walking, dancing, etc.

- SAVOR everything. Don't eat another bite of anything you're not in LOVE with.

- avoid frou-frou sugary cocktails unless you're just CRAVING it, and when you get it, SAVOR it. I stick mainly to wine and champagne on vaca, and I end up gaining WAY less than DH who does mainly Manhattans, Old Fashioneds, Bourbon & 7 (or coke), etc.

- avoid soda

- get whatever you REALLY want and eat it slowly and ENJOY it. When you're back from vacation, go back OP and realize you had a great time and really enjoyed yourself. You don't get to vacation very often, so one or two weeks here and there won't break you. My most recent 2-week trip I did the worst ever (gained 4.6 lbs); previously, I'd only ever gained 0.8 per week, and that's when I followed the above plan much better than I did recently. I'm ok w/0.8 per week of vaca... that's pretty easy to take off when back from the trip.


Hang in there, PamperedAshley.... you'll bounce back!


Nice loss, luv2travel2beaches! And you have a good attitude; you don't have to be perfect -- "better than you used to do" is a victory! Hang on to those victories, get back OP when you can, and just keep trying to do better than you used to do. That will keep you from backsliding so much you give up altogether, and you'll be in fine position to get back OP. Hang in there! And congrats on the anniversary!


4boys: please don't worry about "only" losing 0.6! That's fantastic... and still going in the right direction!


As for me, I'm still struggling to stay OP, but I'm doing a bit better. I'm still tracking, and for me, staying within 10 points of my daily amount is a victory. Happily, this has paid off some. At my home weigh-in, I was down 2 lbs from last week -- but at WW official WI, I was down only 1.6. Once I lose 2.2 more, I'll be down to my pre-cruise weight... hopefully under 200 soon!


I'm sure this has been mentioned, but my food find for the week is the Thomas brand Bagel Thins -- thin little bagels that are ~1.5 points. With 1.5 pts worth of light cream cheese, it's a happy little 3 point bagel. Makes me happy, but even more importantly, it makes DH happy, who has been missing bagels frightfully... and in our old days, a bagel was a 7-point thing, and DH liked to slather it w/4 points of full-fat cream cheese. One more victory!


Hang in there everybody -- keep thinking those thin thoughts!


SW: 246.2

CW: 204.2

GW: 154

Mini-goal: under 200 by 6/17

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Hi, everybody, sorry I've been AWOL for a couple of weeks - I have checked in to lurk but have been so down I didn't feel like I had anything positive to contribute.


I haven't weighed in for 2 weeks, and I have got to get back on track. WI is tomorrow morning, so I'll face the music - trying to be extra good today with lots of water to flush out some of the salt I took in last night.


But enough with the negative waves!! My boys are heading to the NASCAR race this afternoon, and I'm going to the gym and burn off some calories! I've got 4 weeks left until my cruise, and I'm going to get feeling better so I can enjoy it! Not going to worry about how many pounds I lose by then, just on getting back into healthy habits.


Judi, I love your plan for staying on track while on the ship. They're good goals to shoot for. I'll check back later. Off to burn some calories!!



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Welcome Lani and Jane!


Don't you just hate it when the guys lose so much more and faster?!!:(


Looks like we have a really good group going here, it's amazing how many of us are WW participants.


What is your favorite WW recepie? I love the Tuna Noodle one, I make it with whole wheat noodles and it's great.



Hi Everyone,


I've been away a bit, but back on track. Fighting to track daily...a bit over 4 weeks until I sail.


I am a big carbs person and wanted to share this recipe that gets me through the week.


WW Big Batch Bran Muffins - Makes 60 1pt muffins


2 cups Whole Wheat Flour

3 cups white flour

5 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1.5 cups brown sugar

3 cups natural bran

2 cups All Bran cereal

2 cups raisins

2 eggs + 2 egg whites

1.5 cups water

1 cup unsweetened apple sauce

1/4 cup molasses

4 cups 1% buttermilk (or 3 3/4 cups skim milk + 4 tbsp vinegar)


Preheat oven to 375. Spray muffin tins with Pam.


1. Mix all dry ingredients in very large mixing bowl.

2. Combine eggs and liquid ingredients in a separate bowl.

3. Make a "well" in dry ingredients; add liquids and mix very throughly.

4. Let batter sit for 5 minutes, then fill muffin tins 2/3 full. (I use a small ice cream scoop).


Bake for 17 - 20 minutes. I freeze in bags of 6 - 8 muffins and pull them out as I need them.


Enjoy! :p



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