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I'm glad to read the reports of weight lost, new outfits and yummie recipes. I'm frustrated with myself though. I gained more weight for no reason I can think of.


On Sunday I ate ice cream but otherwise have been very good. I haven't been starving or feeling really full. I have been drinking at least 64 ounces a day.


When I went to WW a few years ago they told me I was exercising too much. That's definitely not the case now. I am either swimming for 20 min or walking for 30 - 60 min a day.


I've been through this dozens of times before. A great 1st week and then plateau or creep back. Any suggestions?


Maybe you are not eating enough calories and your body is holding onto the weight because it thinks you are starving. I have heard in WW classes that you need to eat every point they give you and slowly walk-down the point scale with the plan.


I have a co-worker that is eating a very limited diet of green veggies and white meat protein. At first, she lost weight a lot faster than I was losing. For the past three weeks, I have caught up to her and now passed her weight loss. It is killing her because I am in the office eating Cow ice cream bars, pudding cups, sandwiches, etc. Her doctor told her that she was not eating enough calories or variety so her body just started to hold onto weight.


Another thing that I have read and heard in exercise classes is that to lose weight, you need to take two days off from exercise a week. I just received a book with my Zumba fitness box that has their 10 day workout plan. I noticed that they have two days of complete rest within the 10 day period. After a day of rest, they follow it with a hard day of exercise. It is to shock the body.


Maybe those two ideas will help. I know that it is a bummer to work hard and not see the scale move. It has happened to me many times.


Take care,


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Wow, everyone is doing great! Keep up the great work!

I on the other hand is in the week that most women dread, I shouldnt have weighed myself but did and it had me in the + NOT in the -....

Ive also been suffering from nasty migaines. 3 in 4 days. I am off to the dr tomorrow. If its okay, I will weigh in next week when AF is gone, and hopefully Ive lost something...

Keep up the great work everyone!


I am having the same kind of week. An early surprise "special week", head aches and just dont feel well. The doctor told me to expect such a week about every 20 pounds of weight loss. My doctor said that she needs to adjust my medications every 20 pounds too.


I hope you get rid of those migraines soon!



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I've heard the theory about one's body thinking it's starving before and know that slow & steady is the best long term route to permanent weight loss. However, my cruise leaves in 17 days!


I'm going to give up diet sodas. They are sweetened with aspertame which has been accused of causing everything from headaches to slow weight gain. Apparently it triggers the same insulin reaction as sugar. It has been so hot lately I upped my consumption.


Tomorrow I leave for a 4 day weekend to visit family and friends. Already there are 5 lunches/dinners planned. When I get back I'll begin trying on the clothes that I want to fit. I'll think of that every time I'm offered "another piece".


Keep up the Challenge!




Maybe you are not eating enough calories and your body is holding onto the weight because it thinks you are starving. I have heard in WW classes that you need to eat every point they give you and slowly walk-down the point scale with the plan.


I have a co-worker that is eating a very limited diet of green veggies and white meat protein. At first, she lost weight a lot faster than I was losing. For the past three weeks, I have caught up to her and now passed her weight loss. It is killing her because I am in the office eating Cow ice cream bars, pudding cups, sandwiches, etc. Her doctor told her that she was not eating enough calories or variety so her body just started to hold onto weight.


Another thing that I have read and heard in exercise classes is that to lose weight, you need to take two days off from exercise a week. I just received a book with my Zumba fitness box that has their 10 day workout plan. I noticed that they have two days of complete rest within the 10 day period. After a day of rest, they follow it with a hard day of exercise. It is to shock the body.


Maybe those two ideas will help. I know that it is a bummer to work hard and not see the scale move. It has happened to me many times.


Take care,


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Hi everyone. I've just booked a January cruise and think this is a good time to get myself back on track with WW. DH and I will be doing it together.


:D Welcome Back! :D


We look forward to chatting with you.



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Today is WI Day:


-1.8 this week

Total for 10 Pound Challenge: 4.6


SW: 210

CW: 193.2

Goal 1 by 10-10-10: 180

Dream Goal for 10-10-10: 175


I was just told by my doctor that she wants me to be at 120-125 pounds instead of my 135 pounds goal. So, a little bit more to go than I thought.



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Hi All! I had my WI yesterday, and discovered that I finally reached my first 5% goal :). I'm so excited! When I started, I was just getting into a size 16 (pants), and now I'm in a 12. I didn't realize how few pounds stood between my larger size and the new one, at least for my body.


Last week, our meeting discussed changing up our routines in food and exercise, to shock our bodies and make our bodies work harder. I changed what I ate, eating more seafood and turkey. I gave Zumba class a try, and ran two miles instead of one. I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be, and the scale showed a drop of 2.2 lbs this week. I still indulged in pizza (I used to eat 2-3 slices, this time I just had one), a hot pretzel, and a slice of pound cake (my dad's birthday was this past weekend), so I was amazed at the amount of weight loss.


Looks like my goal of 175 by our cruise Aug 29th is doable. Have a great weekend!


SW: 190.8

CW: 179.4

GW (for cruise): 175

GW: 145

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Congratulations Faith! That is great. What did you think of Zumba? I am getting ready to do the Zumba 10 Day Challenge.


Thanks for posting. You have inspired me to bring size 14 clothes out of my storage closet and see if they fit. I was planning on taking some of those items to my 10-10 cruise. I am wondering if any of them fit now! That would be wild if I can wear some of them now. What would I take on my cruise?....new clothes! I have not been a size 12 in 10+ years.


Some friends and I are having a huge yard sale in August. I am planning on using the money for my vacation savings account. I may need to buy some clothes!



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Had a 4lb loss yesterday on my weigh in. It was a pleasant surprise since I have been lax lately with tracking. I am so happy - almost at the half way point and not cruising till Feb!


What do you guys do about purchasing clothing for your cruises? I would love to take advantage of season end clearance sales but I just don't know what size I'll be or how clothing will fit when I reach my goal? If I wait till right before I leave it will make purchasing appropriate clothing difficult since we will be in the middle of winter.


Should I just guess and hope for the best?


:) Kerry


SW 207.8

CW 176

GW 145

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Had a 4lb loss yesterday on my weigh in. It was a pleasant surprise since I have been lax lately with tracking. I am so happy - almost at the half way point and not cruising till Feb!


What do you guys do about purchasing clothing for your cruises? I would love to take advantage of season end clearance sales but I just don't know what size I'll be or how clothing will fit when I reach my goal? If I wait till right before I leave it will make purchasing appropriate clothing difficult since we will be in the middle of winter.


Should I just guess and hope for the best?


:) Kerry


SW 207.8

CW 176

GW 145


Hi Kerry,


I am laughing while I am reading your post. I just bought a discounted skirt in a "wish to be" size for my 10-10 cruise. The stores are already taking the Summer items off the shelves and putting out the Fall/Winter items in our area. I am going to go shopping on Monday to some discount stores and buy some size 12 stuff, if they are deeply discounted. I thought that I was going to be a size 14 for the October cruise but have found a few size 14 items in my closet that fit today.



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Congrats everyone in your weight losses. I had weigh in this morning and stayed the same. I am not doing so hot but at least I am not gaining.

My problem is not exercising (plus my sweet tooth).


The weekend is here so hope everyone is pumped to eat right, and keep loosing.




P.S. What feels better than trying on clothes that haven't fit for a long time and they fit now??? Not much!!!

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You are going to make it. 16 of the 30 days left and only 5.4 lbs to go to make the 10 lb challenge.


IMHO it's a bit early for your Dr to be telling you that you need to weigh less than 135. It partly depends on where you store the weight.


Today is WI Day:


-1.8 this week

Total for 10 Pound Challenge: 4.6


SW: 210

CW: 193.2

Goal 1 by 10-10-10: 180

Dream Goal for 10-10-10: 175


I was just told by my doctor that she wants me to be at 120-125 pounds instead of my 135 pounds goal. So, a little bit more to go than I thought.



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Same here. 0 change from last week


SW: 158.2

CW: 154.6

GW: 148.2


-3.6 for 10 lb challenge



Congrats everyone in your weight losses. I had weigh in this morning and stayed the same. I am not doing so hot but at least I am not gaining.

My problem is not exercising (plus my sweet tooth).


The weekend is here so hope everyone is pumped to eat right, and keep loosing.




P.S. What feels better than trying on clothes that haven't fit for a long time and they fit now??? Not much!!!

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IMHO it's a bit early for your Dr to be telling you that you need to weigh less than 135. It partly depends on where you store the weight.


On all the charts, you are still "over weight" by 8 pounds at 135 for my height. I am only 5'1". I am sure the doctor would be thrilled if I hit 135, compared to today's weight. But my range is 100-127 for being normal weight. I remember 110 pounds from 20 years ago. I am sure once I hit 135, I will dream of 125. :rolleyes:

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Challenge WI:

July 10 - 231.2

July 24 - 227 Down 4.2

Aug 10 - 221.2


lost 3.2 this week which was good given I was away on business all week, and I was too tired/lazy every night to get on the treadmill at the hotel




SW 239

CW 227

GW1 200 (10/10)

GW2 150

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4.2 = .3 lbs/day for the last 14 days.

If you keep this up you'll be pretty close. If you keep up last week's performance you will be over the 10!


The week away might have been the shake up your body needed. I hope so. I am staying with my sister who isn't much of a cook, for 4 days. No scales, no aspartame, no tempting food in the fridge.


Challenge WI:

July 10 - 231.2

July 24 - 227 Down 4.2

Aug 10 - 221.2


lost 3.2 this week which was good given I was away on business all week, and I was too tired/lazy every night to get on the treadmill at the hotel




SW 239

CW 227

GW1 200 (10/10)

GW2 150

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Challenge WI:

July 10 - 231.2

July 24 - 227 Down 4.2

Aug 10 - 221.2


lost 3.2 this week which was good given I was away on business all week, and I was too tired/lazy every night to get on the treadmill at the hotel




Wow! That is great! Congratulations!

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IMHO (again) you should reward yourself with something new for every 15 lbs you lose. 15 lbs is approx a dress size. Of course it depends on where you lose it and how tall you are but its a guideline.


Other than that I would not buy your cruise clothes until January. They have to feel good and you have no idea now how something will feel when you are a different shape. Your weight will not come off uniformly. You could lose around the middle, the lower or top half 1st. Did you ever notice that people lose quickly their faces get thinner but after a while it evens out?


Had a 4lb loss yesterday on my weigh in. It was a pleasant surprise since I have been lax lately with tracking. I am so happy - almost at the half way point and not cruising till Feb!


What do you guys do about purchasing clothing for your cruises? I would love to take advantage of season end clearance sales but I just don't know what size I'll be or how clothing will fit when I reach my goal? If I wait till right before I leave it will make purchasing appropriate clothing difficult since we will be in the middle of winter.


Should I just guess and hope for the best?


:) Kerry


SW 207.8

CW 176

GW 145

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DH and I started back on WW today. The long term goal is 40 lbs by cruise in January, so it is definitely doable! I do the WW online and have an online group I check in daily with. Thought I would post here as well to help keep me focused on my goal. Anyone else cruising in January? We're going on a 10 day.

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DH and I started back on WW today. The long term goal is 40 lbs by cruise in January, so it is definitely doable! I do the WW online and have an online group I check in daily with. Thought I would post here as well to help keep me focused on my goal. Anyone else cruising in January? We're going on a 10 day.




How did you find an on-line group to keep in touch with for WW? I am doing the on-line version of WW too. Sometimes, I miss going to the meetings and hearing all the ideas. (not that this board isnt full of ideas too)



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Check out the Community Tab and you will find the Message Boards there. There are all kinds of topics, age groups, etc. I found a group of 50+ men and women that post everyday and it is a great source of inspiration and support. Good luck!

There is also a section for "Groups" there, but I'm not sure what that's about.




How did you find an on-line group to keep in touch with for WW? I am doing the on-line version of WW too. Sometimes, I miss going to the meetings and hearing all the ideas. (not that this board isnt full of ideas too)



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Check out the Community Tab and you will find the Message Boards there. There are all kinds of topics, age groups, etc. I found a group of 50+ men and women that post everyday and it is a great source of inspiration and support. Good luck!

There is also a section for "Groups" there, but I'm not sure what that's about.


Hi Ann, I need to spend some more time browsing through the groups on WW on-line. Thanks for the info!



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Hi everyone,


I am thinking ahead to our 10-10 cruise and taking some diet items. Since I am also gluten free, I am also looking for some GF snacks to take. I found the web site minimus dot biz on the general NCL board.

Check it out! (dont forget it is a .biz site and not the .com site)


They have raspberry venaigrette dressing, fat free honey dijon, Justin's Peanut Butter (80 calories and mentioned on Hungry Girl), Wild Garden Hummus. They even have the Walden Farms products often mentioned on WW in trail size versions.


The whole web site is travel size items and you can purchase items as individual pieces instead of buying a case of one flavor.


Great site for those who want to diet and travel.



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