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I'm down 1 lb this week. I'll take whatever I can get as long as I haven't gained any! LOL




SW: 187.4

CW: 176.6

GW: 160 for 12/11/10 Cruise


1 pound is great! sometimes better slower, easier for you to keep it off that way I believe! ;)

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Hi Everyone!!!!!!


Have been thinking about you all!

I have been at the same weight for 2 weeks now!!!


I have not been totally faithful! ONLY a little extra points here and there, and then nothing happens! WOW the older you get it sure is harder to come off!!!!! I swear since I hit 40 last year my mmetabolism has slowed down! :( This is my own fault! Well tomorrow is a brand new day!!!! :)


I have to be really get serious now! As I sit here on the computer and my daughter making cookies! :eek: I WILL NOT EAT ANY!!!! only temporary enjoyment!!! Hard when you have teenagers in the house!


The weather has been crappy here, makes me depressed!!! By the weekend suppose to get better! I need some sunshine!


I will get back on track!!!! I have too!




I was doing pretty well until the week-end and then it seems it all started to go downhill! We went to a 25th anniversary party which was like a wedding with lots of wine and goodies. Since then it has been one thing after another. Work lunches monday and tuesday and now I am getting a cold! When I get sick I seem to want to comfort myself with food. This week-end will be thanksgiving here and all the family are coming.

I know what you mean about not loosing like we could in our younger days. We have to be a LOT more careful. That is how those pound got on in the first place.

I am down about 8lbs but really would like to have another 10 off before we go. I will need to really get serious too but this week-end will be a challange! I will check back in next week.



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Down to 179.9. Tomorrow is my weigh in. I hope that holds. Below 180 by the skin of my teeth.


I have not felt like exercising much this week. It has been cool and raining here and I have been so busy getting ready to leave this weekend. I still have a two page list to finish in the next 48 hours.



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I was doing pretty well until the week-end and then it seems it all started to go downhill! We went to a 25th anniversary party which was like a wedding with lots of wine and goodies. Since then it has been one thing after another. Work lunches monday and tuesday and now I am getting a cold! When I get sick I seem to want to comfort myself with food. This week-end will be thanksgiving here and all the family are coming.

I know what you mean about not loosing like we could in our younger days. We have to be a LOT more careful. That is how those pound got on in the first place.

I am down about 8lbs but really would like to have another 10 off before we go. I will need to really get serious too but this week-end will be a challange! I will check back in next week.





lets get serious together!!!!!! :D

I also would like a good 10lbs gone before we leave!!!!!

We can do it! REALLY have to set our minds to it!!!;)

Lets do it!!!!! :)

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Hi, all!

Welcome newbies! Sounds like everyone is plugging along -- good for you!


I'm continuing actually staying within points. (What a concept, right?) :rolleyes: My motivation is high right now, and I'm trying to gently nurture it so it sticks around for a while. I'm down 1.2 this week, so I'm down 7.2 in the last 5 weigh-ins -- a very good pace for me!


I'm still really keen to be 190 or lower (185 dream goal) by the time I go to Rome in January. I certainly have enough weeks to get there at a moderate pace, but with the minefield of holidays coming up, I must be very diligent to eat right and get activity in. Crossing my fingers and trying to stay focused!


As for non-scale victories, I'm down another size; down to size 14 -yippee!! :D Pinch me, I almost can't believe it. I've been in Lane Bryant 14/16s for a while, but can now squeeze myself into size 14 Levi's (a little snug, but still ok), and with another couple of pounds the Old Navy size 14 skirt I just purchased will look great.


Headed to Vegas this weekend (Danger, Will Robinson!), so will try to indulge a little without going overboard. Hopefully the extra walking I'm sure to do will balance out if I go over my flex points. :rolleyes:


Thin thoughts to all of us!!


SW: 246.2 on 1/22/09

CW: 200.0 (Was 198.8 at home this morning -- close to being out of 200s for good!!)

GW: 154 (officially halfway to goal -- 46.2 lbs gone, 46 to go)

MiniGoal: 190 (185 dream goal) by 1/6/11, last weigh-in before heading to Rome





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Hurt my foot today working out!!!! :(


Well actually a couple of days ago, but worse today! I am so bummed! A long time ago I had bone spurs, hoping it is not related!!!! :(


Don't know what I am going to do, so depressed about it! My job I am on my feet all day too!!!! UGH!


Please say a prayer for me!


Working out was making my back feel better too!!!!


Hope this is temporary!!!!

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Hello, everyone!


You can do it!!!!!!!


I have been a Lifetime WW member since May of 2009.


Starting WW weight: 241

Goal weight: 155 (reached 54 weeks later)

Current weight: 150 (would like to get back to 148 before Nov 8 departure, though!).


I have been on 3 cruises (two 7-day cruises and one 4-day cruise) since joining WW and have not done too much damage, in spite of food being available 24/7. On our last cruise, the fitness center folks said that most people gain 7-10 pounds...the most I gained was 3, and I actually LOST a pound on the shorter cruise.


Make healthy choices for at least a few meals in the dining room (most cruise lines have their healthier choices noted in main dining) and walk walk walk everywhere! Take the stairs! If your room is just below the dining room, walk to the other end of the ship and then take those stairs up to eat. You will be surprised how much that helps! Try some activities like ballroom dancing or line dancing - you will move for 45-60 minutes and it will not feel like exercise. Use the gym and the dance clubs! Pick an active shore excursion. I always "preview" the dinner menu...if there are wonderful things on it, I move more during the day or change my eating at breakfast and lunch so I can treat myself to creme brulee - with less guilt!


When I was losing, I came across a quote in one of the "success stories" at the WW website that I use with respect to weight management: "Don't give up what you want the most for what you want at the moment." Keep your eye on the prize!


If you bite it, write it!

If you drink it, ink it!

If you nibble it, scribble it!

Grab your pencil before your utensil!

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Hurt my foot today working out!!!! :(


Well actually a couple of days ago, but worse today! I am so bummed! A long time ago I had bone spurs, hoping it is not related!!!! :(


Don't know what I am going to do, so depressed about it! My job I am on my feet all day too!!!! UGH!


Please say a prayer for me!


Working out was making my back feel better too!!!!


Hope this is temporary!!!!



Too bad about your foot! Maybe you could ride a bike or something for your exercise. I have had back problems in the past too and I know the exercise does help along with the weight loss.

Don't let that keep you from trying. You just need to keep an extra eye on your points and you can still be successful!

I will say a little prayer that your foot problem is short lived and that you are not in pain:(

Just think in just a few weeks we will be keeping our feet up and relaxing in the carribean!!



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Down to 179.9. Tomorrow is my weigh in. I hope that holds. Below 180 by the skin of my teeth.


I have not felt like exercising much this week. It has been cool and raining here and I have been so busy getting ready to leave this weekend. I still have a two page list to finish in the next 48 hours.




Have a great time on your cruise. Walk, Climb Stairs, Walk, Dance, Walk, Go to Yoga, Walk and then do it all over again.


Look forward to hearing from you when you get back.

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Too bad about your foot! Maybe you could ride a bike or something for your exercise. I have had back problems in the past too and I know the exercise does help along with the weight loss.

Don't let that keep you from trying. You just need to keep an extra eye on your points and you can still be successful!

I will say a little prayer that your foot problem is short lived and that you are not in pain:(

Just think in just a few weeks we will be keeping our feet up and relaxing in the carribean!!




Marion THANK YOU!!!! ;)

A little bit better today! I have been tring my best to stay off it!

Prayers help! I am a believer in them!!! :)

Have a great weekend!

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Hi, I'm Lisa. I'm 38, single, and a librarian. I actually joined WW last January, but I wasn't really motivated. Just joined cause I thought I should. Plus, I got a bread maker for Christmas and I was having a lot of fun with that, so I canceled my membership over the summer.


My sister and I just got back from a four-day weekend in NYC though, and I could really feel how out of shape I was on that trip. I think we would have seen more and done more if we had been in better form.


So we are both resolved to lose weight and get fit, and we have a year to do it in. As soon as payday comes, I'm joining WW again. (I can join for free, but I'm trying to time further payments to a more budget friendly time of the month) And tomorrow morning we are going to workout before we go to work.


Has anyone tried the Couch-to-5k exercise program? I've tried it before, but I didn't finish it. I don't think that I can do it in only 9 weeks, but I have time, so maybe I'll set the goal of completing it in 18 weeks.


My main goal is to be more fit. We want to go snorkeling on our cruise and climb/hike around some Mayan ruins if possible. It would be nice though to lose enough weight so that I could dress in some of the smaller dress sizes--easier to find cute clothes for the cruise too!

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Hello WW friends,


We will be cruising Crown Princess to the Southern Caribbean on January 23, 2011. I am determined to lose some of this excess baggage before departure! In September 2009 we went on a Mediterranean Cruise. At this weight that I'm at I may add. I really would like to lose some before our cruise in January.


I'm 55, wife to the most amazing man, mother of 4 terrific kids, grandmother of 5, office manager and about 60# overweight.


I've been on WW for 3 weeks and the first 2 I lost only .5#. This week I stepped on and it was 3.5# less!:) Yippee. With your encouragement and my eyes on that January 23 cruise I know that I can continue with these successes.


The hardest thing I did this week was go to an all dessert fundraiser for our local Big Brothers Big Sisters chapter. Talk about temptations! I made it through by talking to other patrons to find the very best desserts and then just took one bite! Paid off.


Thanks for all the tips about journaling etc.

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back in 2001 For 2 years I lost 50 lbs, but i have gained 23 - 25 lbs of it back. I love ww. But I am working South korea currently and can't attend meetings, which I firmly believe in, I have been using online but its not the same. Anyways the highest I've been in the last year is 214 and I am currently down to 206.4. I am getting married on the Solstice in December and had to buy my dress a year early as I am not Korean size. Last time I tried the dress on i was 208 and the first time I tried it on I was 202. So I am hoping to get to 200 or below before Dec 9th.

One tip I have found, that has been speeding up my weight loss, is the nintendo wii golds gym dance workout. You get a personal trainer, and they really toughen up your workouts. One day it will be 25 min then it goes to 51 and 55. It is fun and music is good. And I am starting to see definition in my arms and legs. I think when i chose the program my personal trainer is currently on I said workout a lot, but you can put it down to a more moderate level. The canoe mini game is really good too.

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Hi all,


I haven't posted in awhile...I had a double masectomy in August and have been struggling ever since...lost 2 lbs in 2 months :(. I am 3.2 pounds away from losing a total of 50 lbs (with 23.4 pounds to go after that)...just can't seem to get back into excercising (I do have some limitations, but that is NO excuse...there is still plenty I can do ;)!)


Anyway, it was great catching up on all the posts! I've really missed you all!


SW: 223.4

CW: 176.6

GW: 150 (or maybe 148.4...meaning I've lost 75 lbs)

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I forgot to mention that I called my TA today and changed our booking for our upcoming cruise to cabin C722 on the Coral...almost all the way Aft, meaning I will have a looooooooong walk to the buffet (at the Forward end of the ship) :D....hopefully that will help me not gain too much weight while cruising....

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Hello all, I haven't been posting as frequently lately. I'm starting to get quite busy with my new career.

I am so close to goal. I had a huge loss of 3.8 lbs 2 weeks ago. Last week I went up 1 lb, but that was to be expected since it was Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. I had a wonderful weekend with family and friends. I didn't go crazy with the eating and drinking, but I didn't track as strictly as usual. After a 3.8 loss I was ok with gaining 1 lb. Currently I have a total weigh loss of 26.8 lbs. My goal is to lose approx. 30 lbs. I'm starting to think an even 125 weight is going to be tricky. The last bit of weight is SOOOO difficult to lose! I'm happy where I am but am struggling to meet my goal. I've stepped up the exercise and starting jogging opposed to only walking. I make sure I do more ab workouts and a bit of weights. I also have tried switching up my recipes. Variety helps push past the plateau people say. I'm trying my best!


Congratulations to all of you who have lost :D Keep up the good work. If you're struggling a bit, don't give up hope. It's so worth it in the end. NOTHING tastes better than skinny! Remember that. Even a .2 lb loss is a loss. It all counts! Weight Watchers is a lifestyle, not a diet... and it works :)


New stats (5'3" height)

SW: 157.4

CW: 130.6

GW: 125-127

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Hi, all --

It's so helpful to read everyone's posts -- the successes and the struggles. We all have them, and it helps just to know there are others who are dealing with these same day-to-day, minute-to-minute issues.


I just love how positive everyone on this board stays. Even when we're feeling down, everyone tries to count blessings and look on the positive side. That's why this is such a FANTASTIC thread!! :)


Anyhoo, that aside... we had our fabulous weekend in Vegas with friends. I did indulge, but tried to stay very mindful. Had a few slipups, but all-in-all did pretty darned well. Being from Oregon, man, the dryness of the climate there really did affect me. Woke up every morning not-well-rested, and really dried out (throat, sinuses, etc).


Had weighed in last Thursday at 200 even (lowest WW weight ever!!), but had been 198.8 at home in the morning (I always weigh in at home first thing in the morning on the days I have my noon WW mtg... just for comparison). Our room had a bathroom scale, so jumped on that on Saturday morning. Was something over 201 (maybe 201.6). By Monday morning it was like 204.6 -- I wasn't too worried though, because I KNEW I was dehydrated and my body would be hoarding water. Monday night after flying home early in the day, my ankles were SWOLLEN -- I don't usually swell after a flight. I was still somewhat swollen the next day, even though I was trying to push water (but I could have been better with my water). I've been weighing in every morning just to track, and the weight was coming off, pound by pound -- this morning weighed in at 201.6 (2.8 pounds up from prior week's home weigh-in). Kept pushing the water, and my noon WW meeting was the same, 201.6 (only 1.6 higher than last week).


Hoping I can do really well this week and take that 1.6 off... and some more! Still really hoping to be around 185 for my Trip to Rome in January (190 at the very least!).


SW: 246.2, 5' 6" (started WW 1/22/09)

CW: 201.6

GW: 154

Mini goal: 185 or 190 by Jan 6, 2011

Aiming for 195 ish by 11/4 (6 lbs or so in the next 3 weeks -- please be pulling for me!) :D





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I had a good week. Down a total of 25 pounds!:)


Start Date: 7/27/10

Cruise Date: 3/13/10


SW: 283

CW: 258


Finally got a chance to post. Have been doing well on the program. Lost more weight. Down a total of 31 lbs!


Start Date: 7/27/10

Cruise Date: 3/13/10


SW: 283

CW: 252

CGW: 233

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I forgot to mention that I called my TA today and changed our booking for our upcoming cruise to cabin C722 on the Coral...almost all the way Aft, meaning I will have a looooooooong walk to the buffet (at the Forward end of the ship) :D....hopefully that will help me not gain too much weight while cruising....


When are you going to be on the Coral? I'm going 12/5.

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Finally got a chance to post. Have been doing well on the program. Lost more weight. Down a total of 31 lbs!


Start Date: 7/27/10

Cruise Date: 3/13/10


SW: 283

CW: 252

CGW: 233


Your success is amazing. Keep it up!


I've managed to keep my weight the same after 2 long weekends and changed my goal weight. I have not been close, but not less than, 150 for several years. Seeing 149 on the scale will be a big victory for me.


I have refused to buy pants for about 2 years now thinking that if I buy more in the larger size, I'll stay there. They say Canadian sizing is different from American. My size 14s are roomy. Down 3 more lbs and I'm going shopping confident that I'll be able to wear 12s in comfort and possibly with room to spare until Spring.


SW 158.2

CW 152

GW 149 (30 Oct 10)

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It has been awhile since I have been on. Glad to hear of everyone's success. I have booked my next cruise and it gives me 16 weeks to get some weight off. Not been doing very good lately so hoping this will encourage me. We are redecorating the house so hopefully the painting/cleaning will keep my hands busy and out of the fridge/cupboards.


Six weeks until I go to the States for Black Friday shopping. Yahoo!!!! Women only shopping trip. This is my first mini weight loss target. It's more fun to shop when you are feeling thinner.


Hope everyone has a great night.



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It has been awhile since I have been on. Glad to hear of everyone's success. I have booked my next cruise and it gives me 16 weeks to get some weight off. Not been doing very good lately so hoping this will encourage me. We are redecorating the house so hopefully the painting/cleaning will keep my hands busy and out of the fridge/cupboards.


Six weeks until I go to the States for Black Friday shopping. Yahoo!!!! Women only shopping trip. This is my first mini weight loss target. It's more fun to shop when you are feeling thinner.


Hope everyone has a great night.




Elaine, what a great idea to go down for Black Friday. I hadn't thought about that yet and was too scared to go the last 2 years when I was living in Los Angeles. I hear it gets insane. Now that I'm back in Vancouver I might have to venture across the border for Black Friday. My husband promised me a $500 shopping spree when I reach goal weight. I better be at goal in 6 weeks or I'll be mad!

Good luck with you're weight loss for your big shopping trip! I bet you'll do great.

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