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Hi Nancy and welcome! I am 49.5 and IT IS HARD to lose as we get older...body just doesn't seem to respond...I guess it likes "fluffy"! I decided to take up walking and now walk about 20 miles a week! I struggle and if I can lose .5 a week I count it as a very good week :) We don't sail until May 28th, so hopefully I'll be able to lose another 23.4 pounds by then! Hang in there and congratulations on the weight loss!


Congratulations on 50 pounds...and walking 20 miles a week. That is wonderful! :D



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I am so glad that I gained less than 5 pounds on the cruise and the week after. I ATE and ATE and ATE the second week of the cruise. I did well with counting WW points for the first few days and then I just ate and drank frozen drinks...I did make myself walk everyday.




I know you're probably thinking "what in the world does she mean saying 'way to go' when I gained?" This is the deal...I applaude your attitude. WW is not a diet, but a lifestyle and one of the biggest lessons learned that I have had is that you can't deprive yourself...you also have to be realistic. So good for you...gaining less than 5 pounds and good for you to exercise (or walk) each day. I also imagine that even though you felt as if you "ate and ate and ate" and you had a few frozen drinks...you kept track in your journal and if not, you were thinking about the choices you were making. If you weren't exercising and not thinking about your choices...just imagine what the weight gain could have been.


So again...way to go...even though it might seem like a bit of a detour, it is all part of the journey to get you to your ultimate destination (goal). Wishing you the best!

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I just stumbled on the forum and truly wish that I had found it sooner. So a bit about me...my name is Sue and I have booked a surprise cruise for me and my DH to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary (our anniversary is in Dec, but we sail in Jan dues to our work schedules).


Anyway...I have been a WW off and on for years...first reaching Lifetime status about 15 years ago. However, I would always dive into the deep end and do everything full force...meaning, take a spinning class, an aerobic class, walk or run 5-7 days a week, etc. In the short-term, this was all good...it helped me reach my goal, but sadly once I reached my goal the motivation to continue with the exercise program I created for myself disappeared and was replaced by excuses and then my old eating habits too. Can you believe it...a pattern developed and my weight would actually yo-yo?! (yes...this is my attempt at message board sarcasm)


So this past January I sailed with my mom and DD and saw some not so flattering photos of myself when we returned. I was also part of a special event at home a few weeks later...and again was not happy with the way that I looked. So here I was...47 years old...planning a special surprise for my DH and not feeling good about how I looked or how I felt and knowing that my family health history was catching up with me. Now was the time for me to do something about it...for good.


I went back to WW in March 2010 and have not regetted a moment. This has been a very different experience this time around...one of self-realization, understanding, lessons learned, and patience. And the result? OMG...I could not have imagined the results or the success I have had. And to what do I attitribute the success?

  • support of my WW leader, friends, and family
  • following the WW point system and being honest with myself
  • TRACKING...even when it sometimes seems hard or inconvenient
  • attending meetings and not just weigh-in and run
  • on-line tools...they have been a lifesaver
  • being realistic with myself

I wasn't sure what my loss would be or how quickly it would come off, but whatever I did I had to stick with it. My exercise regime you might ask? 2-3 days each week I go to the gym (some weights, walking and/or the elliptical machine) and the rest of the week I go everywhere with my WW pedometer counting my steps and activitiy points as I park further away, take the stairs, do yardwork, etc.


I started my journey at 198 lbs...wearing a size 18. Today, I am where I need to be both mentally and physically (and with my Drs. blessing and approval)...140 lbs and wearing a size 8. I can't believe it!


Now I'm ready to shop for a 2-piece swimsuit (something I haven't worn in YEARS) and really surprise my DH as we get ready to sail!


SW - 198

CW - 140

GW - 150

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Two of my favorite recipes were the turkey chili (2 pts per cup) and sprinkling popcorn with Splenda...I too use the Wii for excercise...I LOVE the rhthmic boxing...it wears me out but I feel like I've gotton a workout!


Congrats on your 50 pound lose that is just wonderful. I would love to have that turkey chili recipe it sounds good not to mention filling. I got my Wii out changed the batteries and weighed but thats as far as I got.


This first week has been a disaster. Did real good the first couple of days then had some things come up and had to go out of town. Dang Chinese buffet :mad: But i'm back on track a little nervous about getting on the scale though.


Hope everyone has a big lose week

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So again...way to go...even though it might seem like a bit of a detour, it is all part of the journey to get you to your ultimate destination (goal). Wishing you the best!


Thanks! The "detour" was worth it! :D I have some fond memories of some excellent food and great times with friends. I will have to remember those when I am eating some zero point soup all Winter. :)



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I am fully back now..just lost one pound of the pounds gained on the October cruise.


Next cruise booked for 3-25-11


So, here we go:


SW: 210

CW: 185

GW: 155 for 3-25-11

Final Goal: 130 by the end of 2011


So.....here we go! Phase 2 has started...



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I am fully back now..just lost one pound of the pounds gained on the October cruise.


Next cruise booked for 3-25-11


So, here we go:


SW: 210

CW: 185

GW: 155 for 3-25-11

Final Goal: 130 by the end of 2011


So.....here we go! Phase 2 has started...




Way to go Kim! I think everyone gains on a cruise. It's close to impossible not to. I gained over 3 lbs on my cruise in May. I was happy with how quickly it came off though. I think you'll find the same as long as you get right back into the plan and exercise. Good luck!

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Well, it was a scary week last week gaining 3 lbs after reaching goal. This week was outstanding! I was down 4.2 lbs! Very strange. Even my leader who weighed me in was shocked and confused :confused: I think last weigh in a had eaten a lot more than I typically do right before the meeting. My leader asked me if I even ate this week haha and I did, I really ate a lot! I guess this is all part of maintenance; finding out where you should be with daily points. Since I lost so much I am supposed to add another 2 daily points. I don't think I'm going to do this. I know I should listen to my leader and the WW plan, but adding a total of 4 daily points after reaching goal is a difficult adjustment. I seriously feet like I am over eating. I also have guests visiting from out of town this weekend and we will probably be eating out a total of 4 times :( I am going to have to work my butt off this week to prepare for the restaurants. Our guests are also big drinkers and always pressure me into drinking with them. Although I love them, I hate that about them. I prefer to save my points for food. If I have extra for alcohol then ok. Wish me luck.


Happy Wednesday everyone! Happy losing :D


height 5'3

SW: 157.4

CW: 124.6

GW: 127

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Does anyone have a problem with being big boned? I get so depressed when I see what other people weigh and what clothes size they wear. Example: when I am at my lowest weight I wear a size 8 and weigh 155 pounds. A friend of mine will be in a size 8 and weigh 125-130 pounds. This is just not fair. The smallest I have ever been is 149 which didn't last long my body just can't handle being that weight. I look good at that weight but still look big.


Sorry just had to vent. Hope everyone has a great week.

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Hi everyone,


Welcome to Friday. Today is my weigh-in day. So far, I have lost 2 of the pounds gained on the October cruise. I would love to be "even" with my pre-cruise weight before December 1st.


Getting to 155 before 3-25-11 is going to be tough, but I am giving it a try. :)


Have a great weekend!




SW: 210

CW: 184.6

GW: 155 for 3-25-11

Final Goal: 130 by the end of 2011

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Does anyone have a problem with being big boned? I get so depressed when I see what other people weigh and what clothes size they wear. Example: when I am at my lowest weight I wear a size 8 and weigh 155 pounds. A friend of mine will be in a size 8 and weigh 125-130 pounds. This is just not fair. The smallest I have ever been is 149 which didn't last long my body just can't handle being that weight. I look good at that weight but still look big.


Sorry just had to vent. Hope everyone has a great week.


I am not big-boned, but I have some weight loss friends that are big-boned.


We live in a rural area without a WW group within an hour drive. So we started our own "club" two weeks ago. We meet every Thursday. Two of my friends were just doing the same vent yesterday.


One thing that I am learning from this jouney is to stop being stressed about the numbers and just concentrate on feeling better, fitting into clothes that have not been worn in years, etc.


Our club has decided to only talk about how much we lost. Not our actual weight number or any clothing size numbers.


Vent away...that's the best part of posting on a board! Venting and encouragement!



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Does anyone have a problem with being big boned? I get so depressed when I see what other people weigh and what clothes size they wear. Example: when I am at my lowest weight I wear a size 8 and weigh 155 pounds. A friend of mine will be in a size 8 and weigh 125-130 pounds. This is just not fair. The smallest I have ever been is 149 which didn't last long my body just can't handle being that weight. I look good at that weight but still look big.


Sorry just had to vent. Hope everyone has a great week.


This is a good place to vent. No matter what you weigh, if you wear a size 8 be thankful. Just think, you get to lots more and stay a size 8 than your little boned friend who has to get down to 125 to wear a size 8. Don't bother with what that piece of metal says. Go with your clothing size.

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Our club has decided to only talk about how much we lost. Not our actual weight number or any clothing size numbers.


Vent away...that's the best part of posting on a board! Venting and encouragement!




Great idea. We have to look at this as a way of eating for a lifetime or we will definately find the weight we lose. Been there. Done that.


We cruise in three weeks. Would love to lose at least 2 lbs before we go. Maybe posting here will help.


Going to try to post daily.

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I am signing up for a Rain Forest Hike in St. Kits for March. Its a private tour. That's going to be my motivation to get back to walking and hiking. I walked all Summer but have not been motivated since we returned from our October cruise and the weather is colder.


So, Rain Forest Hike at the end of March....



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That will be great motivation.


My DH and I are hiking to Seven Sisters Waterfalls in Grenada while on our Princess cruise the beginning of next month. We are both 67 and in good health.


If I were 50 pounds heavier (that is what I lost) I would not be able to even think about doing a hiking excursion.

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Well, it was a scary week last week gaining 3 lbs after reaching goal. This week was outstanding! I was down 4.2 lbs! Very strange. Even my leader who weighed me in was shocked and confused :confused: I think last weigh in a had eaten a lot more than I typically do right before the meeting. My leader asked me if I even ate this week haha and I did, I really ate a lot! I guess this is all part of maintenance; finding out where you should be with daily points. Since I lost so much I am supposed to add another 2 daily points. I don't think I'm going to do this. I know I should listen to my leader and the WW plan, but adding a total of 4 daily points after reaching goal is a difficult adjustment. I seriously feet like I am over eating. I also have guests visiting from out of town this weekend and we will probably be eating out a total of 4 times :( I am going to have to work my butt off this week to prepare for the restaurants. Our guests are also big drinkers and always pressure me into drinking with them. Although I love them, I hate that about them. I prefer to save my points for food. If I have extra for alcohol then ok. Wish me luck.


Happy Wednesday everyone! Happy losing :D


height 5'3

SW: 157.4

CW: 124.6

GW: 127


Let us know how your week went. Maintaining your weight loss is much harder than losing weight in my opinion.

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I know it will be good and that I will like it. I've been through every change that WW has made in the last 40 years. Believe me, we have come a long way!


It is based on the latest scientific information on the way our bodies use the different food groups.


Guess we will have to wait until the week of November 28 for the real answers.

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That will be great motivation.


My DH and I are hiking to Seven Sisters Waterfalls in Grenada while on our Princess cruise the beginning of next month. We are both 67 and in good health.


If I were 50 pounds heavier (that is what I lost) I would not be able to even think about doing a hiking excursion.


Just received our "confimation" letter from the tour guide this morning. So, the hike is booked! That and a long swim on a private tour is Jost Van Dyke. (a swim from the shore to a reef 300+ yards off of shore)


So, the deadline is set. :rolleyes:



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Does anyone have any info on the changes WW is making to the program? Curious if you have heard anything.


I got another "teaser" email from WW this morning. I clicked on the link...and all it said was, "Visit our web site on November 29th". :o



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I got another "teaser" email from WW this morning. I clicked on the link...and all it said was, "Visit our web site on November 29th". :o




The new program will be introduced to Sunday meetings on the 28th. The web site won't be updated until Monday. Tech support doesn't work on Sundays:rolleyes:

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The new program will be introduced to Sunday meetings on the 28th. The web site won't be updated until Monday. Tech support doesn't work on Sundays:rolleyes:


If anyone goes to a meeting over the "announcement weekend", please post the news! All of the marketing hoopla and it will probably be an announcment that we can eat more free points celery everyday. :rolleyes:



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