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Never Cruising Carnival Again - PLEASE read and give me a chance !


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Racemedic, I am so sorry about your experience on the cruise. I am really sorry how you were treated on the ship. But I am shocked at the letters you received from Carnival. Your letters were very detailed and though out. There letters did not address all the issues and were just a brush off. I am very disappointed in Carnival. I hope this thread gets attention from some Carnival executives.


Thanks, you summed up my opinions to a tee!


Racemedic, keep fighting, Carnival is wrong here.



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Race, I haven't had a chance to read your letters and have no clue as to what your issues were. People will undoubtedly label me a Carnival "cheerleader" and I think that's okay, cause frankly I am. The point I'm trying to make is: Are you sure that what ever you experienced would have been handled any differently on any other cruise line? And if the answer to that is yes, then what brings you to that conclusion.


I spend quite a lot of time reading reviews on every cruise line listed here on CC. And they all seem interchangeable. There are 1 star and 5+ star reviews regardless of which line you are reading about.


Additionally, and this isn't meant to be disparaging towards you or other new cruisers, but I think in all vacation venue's these days the proprieters have raised their expectations of us the consumer. I think the amount of money they put into advertising their product (be it a cruise line, an all inclusive resort, independent tours) comes with some expectation on their part that we've all done our due diligence. Even though there are novice cruisers (in this case) out there. The ability to educate ourselves about the customs and the process is ours to attend to. They provide the "opportunity" for the experience, we "create" our own experience. I think that's true with Carnival or any other cruise line.


I'm sorry that you had issues that you feel were not adequately addressed. Carnival (as well as RCCL, NCL, Celebrity.....) are hosting 50 to 60 thousand people per week. There are going to be things that fall through the cracks. I think Carnival (as well as the others) do an excellent job of helping new cruisers to get the most out of their experience. They have purser's, publications, and any number of shore excursion, welcome aboard oportunities of a person to learn the ropes.


I hope you get those links fixed. I really would like to see if your issues were handled in a way that some of us more experienced cruisers would also agree could have been better.


This thread and more specifically your post has lured me out of lurking! I really think you should read the letters b/c you will be pretty embarrassed of your defense of Carnival.


Racemedic: I think the fact that you called Carnival TWICE and asked if they were sure the flight times were adequate is very alarming. I would not let this go. In our town, we have a consumer advocate on the news who will contact companies when they handle situations poorly! I would think this would be the perfect kind of story for a news station to cover and warn others in your experience...I also think Carnival would be more willing to truly listen to your concerns instead of just sending you a canned apology.


It amazes me that so many people know not to use the cruise transportation and the cruises make no effort to remedy this problem. Maybe instead of just rolling over to the cruiselines the passengers should be more proactive and force the cruiselines to be more responsible when booking airfare for their passengers.

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If this happened to me then I would not ever cruise Carnival again. Sometimes people responding sound like Carnival appologists :rolleyes: imo, even though I really do like Carnival. Why is it not ok to expect quality products? This entire situation really sucked and Carnival could have easily made it a "silver lining" post by stepping up and providing quality customer service.


I am glad you enjoyed the rest of your cruise Racemedic.

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There is a common misconception that if Carnival booked flights they will hold the ship if the flight is late. I always thought that until I started seeing things like this. NEVER book flights with Carnival and never book flights with such a close time.


I think the way Carnival treated you is ridiculous. How can giving you formal clothes hurt their bottom line? They can't expect me to believe every tux is rented out so giving you one will make them lose money.


Doctors who have a poor bedside manner get sued ten times more often than those who have an exemplary bedside manner. Just a few nice touches on their part and they would have had a cruiser for life.

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Oh wow! I'm so sorry this happened to you, especially since it was your first cruise. Unfortunately Carnival isn't the only line that will book your air with really tight (sometimes impossible) time lines. We flew to Barcelona last fall on a special arrangement with Royal Caribbean where the airfare was included in the price. The first flights had us connecting through Paris with times so tight, there was no way we were going to make it. Luckily I've been around these boards long enough to know that you don't have to accept unreasonable arrangements and insisted they change them. They did, and we made it on time - barely. :rolleyes: Big lesson learned for my next venture overseas. I'll do it myself.


Carnival really dropped the ball on this one. I hope you don't give up on cruises altogether. Give another line a try but I'd strongly recommend making as many of your travel plans yourself as possible.


I would strongly recommend you read some of the posts on the Cruise Air board. There are wonderful people over there who are very experienced air travellers and they are more than willing to help you out.



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I was VERY polite with the customer service reps on the first two occasions talking to them ... IN FACT ... they agreed with me ... the 2nd rep I talked to was SHCKED to hear I was not offered any compensation.


FOR THE RECORD ... We were not expecting a LARGE compensation but some type of gesture.


As far as the polite component ... these letters were sent via email with the letters as attachments. The email component stated we had a GREAT cruise BUT a HORRIBLE start .... maybe because we said over all it was great they don't see a need to compensate us.


YES we had insurance and some of our clothes were covered but they wanted $120 USD EACH for a tuxedo rental and I did not know if it would be covered under our insurance.


My travel agent is forwarding this thread link to her Carnival rep ... probably won't do anything still ... I have given up hoping.


Just hoping others can learn from our mistake.


THANK-YOU for all the positive feedbackk and I don't mind the criticisms either !





P.S. It wasn't until I got a phone call today from them telling me NOT to reply again that I sort of got rude !

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This thread and more specifically your post has lured me out of lurking! I really think you should read the letters b/c you will be pretty embarrassed of your defense of Carnival.


Racemedic: I think the fact that you called Carnival TWICE and asked if they were sure the flight times were adequate is very alarming. I would not let this go. In our town, we have a consumer advocate on the news who will contact companies when they handle situations poorly! I would think this would be the perfect kind of story for a news station to cover and warn others in your experience...I also think Carnival would be more willing to truly listen to your concerns instead of just sending you a canned apology.


It amazes me that so many people know not to use the cruise transportation and the cruises make no effort to remedy this problem. Maybe instead of just rolling over to the cruiselines the passengers should be more proactive and force the cruiselines to be more responsible when booking airfare for their passengers.



Well said. I think what okgirl said was just ignorant. He had called Carnival about the flight time and they reassured him (he was about to get screwed) "no problem."

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I hate your first experience went this way. In the future your best bet knowing now what you didn't know then would be to make your own travel arrangements. It will provide for a little more peace of mind.


And by the way does anybody else feel weird and dizzy like some sort of TIME WARP???? Letter #4 from Carnival is dated April 9, 2009. Did I sleep away a couple of days????? :cool:

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And I will say you should have gotten the Tuxedo's at no charge and I think you definitely should have gotten more than some bonehead response from a pencil pusher in Miami at the office. Trust me I have dealt with them over many years and you have to just wear them out. You will eventually get to someone who will help you and make this somewhat better.

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And by the way does anybody else feel weird and dizzy like some sort of TIME WARP???? Letter #4 from Carnival is dated April 9, 2009. Did I sleep away a couple of days????? :cool:


I DIDN'T even notice that .... shows you how much effort was put into either of the letters.


For those who may have read my 2 letters .... there were 2 other families on the same plane also .... we were told our flight an a 2nd flight were running late and the ship would sail an hour later ... it waited 10 minutes from the original departure time. I was told we were misinformed !



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Yeah, there is no doubt I'd be frustrated too. Sometimes you just want the company to know and acknowledge a mistake--instead of just sending a generic form letter.


But I also agree with one of the previous posters--if you choose to write Carnival again, I'd use the "oreo cookie approach" (learned that from one of my bosses in a review, lol). Start with a highlight, then bring in your complaint, but still try to end your letter on a positive note. I don't work for CCL, but deal with customer service a bit...and I'll be the first to tell you that the folks who put in the good and the bad get a little farther with me. The ones who just are negative, negative, negative get little of my attention...you just assume they're negative nellies.


I would write to Carnival again--but I'd try to do a little bit more research and find a specific person in customer service or guest relations to help. A lot of times, if you send mail to a CEO or VP or someone really high up, well, their assistant will open it and use THEIR judgment. But someone a little lower on the totem poll might actually do more about it...poke around on the Carnival website, see if you can find some more names and try again.


And try to learn from this experience. While yes, Carnival was in the wrong, the best we can do from any of these situations is learn so that we can make ourselves better consumers. I LIVE in South Florida; we rarely have weather delays with flights. But you will never, ever, ever see my husband and I book a cruise and a flight for the same day. It's not even the weather you have to worry about anymore--it's the airlines themselves.


When we sailed out of Hawaii a couple of years ago, we flew out a few days prior. We're doing the same for our cruise out of Long Beach this year. It's just lessons we all learn...sometimes, we learn them the hard way.


Good luck!

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I agree you have good reason to complain. Did you not have any insurance? You should check with your Credit card (the one you used to pay for the whole thing).


I had a similar experience in 07. We were flying out the day before, and still almost didn't make it.


Our early morning flight out of Winnipeg was canceled. Due to weather in Minneapolis. Northwest booked us on a flight for the next day, BUT it would have arrived in Miami to late for the ship.


So we called the insurance company... they advised us that until we actually missed the ship, they could not, or would not try and help us.


We talked to the Northwest people, and they were able to change our ticket to AIR CANADA going through Toronto... The catch was that we would have to stay over night in Toronto at our own expense, and catch an early flight to Miami.


We arrived at 3:30 at the dock to board the 4pm ship.... The good part was that there was not only no lines at the terminal.... As we were the last to board.


I understand they would not be able to do that anymore due to security concerns...


We were lucky.

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Wow, I'm shocked, absolutely shocked! Although they have the disclaimer, fact is, they should want to make their cruisers happy! A simple tuxedo voucher for you and your son would not have cost them anything beyond the cost of cleaning (seeing as those tuxes just went unused.)


I'm so sorry you had such a bad first experience. What I love most about cruising is that it's so easy. I feel like it's just get on the ship and you're done. Unfortunately, even that proved too much for Carnival to arrange for you.

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Here is another example of Carnival's great customer service to fix their mistake...






Then how can your assessment of his situation be relevant ?? And true, you must be one of the cheerleaders.


As with too many large corporations, customer service to fix issues which they created is pretty much non-existent..


I feel that my assessment of his situation was relevant because now that I have read his letters and responses I'll restate my original point. What makes him think this is just a Carnival problem?


Had he been a more informed/experienced traveler he would have known better than to let any cruise line book him that close to ship departure. Why wasn't he traveling with his meds? Are you sure that all other cruise lines would have offered him a tux??? (I didn't even know there was such a thing) And how did his 2nd formal night go after his luggage arrived. Gee, I'm sorry that he was humiliated to shake hands with the Captain in blue jeans. And why didn't he take them up on the offer to change planes and get there ontime?


You really ought to read the letters. I'm willing to bet you will change your tune.


I read the letters, and If there is such a thing as a tux voucher then he and his son should have been offerred them by the purser's desk. But my point still stands, this isn't a problem that is exclusive to Carnival.


And as it turns out he's not so outraged that he wouldn't accept a 20% discount on his next Carnival cruise to make up for having to shaking hands with the Captain while wearing blue jeans.

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Race, I haven't had a chance to read your letters and have no clue as to what your issues were. People will undoubtedly label me a Carnival "cheerleader" and I think that's okay, cause frankly I am. The point I'm trying to make is: Are you sure that what ever you experienced would have been handled any differently on any other cruise line? And if the answer to that is yes, then what brings you to that conclusion.


I spend quite a lot of time reading reviews on every cruise line listed here on CC. And they all seem interchangeable. There are 1 star and 5+ star reviews regardless of which line you are reading about.


Additionally, and this isn't meant to be disparaging towards you or other new cruisers, but I think in all vacation venue's these days the proprieters have raised their expectations of us the consumer. I think the amount of money they put into advertising their product (be it a cruise line, an all inclusive resort, independent tours) comes with some expectation on their part that we've all done our due diligence. Even though there are novice cruisers (in this case) out there. The ability to educate ourselves about the customs and the process is ours to attend to. They provide the "opportunity" for the experience, we "create" our own experience. I think that's true with Carnival or any other cruise line.


I'm sorry that you had issues that you feel were not adequately addressed. Carnival (as well as RCCL, NCL, Celebrity.....) are hosting 50 to 60 thousand people per week. There are going to be things that fall through the cracks. I think Carnival (as well as the others) do an excellent job of helping new cruisers to get the most out of their experience. They have purser's, publications, and any number of shore excursion, welcome aboard oportunities of a person to learn the ropes.


I hope you get those links fixed. I really would like to see if your issues were handled in a way that some of us more experienced cruisers would also agree could have been better.


The links are fine......try reading the letters before slapping him/her on the wrist..

Carnival could and should have handled this in a more positive way..I understand his/her feeling about never wanting to book with Carnival again.

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See what legal rights you have in your contract and then mail them a certified letter of intent to file suit. List the amount of actual damages that you are seeking and provide receipts for proof of damages. If they don't respond with a more favorable attitude, then REALLY do it.

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Print out the letters that you linked here, and write another one and send it here:

Carnival Cruise Lines

3655 NW 87th Avenue

Miami, FL 33178


I bet you'll get a much better response.



For anyone else who writes CCL, please keep in mind that email doesn't seem to bring any resolution when dealing with the cruise lines. Sending an old fashioned letter through the US postal service works MUCH better.


See what legal rights you have in your contract and then mail them a certified letter of intent to file suit. List the amount of actual damages that you are seeking and provide receipts for proof of damages. If they don't respond with a more favorable attitude, then REALLY do it.



Oh for goodness sake! :rolleyes:

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Wow, Wow. I am at a loss for words and can not believe this is the way Carnival responded. I'm appalled. I am a Carnival cheerleader for sure, a platinum cruiser to boot. I would never be at 10+ cruises if I had been treated like that. I too would go somewhere else. I have wriitten a few letters in the past and in most cases garnered a pleasant response with some type of small gift. I can't believe they are doing nothing for you.




The statement in one of the letters that they "take no responsibilty for flight issues" is ridiculous when they are the ones who booked it. It doesn't matter wether your a first time cruiser or your 20th. They booked it they need to fix it.:mad:


Maybe one of the Carnival spy's on CC will see this thread...


Very sad. I truly feel for your family and I would not stop until I went way up the chain.

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I feel that my assessment of his situation was relevant because now that I have read his letters and responses I'll restate my original point. What makes him think this is just a Carnival problem?


Had he been a more informed/experienced traveler he would have known better than to let any cruise line book him that close to ship departure. Why wasn't he traveling with his meds? Are you sure that all other cruise lines would have offered him a tux??? (I didn't even know there was such a thing) And how did his 2nd formal night go after his luggage arrived. Gee, I'm sorry that he was humiliated to shake hands with the Captain in blue jeans. And why didn't he take them up on the offer to change planes and get there ontime?




I read the letters, and If there is such a thing as a tux voucher then he and his son should have been offerred them by the purser's desk. But my point still stands, this isn't a problem that is exclusive to Carnival.


And as it turns out he's not so outraged that he wouldn't accept a 20% discount on his next Carnival cruise to make up for having to shaking hands with the Captain while wearing blue jeans.



It is not a scenario exclusive to Carnival, but it is exclusive to Racemedic and this cruise experience...

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My HUGE problem here is that the cruise line offers a service to book your airfare for you. Many have said he should have known since he reads the message boards this is not a good idea. For a moment, let's suspend the fact that he read the message boards, let's pretend he is my father-in-law who can barely even turn his computer on, let alone fidn a message board.


So in that situation, a first time cruiser calls carnival and books a cruise and airfare with the cruiseline b/c they assume that the cruiseline does this all the time and would know best flight for them. The cruiser then finds out thier flight times and is not comfortable with the flight times. So they call the cruise and are assured not once but twice that the flight times are just fine and then this situation occurs. They have no reason to distrust the cruiseline.


I don't understand the defense that everyone knows that you should never trust the cruiseline to book your airfare. How would everyone know that? Shouldn't a consumer be able to trust the cruiseline?


To me that is like ordering a new stove from Best Buy and then paying them to have your old one hauled away by an independent service. The Best Buy guys arrive before the haul away service so the techs just leave your stove and tell you too bad and then you are responsible for installing the stove now b/c the other company (hired by Best Buy) messed up.

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OMG Sue them??? Whatever for??? Sheesh Frivolous lawsuits have gotten this country into such a mess. YES the OP has a valid point. YES Carnival did not do a very good job or any kind of a job in client relations. BUT A LAWSUIT???? Please!


Just my thinking.



Edit: No I am not a Carnival cheerleader. I am going on my first Carnival Cruise this month. I have only been on one other cruise.



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WOW ....


Did not expect so many reads on this link and this many replies ....


I agree also .... LAWSUIT .... that seems a bit rediculous ... this is ALL about satisfying a customer with a problem ... a SIMPLE problem that could have been resolved.


The medication was my error ... I thought they were in my carry on but that still reflects back on a small gesture from their part would have gone a long way.


As far as email vs writing a letter ..... they were sent via email, through my travel agent to an email account for "inside sources" only ... they could not give the email address out as it was only for travel agents.


My last email came from the upper office ... again ... what ticks me off even more is the phone call I got today.



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From now on all Carnival Commercials should include the following or similar wording:


Please review Cruise Critic for actual rules, regulations and responsibilities of passenger and cruise line...:rolleyes:

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I was VERY polite with the customer service reps on the first two occasions talking to them ... IN FACT ... they agreed with me ... the 2nd rep I talked to was SHCKED to hear I was not offered any compensation.


FOR THE RECORD ... We were not expecting a LARGE compensation but some type of gesture.


As far as the polite component ... these letters were sent via email with the letters as attachments. The email component stated we had a GREAT cruise BUT a HORRIBLE start .... maybe because we said over all it was great they don't see a need to compensate us.


YES we had insurance and some of our clothes were covered but they wanted $120 USD EACH for a tuxedo rental and I did not know if it would be covered under our insurance.


My travel agent is forwarding this thread link to her Carnival rep ... probably won't do anything still ... I have given up hoping.


Just hoping others can learn from our mistake.


THANK-YOU for all the positive feedbackk and I don't mind the criticisms either !





P.S. It wasn't until I got a phone call today from them telling me NOT to reply again that I sort of got rude !


What role did your TA play in booking all of this?


Did they book both the cruise and flight for you?



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