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Ways to make a cruise with an 18 month old enjoyable for all?

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Royal Caribbean International's Guest Vacation Policy:


**Young children in diapers/pull ups/swimmers may NOT use the pools/Whirlpools, even if accompanied by a parent/guardian.


Doris Wilhelm

Customer Service Representative




I will post on any thread that I feel affects the quality of my cruise.My comments were directed in General and not specificaly to the Original poster as many of the comments by other posters brought this to my interest.


1d.jpg Alaska (my BIG 50)Serenade of the Seas



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I am not familiar with other views of either Folgy or Stretch but the fact that they prefer not to cruise in the company of infants is obvious and probably a view shared by many. I doubt that makes them child haters and they have a right to state their opinion.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Folgy:

Royal Caribbean International's Guest Vacation Policy:


**Young children in diapers/pull ups/swimmers may NOT use the pools/Whirlpools, even if accompanied by a parent/guardian.


Doris Wilhelm

Customer Service Representative




I will post on any thread that I feel affects the quality of my cruise.My comments were directed in General and not specificaly to the Original poster as many of the comments by other posters brought this to my interest.


http://sc.groups.msn.com/tn/92/02/GoodFriendsComeTogether/3/1d.jpg Alaska (my BIG 50)Serenade of the Seas




I totally agree with you. We went on our first cruise when my daughter was 3. She's a little lady and behaves that way. If we take our new little on one a cruise, we'll do our best to make sure she doesn't interfere with anyone else s enjoyment.


That includes not taking her into the pool...


Enchanment of the Seas 4/2002

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Monarch of the Seas 3/2003

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Yes, I agree, children in diapers should not be in the pools. That was not what I was refering to. Certain people on this board have gone out of their way to express how much they dislike children but you will see their posts in EVERY thread about children. And yes, sometimes these threads have turned quite ugly. I just wondered if we'd ever get thru a thread about children without having to read about how much they hate sailing with children. (i.e. I don't drink therefore I don't click on the thread "How much booze can I smuggle on the ship")



Rhapsody May 23rd 2004


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I actually agree with you Shelly - I think that it is unfortunate that there are people on CC and other boards who enjoy causing strife and arguments and feel the need to post on topics that don't actually pertain to them or their situation except to cause arguments. There are plenty of topics I skip because I have nothing helpful or informed to say (not saying that people that post to these types of topics have nothing informed or helpful to say because I have actually learned a lot from them).


I discovered the hard way that the topic of kids/infants in pools ALWAYS turns into this type of "disagreement" which is why I keep trying to steer this post back to it's original intent.


I do feel that everyone has a right to their opinions tho (kid friendly, kid ambivalent or otherwise) and if there are people that don't like to vacation with children (theirs or other people's kids - which I can totally understand) then there are plenty of adult only destinations (cruises and otherwise). I also have felt that even tho sometimes posters come off sounding argumentative -they don't mean to be - it can be REALLY hard to sense a tone when reading things - sometimes people are trying to be funny or otherwise and it comes out wrong.


Finally, it tends to be the case that a few bad apples can spoil the bunch and leave a bad taste - for example people that let their children run wild (at any age) and are disruptive to others - espeically in an enclosed space such as a cruise ship dining area. It is not fair to the other passengers and at the same time some times it can be unavoidable.


Either way, I do appreciate all the good advice I have gotten from you guys so if anyone else has advice (on something OTHER than the pools please) I'd love to hear it.

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On a positive note icon_smile.gif


I must also post a regulation(although I am not in agreement with it)In fairness to parents with infants on board pertaining to dining with your infant.


Royal Caribbean International's Guest Vacation Policy:


There are NO restrictions on any baby stroller being in the dining venues.





As a rule set up and in place by RCCL .I respectfuly accept that strollers will be part of my dining experience.


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FYI, I'm not a child hater. I just do not see the sense in taking an 18 month old on a cruise.

1. They don't know where they are or what they're doing there.

2. They are much more comforable in familiar surroundings at that age.

3. They will inevitably get stuck in a hot stroller with 4 layers of greasy sun screen on them for long periods at a time. Or get sunburned.

4. They are too young to enroll in a childrens program.

5. They will be cranky in the evenings, thus the parents will never be able to enjoy another part of cruising, the nightlife.

6. It will definetly put a strain on the relationship between Mom & Pop.


Nothing ticks me off more than to see an infant, laying in a plastic stroller, red faced and sweating, while the parents are lounging around the pool.

It just makes better sense to wait till the child can understand what and where they are and be able to enjoy it. IMHO!


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I have to chip in here and say that Stretch has a good point... and on the original topic.


Infants on cruises, at concerts, in movie theatres, theme parks... the list goes on, have never bothered me. (unlike some undisciplined older children). However, every time I see a baby being dragged around places and activities that so obviously have nothing to offer for an infant, I always feel sorry for her/him.


I have a friend who's father is always bragging about all the wonderful places they took her when she was a baby... big deal, she always says, because she was too young to remember any of it.


I believe that if you're planning a vacation that is truly 'enjoyable for all', you should consider that while a cruise is quite enjoyable for the parents... it may not be so for the baby. Most infants I've met would be just as happy playing in a baby pool in the back yard as on a cruise ship. (oops, sorry to bring that 'pool' thing up again.)

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Stretch makes some very good points . These points are valid especially for the infants concern.

I am dumbfounded as to babies on the lap of the parent or in a stroller as the parent is playing on the roullette table or slot machine.I am sure the baby is most paralized by the loud noises.


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My parents took the family (12 of us) on their 70th anniversary cruise celebration. We had a 6 year old, a 1 year old, and a 3 month old with us. If there was a problem, one of the adults would handle it. We had a ball, so on our 50th we took our 11 member family on a cruise, where the youngest was 4. I recommend family cruising. (Life's too short to wait!) icon_wink.gif Nancy

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Yep, me too, I remember everything, and every trip I was taken on from age 1 to 3..........



Seriously, with the consistant problems the cruise lines have with the "norovirus", and the childrens habit of putting everything they can touch in their mouths, how can anyone defend exposing an infant to this "closed" evironment??

Do you want to expose your baby to these potential health hazards??? I, for one would not consider taking any child that requires total attention. That's just not my idea of a fun family vacation. Again, that's just my opinion.


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Take your kids and enjoy yourself, just like you would at any hotel or resort. Just prepare yourself that you may have to have more quiet time in the cabin (naps, early to bed etc) so you might miss some activities.


It is certainly not worth missing the trip just because you have a small child, plus, you want to train them early to LOVE cruises!


My 8 year old is very experienced and it is wonderful.


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I wasn't stating that you'd try to hide it...but I don't care how thin they are...you can tell when a child is wearing one.


Honestly I can't even believe we are debating this...it isn't allowed...so don't do it...period. Annoying teenagers in the pool...is a nuisance...but a child in the pool with a diaper...and that is what the swimmies are....diapers...is discusting.


My first balcony on the Vision!!! 2/20/05


RCCL Majesty of the Seas - April 2004

Carnival Inspiration - June 2003

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I'm hating to get involved in this but while researching my current Fantasy Cruise I was looking at the CDC Inspection detailed report and found the following: (People please don't put your untrained kids in the pool, if only for their own safety).



Deduction Status: Y



13 cruises I won't bore you with them all


Pending: Fantasy(5/4),Mariner(9/04),Splendour(2/05





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I had a scare on a cruise with my kids, it was on The Sovereign of the Seas, but it was also 1986. Back then the security wasn't so good. I was on this cruise with my 8 and 12 year olds and my mother. Mom and I decided to go shopping in St Thomas. The ship had a kids program where the kid counselors would take the kids to coral world for a few hours. I assumed they would be supervised until I returned. While mom and I were in the pier shopping area near the ship the bus went by (heading back to the ship) and the kids saw me and started waving. When I got back on the ship and went to retrieve the kids no one knew where they were. The counselors had just turned them all looseon the ship. It turned out that my kids got off the ship to find me. I had their boarding passes with me, but the 12 year old had the paper that the cards had been stuck on and asked at the gangway if they could get back on the ship with that and was told yes. The whole thing was awful!!!


Now they don't let the kids go unless you sign them out.


I also had a guy threaten to throw my youngest overboard because he splashed his kid!!!!!! You don't know who you are traveling with. Be Careful!!!!!!!!! icon_eek.gif


Kathy M


22 RCI Cruises and counting

2 Carnival Cruises


Mariner of the Seas 2004





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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cmauney:

happysinglemom - Blatant Disregard - come on. Surely you're not going to tell me that you have never exceeded the speedlight - blatantly disregarding traffic laws and possible driving fast enough to cause an accident. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>




Leave the kids home if you cant then leave them out of the pool.


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GreggNKara:



Leave the kids home if you cant then leave them out of the pool.



This is a worthless post, and does nothing to further the argument on either side, so why even bother taking up the space on the server's drive?


If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


That was my grandmother reminding you not make more worthless posts like this.





<font face="Century" size="2" color="#800000">Ahh, the signature. Home of useless ramblings, tired quotes, and a list of every vacation you've ever taken. Now, for some quotes: </font>



<font face="Century" size="2" color="#800000">"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo." - H. G. Wells (1866-1946) </font>



<font face="Century" size="2" color="#800000">"His ignorance is encyclopedic" - Abba Eban (1915-2002) </font>



<font face="Century" size="2" color="#800000">"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."   - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) </font>


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One thing I've seen mentioned about traveling on a ship with young kids that I'd never thought about before, is that many public areas are effectively "childproofed" because of the movement of the ship. So drawers and cabinets will be difficult to open (like in a camper), tables in public areas will have rounded corners so if the ship pitches suddenly someone doesn't get thrown into a sharp edge.


I've read posts of parents who said their kids (toddler age) were thrilled during the day to just go to an empty bar/lounge area and just explore - climb up and down off the sofas, move around the tables, etc. And that it was nice to be fairly safe doing so. Of course check for leftover ashtrays, drinks, etc, but during the day many public areas aren't in use and you could get them out of the sun and of the public eye, yet sit back and relax while they explore.


When mine were young (at home, not a cruise) sometimes at that age you could put a random toy in various areas around a room and they could spend a long time going from one area to the next and playing with a new toy each time. You could do the same thing in various noncongested areas around the ship.


Also, mine loved waving to and greeting people. If you are in a semi quiet area, you can have them wave and say hi to anyone who walks in. They have fun, put some sunshine into the lives of people strolling by, and possibly make a new friend who might talk to them or you or entertain them briefly.


I never brought my kids on a cruise while they were this age - my oldest was so high maintenance, I honestly never considered it. But with a more relaxed toddler, I think it would be fun to try.


Big Red Boat '88,

Fair Princess '90,

Norway '91,

Regal Princess '91,

Carnival Fantasy '93,

Regent Rainbow '95,

Big Red Boat '98,

Disney Wonder '00,

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Voyager of the Seas 09/10/04


<MARQUEE> Voyager of the Seas - 9/10/2004 <MARQUEE>

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by the_psycho:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GreggNKara:



Leave the kids home if you cant then leave them out of the pool.



This is a worthless post, and does nothing to further the argument on either side, so why even bother taking up the space on the server's drive?



It did exactly what it was supposed to do. im sure plenty of people snickered and laughed at it...


As for the the "psycho" remember this is a community board just because you dont like something doesnt mean I cant post it...


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I never said that I didn't like it, I just said that it was a worthless post. Of all people, I am about the last person here that would restrict what you say and how you say it. I just believe that if you're going to jump in here late in the game, you should bring something more than a mildly clever anecdote.


Surprisingly enough, I am well aware of the fact that this is a community board. I've been here a little longer than you have, and have a few more posts.





<font face="Century" size="2" color="#800000">Ahh, the signature. Home of useless ramblings, tired quotes, and a list of every vacation you've ever taken. Now, for some quotes: </font>



<font face="Century" size="2" color="#800000">"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo." - H. G. Wells (1866-1946) </font>



<font face="Century" size="2" color="#800000">"His ignorance is encyclopedic" - Abba Eban (1915-2002) </font>



<font face="Century" size="2" color="#800000">"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."   - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) </font>


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GreggNKara:


It did exactly what it was supposed to do. im sure plenty of people snickered and laughed at it...




I laughed icon_smile.gif



Navigator of the Seas 6/26/04




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I didn't laugh....I found it in poor taste.




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Who would throw the kids out of the pool? Royal Caribbean would and if they didn't notice the child in the pool, if my grandkids were in that pool and someone put in a kid that was in a swim diaper or obviously too young to be trained, I would run to the nearest RC person as I am sure many others would do with their family in the pool.


I'm sorry but you do not have the right violate the law/rules and endanger my family or keep them from enjoying theyselves.


Want the kids to swim, do it at the beaches when you are in port. That's what my younger grandchildren did.


Carnival Ecstasy, March 1993

Celebrity Millennium, Caribbean, Jan 2002

Coral Princess, Panama Canal Feb. 2, 2003 (Review)

Celebrity Summit, Alaska Land (Land Tour Review) & Sea (Cruise Review), Aug. 15,2003

Navigator of the Seas, Family Reunion, March 13, 2004


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