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Wii Fit


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Facebook, lol. Who would've known. I saw it here first then checked out fb to see what they said their Sharon.


Looks like I'll be cruising on the Dawn after all, woo hoo! This was posted in a few places that I saw tonight.



Email note from Hugo, the Hotel Director, indicated that the ship is now operational and will be heading for Miami to welcome the next voyage pax on board. He raved about the hotel crew and all the staff for their good work and attitude. He showed great pride in how the situation ended. Kudos to him and his staff. He said that most passangers were understanding and tolerant. Good to hear this news.


Sounds like the staff is getting a much needed rest with this too so they should be good to go. :) I am so ready!

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Hi all!

Sue ~ have a great time & hope your DH enjoys his 1st cruise! Good for

you getting another Wii session in before you go.

I'm still enjoying my Wii but not making too much headway in some of the activities.

Tomorrow's my Wii bowling league at 9:30 am so I have to get up early.

Nighty, night.

~Jo~ :)

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so I got my wii fit plus today and I have to say that it did not feel like working out. I hope that after I spend more time on it it will get a little more intense. I'm used to doing an hour on the treadmill or a workout video. I was hoping this app would be a nice change but not yet. Is there a way to do the yoga without stopping in between each pose? Is it just like this because I am just starting? help please!! my girls and I did enjoy the super hula hoop though :o)

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Hi all!

Candi ~ that's great that you're 1/2 way to your goal!! I haven't undone my Fit plus yet as I still haven't mastered Fit! Sorry I can't help with your yoga question.

Yesterday was our Wii bowling league & our team's still on the bottom!:(

Oh well we have a lot of laughs & laughing's healthy, right?

Take care.

~Jo~ :)

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so I got my wii fit plus today and I have to say that it did not feel like working out. I hope that after I spend more time on it it will get a little more intense. I'm used to doing an hour on the treadmill or a workout video. I was hoping this app would be a nice change but not yet. Is there a way to do the yoga without stopping in between each pose? Is it just like this because I am just starting? help please!! my girls and I did enjoy the super hula hoop though :o)

I don't have the wii fit either, I have the wii sports and my fitness coach, looking now for wii active at a reduced price. Good luck


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Welcome CandiBar, Yummy name btw!


Congrats on your weight loss and continued success!!

I love the yoga but hate that it doesn't progress smoothly either. I do find that from doing it, I tend to stand much straighter and have more flexibility.


I have pulled me calf muscle again. I thought it was totally healed. I've been dancing, walking, doing the stretch and Yoga on Wii, and thought it was healed. Yesterday I was running through the mall and felt it tighten up and this morning it was swollen and sore again. I am going to baby it today and hope that it isn't like last time.


When I first hooked up, my kids joked about putting the control through the t.v. and we laughed about it. Around the second day, I swung my arms overhead (doing the hula hoop) and hit the chain that hangs from the overhead fan which had a crystal bead hanging from it. The crystal broke in half and went flying across the room. I have been more careful since then but still managed to break a ball decorated on the tree the other day. :p


Sue, sorry I missed you!! I hope you are enjoying a fabulous cruise. Can't wait to hear all about it.

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My daughter once threw the remote but thankfully nothing was broken. About my name- i realize that people who are trying to lose weight probably don't want to be reminded of a candy bar, but it actually is my name- well part of it. What are the odds that a girl named Candi would marry into a family whose name begins with BAR? I honestly didnt even notice until after we were married!! Our 5th anniversary is coming up and both of our birthdays- his 40th and my 29th(the first time i will be 29) I want to get my pre-baby body back before we celebrate all of those things on our cruise. If it works out the way I think, his bday will be on formal night #1 and mine on formal night #2. I tried on all my clothes again today and am so excited about the way they fit! Can't wait for them to get too big :o) still have 80 days to lose the rest of my weight and I will be working hard at it! I do like the tennis on the wii sports- we only have wii sports and wii fit plus so far. I got the wii for Mother's day last year and have really barely played it!

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My daughter once threw the remote but thankfully nothing was broken. About my name- i realize that people who are trying to lose weight probably don't want to be reminded of a candy bar, but it actually is my name- well part of it. What are the odds that a girl named Candi would marry into a family whose name begins with BAR? I honestly didnt even notice until after we were married!! Our 5th anniversary is coming up and both of our birthdays- his 40th and my 29th(the first time i will be 29) I want to get my pre-baby body back before we celebrate all of those things on our cruise. If it works out the way I think, his bday will be on formal night #1 and mine on formal night #2. I tried on all my clothes again today and am so excited about the way they fit! Can't wait for them to get too big :o) still have 80 days to lose the rest of my weight and I will be working hard at it! I do like the tennis on the wii sports- we only have wii sports and wii fit plus so far. I got the wii for Mother's day last year and have really barely played it! Hope your leg gets to feeling better soon!!

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sorry I have been MIA. I have been down with the swine flu. today is the first day that I feel half human again. I have had nothing but gatorade and ice chips with a little chicken noodle soup for days. so much sleep that I dont need to sleep for the rest of the month, but even as I type, I'm think of going back and laying down again.


Candibar- welcome,

the fit plus does allow you to customize your workout a little so there is not a long of a pause in between each pose.

that is my only complaint about the fit and the plus, to much down time in between each work out.

1 thing I would recommend is to rent the games and try them for a week till you find one you like and then buy it.

I own wii fit, Fit Plus, Jullian Michaels ultimate fitness, and EA Active. the only one I use now is the plus, but Santa is going to bring me Biggest looser. I rented it and loved it. personally I think it is the best one so far.

Hopefully that helps a little.


I'm off it go rest and eat more ice chips.

Take care everyone. I hope no one gets the swine flu. It is the worst

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Jods, Sorry to hear about the bug getting you. How long have you been down with it? I don't know of anyone personally that has had it but I've heard it isn't fun. Don't feel guilty about resting, it's really the only thing you can do, so take advantage and keep your feet up until you feel stronger, you don't want it getting any worse.

Hope your feeling stronger soon!

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Welcome CandiBar I agree neat name! I have been doing my silly Mario Bros. game instead of the sports things. I tell you I can spend an hour on that game easy. I see today that Walmart will be giving $50.00 coupons on the purchase of a Wii system on Saturday. The coupon can be used on other applications. Guess I should have waited another month! Oh well, I have enjoyed it anyway.


Deb do you think the Biggest Loser is better than Wii Active? We don't have a place to rent them before we buy them. Small town.


Sue have you gone already? Sorry to have missed telling you BON VOYAGE. Everything should be shipshape after the fiasco last week.


Jo, you must have your Wii connected to the internet to have a bowling team, right?


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I am feeling a lot better today. But plan on taking it easy at least till Monday.


I am now recommending that people talk to their Dr. about the Swine Flu and if the shot would be good for them. This has been the worst week ever.


Sharon, I do like the biggest looser better only because I didn't like the leg strap on the active. It kept sliding off/down.

Try Blockbuster.com online you can rent movies or games and they mail them to you and you can mail them back.


hope that helps. off to go rest now.

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:poooo... thanks for the tip on the wii at walmart on saturday! My mom wants one and we tried to get a package deal on black friday but couldnt get close! I will definately have to get one for her!! She comes down and plays mine right now, but dad said he would play with her. He really needs to get out of the lazyboy and get moving! Hope you all are having a great day! My girls and I have been playing the wii git constantly since we got it. (except when the husband wants to watch tv! lol) Thinking about renting the biggest loser- i do those workout videos and they really kick my butt. Hope the game is just as hard!! Take care all!



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Hi all!

Rose ~ no, it's an actual Wii bowling league. I go to Community Care for Seniors & they run it to get people together for fun & a bit of exercise.

There are 8 teams of 4.

Jods ~ you take good care of yourself 'til you feel normal. My Doctor's

running a clinic so maybe I'll look into getting the shot & not the usual

one which he's recommending for people over 65.

Tomorrow's Friday ~ have a great weekend.

~Jo~ :)

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Jods, I spoke too soon. One of the parents of a child in our daycare came down with H1N1. I just saw him the other night at the Holiday train event. None of us, nor many of the children have had the shot. Everyone in our community is very cautious of getting it (the vaccine) and not all of the physicians are recommending or giving it. Now that it has struck close to home, that may change a few minds.

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling stronger. It's good that it's near the weekend and you can rest up a few extra days so that you don't overdo it too quickly.

Candi, good luck on picking up the deal at Wal Mart!

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Wow with the holidays here these boards are really quiet. I guess everyone is out holiday shopping, cooking/baking or cleaning. I am resting one more day. Then going out tomorrow. To the Seahawks game and then a little shopping in Seattle.


So I got on the scale today, first time since just before Thanksgiving, and the Swine Flu. I guessed I lost about 5lbs, just from being sick.


I LOST 8LBS. :D although wasnt the best way to lose weight, so now I really need to watch what I eat. but this was a nice boost to my weight loss.

So If I loose 11 more lbs. between now and my cruise I will be satisfied. But If I can lose 16lbs before then I will be very happy.

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Candi did you get the deal at Walmart Yesterday? Saw there was a limited quantity, of course.


Jody we have not been able to get the regular flu shot around here. I think they stopped making it so they could make the h1n1. Now that we have both had something, don't know if it was regular flu or colds, we probably won't even try to get either one of them.


I was able to set up "My Fitness Coach" (finally) Friday. All those measurement took awhile and were rather eye opening too. So I did one session and it was rather hard. Have the next session scheduled for Monday. Since the weather is supposed to have snow over the next few days, thought I might have to hibernate and do my exercises at home instead of at the Zumba class. I HATE SNOW!


Jo the bowling league sounds like a fun time to wii and socialize.


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Sharon- I sent my mom in to get it since I had to work. She was 4th in line (went an hour early) and said there were about 40 people waiting. They had 100 wii's though. I ordered her the fit through amazon and she should get it on Wednesday. She says that I am really looking good adn she wants to start doing what I do, but I told her that unless she stops eating all the junk that it won't do any good- we will see how she does!! She's already a size 8 so i'm not sure what she is so worried about!


Hope you are all doing well and talk to you again soon!



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Hi Ladies, Yes, I have been terribly busy but most everything is done regarding the holidays. Gifts purchased and wrapped. Money cards stuffed. Tree up, house decorated and food prepared. I usually do a ton of baking but this year I have decided not to do it. If I bake it, I will eat it. My family won't eat many sweets, I usually bake to give away but this year we will hand out wine to the neighbor's instead.


Candi, I am glad that mom managed to score a Wii. It's great that she is so enthusiastic about staying active.


Jods, I'm sorry that you got sick but if you had to get the flu, at least one good thing came of it! 8 pounds, wow, that would take me weeks to lose. I hope that you are feeling stronger and much like your old self now.


Hi Jo, Did you say you were on Facebook? Look for me under Debby (with a Y) Three names. ;)

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Hi All!

Well here we are at Monday again & another day closer to Christmas!

I've finally started writing my cards!:D

Jody ~ what a way to lose weight but it does bring you closer to your goal.

Sharon ~ yes the bowling is fun but you'd be amazed at how competitive

some of the people are, especially the men!

Candi ~ good for your Mom ~ wow to be a size 8 again would be great!;)

Deb ~ yes, I am on Facebook (a really neat way to keep in touch with people). I don't quite get what you mean as when I went on Debby there was 500 of them!:eek: BTW do you know there's a neat cruise option on it?

You can list your cruises & it'll show a picture of the ship, menus & other info.

Well, that's it for me, time go to get on the Wii although I'm dreading what it'll say. Guess I shouldn't have eaten those Hershey kisses & big bowl of popcorn last night!:(

~Jo~ :)

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Hi Jo, I never realized there would be that many Debby's with a Y. :eek:

I wouldn't like to give out my full name on the boards.

Yes, I do have all my cruises listed. Are you by any chance on the Cruise Critic FB page? I could look for you on there.

We'll get hooked up somehow. Do you play lexulous by any chance. Any other's on FB?

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I'm on FB too, don't know how to tell you to hook up though either. I didn't know about the cruse ship thing on FB either. I am a friend on CC so maybe that way, I don't use Rose43, but my name Sharon. Maybe you can recognize my picture its the same.


Went to my Zumba class today had a great time, now just waiting for the BIG snow to hit tomorrow/ Wednesday. ICK really hate snow!


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Hi again!

I've been BAD ~ I'm up 1.4 lbs since Saturday! Maybe it was those dried mango slices last night, I forgot about them! Wii asked why I thought I gained & when I said snacking at night she commented food taken after 9:00 pm turns to fat or some such thing!:(

Deb ~ no I wouldn't give my name over the boards either & no I don't play lexulous. BTW what is it?:confused: I don't know about the CC Facebook page so maybe I should look at that.

Sharon ~ what pray tell is Zumba? Boy, I'm learning a lot of new words on this thread!


~Jo~ :)

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I did day one of P90X last night and did Zumba tonight! I think I will only do the P90X every other day because I love my cardio :) Zumba is great because the music reminds me of Mexico- which makes me think of my cruise in 76 days- and then I am happy! Zumba is a latin dance aerobics kind of thing. So far since I got my wii fit my weight has gone down a little everyday. I cant wait till I weigh in and my mii jumps up adn down because she is healthy. I hate that she always looks sad and holds her back because she is overweight... I want my mii to be happy!

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