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Wii Fit


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Candi, Too funny! :D

P90X, isn't that the one that has you doing knuckle push ups and hanging from the rafters?? That looks like a killer. :p:eek:

Do you do Zumba at home? If so, what do you use? A d.v.d?


I am trying to figure out how to hook up on FB. I am a friend on the Facebook Cruise Critic page. If you go there and look up 'friends', go to the bottom of page six and there are only two Debby's with a Y. I am the one with three names. Good luck.

When and if you do, send me a message so that I know who you are. I don't let just anyone on my page unless I confirm I've asked you. ;)


Jo, don't feel badly, you're not the only one. I am going through the menopausal thing and this week things have been brutal. Nothing helps get me through like something sweet. I have been picking at things here and there. I hate to see the consequences.

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yes- P90X is intense, but you just push yourself as much as you can and go at your own pace. I am quite sore today though ;) I am lucky enough to have a friend who religiously goes to zumba so she has the routines memorized. She made a CD of the songs and she taught me the moves so we can do it at my house in the basement. I have my own little health club set up down there complete with tanning bed. Its great to get a break from the kids- I lock the door, put on my ipod and dissapear for an hour every night. I always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, but I have to get away for some ME time!

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Hi all!

Candi ~ I hadn't paid that much attention to my Mii's condition. I'll have to check her out when I go on in a few minutes. Zumba sounds like fun!

Jody ~ I got on to it from a friend request so once one of us with the application becomes your Facebook friend we could send it to you.

Deb ~ I didn't find you last night on the CC Facebook page but will try tonight. On to the quiz then Wii. Thanks for the kind words! Last night as we were watching a show I saw an ad for KFC & told DH jokingly I want a bucket! Actually I have trouble eating 2 pieces!:D


~Jo~ :)

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Did the wii fit plus for 1/2 an hour last night and then was tired. Must still be from the flu. It was my first full day of work also.

So I have gained back 3 of the 8 pounds I lost while sick, But I kind of knew I would gain some of it back.


So was on FB for about an hour trying to search for all of you last night I think the only one I may have found is Deb, but still not sure. So I am going to put my info here for you guys to FB friend me.


You can search for me Jody Vincent Bellingham WA. I have a pic of my dog up.


keep up the hard work everyone.

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O.K. I found Jody and Jo, but still cannot find Deb on facebook. Over 6,000 fans my computer almost stopped trying to load all of them.


My gal on Wii just does exercises, on the My Fitness Coach, what program are you using to have her hold her back and things?

Candi already described the Zumba perfectly. I love the Latin music too. The class yesterday was Zumba tone, 1/2 hr Zumba to get the heart rate up and then 1/2 hr of toning with weights. I kinda like that class almost better than the 1 hr Zumba.


Lots of snow today, will get my exercise in just shoveling!!


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Found Jody, sent off a message, you'll get it if it's the right one!! :D

We'll all hook up through there.

I never thought I'd see the day where I was speaking on line to people that I hardly knew. Go figure. My kids think it is so lame to have their mom on FB. :p


I did my work out but I can't beleive that I am still getting pain and some cramping in my leg so I try not to overdo it and don't get much of a workout. Don't even break a sweat. Keeping to the low impact, small movement stuff.

I think Candi's refering to her little Mii person. Mine looks downright devasted when I don't do as well on my exercises. She hangs her head in shame. :D

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I did find Jo (retiring soon) and Jody (Jods00). Maybe with the picture I can find you Deb. If one of us finds you we can look at the friends page of someone we already are friends with and find you too.


Winter storm warning cancelled.......blizzard warning issued instead!


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to find me on facebook type in Candi Barickm That isnt my full last name, but my husbands ex does searches on our names so I wont write the full last name. It comes up to me I checked. Right now the profile pic is of my two daughters, and it says Toledo, OH


Yes I was talking about how sad my little person looks when I do my weigh in! Getting closer to "normal" though. My husband came home today and gave me a hug and said there was "so much less mommy to hug" that made me feel good. It really is hard work to lose weight.


Tried on some of my cruise shorts that were too small before and they are already a little baggy. I am almost worried that if I keep it up and lose the 20 more pounds I want to lose that my clothes will just fall off me and I will have nothing to wear on my trip- oh well I guess there are worse things in life huh?


Hope you all had a wonderful and healthy day!



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Deb and Sharon, sent you a friend request. got your msg.

Candi I accepted your friend request.


It has been a long and emotional day. last week we had 4 officers killed in the line of duty, today was the memorial, It was hard to listen to at times. I feel so bad for the families.


Had a light dinner now I'm going to do my wii fit.


Have a good night everyone.

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Hi all!

Well I've managed to find 3 of you so tonight will look for you Candi.

Yesterday was a good Wii day, I was down 1.1 lbs & my Wii age was only 2/3 of my real one but not so good at bowling as I was the lowest.:(

Candi ~ good for you losing so much weight. Don't lose too much or you'll have to go on a clothing optional cruise!:D I'm just aiming to keep away from obese so don't think I'll ever see "normal" again.

Jody ~ hope you're feeling better today. Those senseless acts that affect so many others are upsetting.

Well, we did get the winter storm they warned us about. I'm so glad I went to Town & shopping yesterday.

Take care ~ I'm off to Wii.

~Jo~ :)

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I hate to say this because last winter sucked here, way to much snow and stuck at home for days. BUT I could use a good snow storm right now that gets me stuck at home. (Healthy) There are a lot of things I need to get done around the house and I could use some more wii time. :p


Back to work for me. Have a great day everyone.

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Jo that was a senseless act, good thing they got the guy and, this is terrible, but they won't have to go through the expense of a trial. My heart goes out to their families. It is very difficult to lose someone, the space stays open in your heart forever.


Candi, I found you, what cute little girls you have. Lucky you! I think we are all on FB now, are we gong to keep going on this thread too? Its almost easier and kinda even more private.


We got lots of snow last night and today, over 8 1/2 inches and very, very heavy. Now the next thing is going to be the temperatures dropping so all this will freeze solid. YUK YUK YUK! I hate snow!


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Hi again!

Well it's another good Wii day for me! Lost another 1.1 lbs (can that be?)

broke some records & tried a new skill only to find out I can touch my toes!!:D I hadn't even tried that for ages!!

Sharon ~ I'm all for keeping on here too. Wow that was a lot of snow you got. DH called me in to see the news about the snowfall around the States, pretty bad.

Deb ~ hope you're okay. I see you didn't do trivia yet. How did you make out at WW?

Well, take care & see you here or there!;)

~Jo~ :)

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good morning ladies! brrr its 16 degrees and blowing snow. Good day to stay in my pj's all day. At my weigh in this morning I hit the 20 pound mark. I'm so excited! I am hoping for another 10 or 15 before I leave for my cruise, then I will have to lose my cruise weight! lol! We haven't had the boat docked for about 5 years (had 2 kids and built a house so we were a little busy) and we are docking it this year. My husband says that he needs me in bikini shape so he has a boat decoration :o) I wish he would follow my lead and work out more then he does. He has gotten on the wii fit though. Maybe he will change his ways soon. It didnt really bother me the last couple months not having junk food, but we went to a company party last night and everyone was eating cookies and brownies and i REALLY wanted one. Not sure why its getting harder to resist. I thought it would get easier over time. Once I hit my goal I fully intend to have (1) cookie once in a while. Just not a dozen at a time :o) Looking forward to relaxing onthe cruise a little too. I just wont be hitting the ice cream machine as often as in the past! Hope you are all doing well and will talk to you soon!

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So no snow for us yet, but it has been in the teens and 20's all week. Talk of snow tonight.

candi, I'm sure you will be ready for a bikini sounds like you have been doing good.


Keep up the hard work. I'm off to make dinner and start getting organized for my candy making this weekend.

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Hi all!

Had good news & bad news yesterday on the Wii ~ down 2/10 lbs BUT

was 12 years older than actual! I did see the Mii hold her back & look sad then!:(

Candi ~ what diet are you doing that you're losing so much weight? Couldn't you have 1 little cookie so you don't feel so deprived? You are

doing great with your weight loss!:D

Sharon ~ thanks for the comments on my photos! I forgot how easy it is to post them on Facebook so will add my trip out west soon.There was some beautiful scenery there at the Rockies.

Deb ~ we were supposed to come to Toronto today for the motorcycle show but I've got a sore throat & chills so didn't want to spend 6 hours in the car & a couple walking around there. I would have liked to go for Greek food though!;) Did you get to see Il Divo?

Have a great weekend everyone.

~Jo~ :)

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hello! I haven't had a cookie since November 8th and I am afraid if i eat one I will eat 10! lol. I am counting calories- trying to stay right around 1000-1200 a day. Its not so bad- I can still have 1 piece of pizza with a salad for dinner, or my penne with meat sauce- I love pizza and pasta. So I use up my calories on stuff like that. No point in wasting 100 or more calories on a single cookie :o) I did try a buckeye yesterday because they looked so good- and this may gross you out, as it does my husband, but i chewed it up and spit it out instead of swallowing it. He thinks I am going to develop some kind of disorder, but to me there is no difference in swallowing or spitting out. Its still gone- this way I dont have to digest it though. I would never do it in public and have only had to do it once or twice anyway. Kills my craving and I get to taste everything that way. Besides, once I am finished losing weight I will be able to enjoy things like that once in a while- just not everyday.


LOVE seeing everybody's pictures on Facebook! I tend not to comment on anyone's status though because I cant stand being alerted everytime someone else comments on the same post. Not that I dont care, just dont want 20 emails :o)


Its cold and nasty in Ohio today so once I get the house cleaned adn put the girls down for a nap i plan on doing some wii fit. Seems like I have only been finding time to do the body test and not train. Did do the treadmill last night but i was slower then usual. Winter weather makes me tired and lazy. Need to give myself a kick in the butt!!


Have a great day everyone!! Talk to you soon!


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With that one cookie deal? Not gonna happen, if I have one, I'll not stop! Kinda like an alcoholic must think. It's easier to not even have that one for me.


Jo take care of yourself, sound like you are coming down with something, best to stay home and recover and also not spread it around.


Candi, just read your FB note, the cookies sound awfully yummy! Are you taking them somewhere or are you having company?


TGIF Sharon

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Hi All.


Yes, please do keep it up here as well. I don't want to discuss my weight problems so that the world (and family) can see! :eek::D


It is cold but the winds make it brutal cold here right now.


Jo, It is tonight that I am off to see Il Divo. It should be a fun evening. I've been a fan for a long while but never seen them live.

Congrats on the steady weight loss. Quite the feat at this time of year.


I didn't fare so well at W.W. this week. Stayed the same. I expected it and as long as I don't gain over the holidays, I am fine with it. I will try harder in the new year. Unlike Candy, I can't deprive myself, I do not have nearly that much will power. I will enjoy my wine and little treats over the next few week but hopefully I will moderate it and try and step up the exercises. I have been trying to stay exact to program all this week because tonight we are eating out and tomorrow I have a wine and cheese party so hopefully if not a loss, at least not a gain. Fingers crossed. ;)


I didn't even do my regular Christmas baking this year. I knew if I baked, I ate. It is mostly given away to neighbors and family so this year they'll be getting a bottle of wine instead and will probably sigh in relief that they don't have to pretend to enjoy my baking! :D


Candi, I know the feeling. It is true, I feel more sluggish and slow on almost all of the workouts. I really do think it is the cold. I will have to try warming up better pre workout. Even my fingers typing are awkward when it's colder up here in the evening.

I also agree about the e-mail alerts. I didn't get them for a long while but then with the recent updates had to re-enter my address and they've begun again. I am hoping there is some way to turn this feature off. I will let you know if I find it.


I am off work already today. Must go get ready, we are heading downtown early to squeeze some shopping in there as well. Have a great weekend. Behave everyone! ;)

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Deb, I would rather have a bottle of wine too. Gives you a nice warm feeling inside. Have fun at your show tonight, and behave yourself!

I know what your mean about the e-mail notifications for FB. Was really surprised today to see them all. I didn't know that would happen, thought they would just "show-up" on FB.


Doing good so far today, had Campbells Heart Healthy Tomato soup, not quite as tasty as the regular but I can deal with it.

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The show last night was fabulous. The whole evening was a really relaxing, joyful one. I really needed a night out and it was perfect.


I did find out how you can turn off the e-mail alerts. At the top of the FB page is "SETTINGS" go into this and at the top of this page you will see the title "Notifications". Click on here to allow you to change your email alerts. I just unchecked everything. Don't forget to go to the bottom of the page and hit "save settings", you should be free of those pesty e-mails from FB. (hopefully!)

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