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Great, thanks Debby, I'm going to try that on FB. Glad you had a good time, you do need that once in awhile.


Warmed up (so to speak) a little here today, but still have ice everywhere, kind of dangerous to fall and break something. Only went outside for the paper and mail, still hibernating.

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thanks Deb! That will be so nice not to get all those emails from facebook!! Glad you had such a great time at the show!


I had a bad day diet wise yesterday, too tired to workout and felt like i ate too much, I was sure I was going to gain but I still lost my 1/2 pound for the day! Today I was much better! Went to Chili's with my hubby since we were out Christmas shopping and had a bowl of chili and a side salad, but I ran my half hour and did an hour of weight training and had a light supper. Feeling good again! If i only slip once a month I can live with myself!


I do wish that places like that had the nutrition facts in the menu though. Its really hard to gauge what you are taking in. The section of the menu that says "guilt-free" says "all entree's contain less than 750 calories and 12 grams of fat" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? 750 calories for one plate of food is not guilt free! I think I need to have a talk with the guy who writes that menu! For Lunch I like to stay around 300 calories, and I think with the choices I had I did alright. When I checked the internet it said the bowl of chili was around 400 calories- wow, what do they put in it? Wendy's chili is only 200. Anyway, I'm over it. Just needed to vent a little. Have a nice night all!



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Hi all!

Deb ~ glad you had a great evening out! Thanks for the hint re Facebook.

Candi ~ when I was counting calories (before my cruise) I ate out at Burger King & KFC for lunch & they both had sheets they'd give you with the calorie count. I was having 259 calories for breakfast, around the same for lunch, more at supper then quite a bit after dinner. I like the mini fudgsicles (45 cal each) juicesticks (50) plus something salty. Eating in the evening is really my downfall!:( You're doing great & doing so much exercise too!

Sharon ~ thanks for your wishes. I did take it easy Thurs & Fri but today we did go to the motorcycle show, the Greek restaurant then to Walmart

to start my Christmas shoppping!

Take care & enjoy the rest of the weekend.

~Jo~ :)

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Jo, Glad you are feeling better and were able to make it to the city for the show.


Candi, most places in Ontario have the nutrition guide available on request. It is a scary eye opener to read some of them over. Foods that you think would be safe bets can sometimes turn out to be the ones with the hidden calories or loaded in sodium. We eat out often and it is hard to make the right choices all of the time. For fast food on the run, I stick to Subway veggie sandwiches or salads with dressings on the side and like Candi, chili or soups. Those options aren't always available though.


I have a very sick son at home this weekend. He is down with the flu. He has not moved from his sick bed or even been able to stay awake for more than a short while at a time since Friday night. We've been trying to keep him drinking fluids and eating a bit but he is still feverish. If there's no imporvement by tomorrow, we will be calling our physician to see what she recommends.


Today it is milder out there but they are warning of ice storms around the city. I think it is a good day to stay indoors and get to my chores.


Have a nice relaxing Sunday all.

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Our weather has improved some today, its actually melting some of the snow and ice. Looks like we'll be able to go to the resort tonight and swim/ steam/ and whirlpool.


Deb so sorry about your son, how old is he? Hope its not H1N1 that seems to hit young ones really hard hope tomorrow he feels better.


Jo its great you got to go to the motorcycle show, out to eat and shop. We got all of our Christmas shopping done. We are sending Swiss Colony packages to all the kids except two. One of those two is getting Omaha Steaks and the other Shari's Berries. Got the cards mailed so now everything is done.


I know what you mean about hidden calories Candi, I was just reading a magazine last night and I can't find the article again, but one restaurant had spagetti & meatballs that had 2300 calories in it. What could they put in it to make it that much??

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Hi all! Hope you all had a wonderful day! Hot tub would be awesome right about now! Went to my mom's today and had a big turkey dinner- affectionately known as "turkey Sunday" We do this a lot because Thanksgiving only comes once a year ant that is just not enough! I was pretty good. Had some turkey breast and lots of veggies- but I did break down and eat a half piece of pumpkin pie. I took the crust off adn only put the tiniest bit of fat free whipped cream on it. It was SO WORTH IT! I dont even feel guilty. I still kept to my calories and I walked an hour instead of running 1/2 hour. I'm alright with it. I think I should start adding in a bit more calories anyway. Dont want to walk on the ship and completely shock my system into overload. It may slow my weightloss a little but I'll see how it goes. I am afraid that I will go into starvation mode if I dont eat a little more and I dont want that!


Deb, Hope your son is feeling better. I'm sure that no matter what age your children are you still feel helpless when they are ill. Good Luck!

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Hi guys,

Candi, that turkey sounds pretty good to me right now. We had our Thanksgiving way back in October and we didn't do a turkey then. It's been about a year since I last had a bird, can't wait until Xmas day when we will cook one up for the family. (I actually enjoy the sandwiches later more than the dinner itself).


Had the housecall doc in to check on my son today. He wouldn't confirm or deny if it is the H1N1, says the media has made too much of it, but it IS the flu and treat it as such. His fever broke this afternoon and he is actually feeling better. Even asked for McDonalds so out I ran for a burger and fries. I tried one of their Greek salads with the grilled chicken, which was actually not bad and only stole two fries out of my son's box! ;):D

He is 23 but you know when they are sick, they might as well be six years old.

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Hi all!

Deb ~ glad to hear your Son is feeling better. That's great that a doctor comes to the house. That's what I miss most living in the country, no access to fast food! No Chinese or pizza delivery out here, Swiss Chalet an hour away!:( Oh well it's probably better that way!

Sharon ~ hope you made it to the resort & had a great time.

Candi ~ yum, turkey Sunday sounds like a great idea! We had turkey at Thanksgiving but won't have it at Christmas since there'll just be the 2 of us this year. I think I'll go to a Seniors lunch in Town where they're having it, then have prime rib on Christmas.:D

Tomorrow the Olympic Flame is coming to Town so I hope it's a good driving day.

Well, I'm off to Wii for the 1st time in 3 days! It did have a special message the other day that I've done 20 hours.

Have a great week!

~Jo~ :)

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Hi Everyone,


Wow I had a busy weekend, sounds like I missed a lot here.

Had holiday parties to go to, Christmas shopping, candy making, and of course Football to watch. I still got in two wii workouts.


A busy week ahead for me. Wed. - Sunday I will be in Seattle for work (and fun)

Hubby is going to come with me so we can go do some fun stuff at night.


We got a dusting of snow over the weekend. Perfect amount doesn't leave you stuck at home, but makes everything look fresh and beautiful.


Have a great day everyone.

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Glad to see you are back, Jody, I'm afraid I don't share your thoughts on the snow, I'd just as soon not have any of it. That last stuff was so heavy you could hardly lift it and now tonight we are supposed to get down to around 11 degrees with another inch or two of snow.


Deb, 23 is still a good age to be your "baby" I don't think there is a time limit on it. Glad hes feeling better.


I did get to my Zumba class today, when I left the house it was misting and 35 degrees. When I got up there it had fallen to 32 degrees. So right after class I headed for home before it started to freeze on the roads. Maybe do my wii tomorrow, had too good a workout today to do anymore. Sharon

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Greetings all, I'm back from a very fun cruise. :D The worse part was coming home to 6" of snow on the ground. How I wish I was back in the 80' weather. I need to get back in the saddle and get on my wii as I did gain about 8 pounds on the cruise. That's what happens when the food is sooooo good and your used to eating low fat. ;)


What's this with everyone on FB? I want to join in! I'm looking for you Debby but haven't had any luck yet. Jo's right, there are way to many names to look through. If anyone want's to be my friend, just type in Sue DeVries and you should find me (Grand Rapids is the network).


Have a wonderful night all and it's great to be back!

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Sue, Welcome back!

Did Hubby fall in love with crusin? Hope so, other wise you will just have to tade him in on a new model... Just kidding. Hope you both had a great time.


Jo, I completely understand what you mean by snow. I pretty much hate the cold and snow, especially after last winter. Cant believe it is already here again.

My husband and I have said for the last 3 years we would stay here through the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. Then start looking to move someplace WARM.

We have family in FL. and there are a lot of cruise ports, so we are leaning towards there. But still looking.


Deb, Glad to hear your son is hungry, that is a good sign. But make sure he takes it easy, and gets lots of fluids. Nice that you have a Dr. that come to your home. Is that normal for Canadians, part of your healthcare that you guys have?


Have a good night everyone, need to go start dinner.

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Sue welcome back to winter, bah humbug! It is very cold here today, only 16 degrees and it will fall tonight, brrrrr. I will look for the reviews of your ship in a couple of days, always like to read them. We have always sailed on NCR too, get a couple of benefits but not much for being repeat customers.


I tried to find you on FB but only saw one from Battle Creek, not Grand Rapids. If you find one of us you can friend us from there. What kine of picture do you have?


I hadn't thought about the health care plan being different in Canada, is that how come you got a DR to come to the house? Do you like your health care system? No one knows what they are going to come up with for us.


Candi are you doing better today? You are right, you don't want your metabolism to shut down.


Jo we haven't decided on what to do for Christmas dinner. If we eat at home it will probably be ham since we had turkey for Thanksgiving.

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Good afternoon Ladies!


I thought I must have had some kind of ear infection coming on. I have some extreme vertigo going on and my ear was killing me yesterday, but today i have some lower back pain and my ear is fine. Weird- not sure what it is. Just taking my vitamins and taking it a little easier then usual. My girls were dancing around in front of me and just watching them move around almost makes me sick. Knock on wood- none of us have been sick in the last year- no colds, no nothing, and I dont want to be the one to break the streak- so I am not "sick" I am just in a funk ;) Hoping it will pass.


The girls are playing the wii right now and I dont get a lot of chance to use it myself anymore. I take my body test and do a few things while they eat their breakfast and as soon as they are done they are taking it over. I dont want them to become video game junkies though so I limit it to an hour a day- which means if they are around I cant play it either. Need to get some sort of schedule going or take it to the basement so I can play it without them knowing.


Hope you are all happy and healthy today. Pasta for dinner tonight- that always makes me feel better!:D



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I hope you don't have anything, hopefully it is just a 24 hour funk. Take it easy.

Pasta sounds good. I came home tonight to a house filled with the aroma of BBQ pork in the crock pot. My husband made yummy dinner.


Have a great evening everyone.

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Hello there everyone!

We've had a crazy busy week around here. My son is all better but now DH has the flu. He is so sick that he has taken tomorrow off of work. Hasn't missed a day in about 25 years, you know he isn't feeling great. My sister fell ill over the weekend as well. For some unknown reason she has a perforated liver. No one can figure out why, she wasn't in an accident or hit or anything that she can recall that would cause injury. After an ultra sound, two days in emergency and a CT scan, they still don't know what's caused it or what they are going to do about it until they learn more. She and I run a daycare so I've been doing it alone for the last few days and thankfully the kids have been wonderful angels. So, for now things are just crazy around here. No time for Wii or C.C. :( Sis took some heavy meds tonight and I've tucked her into bed, hopefully for a good night's rest tonight, she hasn't had sleep in days.

I made DH dinner and saw him off to bed as well so I have a few minutes to catch up here.


Candi, hope that you are feeling better. It sounds wierd that the two things would have anything to do with each other but if it an infection it might cause it. Hope it's not.


Sue, Welcome home. It is so nice to get away at this time of year but yes, the reality of coming home can be a bit harsh. Glad you enjoyed it while it lasted. I will look for you on FB. It only takes hooking up with one of us, the other's are all there!!


Yes, I am very appreciative of our healthcare although that's not to say that it is perfect. My sister's CT scan was so backed up that it would have taken a few days for her to get seen to but her second trip to the E.R. rushed her through. We have a shortage of doctors and nurses as well but the care we get is first rate and everything is paid for. No bills to add to the injury afterwards.

Our housecall feature is only available in larger cities. We also have a Telehealth phone in call line that anyone can use any time of the day. Between the two, it eases the strain on the Emergency room overload and physician appointments. (and certainly helps out those harried mother's with sick babies on their hands).


Jods, safe trip to Seattle tomorrow. I hope you have more play time than work time!!


Well, better get back to getting some work done around here. Enough goofing off for the night!


Have a wonderful evening and great day tomorrow!

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Sue, there are only a few "Sue" DeVries. Give us a clue. Do you have a photo? Are you in red? Do you have a yellow background?? Answer any one of these and I think I've got it narrowed down. :D;)


It has turned cold here today. Brrr. More like seasonal weather. We've been spoiled with the milder temps.


Sis now has to go for an MRI. She was in pain again last night and has only slept off and on for a couple of hours so it is wearing her down. Hopefully the appointment with the specialist and next round of tests will come shortly. Will keep you posted. D.

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Oh my gosh Deb, your family is in my thoughts and prayers you have had a terrible week. I hope your husband and sister get better soon. now that your son has recovered hopefully he can lend his support. Keep us posted.


I am off to Seattle, yes I have have more fun time than work time scheduled, that is why every year I volunteer to work this convention. I love it.


Have a great week, I'll check in when I can.

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Jody what kind of convention are you going to? Glad you husband could go along too, that will make it nice. Roast pork in the crock pot, yum. I can almost smell it from here. Dh is making a beef roast in the crock pot tomorrow night. Tonight we have to finish up some roast chicken.


Deb that sounds really serious with you sister, hope there is something that will ease her pain and help her get better quick. I saw the video of your husbands spinning class and he looks like he would never get sick, better watch out or you'll be next! Then what would all those little rug rats do (and parents).


Candi, hope by now you are feeling alittle better, since its moving around maybe it'll move on out. Can you wait until the girls are in bed to wii? Or maybe they want to exercise too? A whole mother / daughter experience.


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Good evening!


Well I'm feeling top notch again. LOVED my speghetti last night- had leftovers tonight. Didn't lose any weight yesterday but as long as I dont gain any I'll be alright :o) Had a pot roast the other day and have some leftovers. We used to make beef and noodles with it but are kinda bored with that. I keep seeing where people shred up the meat in bbq sauce and eat it on a bun. Have you guys tried that? Is it good? It was a great roast and I dont want to give it to the dog!! Hpoe you all had a great day!! Can't believe its almost Christmas!!!



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Wow Jody, I just saw you are sailing on the Oasis of the Seas in April, I would love to see it, what kind of a cabin did you book? It looks like there are balconeys outside and inside. I also saw you have reached your goal weight..WAY TO GO!


Deb saw on FB your sister is in the hospital, my thoughts and prayers are with you and her.


Candi, sure shredd up the beef and put a little BBQ sauce on it and you've got a whole new meal. Sounds great, or package it up and freeze it for a week or two so its new again.

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Hey All!

Dave loved the sandwiches- he said it tasted like an arby-Q. We put it on toast and had open-faced sandwiches. He put cheese on his- none for me!! very good though. Well I switched from the treadmill to P90X and did wii yago yesterday and it must have helped because I lost 2 pounds after a 3 day stay. I think I have 2 more pounds until my Mii jumps up and down and gives me a thumbs up! She actually did it the other day, but it was messed up- it tried to say i had lost 5 pounds. Made me sad because I have so been looking forward to the day I break into the "normal" range.


Having Pizza with my mom and dad tonight- just 1 slice :)


I have been watching a lot of food network lately- because I like to think that I am Betty Crocker herself ;)- and I saw this wonderful looking beef tenderloin recipe that I may make for Christmas Eve. Also, we make a 2 hour trek to my in-laws on Christmas day for a late lunch, so I have been thinking of making a new tradition to have a big lavish breakfast Christmas morning with my parents to hold us over to the late lunch. Found some awesome looking recipes for overnight french toast- 1 has apple pie filling and gooey sauce and the other is a caramel french toast. On both of them you make them up the night before and keep them in the fridge to soak up the flavor then bake in the morning. Have any of you tried such a thing before? Probably going to make some yummy maple bacon with it. And for my picky daughters some snowmen pancakes with choco chip eyes and buttons:p


Deb- I hope you finally get some answers on your sister and I pray that she can come home for Christmas. No one should have to spend the holidays in the hospital :(


Jody- Hope you are having fun on your trip! I would love to get away right about now!! My husband and I are considering moving to Florida also- I dont like the middle school and high school here- even though I went to them. We live in the country so the grade school is good- downtown is getting pretty rough here. We are seriously thinking of moving before my oldest is 12 which gives us 8 years. My brother is in Jacksonville and my grandmother is in sebring. My parents are moving down when my dad retires in 3 years. I agree- how nice would it be to be so close to the cruise ports. You could get tons of last minute specials and be gone all the time!!


well I have gone on long enough! Have a great day everyone!!

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Good evening!


Well I'm feeling top notch again. LOVED my speghetti last night- had leftovers tonight. Didn't lose any weight yesterday but as long as I dont gain any I'll be alright :o) Had a pot roast the other day and have some leftovers. We used to make beef and noodles with it but are kinda bored with that. I keep seeing where people shred up the meat in bbq sauce and eat it on a bun. Have you guys tried that? Is it good? It was a great roast and I dont want to give it to the dog!! Hpoe you all had a great day!! Can't believe its almost Christmas!!!




I've done the bbq sauce with leftover roast and love it Candi, it makes a great meal with either beef or pork!


Hey Deb, I'm the one from Grand Rapids. My current pic is one of me and my hubby from the cruise, were on a beach in Samana. :) Hope you don't come down with the flu and I hope your sister gets well soon too!


Have a wonderful weekend all!

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Hi All!! I am glad to say that my sister is finally home from the hospital. She had a punctured liver but they could not get the bleeding under control and although a surgical team of specialists were consulting, no one could figure out why. They could not give her food or even water because they did not want the liver to have to work, along with the pain and loss of blood, by Friday she was so weak she could not lift her head. Her hemoglogon dropped dramatically and so they put her in I.C.U. where they could monitor and keep a close eye on her and then gave her a blood transfusion. By Saturday she was a new woman! On the road to recovery. Today she is weak but glad to be home. I think after a few night's rest in her own bed and not being woken up every four hours to draw blood, and a few good home cooked meals, she will be good as new. The liver is healing properly now and she is on her way to full recovery.


It has been crazy around here as you can imagine. No WII, no dieting, no time for anything. My hubby and other sister both had the flu previously so they could not go to visit or take her things so after a full day of keeping the daycare running on my own, I would rush downtown to the hospital and stay with her a few hours each night. I am so happy that we are anal and had all of our Christmas preparations, gifts and things done so we didn't have to worry about any of that although there is still plenty I have to do for our family Christmas.


I have missed my Weight Watcher's meetings and with eating muffins and fast food on the run, I can't imagine that it will be good news when I do return.

Anyway, she's home now for Christmas thank goodness and I will get back on track (but maybe not until after the holidays! ;)).


Glad to see that you are all doing well.

Sue, hooked up on FB a little earlier!

Where's Jo been ??

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Hi all!

Deb ~ so glad to hear your Sister is on the road to recovery! It sure was good that you prepared for Christmas well in advance. Boy you've sure had a rough time of it!

I've still been Wiiing & reached my goal (whatever it was)! I just love when my age is 20 years less than my actual & my mii does a back flip!:D

Jody ~ hope you had a great time in Seattle. How was the weather there?

Sue ~ got your Facebook invite & accepted. Thanks.

Candi ~ no I've never made French toast ever that I can think of. I did see a recipe that caught my eye for chocolate cookies with pistachios so will give them a try this week. Oh wouldn't it be nice to live in FLA & be so near cruise terminals?!

Sharon ~ have you decided what to have for Christmas dinner yet? It's getting closer!;)

Take care.

~Jo~ :)

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