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Home from Seattle and back to work today. Had a great time. Saw the Radio City Rockettes Christmas, it was GREAT! The Seahawks lost, but still had fun.


I didn't gain any weight!!! :) Left the car at the hotel as much a possible and did a lot of walking.


Lots to do this week. I'm not sure how often I will get a chance to log on so I hope everyone has a Wonderful, stress free, and Healthy holiday.

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YAY!! At my morning weigh in my mii was "normal" and gave me the thumbs up! I really did it! I am officially not overweight anymore! It's been three years since I could say that! I'm on cloud nine today- still hoping for 10 more pounds in the next 60 days, but I'm feeling great right now! Mostly have to attribute it to my diet and P90X, but I love having the wii to do some fun stuff around all that other hard stuff. And its something I can do with my girls. Going to try to get the Biggest Loser game soon to try out for some added work. I know the DVD's are killers!


Sounds like everyone is ready for Christmas. I keep reading on facebook about my cousins and their children heading into the ER and I am almost considering not going to the big family party because I KNOW they will all be there coughing on eachother. They have no respect for the healthy. I understand that it is Christmas, but if you are sick you are sick. Stay home and relax! So far I have done a good job of avoiding germs. Plus with not eating junk, excersizing , taking vitamins, and even tanning I think that all helps:) I have to go get my bloodwork done so I can keep getting my thyroid pills and I have been too scared to go sit in the Dr.'s waiting room to have my check-up and then to the hospital to have blood drawn. Have to go in a couple weeks though because I dont want to run out of pills.


Enjoy your holidays and don't be too bad on the eating so you won't feel guilty. And if you get stressed out there is nothing like a good workout to make you feel better!


Take care ladies!


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You guys have all been so good. I am a little ashamed of myself. :p:o

Jo, Congrats on getting to your next goal. My MII's never flipped backwards, looks like I have to work a bit harder.


Jods, I saw the Rockettes Xmas show a few weeks back here in Toronto. I took my Daughter in law and we really enjoyed it.

Wow, you're away from home and even you didn't gain. Good going. You are all so diciplined, I am impressed.


Candi, you too!! Congrats on your 'normal'. Must feel wonderful. (I wouldn't know! ;)) You've been a very good girl. I am sure Santa is going to be extra generous this year.


I agree, things are going to get busy the next few days. I should have a few minutes here and there to get on to C.C. and do some catching up but for those that might not, have a wonderful holiday. I hope that it is filled with much joy and happiness. Enjoy!

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Sue, I found you on fB through Debs profile, so sent you a friends request. Looks like you changed your picture, or is that really Samana?


Jo plan on having the 9# Honey baked ham we got from my husbands daughter. She also sent cinnamon apples and au gratin potatoes and a pecan pie, hows that for adding a few calories. A very nice Christmas present though.


Deb, I've been following your sisters progress on FB, thank God she is coming home and doing well.


Candi, your pretzel sticks looks mighty tempting too, don't know how you continue to lose weight when you make things like that. I could not leave them alone.


Jody way to go to you too! A nice working/vacation and still in good shape with the weight.


We have snow again, too much to shovel, had to have it plowed out again. I hate this white stuff, too hard to get anywhere. So I'll just stay home and do my Wii. I don't have a girl that flips over either, you gals must have a different program. I have the sports and My Fitness Coach.

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Good morning all! I think I finally got hooked up with all of you on FB, woo hoo!

I've been naughty as I still haven't gotten on my wii since I've been back, I'm sure I'll get a scolding when I do. Guess I don't want to see that I've "gained" weight. ;) (Tell me to get my behind in gear gals!) I got the Biggest Loser the other day and I'm looking forward to checking it out.

Have a wonderful day & Merry Christmas!

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Hi all!

Hope you're all having a Merry Christmas & Santa brought you all you asked for in the "no cal" version!:p

Sharon ~ that sounds like a nice meal from DH's daughter. I have Wii Sports & Wii Fit. I only do the Fit though.

Sue ~ did your DH like cruising enough to do it again? You get that Wii out & get moving, girl!;)

Candi ~ wow, you're doing great! I'm just doing Wii to keep me away from obese & get me off the couch while having fun! Good for you getting to normal!

Deb ~ you might be surprised next time you go to WW ~ running around & stress could keep the pounds off!

Did anybody get new Wii stuff for Christmas?

Take care & have a great day!


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Merry Christmas to Everyone!!!

Wii Fit Cruisers! I like it!

Lose Before You Cruise, I NEED TO, BADLY!!

Quit smoking 10 months ago, and "Found" 24 pounds.


New Wii stuff for Christmas:


Wii Fit Plus

Wii Resort


Wii Fit Plus and Wii Resort are a BLAST!!!

I'll be reporting in here often to report progress in the weight loss mission.

Losing the Not Smoking weight will be fantastic, some more after that, even better!!!


Next Cruise: Carnival DREAM, 9-16 OCT 2010, 7 Day, Eastern Carribean, Balcony Cabin!!! Friends & Family!!!!



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Hi Matt! Congrats on quitting smoking- I dont smoke but I have watched my mom try to quit for 20 years and it looks WAY harder then losing weight! If you can do that then you can do anything!!


Well Christmas is over and I did indulge a bit this weekend. I have a little lump of mashed taters and even put a little gravy on my turkey- but that was nothing compared to the 3 cupcakes i ate in my 2 days away. Thankfully I came home to the same number on the scale as when I left!


I made some delicious foods though- the overnight French toast was AMAZING!! My guests said it was better then eggs benedict in the cruise dining room. And my mom kept telling everyone how it was like something out of a fancy expensive restaurant! I will get the recipes for anyone who wants to try it. Not really diet food- but so worth it for a special occasion. I also made Banana split cheesecake. It came out of the magazine light and healthy. Its 300 calories for 1/8 of the pie (Its a HUGE slice) and it tastes just like a 1200 calorie banana split. I can also get you all that recipe if you want it.


The girls had a great Christmas and they are (as i type) trying on all their new clothes and destroying my living room. I really need to find a place to store all of these new toys. Just took a load of old toys to goodwill last week to make room. Kids today are too spoiled!


Just got home late last night and haven't worked out since Christmas Eve so I am looking forward to getting back on the horse tonight. I have had to deal with restless legs the last two nights. My legs punish me when i dont work out or stretch properly.


Anyway, I hope you all had as wonderful a Christmas as we did. It rained on Christmas but it is snowing now and we should get about an inch today. Its beautiful, but my focus is now on my cruise. 53 days to go! :o)


Take care all! Chat with you soon!



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Hi all, I just got a wii fit for christmas, just about laughed myself silly when it plumped up my mii. Anyway, do you guys use the board with your shoes? I am kinda afraid to step on the board with my shoes, but like to exercise in them. Also, how do you guys know which things to do to get a good workout? I have wii personal trainer, and I like how I don't have to think, she just works out, but I wanted to try something different too. Any advice would be great. Thanks, Marci

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Candi your overnight french toast and cheesecake sound delicious! I would love the recipes.


Welcome Matt, I agree if you can quit smoking you've probably got this diet/ life style change, almost conquered too. Only thing is with smoking you can not smoke anymore, but with eating, hey you got to eat!


Welcome also Marci. I don't have the Wii fit, but it sounds like so much fun I might have to get it. I use the Sorts and My Fitness Coach.


Jo, we made the ham, but dear DH was fixing everything and over did it abit. The ham only needed warming, but ater 1 1/2 hrs in a 375 oven, looked more like dried beef than ham. What a shame a beautiful 9# honey baked ham, blackened all over the edges. We ate it anyway and will not tell his daughter what we did to her beautiful Christmas dinner present.

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Hi all!

Matt ~ welcome! I know that quitting smoking story too, 1st time I picked up 18 lbs! Now I haven't smoked for 20+ years but still have the lbs!:confused:

I want to get the Just Dance too, they've been advertising it a lot on TV.


Welcome, Marci! Personally I always do my Wii Fit barefoot as I don't want to slip & fall into my TV! I just make up my own little routines of balance, yoga & step ups which I like best!


Sharon ~ yeow, that poor little ham! We had the opposite problem with our roast beef, it was very pink!

Candi ~ sounds like you had a great Christmas. It's always more fun with children, I think.

My Wii thinks my ideal weight is 10 lbs less than I think. Doesn't really matter though as I'm never going to get there! :(

Well take care & carry on Wiiing!

~Jo~ :)

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Good evening everyone and welcome Matt & Marci!


If you can quit smoking you'll have no problems on the wii Matt.


I wear shoes when using my fit board Marci, I just don't weigh myself in them. If I don't wear them my feet hurt to much.


I still haven't worked out to my wii since I've been back but next week for sure. I have been getting some exercise though as we've had snow pretty much every day so I've been outside shoveling. Kind of reminds me of swinging the axe on the latest version of the Biggest Loser (I peeked at it).


Hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a Happy New Year!

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Welcome Matt and Marci,


Sound like everyone had a great holiday. The last of our company went home today so got the house back to normal tonight, back to work tomorrow.

I got the wii biggest looser and cant wait to start using it. I rented it when it first came out, so I know I like it. used the wii a lot over the holiday with all the company, but never weighed in, will do that tomorrow. I'm a little scared to weigh in because i just ate anything and everything over the last week.


If I don't get the chance to get on between now and new years, Have a great one everyone. I have a lot to do over the next few days, so I am going to opt to workout when I can vs go online.

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Hey everyone, sorry I have been off the boards for a long time. For all of you who have joined since I went AWOL my name is Carole and I had originally joined to lose weight before my cruise in November....It seems like a distant memory now.

As for weight loss, well can't say I have had the time to work out, I know it sounds like an excuse but from the time I got home from the cruise until Dec 23, I was working close to 10 hours every day plus 2 hours travel etc. This week went to the Dr.s office for my weigh in and was happy to see that from the day before I left on vacation in Nov to Dec 27 I had still lost 4 lbs. This is quite impressive, as no care was really taken except to do as my nutritionist said, to only eat if I was hungry, not when everyone one else was.

Might be the best advice I ever got. Too many of us eat for reasons other than hunger.


I got the Biggest Loser for Christmas and wow, that thing can kick butt!

Happy holidays to everyone, and here is to a lighter 2010!!



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Hello All!


well I finally did a weigh in last night after a week- I was afraid that my line would go up instead of down but it actually went down 1.3 pounds. Not bad for my relaxed diet on Christmas. Getting back to it now though- 53 days till i cruise. I am almost more excited to go in for my thyroid checkup on Jan 21 though. Cant wait to see the doctor's reaction to the change. Used the fit last night when the girls were in the tub and I almost killed my self trying to make 10 minutes on super hula hoop- whew!! Put in a half hour on wii and did an hour of yoga- so i'm a little sore today, but I will live. I think i have a Kempo workout tonight but i'm not sure. Thats a pretty good one! Keep at it everybody! I speak from experience- Change is Good!!:)

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Hi Guys and welcome newbies and oldbies!! Glad to have you all here on the boards with us.


My son gave me the Jenny Mcarthy workout for the Wii with the camera. You don't need the controller any longer. He hasn't hooked it up yet but it looks good. He said it is more of a workout so I will give it a try and let you all know what I think.


Congrats to those of you that managed to lose or even stay the same on the scales over the holidays. I am afraid to look. It can't be good.

I have been so stressed and exhausted all I have done is eat. With an ill sister and a blind 89 year old mother, the preparations, cooking and cleaning all fell to me. After the few last weeks I've had, I am wiped out. Took today to rest and do nothing. Feeling better. Thank goodness I have this week off of work.


Just wanted to be sure to wish all of my C.C. friends (and hopefully one day fellow cruisers) a very happy, healthy New Year.



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Thank You all for the WARM Welcome!!!! Looking forward to checking in often, posting, and, of course, Losing to Cruise!!! Also, thanks for the encouraging words about stopping smoking. It was about a 30+ year habit, But very happy the I quit!!! Feb 24th will be first year off nicotine. Have saved some $$$$ too.

Need to hear more about this Overnight French Toast, sounds interesting!!! I always try to make than just oatmeal and Cheerios for our kids on the week-ends, gives them something different also.

Again, THANKS to ALL for the Welcome here!!!

Next cruise: Carnival DREAM, 9 OCT 2010!!!! :)

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Yes, that overnight French Toast is some YUMMY stuff! I am still dreaming of it- can't wait till our next special occasion so I can enjoy it again!! Here are the links to the two recipes i used: Please note that the recipes are for LARGE batches so cut it down to suit your needs :o)






Happy Cooking to everyone who tries it out!! And Happy New Year to you all! May you all drop the pounds in 2010! I have exactly 7 More weeks to lose weight before I undoubtedley gain some on my cruise and then I will be trying to lose again too! I love having you all to talk to. The encouragement is priceless. Thank you for being part of my success so far. It means so much!


Don't drink too much tonight!



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Hi all, hate to be the downer in the group today, but had a bad day yesterday. Finally the roads were good enough so I could go to my Zumba class. Got up there 10 minutes early and no one was there! I called the instructor, she said they had already had the class. (I go to one on Monday at 1:30 pm and Wed at 9:30 am.) I had gotten the days mixed up and went Wed at 1:30 pm!!! So I was really bummed about that. Then I had still had Christmas presents for granddaughter, so was going to stop and give them to her....they weren't home. Strike two! So I went to the store, bought a box of Dove Milk Chocolate ice cream bars and proceeded to eat all 4 of them! So of course I wasn't hungry for dinner, but did manage to eat a small amount anyway. Who says you have to be hungry to eat? Today have gotten myself together and being good, anyway I don't have anymore Dove bars here to eat. icon9.gif


I did do my Wii yesterday, but not the exercise one, I did the Mario Bros one, can't seem to get out of World 1.


Anyway, Happy New Year to All, Sharon

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I hear you on the Mario Bros. My husband and I play together and we just got to world 2 at about 2am last night/ early this morning. That game makes me so mad, but it is a good mad. It is a lot of fun.


Hope Everyone has a great NEW YEARS EVE, stay safe.

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OMG! Just back from the mall and man did i shop until i dropped. by the time I got home I was both dehydrated and starving! Here's the thing though, I just put on and zipped up and buttones a pair of size 4 levi jeans. This is monumental!!!!!! I also got a slinky black cocktail dress for formal night #2 on my trip. I will be wearing a long cream colored gown on formal night #1. Anyway- get to the mall! Everything was 70-90% off! AND they are already clearing out all the winter gear and setting out bathing suits and Easter dresses! I was shocked!


Did come home and eat pizza, but with the walking all day and the workout I am about to do I have no ill feelings about it. I also got thin crust to cut down a little on the carbs, but to be honest I think that i will stick to my regular crust from now on. Not worth going thin to me!


Hope you are all recovered from New Years Eve! We stayed up till 12:10 and then crashed :)



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Great job Candi! Size 4 jeans is great. I will be happy with a 6. you gotta love when the mall has huge sales. I'm going out this weekend to start looking, and maybe buy.


have a great new years weekend.

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Hello There

My name is Gerri, I'm from the UK is it ok to join you all here?:confused:

My husband gave me wii fit plus for christmas but due to long working hours need some support to keep it up. We're off on a caribbean cruise in 60 days and I really need to loose 10lb hope this is achievable did my workout today and had lost 2lb since christmas so I was quite pleased with myself.


Happy new year to you all, by the way using hubbies log in



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