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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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Cute story. My husband and I are cruising for the first time on the Maasdam this coming April. We are really concerned with with only hearing stories of elderly people. What was the age of majority of passengers on your cruise? We are in our early forties and definitely don't want to be on a Geritol cruise!


Yikes...Holland America line is known for older cruisers but they are *trying* to change that image. My Mom only cruise with them and she is 82 :eek:

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On my first cruise back in 93 the ship came to a stop in the middle of the ocean. It began to list and I thought we sprung a leak of something...


The reality was that there was a raft with several people on it in the middle of the water and ALL the passengers rushed to the other side of the ship before the stabilizers could fully compensate.


Anyway, these guys were on a homemade raft and were trying to paddle from Cuba to Florida. They were half dead but the ship couldn't help them until they were several hundred yards further-outside the territorial waters of Cuba. Once there, the Captain dispatched a boat to pick them up and took the survivors to sickbay.


The crusie was a Star Trek convention and the organizers gave these guys Star Trek T Shirts-I'm sure they thought the whole thing was a bit whacky.


We did find out later that several of their companions had perished on the way and they had to shove them off the raft into the ocean.


I've been to Cuba and it was a scary place. I can only imagine how bad things must be for folks to risk their lives that way to get to the US.

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Yes, I was one of them.....1988 no drinking age on ship. I DID NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE FOLLOWING


I was wild, crazy, and just gross. Some of my classmates were never sober. There were two rooms that the cabin stewards would not clean. Anyone who needed to worship the porcline god went to those rooms. The entire two rooms were covered in vomit. I am not making this up. I could not walk by because of the smell.


Don't know what ever happened to the kids assigned to those rooms. Not sure I even know whose rooms they are. I do know that the smell was throughout the hall and they finally started having security take kids to the brig.

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Yes, I was one of them.....1988 no drinking age on ship. I DID NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE FOLLOWING


I was wild, crazy, and just gross. Some of my classmates were never sober. There were two rooms that the cabin stewards would not clean. Anyone who needed to worship the porcline god went to those rooms. The entire two rooms were covered in vomit. I am not making this up. I could not walk by because of the smell.


Don't know what ever happened to the kids assigned to those rooms. Not sure I even know whose rooms they are. I do know that the smell was throughout the hall and they finally started having security take kids to the brig.


Oh, that's just gross! :eek:

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  • 3 weeks later...

This thread has been making people laugh out loud for over three years, especially:


...so I was walking down to the restaurant with my stuffed bird on the shoulder of my life jacket, trying to keep my Burger King crown on with one hand, when this wig comes at my face from nowhere....:D


but this one below made me snort my coffee all over my screen: :D :D


This is more of a visual..


Last year on the Carnival Victory there was this very large family group of Indians (possibly Pakistani or Bangledash). I was on the deck above the hot tub looking down over the railing and they were all in there together (ranging in ages from 8-80) with steam and bubbles coming over the side. It looked just like the scenes in a cartoon when the canibals have the people in a large kettle over an open fire.


Definitely more of a visual thing :)


I've got my first US cruise coming up in April. I hope to be able to add some funny stories of my own. :)



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Onboard the Holland America Zuiderdam a few years ago, we were docked at St. Thomas with two other boats. In the port there was this little bar where from what we saw a large number of people crowded around. Anywho, as the ships all honked their horns (we were all leaving at the same time) about a hundred people pick up to an Olympic running pace from that bar including one man in particular who was onboard the Carnival ship. So he's swerving being drunk out of his mind screaming to the people at port "Holland America sucks!" while tripping over his pants that he had so bravely pulled down.

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haha..i can't believe i spend so much time laughing at this thread! it's great!!

on our last cruise, my parents and i saw the couple across from us collecting the souvier coke cups. throughout the week, they went around the cruise ship paying people for their cups..i asked them why they wanted them, and they said that they love them and use them around their house all the time. by the end of the trip, they had collected so many of them that on our last port day they went and bought a suitcase to bring them back in! the lady told me that they had over 400 of them at home!!

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I am still recovering from my Majesty of the Seas cruise with my 55 year old mother Nov 14-18. Apparently, the trip up the stairs for Muster from deck 2 to 7 caused my mom to suddenly decide she needed to REALLY use the bathroom even though she had plenty of notice and time to use it while we hung out in the cabin before 4:30 drill (as usual, she was on the cell phone yapping away about nothing instead).


They wouldn't let her back inside at first, but eventually she got through to find a rest room. Held up Muster waiting for her....everyone is glaring at me because of course I am part of the guilty party holding up the drill and departing the port....(and i am wondering if there is an extra available cabin or if it is too late to jump over the railings and hang out in South Beach for the week instead)


She comes back finally and Muster begins. I am standing a few feet away from her but I suddenly smell something funky-bad in the breeze. I ask her if everything is okay. "Oh, I didn't quite make it in time", says she very nonchalantly. What?!!? I look down and see she has big poo stain on the front of her light demin pants. Ooooh lovely. I step back away from her more, but then notice the back of her jeans. Both legs....all the way up. Poo streaks. Very noticable and stinky poo streaks. There is no denying what it is if anyone else sees it. (and of course, the smell is undeniable!). It was far worse than anything i'd seen from my three sons when they were infants and toddlers.


As soon as the drill is over and all is clear for sail away, I hand her my life jacket and instruct her to walk with both lifejackets behind her. We wait on the deck for as long as we can so we don't subject any poor soul from walking behind her and catching the stank.


Finally made it back and I drink 1/3 of the bottle of my contraband Captain Morgan (+ Diet Coke) while she cleaned up so we could go to early seating dinner where the embarassment kept on going...(I keep waiting for one of our table mates to write something about her in the thread about table mates)

OMG!! Died laughing at this one, totally picture my Mom or Grandmother doing the same thing!!! Had to stop reading it 3 times, laughing too hard and almost choked!!! Thanks for that one!!! Like everyone else, I have been addicted to this thread for hours!!

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I don't even bring home the souvenir Drink of the Day glasses, I don't' need them, and don't want them! 400 coke cups? Crazy!!


You know you can ask for a regualr glass and save about $5 off your drink. My hubby always does that. It amazes me how many of those glasses are lying around-obviously people do not want them but they do not have sense enough to save the money you pay for the souvenior glass-by letting the wiaters know they do not want them.


No offense I hope! I just wanted to let you know. The waiters will not tell you this-you have to be savvy enough to know.


Something tells me they make more money over that-you know collecting those glasses, washing them up, and then reselling the glasses-then on the drinks themselves.

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OMG!! Died laughing at this one, totally picture my Mom or Grandmother doing the same thing!!! Had to stop reading it 3 times, laughing too hard and almost choked!!! Thanks for that one!!! Like everyone else, I have been addicted to this thread for hours!!


Not funny if you are in that situation.



I know that ALMOST happened to me. I had just started on a new diabetes med. We boarded ship ate lunch, walked around ship and FORTUNATELY was in our stateroom when it happened. No warning- I felt it-jumped off the bed-and before I could make it to the toilet-it happened. I was wearing white capris- so NO WAY to hide that-besides the smell for sure!


The bad thing was all I had in my carryon was my swimsuit and my luggage had not been delivered-so I am wrapped in the complmentary robe HOPING my luggage comes BEFORE the lifeboat drill.


It came thank goodness.


My other fear-was if the staff learned- they would think I had noro virus and quarantene me to my room. This was several years ago-in the height of the hysteria over that.


I KNEW it was the meds-as the meds had already griped me-and I guess because I ate a little more then I should-that is how they took care of the excess sugar-kept my body from absorbing it by sending it straight through.


the rest of the cruise I ate SPARINGLY for fear it would happen again-when I returned home I let my doctor know I could not stay on that med. He wanted me to stay on it (I wondered if he would have had more empathy if that had happened to him?) and I did for awhile- then he put me on something else that was almost as bad- because I was afraid to eat- I lost a good bit of weight-and my stomach still stayed torn up all the time.


I finially had sense enough to find another doctor. He put me on a med that worked a differant way-the other doctor kept telling me I had IBS-which I do-but obviously it was more wrong then that. Besides, since I had IBS-that should have been a CLUE to him-that I neded meds that worked a differant way. That is the first thing my new doctor told me.


Now I have gained 30 pounds in a year. I don't like that either, ofcourse-but I know what happend-my poor body metobolsim had slowed to a crawl-as my body thought I was in stravation mode.


My guess that this poor woman, like me, had a bad reaction to a new med.


So I recommend NOT to go on new meds before vacation. You need to know how the ne wmed affects your system. ESPECIALLY if you have IBS.

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:) hi! stephanie and dan here.......i was just wondering what is the most bizarre or wild craziest thing you have ever seen on a cruise?.....dan and i were on the conquest last april the sun was going down and we watched a woman come up an aft staircase and when she got to the top......mind you we were going 23 knots :rolleyes: :) when all of the sudden her wig flew off and went off the back of the ship!!!:eek: ....oh my god:eek: .......i almost choked....i had to run off the other way....trying to keep a straight face sure hope she brought an xtra one.........................stephanie and dan


That wind will get you every time. My first cruise, my husband and I were touring the ship after dinner. I was wearing a long gauzy, floating kind of dress. I love the sight of the sea and the feel of the wind so up to the top deck we went. There were glass doors at the top of the stairwell leading to the deck; my husband opened the doors and I stepped through, my dress immediately flew up around my head! It was hysterical. I laughed til I cried, but I have learned to hold on to my skirt when I'm out on a deck!

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It was the Christmas of 06' cruise, our family was on RCCL Majesty coming into Miami early morning (6:00) when I was out taking photos of the sunrise,port lights(the purple bridge is BEAUTIFUL) !! Then I decided to take photos of the ships already in port and docked, (Carnival Facination & NCL Pearl), their lights were on and they were so majestic sitting there ! Well I just started ripping off shots as we floated past, and low and behold there was a man standing in his balcony window w/ nothing on but the cabin lights !!:eek: Of course I wasn't sure what it was @ first because we floated past and I was just letting the camera roll off pics. I quickly backed the camera up and sure enough ,there he was in all of his glory, I guess you could say it was "MOON OVER MIAMI":eek:

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hahaha all of these stories are hilarious....goin on my second cruise in 10 days....can't wait....

On my first cruise I went with my boyfriend, his parents and his lil sister.....My b/f knows that i laugh really loud.....i can't help it...all the females in my family do...LOL...so we meet up with his family at one of the comedy shows on the boat...and there sitting in like the 3rd or 4th row...so we blop down next to them and this comedian was really funny....i mean everyone in the audience is laughing but being that i'm rite in the front...my laugh was extremely noticeable....the comedian stops in the middle of his joke....POINTS to ME and says...miss are u alright....everyone is glaring at me as i'm hysterical laughing...eyes watering almost peeing my pants!!! could barely catch my breathe.....my b/f and his family were so embarressed....later on as were watching the newlywed game they were asking the couple if they could change one thing about there partner what would it be.....at that moment my b/f turns to me and tells me it would be my laugh......

This is the only funny thing i got so far.....hopefully during my upcoming cruise i'll have some thing better!!! LOL.... his sister still brings that up wenever i start laughing obnoxiously!!!!:D

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not super crazy, but we went on a cruise last february on the norwegian sun, and there was a couple in there 60's that were SUPER SUPER tan....like disgustingly. They were both in relatively good shape, and both wore tiny tiny swimsuits. The thing is, when you tan so much, any part of your body that hangs over will become white...like the man boobs on the guy, and the cheek line of the butts on both of them, and the lady had various ones all up and down her from where her skin would fold over.


Well, I have a 7 year old sister, and I would usually bring her to the pool in the morning, and about half way through the cruise, she asked me, "Laura, why do those people have stripes."


I replied, trying to be funny "because they are of zebra descent."


Well, as you well know, that age has no shame, and she went up to the lady and man and said "hi, i've never met zebra people before."


I was mortified...

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One of our favorite things to do in evening, either before or after dinner, is to go to the photo area and look at the pictures of our fellow passengers. Our pictures are always bad so we never buy one. I have to admit that we do get a kick out of making fun of some of our fellow passengers.


On our last cruise we kept seeing photos of a family that had a 10 year old boy who, in every single picture, wore a giant gold chain with a garish medallion of some sort. If Mr. T had been wearing this piece, it would have looked gigantic on him, but on a 10 year old kid, it was hilarious. We dubbed him, John Gotti Jr.


Every night we'd go down with the main purpose of finding the latest photo of John Gotti Jr. And, as dependable as your Maytag washer, there he'd be, proudly beaming, his hair slicked back and working that gargantuan gold chain.


So on the last night of the cruise, as we were leaving the theater after a show, I saw him. He and his family were probably 30 or 40 feet away, out of earshot. I said to my wife, "There's John Gotti Jr.!". I must have said it loudly enough for those around us to hear because a dozen people all looked at me and said, "where?". I was forced to sheepishly confess that it wasn't the real John Gotti Jr. but actually a young child who we'd been mocking for the entire week.


I'm glad that happened on the last day otherwise I'd have had to endure the scorn of so many of our fellow passengers.


Your old pal,


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not super crazy, but we went on a cruise last february on the norwegian sun, and there was a couple in there 60's that were SUPER SUPER tan....like disgustingly. They were both in relatively good shape, and both wore tiny tiny swimsuits. The thing is, when you tan so much, any part of your body that hangs over will become white...like the man boobs on the guy, and the cheek line of the butts on both of them, and the lady had various ones all up and down her from where her skin would fold over.


Well, I have a 7 year old sister, and I would usually bring her to the pool in the morning, and about half way through the cruise, she asked me, "Laura, why do those people have stripes."


I replied, trying to be funny "because they are of zebra descent."


Well, as you well know, that age has no shame, and she went up to the lady and man and said "hi, i've never met zebra people before."


I was mortified...


Out of the mouths of babes.....now THAT was funny!!!

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In the late 80s, about 10 of us (college group), decided to go parasailing on Paradise Island. Back then, you'd take a small boat out to a dock & parasail from the dock.


The tour operator lined us up by weight, lightest to heaviest. The first friend was small, petite, very light. She demonstrated - step, step, step, "sit" on the harness, and the parasail "whooshed" her up. The second, also petite, same thing - step, step, step, sit, whoosh.


Ok, it looked easy enough. Those of us towards the back started talking, bored, waited our turns, not paying attention to the rest of the group go up.


Last guy was big & muscular. The tour operators put his harness on, and we watched him:

Step, step, step, sit, THUD, THUD, splash, "Ooooooouch!"


He had watched the petite women "sit" so gracefully on the harness, but he sat down HARD, and his butt slammed down on the dock. The parasail pulled him up a little, then he hit the dock a second time, then up, then his butt skimmed the water, then he was finally lifted up. He looked like a giant rock skimming the water.


It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It was amazing that he didn't have millions of splinters.


Of course, he was laughing as hard as the rest of us when he touched back down, and we bought his drinks for the rest of the weekend... but he DID sit on a pillow for the rest of the cruise!

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In the late 80s, about 10 of us (college group), decided to go parasailing on Paradise Island. Back then, you'd take a small boat out to a dock & parasail from the dock.


The tour operator lined us up by weight, lightest to heaviest. The first friend was small, petite, very light. She demonstrated - step, step, step, "sit" on the harness, and the parasail "whooshed" her up. The second, also petite, same thing - step, step, step, sit, whoosh.


Ok, it looked easy enough. Those of us towards the back started talking, bored, waited our turns, not paying attention to the rest of the group go up.


Last guy was big & muscular. The tour operators put his harness on, and we watched him:

Step, step, step, sit, THUD, THUD, splash, "Ooooooouch!"


He had watched the petite women "sit" so gracefully on the harness, but he sat down HARD, and his butt slammed down on the dock. The parasail pulled him up a little, then he hit the dock a second time, then up, then his butt skimmed the water, then he was finally lifted up. He looked like a giant rock skimming the water.


It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It was amazing that he didn't have millions of splinters.


Of course, he was laughing as hard as the rest of us when he touched back down, and we bought his drinks for the rest of the weekend... but he DID sit on a pillow for the rest of the cruise!


Great Story - I can picture it!:D

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One of our favorite things to do in evening, either before or after dinner, is to go to the photo area and look at the pictures of our fellow passengers. Our pictures are always bad so we never buy one. I have to admit that we do get a kick out of making fun of some of our fellow passengers.


On our last cruise we kept seeing photos of a family that had a 10 year old boy who, in every single picture, wore a giant gold chain with a garish medallion of some sort. If Mr. T had been wearing this piece, it would have looked gigantic on him, but on a 10 year old kid, it was hilarious. We dubbed him, John Gotti Jr.


Every night we'd go down with the main purpose of finding the latest photo of John Gotti Jr. And, as dependable as your Maytag washer, there he'd be, proudly beaming, his hair slicked back and working that gargantuan gold chain.


So on the last night of the cruise, as we were leaving the theater after a show, I saw him. He and his family were probably 30 or 40 feet away, out of earshot. I said to my wife, "There's John Gotti Jr.!". I must have said it loudly enough for those around us to hear because a dozen people all looked at me and said, "where?". I was forced to sheepishly confess that it wasn't the real John Gotti Jr. but actually a young child who we'd been mocking for the entire week.


I'm glad that happened on the last day otherwise I'd have had to endure the scorn of so many of our fellow passengers.


Your old pal,



Joel, you have my scorn-you made fun of a little kid?


My guess is he won a swimming medal or spelling bee medal or something similiar and proudly wanted to wear it. I think it was very kind of his parents to allow him to wear it.


This reminds me of a picture of my hubby as a little boy. He is wearing a scarf around his neck. Why? Because his favorite TV character from his favorite TV show wore a "cravat" and he wanted to be like his favorite character.


Yes, my MIL found it silly and feared he would be made fun for wearing her scarf to sc hool on picture day but still she allowed him to do that because it was important to him. You know loving parents do that.


Shame on you for making fun of a little kid who was simply proud of a medal he had won.


I also find it very jerky that you entertain yourself by making fun of people's photos. It defiently does not say much about you for sure.

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