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Losing to Cruise on 2/5/10 Using Alli anyone want to join me? No bashing please.


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Daisy - you look like the ads for the biggest loser! What a nice difference! I need to lose weight - about 10 pounds - but it's hard, as we all know. I want to look good this summer, never mind for next winter's cruise! My problem is this - i eat decently during the day, but it's the nights that are the killers - chocolate, ice cream, etc - horrible, I know. When I snack at night, of course, I'm not hungry for breakfast and just have coffee - also horrible. Today, I told myself, that's it - try to eat properly and no nightime snacking. Now that our weather is slowly getting better, I'll start walking again.

My daughter (33) is on the cookie diet. She just couldn't seem to lose her post pregnancy weight. She's on it for the second week. I'm still leery about it, because there's no fruit or cheese or any fat allowed. She started this to "jump start" her weight loss. It's not easy for anyone, that's for sure.

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Hey everyone....

Ok - I know this is not the "norm" but is anyone experiencing constipation while on Alli? I've always had GI issues - had colonoscopies and thank goodness no findings - just really bad bloating and severe constipation - I've tried just about everything until the doctor told me to lower my fiber (huh?? but ok) and put me on new meds...well, they seemed to be "working" meaning I was going w/o additional assistance (i.e. prune juice, laxatives, etc) maybe every 2 - 3 days vs 2 weeks before.... It seems like it's starting all over again... just weird that b/c Alli's side effects "TE" but I'm experiencing the opposite.... now I'm afraid - even though I feel like I'm losing weight - the scale and soon my stomach will show differently... we'll see what happens tomorrow - but at this point, I might show a gain instead of loss :( I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow and see if maybe the meds and Alli are counter-acting eachother...wouldn't seem right if both of them are supposed to help going....

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Good Morning!

Hi Marianne- I have that problem too of chronic constipation. But I am doing all right now.

I think because I am eating better quality foods i.e. fresh fruit and veggies. Remember Alli does not help you go if you follow the plan you should have no TE. Ask your doctor what is best.


Hope everyone is doing well. In my first week I am down 6 # ! I like that. No TE for me.

I took the kids to Friendly's last night and ordered a grilled chicken salad it came out fried had to send it back. Brought my own packet of FF dressing. I also had a scoop of non fat ice cream. After felt a bit of gas perhaps not really FF?


Have a good Friday!


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Im doing great!!!!


I lost 6.5 lbs first week, I didnt weigh myself last week between travel and mothers day. I ate all week without tracking or watching what I ate. This week I lost 4.6 lbs.........


I am very very pleased.



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Dorene .... that's great!!!!!


Nora - wonderful!!!!

I suppose that's right about eating better, therefore, not having to go as much.... well, I finally went this morning (still don't feel "empty" but better)... my official 1st week loss is 4lbs :) no "TE" - 7 weeks to go until my cruise... if I can average 2.5/week - I'll be happy... fingers crossed


Great job at Friendlys!!! I used to love that place when I lived in VA - yummm.


Keep up the great work!!!!:D

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Glad to see this thread as so many have been down on Alli. Hope you will let me join in.


Starting Alli tomorrow - a little nervous but did talk to my diet dr. and she is very high on it and thinks I will do well. Especially since I also have the "CC":oproblem that some of you have been talking about.


I'm cruising in Sept. and would love to lose 15-20 lbs. before but would be thrilled with 10. I lost 30 last year but seem to be stuck since then. Exercise has not been the problem so I'm thinking it must be time to start watching the calories and fat again.


Thanks for any help/advice you can give me.


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Welcome Pat :D

There I turned your sad face upside down.

Good luck and stick to the basics and you will be fine.

Congrats to all on the weight loss. Good first week!

Lets keep up the good work.

Have a great day.


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I have been following the South Beach Diet to a "T" for four weeks. The first three weeks I lost 5 lbs total. Started Alli the beginning of the 4th week and I'm down 4 lbs in one week! So 9 lbs total. Am going to keep trucking along with SBD and Alli. I'm excited!


Oh...and I have around 40-50 lbs to lose. Am hoping to lose 20 lbs by the time we cruise in August.


Good luck all!

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Welcome Pat & Kristy!!!


Great job on the 1st week loss... I'm really liking Alli or maybe it's the "in my head and watching my eating habits" - either way... I bought a pair of 12P jeans this weekend and they fit!!!! YAY :) :) :) ... I started just watching my intake about 1 month ago and lost about 4 lbs... 1st week of Alli - another 4.


I hope everyone has a great week

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Thanks, Nora, for taking care of my sad face.

I know it's only been one day but it sure seemed to be easy today? Didn't expect that. Absolutely none of those "TE's" that everyone talks about. Hope it continues and I can jump-start the weight loss again.

I'm assuming we post our weight loss (or heaven forbid, gain) on Friday?


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Hi Everyone!

Sorry have not posted. I have been busy. I have 2 jobs and DH came home from a business trip sick with a cold.

Things are going well. My birthday is Saturday. I will be 45 again! :D Actually 47 but 45 sounds better. I think we will go to the local Imax theater and see the movie Night at the Museum 2. It will be good on that big screen. Then out to a low fat and healthy dinner.


What are your plans for the weekend? Any challenges you will be facing? Lets talk!


Have a great day!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all! Not much activity on this thread lately....


I'm happy to report that I've lost 17 lbs since April 18th. I started the South Beach Diet and have been following it to a "T". I started Alli on around 5/09 and have lost 10 of those 17 lbs since then!


Having hypothyroidism, I'm thrilled with the results!


How's everyone else doing?

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Hi... That's great!!!!


I've only lost a total of 9 lbs since starting alli... still have many lower GI issues, so not sure if that has anything to do with it - but I have gone down a size in jeans and my work pants are more loose.


How is everyone else doing?

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I am seriously considering trying this. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS giving me the double whammy for weight loss.


I exercise an hour a day, eat a low fat/ low calorie diet already, but perhaps this is the ticket that will help make some results show up.


cruising in october, would love to see a few pounds gone before then. . . .

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I started taking Alli about 6 months before my cruise last year and lost 60 pounds in a little over 8 months. I NEVER had any TE's, but everybody is different. I don't normally go unless I take something anyways!


Just found out I was a diabetic and I've been watching my carbs (no more than 30 per meal - per the doctor) and I'm taking Alli for the fat. So far, I have lost 22 pounds in 1 month.


My next xruise is 9/12 and I'm hoping to lose another 20+. I need to lose 40 to get to my high school weight :eek:

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After reading a ton of reviews, I just don't think this would really benefit me at all.


I am already on a low fat diet, so it would not have much affect on me, and I would have to consume more fat then I do now in order to have an affect. . . . what sense does that make! lol


I am also on thyroid medication, and It mentions to consult your doctor before taking it. . which concerns me


I'll stick to my walking/exercise and a healthy diet for now :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like this thread hasn't been very active lately. Maybe I can jump start it. I'm looking for some information and support.


I have been tempted to purchase Alli but just not sure. I suffer from chronic constipation so I thought the TE's might be a benefit to me.


I will be cruising in November with my friend of 36 years (and our families). When we were high school seniors we were both under 100 pounds. She has managed to stay small - around 110 pounds - but she has never given birth and teaches aerobics so to me she has an unfair advantage :). I on the other hand have given birth 3 times and never had to exercise when I was younger so I'm not too keen on it. Now that I'm older (and fatter) I find that I just can't seem to get motivated. I currently weigh 165 and would love to lose 40 pounds. I was on weight watchers about 3 years ago and lost 28 pounds in 6 months - I felt and looked great - but then we went on vacation (not a cruise) and we ate out and I got out of the habit of checking my food/menu. Next thing you know I gained back the 28 pounds and have added more.


I'm thinking of stopping on my way home from work and picking up the starter kit. Can you get access to the Alli site by just buying the refill or do you have to buy the kit? Is there really an advantage to buying the kit? Can I get the same information off the website (once I get in)?


What can you tell me about Alli that is different from other programs? How do you find the calories for many non-packaged foods?


I hope we can get this thread jump started again. i look forward to hearing from everyone.

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Looks like this thread hasn't been very active lately. Maybe I can jump start it. I'm looking for some information and support.


I have been tempted to purchase Alli but just not sure. I suffer from chronic constipation so I thought the TE's might be a benefit to me.


I will be cruising in November with my friend of 36 years (and our families). When we were high school seniors we were both under 100 pounds. She has managed to stay small - around 110 pounds - but she has never given birth and teaches aerobics so to me she has an unfair advantage :). I on the other hand have given birth 3 times and never had to exercise when I was younger so I'm not too keen on it. Now that I'm older (and fatter) I find that I just can't seem to get motivated. I currently weigh 165 and would love to lose 40 pounds. I was on weight watchers about 3 years ago and lost 28 pounds in 6 months - I felt and looked great - but then we went on vacation (not a cruise) and we ate out and I got out of the habit of checking my food/menu. Next thing you know I gained back the 28 pounds and have added more.


I'm thinking of stopping on my way home from work and picking up the starter kit. Can you get access to the Alli site by just buying the refill or do you have to buy the kit? Is there really an advantage to buying the kit? Can I get the same information off the website (once I get in)?


What can you tell me about Alli that is different from other programs? How do you find the calories for many non-packaged foods?


I hope we can get this thread jump started again. i look forward to hearing from everyone.

I've taken Alli on and off for years now, ever since it came out. The first time I took it, I lost over 40 pounds in 6 months. But like you, as soon as my cruise was over, I went off the pills and back to my old eating habits and gained just about everything back. My nickname is "Mini Oprah" as I have yo-yo'd all my life!!


I too have struggled with constipation but believe it or not, I still had to take something every night (Dr. recommended Milk of Magnesia before bed). If you follow the diet and reduce your fat, you may have the same problem. I think the Alli is just that little "Genie" who sits on your shoulder and warns you "if you eat that bag of fries or greasy hamburger there may be a problem"..lol


Don't get me wrong, I think it helped me lose more weight than I would have just by dieting, but didn't really see the weight come off that much faster than if you stuck with counting points, etc. with Weight Watchers.


I have recently been diagnosed with Diabetes and 6 weeks ago ended up in the hospital for 4 days. I started out taking 4 shots a day but am now insulin free, just by changing my diet (I eat no more than 30 carbs per meal and stick to no more than 1,200 calories a day) and exercise 30 minutes every day, except Sunday. I have lost 10 pounds in 5 weeks. My doctor is estactic! I was kind of disappointed because I'm used to taking 3 pounds off a week (of course this was when I was much younger). I did not know that (1) pound is 4,000 calories!!!!


I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do and since I have been taking Alli for quite a long time, please feel free to ask any questions!!


BTW..my name is Cheryl too and we both spell it the right way..lol

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I got to thinking about it more last night and I think I'm going to start by modifying my diet and exercise. If I don't start to see results I may add Alli. I need to get my eating habits under control. From the moment my fanny hits the door at night my mouth is open until I go to bed. I can't keep eating like this.


I was reading up on Gluten free and think I may give it a try - although it is very difficult for me to stay away from bread. I know from past experience though that I can do it - so I just need to buck up and get on with it.


You know though - I really need to get rid of a few food groups in my house before I can start. I hear that half empty bag of M&M's calling my name - I hate to waste. (deep sign)

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I got to thinking about it more last night and I think I'm going to start by modifying my diet and exercise. If I don't start to see results I may add Alli. I need to get my eating habits under control. From the moment my fanny hits the door at night my mouth is open until I go to bed. I can't keep eating like this.


I was reading up on Gluten free and think I may give it a try - although it is very difficult for me to stay away from bread. I know from past experience though that I can do it - so I just need to buck up and get on with it.


You know though - I really need to get rid of a few food groups in my house before I can start. I hear that half empty bag of M&M's calling my name - I hate to waste. (deep sign)

I got rid of all "white" items, white breadk, pasta, white rice, potatoes..I still eat bread, pasta, rice but make sure it is brown and instead off a whole cup, I try to eat half and load plenty of veggies on my plate!


I go to a website called Sparkpeople.com..it is a free site and has a wealth of information, diet, etc. You can key in what you eat for the day and it gives you a breakdown off fats, calories, carbs, etc.! Check it out!!

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  • 1 month later...

Ive been reading up on Alli lately.

Was thinking about giving it a try ...

actually went and got the Alli Cooupons ...

I have been doing Weight Watchers for a month now

only lost 10 pounds so far

My cruise is in 2 months

and I really want to lose another 20 before it.


Would all of you recommend ALLI ?


I want to do this to help reach my goal by October :eek:

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