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~OFFICIAL~ "SPIRIT"ing to the Majestic Land of the Midnight Sun! * May 11, 2010*~


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Just found this game on another roll call. They call it "Slot Pull Tourney". What do you guys think? We could do it with a lesser amount depending on the machine we use.


One person picks out a slot machine (on our last cruise, I picked a dollar machine). Then everyone antes in a set amount (in our case $21 per entry - either per person or per team it was up to each couple). You take turns putting your money in and betting the maximum amount on the machine. Winnings are then divided up evenly. We each started with $21 and ended with $15, so not bad.


Since the machine I picked was a maximum $3 machine, it meant you'd put in $21 in cash and push the "max credit" button seven times. After seven spins, the next person would put in $21 and push the button seven times. At the end of everyone's turn, whatever amount of money you have would be transferred to the organizer's sign and sail card. They would then immediately go to the cashier and cash the amount out and divide it up evenly.


Clear as mud?? :D

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I am babysitting the grandson tonight, he is so funny. My daughter wants to do the glacier and the whales, so I am back to square 1 again. He is supposed to talk to her husband and see which he favors the most.


Kathi, hope you feel better!

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I am babysitting the grandson tonight, he is so funny. My daughter wants to do the glacier and the whales, so I am back to square 1 again. He is supposed to talk to her husband and see which he favors the most.


Kathi, hope you feel better!


Thanks. I'm so horse from yelling at the football game last night. :( I did a couple errands today then decided just to come home and veg.....except for checking out stuff on the computer. :rolleyes:


When I made the reservations for the whale watching, they said we could add a water tour of the glacier for either $10 or $20. According to some of the reviews, they can get you very, very close. She also said that they work closely with the other tours and could recommend other boats for our group if needed.

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Thanks. I'm so horse from yelling at the football game last night. :( I did a couple errands today then decided just to come home and veg.....except for checking out stuff on the computer. :rolleyes:


When I made the reservations for the whale watching, they said we could add a water tour of the glacier for either $10 or $20. According to some of the reviews, they can get you very, very close. She also said that they work closely with the other tours and could recommend other boats for our group if needed.


That sounds very interesting. They just want to hike somewhere! Me, I rather sit in a boat and watch the beauty! But, need to decide about Skagway too, that is a high priced tour also, if they have to do the train. :D.

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Good Morning Fellow Spirters,


We have almost made it to the 6 month point!


Kim and you guys OK up there in the Colc, cold wether, you been quiet lately?


RV Man have you returned to the warm area yet?


Our weather has been cool, and wet. Finally yesterday was dry!

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Hi Annette, actually tried to get on this morning and it said CC was down?


It has been really cold here but getting up to 17C. Sorry don't know what that is in F.


Been busy lately getting DD ready for her trip to Italy, she leaves tomorrow, I am so excited for her but also jealous, I have never been to Europe:(


I really am surprised this thread isn't busier, with the cruise being as full as it is.


How is everyones planning going?



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Working 12 hours today then teaching a class at the local college tomorrow then back to skating ring.......then driving to PA on Sunday to deliver a kitten. Never thought I would be saying I would be glad to see a weekend over!


But, 199 days today; less than 200. It is going to be here before we know it, ALASKA ready of not here the SPIRIT"s COME! JOIN US! JOIN US! JOIN US!

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Working 12 hours today then teaching a class at the local college tomorrow then back to skating ring.......then driving to PA on Sunday to deliver a kitten. Never thought I would be saying I would be glad to see a weekend over!


But, 199 days today; less than 200. It is going to be here before we know it, ALASKA ready of not here the SPIRIT"s COME! JOIN US! JOIN US! JOIN US!


First --- can I have some of what you're taking to have so much energy?? :p I'm exhausted just reading your schedule!


Second --- I hate to burst everyone's bubble...but it's actually 200 days today! Sorry...It was my mistake counting the days...and I work in a bank!! :eek::eek:


Third --- the reason I was manually counting the days was because my red box on the carnival home page that says "You cruise in XXX days" was missing last night. Go get something cold to drink, pull up a chair and let me explain................



Earlier last night, I posted the infamous "200" day post. Around 1:30am this morning I was "cruising" the message board (what else do you do when double the prescription cough medicine still won't give you enough relief to fall asleep???). I noticed a thread talking about "What's going on with Carnival's website" (or something like that). I thought, hey maybe that's my problem. So after reading the few posts, I realize their problem is nothing like my problem. So I started looking around Carnival's website. Clicking here and clicking there....to my horror, I suddenly see a page that says "You're booking number XXX has been canceled". After I stopped screaming, I thought....maybe it's because I just requested Johna to switch us from late seating to your time dining. Maybe they have to cancel, then rebook...who knows!! I called Carnival's 24 hour line (again, it was 1:30 and I knew sleep was NOT gonna happen soon). After I explained my problem they told me in a very cheery voice, that since I chose to book with a travel agent, they would be the ones to contact. Well bright and early this morning (okay maybe not so bright - very little broken up sleep and not so early - around 9:30) I called Crucon and spoke to Johna. I gave her my booking number explaining what the Carnival site indicated. She comes back with that number is wrong I must have written it down wrong. I'm like...no, I'm reading it right off your email from last April. She says, I remember changing your dining time, but now it says early dining. So now poor Johna is confused! :confused: So to make this long, long story shorter....she finally discovered the problem. Some how Carnival screwed up and the problem affected a few of us, but thanks to SUPER JOHNA...all is well once again. Johna couldn't thank me enough for noticing the problem and said she would get it fixed immediately. I've already gone on to the carnival site and checked....I'm a happy camper once again!:D


We then went on to talk about the cabin assignments. After noticing that 6 of the 4B's are next to Camp Carnival...I decided to go ahead and pay the remaining deposit to be able to pick a cabin. Johna said that all the 4B's are gone and the next availability is a 4K at over double what we paid. :eek: She said we'll probably get an upgrade, so I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

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I am sure you will get an upgrade! Since all the 4b's are gone and they have to give you a cabin they have no choice. Our cruise in Nov we took the the lowest priced inside cabin and got the highest priced inside. To be honest we have always done well well with the guantee and once got upgraded from an inside to oceanview! Since there are 200 days left and no 4b's left all the group will probably do much better than me who picked a cabin already. Just wanted to have my daughter and my cabin close to each other. And all you out there lurking just think you can book with us and get at least an 8k for the price of a 4b.


on our Nov cruise we are on deck 9 I have never been on deck 9 so a little worried about how that will be. I try to stay mid way around deck 5.


Did John say we any of the rest of us need to contact her about the glich! Feel better Kathi. I don't have energy, just need to learn the word "NO"............... I am too old for this!

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I just looked my reservation is still there but WOW.... the ship is almost SOLD OUT! If you go to another site where they let you see what cabins are available the only balonies they are listing are 7a's and the Interier are very limited. So maybe the interiors may end up with really good cabins. The interiors are as much as an oceanview and only $50.00 less than our group rate for a baloncy (sp)


So people, if you thinking about this trip then NOW is the act to act. There may not be a LATER!

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While speaking with Johna about the cabin location, she checked and said the next available inside cabin category was more than double the cost of what we paid!!:eek: My husband is still in disbelief that we are going on this cruise for the low price that we are paying. He keeps asking what the hidden cost are.


As far as Carnival's mix up...she said she was going to check everyone and contact those that now have different booking numbers (like me).


Have to head to work...


Hope everyone has a great day.

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Off to teach "Paper Bag Magic". making books out of Paper Bags and the importance of Literature in the lives of young children.


Kathi, tell your husband that is the GREAT thing about a group, even if you don't participate. I have never done a group other than for work, but the research says it is the way to go if you can. Secure pricing and we are getting that OBC too! Makes your price even better! Looks like they are also giving more advantages to booking early than they used to or more people are finding out about it and taking advantage of it. Before the deals were given to last minute booking than to early.


Hope everyone has a Great day!

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HI everyone, been busy moving the last week are so, we will be going to our new house in a few days can't wait. West Palm Beach, FL is a mad house and only getting more crowded and nosier every day.

Just thought I would check in, dosen't seem like a lot of post lately but

to let everyone know some friends of our's tried to book with the group rate and Jonhna said that they took the rest of her bookings and she has no more at the rate we got.

I also spoke to her about a room and she said that we would be better off

waiting for an upgrade from Carnival. She said that this is the first time that Carnival has ever pulled her Group deals so we are really lucky that we got in when we did. :D:D:D

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Hey gang!!!!! Sorry I keep telling myself that I am going to post more so I can get to know you all before we cruise but life just keeps getting in the way:D


I in 1/2 way through my goofy marathon training so that takes alot of time but still no reason I can't get in here and chat. Which is really odd for me cause you will soon realize when we meet....I am pretty chatty:D


My flight price keeps going up so I am so glad I booked when I did.


Anyone else working on a packing list?? As I think I explained before I am a total type A planner so I had a list going the day I booked.....and then I have lists for my lists:eek:


Hope everyone has a awesome weekend, house is a bit quiet today, DD is happily enjoying Italy and DS is working today, my 12 mile training walk is done and in the books, house is a total mess but would rather play on facebook and CC today:D


Have a good one all.

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HI everyone, been busy moving the last week are so, we will be going to our new house in a few days can't wait. West Palm Beach, FL is a mad house and only getting more crowded and nosier every day.

Just thought I would check in, dosen't seem like a lot of post lately but

to let everyone know some friends of our's tried to book with the group rate and Jonhna said that they took the rest of her bookings and she has no more at the rate we got.

I also spoke to her about a room and she said that we would be better off

waiting for an upgrade from Carnival. She said that this is the first time that Carnival has ever pulled her Group deals so we are really lucky that we got in when we did. :D:D:D


Thanks for the info, I need to call Johna and e-mail Laura to find out what this is all about. I will need to quit pushing the group rate if it is no longer offered! :( It would have been nice if someone had told me.


Congrats on your move, I know you will be glad when you ar eall settled. We just moved our work offices this week and I am still trying to work out of boxes...No Fun!

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West Palm Beach, FL is a mad house and only getting more crowded and nosier every day.

Living a few miles from you, I completely agree. A few weeks ago it took three light cycles for me to go westbound at Military and Forest Hill. I started thinking how crazy it's become! But then we drove down the turnpike and had to merge on to westbound I-595! :eek::eek::eek: Five lanes of stopped traffic at 4:30 on a Friday....no accident, no cars pulled over...just normal Fort Lauderdale traffic. :eek::eek::eek:


Good luck on your move...I'm soooo jealous.

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Thanks for the good wishes, 2 more days and the move will be


Then we can concentrate on our cruise, we can't wait.

The holidays will be here soon then the cruise.

We haven't booked our flight yet but I think after the first of the year

fares will be better. Hoping anyway

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Living a few miles from you, I completely agree. A few weeks ago it took three light cycles for me to go westbound at Military and Forest Hill. I started thinking how crazy it's become! But then we drove down the turnpike and had to merge on to westbound I-595! :eek::eek::eek: Five lanes of stopped traffic at 4:30 on a Friday....no accident, no cars pulled over...just normal Fort Lauderdale traffic. :eek::eek::eek:


Good luck on your move...I'm soooo jealous.


I do feel for you guys, one reason I chose not to return to Miami after my ex and I split. He did, live midstate somewhere. I miss the beach but have the mountains instead. Just go get my ocean fix about once a year! And a cruise is the perfect way to get the power of the ocean!


My teams from Florida both lost this weekend!

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After watching the Dolphins fall apart today, they deserved to lose! Great first half though.



Good Morning Spiriters,


Left an e-mail for Johna and am going to call also to try and see what the mystery here is. First numbers changed and not booking group anymore! Maybe just what we are all noticing ...The ship is getting full! But there may be a first that don't pay the remaining deposit that is due in the next two weeks.


Anyone out there that owes, I would get it in ON TIME don't think they are going to take any late with the looks of things!


Hopefully, more people will start to visit the board after the Holidays, so we can get the events we want to do planned! Also, a list for thge group Hotel, so everyone gets the right rate...which is wonderful.


One more project and hopefully work will calm down. Annual years of Service slide show I have to have ready by tomorrow! NOT READY!

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