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RCC or Carnival

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I just got back from Navigator of the seas and had the time of my life, this was my first cruise. I had such a great time, I am planning on booking my second for early next year. I was spoiled with the vojager class ships but another couple we are planning to cruise with really liked Carnival. For those of you that have cruised on both RCC or Carnival, are they comparable??? which would you recommend?



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This can be a loaded question!


I sail RCI most of the time. I have sailed Carnival twice, both on ships that were new at the time of sailing and with five years in between. I would not choose to sail CCL again.


IMHO RCI offers a higher quality product overall. I prefer the more elegant decor of their ships over CCLs Las Vegas type style. (I also dislike Vegas so perhaps that says something!) I found the food quality to be a better on RCI as well as the cleanliness of the ship and the attitude of the staff.


I know some folks sail both and enjoy both. I, however, cannot imagine setting sail with CCL again. It simply is not my taste.


RCI(37),NCL(11),Princess(1),HAL(2),Celebrity(3), Carnival(2), Eastern Cruise Lines(13),Radisson(2), Star Clippers(1),Home Lines(2), Costa(5),Others (20)


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We have sailed on CCL twice and RCCL the last four times. We had such a great time on the RCCL ships that we won't consider going back on CCL. We like the more laid back party crowds on RCCL versus the more younger out of control party type aboard CCL. CCL is great if you can't afford a better liner.

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I have sailed on RCCL, Princess and Carnival. Of these three, RCCL is my favorite, and the Voyager class at the top of my list, Carnival ranks a very distant third. RCCL ships are much more appealing to me, not garish and gaudy as was the Carnival Conquest. I have gotten very used to excellent service, Carnival doesn't come near! I don't understand when people say that there is much more to do on Carnival, I didn't find that to be the case, never lacked for anything to do on RCCL. Food good to very good on RCCL, OK on Carnival, but even after speaking with the waiter, Carnival just couldn't get the food to the table hot, or even warm! When I think of Carnival, the word Cheap comes to mind, not in the sense of being inexpensive, but in regard to quality, or lack of qualityu in Carnivals case.

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I would have to disagree with CCL being awful. I, on the other hand, am not going to say why CCL is much better either. Truth be told, I think they both have their high and low spots.


I think that RCL gets the nod in lido deck buffet food (fresher fruit, carved meats, salads, etc), but the dining room food I found to be equal on CCL and RCL. The pizza is awesome on CCL. The burgers, etc from the grill were also better IMHO.


I like how RCL offers full dining room menu through room service where Carnival only offers a limited cold entree selection. On my cruises, the crowds were basically the same on both lines. I am not a partying girl, so I don't go to the clubs, but thought the people I ran into on both lines were comparable.


The main difference to me is service. I felt pampered on RCL and merely served on CCL.


The newer CCL ships aren't nearly as glitzy as the older Fantasy class ships were.


I also like CCL's shows better than on the SOS when I went.


Bottom line is that I would absolutely sail either line again as they are both mainstreaam lines. I have been choosing CCL the past few years based on convenience to departure port and price.


Just my opinion...


Sovereign of the Seas 06/00

Inspiration 06/02

Carnival Conquest 06/03

Carnival Conquest 05/04



countdown.cgi?trgb=000000&srgb=00ff00&prgb=4169e1&cdt=2004;5;30;16;30;00&timezone=GMT-0600 Until the Conquest sails!!!!!


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bigmac fan and I share identical opinions with regard to food and shows being better on Carnival. The newer Carnival ships (Spirit class) are very nice but not as nice as the Voyager class.


My main beef with Royal Caribbean is the prices they are currently charging this summer. The Carnival Glory is about $600 less than the Mariner for a balcony cabin for four people for late August.


Price being equal, I lean towards RCI, at $600 less, Carnival looks pretty good.



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We have sailed both CCL and RCCl... The 1st time was n Granduer... we had a wonderful time the only beef was what we called a "commercial interuption" every night at dinner to make sure you fill out your rating cards... it became very irritating.....I will say the dining room staff was better on RCCL. I think the food was about the same. We then did 2 Carnival cruises and think they have a good product for the price... but felt we needed to go back to RCCl to give it another chance. CCL rooms were significantly larger than RCCL... I liked the entertaiment better on CCL.

I think there are plus and minus on each side..

Granduer 1999

CCL Victory 2001

CCL Triumph 2003

Explorer 2005

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I have been on two Carnival Cruises and four Royal Caribbean. I have two cruises booked for this year, one Carnival, one Royal Caribbean. I enjoyed each cruise immensely, but I just seem to enjoy Royal Caribbean better. My Carnival cruises were in 1997 so I won't have a current comparison for Carnival until October. Based my experiences and my personal tastes her is what I see as differences:


Food: RC far exceeds CCL. Both in the dining room and the Lido Deck Buffet (now when I went on Carnival the Lido deck pretty much served on hamburgers, hot dogs, and pasta...hopefully this has changed)


Entertainment: I think the lounge shows on both lines are mediocre at best. There is usually one act/entertainer on each cruise that is truly good.


Cabins: Carnival definitely has much bigger cabins.


Service: This is where I think RC blows CCL away. They will do anything to make you happy and they will try to anticipate what you want. It doesn't matter if it is the cabin steward, waiter, bartender, or cocktail waitress, they just seem to consistently go over and above the call of duty on RCI (in my experiences). I believe someone described it very well a few posts earlier. I feel pampered on RC where I did not on CCL.


Given the choice of going or not going I would definitely go on Carnival, but if it was a small premium in cruise fare, I would pay more to go RCI.


It basically comes down your personal tastes and experiences. Try them all and you'll know what's best for you.


12/95 Big Red Boat

5/97 Carnival Inspiration

9/97 Carnival Imagination

11/01 Grandeur of the Seas

2/02 Celebrity Century

10/02 Majesty of the Seas

1/03 Nordic Empress

5/03 Enchantment of the Seas

11/03 Celebrity Century

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I love any cruise I'm on!!! I also like to try different things. That being said I booked my first RCCL cruise today leaving on May 21st and I can't wait to try RCCL. I know I will love it as much as my 5 past cruises!



RCCL Voyager 5/21-5/30/04

CCL Inspiration 4/4-4/11/04

NCL Sea 4/14-4/27/03

Wonder 5/16-5/19/02

Wonder 5/3-5/8/01

Fantasy 2/15-2/18/01


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My biggest deterernt with Carnival is their ports of call from Galveston.I feel the reason they offer such a better price than the Rhapsody,is what they have to offer at these ports.I know many Carnival sailers who will swear to this day that they had a "FAB" time in Belize.But 60 to do a cave tube in the Caribbean

is not my idea of "Get out there"I think the Elation is very comparable to the Rhapsody in most other ways,and I love the water slide.

I have done some Carnival sailings,but one was in 96 on the Jubiless,and the others were "reward" cruises through work,so I wont compare (whole different atmosphere).


<RCI-Rhapsody- 2003

RCI-Rhapsody- 2004

until the return to the Rhapsody of the Seas




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We took 2 cruises back-to-back for our honeymoon: 1 was RCL Voyager, the other was the Carnival Victory. We sailed the Victory second and in all honesty, you couldn't get my husband and I off the ship fast enough. To us, it just didn't compare. We will never sail Carnival again. Will we try another cruise line, more than likely, but not in the near future... we need to recover from Carnival first.


Happy Cruising,




Waiting for the "Ultra Voyager"

RCI Serenade, 11/27/2004

RCI Voyager, 12/7/2003

CCL Victory, 12/14/2003

HAL Maasdam, 1/2002

RCI Explorer, 12/2000


"For memory has painted this perfect day with colors that never fade."

-Carrie Jacobs Bond


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Hi, I will be taking my first Carnival cruise in less than 2 weeks. The one thing I did notice already was the drinking age on Carnival ships is 21 even for beer and wine. On my last RCC there were too many drunk kids on the ship (beer and wine at age 18)

Senior class trips,they were getting sick in stair ways, elevators, and the library. I realize I cruise on school vacation weeks but I think RCC should make the drinking age 21 to control this problem.


Explorer of the Seas 4/17/05

Carnival Sensation 5/15/04

Navigator of the Seas 4/03

Voyager of the Seas 4/02

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I have sailed Carnival six times and RCI five.

My opinion

Food: Carnival is better by far. Better quality items.

Wait Staff: RCI better by far. They must be trained better

Entertainment: dead heat.

Activities: If you want to play miniature golf or climb rock walls, then RCI does get the nod. If this sort of thing doesn't matter - then it is a tie.

Staterooms: There is a lot of variety between standard staterooms depending on which family (or class) the ship is from within the line. Generally: Carnival has larger standard cabins. RCI cabins are furnished more nicely.

Extra cost restaurants: I have only eaten at RCI's Chops, RCI'sPortifinos and Carnival's David. David was better by a very wide margin.

Stateroom stewards: RCI's are so overworked that it is rediculous. The new ratio of stewards to staterooms (effective March 8th, 2004 on Brilliance anyway) is not good. I found myself not complaining out of pity for my very hard working steward. There WAS no way that she could do all the rooms assigned to her in a timely fashion. Carnival gets the nod here.

Some classes of RCI ships have concierge service. This is very special and (for me) increases the value of the cruise.

With the recent declines in the food quality on RCI plus the reductions in service staff, I am afraid that Brilliance (the most beautiful modern ship I have ever seen) will be my last RCI cruise. Now, IF I hear that the room steward ratio is repaired AND the infamous ranch steak (and other commercial grade offerings) are put out to pasture, I will be back in a heartbeat.


Work like a dog. Live like a pauper. Save all your money. Then Cruise!

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I have sailed RCI, Celebrity and HAL. Going on the Carnival Triumph in June. I was NOT impressed with RCI. Have been very impressed with Celebrity and HAL. I'm looking forward to see what Carnival has to offer. I may give RCI another try, but it will DEFINITELY be a while!!


countdown.cgi?trgb=000000&srgb=00ff00&prgb=00ffff&cdt=2004;6;19;17;0;00&timezone=GMT-0400 Until the FUN begins!!!!


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I have sailed both, but prefer RCCL. BUT you need to try out more lines to find out which one you like best. That way you will know for sure. Go for a Carinval cruise.


I wrestled with reality for years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state, I finally won out over it. (Harvey 1950)


Next cruise- Serenade of the Sea to Alaska- July 25. Roll call started!


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I'm not a big fan of Carnival, but it's been 8 years so a lot could have changed. However, even though Carnival's ship was newer at the time, it didn't compare to the much smaller on more elegant RCI ship we first cruised. In addition, the service was less than par. And for the decor, it was as if someone vomitted neon.


However, I have heard that Carnival has changed quite a bit, especially when talking to people who have cruised their newer ships. I've even read it the cruise review books that Carnival is often rated higher in food quality than RCI and many others. One review even suggested that the food was on par with Celebrity, although I find that hard to imagine based on my one experience with Carnival and what I have heard from others about Celebrity.


I'll try Carnival again, but it will have to be a really good deal and on a route that no one else is doing.







PRIDE OF ???????-HAWAII (01/05)





RCI's Monarch of the Seas (01/04)

Star Princess (6/03)

RCI's Rhapsody of the Seas (4/01)

Carnival's Ecstasy (6/96)

RCI's Viking Serenade (1/94)

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This one is easy. If you like to party, CCL; if not RCCL. We went on our first cruise for our honeymoon on VOS and was very impressed. We thought about booking our next cruise on CCL but our TA discouraged it (even though Carnival is a preferred line with them). She thought it would be too disappointing for us after cruising RCCL. I always take her advice because I know that she would never steer us wrong. So our next cruise is on Mariner in October of 2005. REALLY looking forward to it.


Happy Cruising



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Royal Caribbean and Carnival are similar... yet different. It all depends on what you're looking for. I have been on equal number of cruises on each, and I like each, for different reasons, although I prefer Carnival overall. Everyone is different, and has different preferences. You need to determine what YOUR preferences are, and go with that. IMO... Carnival has larger staterooms, MUCH better food, and better entertainment. This may be different from YOUR opinion... You need to prioritize your wants and needs...


Pam : )

Emerald Seas 6/20/83

Nordic Empress 6/93

Imagination 3/30/00

Ecstasy 9/4/00

Majesty of the Seas 10/27/00

Triumph 12/16/00

Radiance of the Seas

3/26/01 & 3/29/01

Crown Odyssey 6/24/01

Golden Princess 10/11/01

Spirit 11/11/01

Sensation GGC 1/13/02

Sovereign of the Seas 3/24/02

Imagination 5/18/02

Pride 11/2/02

Explorer of the Seas 3/29/03

Enchantment of the Seas 9/1/03

Serenade of the Seas 10/28/03

Grand Princess 11/16/03


check out my pics at http://community.webshots.com/user/lunyma

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I would also like to add that IMHO Carnival has been working on improving their product. RCI has been working on cutting costs.

I think they passed each other sometime within the past 12 months.


Work like a dog. Live like a pauper. Save all your money. Then Cruise!

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I have sailed with Princess, RCCL, and Carnival. I like Carnival the best. The cabins have been larger, the food better and the service has been great. RCCL has smaller rooms. We went on the Monarch of the Seas and Viking Serenade. I am sure some of the newer larger ships are better. We were on the Sun Princess the 2nd week it sailed and they had problems with serving food that was cooked properly and the right temperature. The dinning room staff did not try to meet our request. We have had a great time on all our trips and I think you will have a great time on any line you choose. I have been on the Holiday twice, Elation, Immagination, Carnival Spirit, Jubilee twice. Good luck, Carla


Carla steckmyer

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It seems as though there is still a stigma attached to Carnival. When the husband and I were planning our first cruise ( belated honeymoon) We looked at everything but Carnival- because I had heard that Carnival was the "trailer trash" cruise line. We really wanted to go to Belize, and found a great itinerary, but it was on a Carnival ship. I didn't know what to do because my sister wasn't happy with her Carnival cruise back in 1996. The only cruise we had been on before was when we were little kids and we sailed with our parents on Sitmar. I thought maybe we could give Carnival a chance....it was on their newest ship at the time, The Pride. So we booked it.

Turns out that we had a great time. The food was excellent, the service excellent, entertainment was excellent. I couldn't find any faults - and I didn't see any scary trailer denizens either. I can't really compare this cruise to the earlier carnival cruises, but from what I have heard, Carnival has been getting better, and changing from their earlier, humble days. Honestly, I wouldn't want to sail on their older ships because the decor does look a little cheezy, but the new ones are really nice and tasteful.

I am always looking to take a RCCL cruise as well, it all come down to time, departure port, and itinerary.

So for those out there that still think Carnival is trashy and cheap,and you have steered clear of them because of that reputation give it a try - you might be surprized. I was.


Carnival GLory 11/06/04

Carnival Legend 2/03 ( had to cancel at last minute)

Carnival Pride 4/27/02

Sitmar Fairsea 4/ 1983 ( I was just a little kid!!)

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Carla from Cloverdale,

Wow. YOu don't hear from a lot of people from Cloverdale. I used to drive through your town on my way back to Humboldt State from San Francisco every time I had a school break. Cute little town, It was around my junior year when they opened the road bypassing the town. I enjoyed driving through Cloverdale. Wow.


Carnival GLory 11/06/04

Carnival Legend 2/03 ( had to cancel at last minute)

Carnival Pride 4/27/02

Sitmar Fairsea 4/ 1983 ( I was just a little kid!!)

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