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138 day until Mexican cruise - HELP! Need Buddies!

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Well, this was a bad weekend....finally had our Christmas with our friends and there were a lot of goodies & wine :o. I do not drink pop/soda (dont know what you call it) but this weekend I had such a taste so I bought a 2 lite of Pepsi and it was sooo good. Like I said bad weekend. Summer will be here before we know it, we're already at the end of Jan. not sure where the time is going. We were talking to our friends about the cruise, this one couple is very interested in going but they want to go in Jan where we are looking to go in October. We have gone with them 2 times before and went when they wanted to which was Jan/Feb so I hope they can change their minds. Besides you lose a couple hours of daylight in Jan because of the time change. We'll see how it goes, I have to book it by the end of March to use my credit.

So, back to the strict routine tomorrow. Good luck this week!


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Brenda, I understand your indecision. I would be too nervous to book in winter, much as I'd like to go somewhere warm then, because of the weather. Ore. and Ill. both could have grounded planes then. I can't imagine planning and looking forward to a cruise for almost a year, then can't go. Nope, it's warm weather for me.

It looks like we're going to New Orleans in Sept. to catch our ship. I know, I know, peak hurricane season, but at least we would go somewhere.

Chuck that regular Pepsi! Hmmm pretty self rightous from a beer drinker huh?

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Gaye, I didn't have anymore Pepsi! I think I just needed something ice cold to cool off my hot pipes from all the wine I drank on Friday night. Had a pretty good day today, walked on my lunch but it started to snow pretty good later in the afternoon so no walking this evening. I think I may skip my weigh in tomorrow, I think I will give myself the extra week just incase.

So, you are sailing out of New Orleans, huh? Are you going to Mexico, again? I know you said you liked it there. Which cruiseline are you looking at?

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We want to sail on Carnival Truimph to Belize, Cosumel and Roaton, out of N.O.. I may go today and put down a deposit. Woohoo! AND, doing a spur of the moment girls road trip this week end. Been a long winter, we need to break out!

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Good morning,

Just thought I'd come and check to see how my skinny buddies are doing? Well, I had skipped my wiegh in last Tuesday because I was afraid to look after my weekend of fun so I got on it this morning and down 1lb so I am assuming that I had gained over that fun weekend and did a good thing not weighing in. Ok, so I'm thinking that not sure if that actually happened but whatever gets me thru this, right?

That will be nice to sail out of NO then you can see that town as well, I have never been there well only a lay over but in the airport. I'd like to go down there someday. Where is your girls trip? Sounds like fun and definitely needed. :) I think we are getting closer on picking our cruise, we have it picked out whether our friends will be joining us or not is another thing. So, I hope to book soon and give me something to look forward to.

Have a good week and hope somebody is losing!


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You lucky girl Brenda. Losing in the winter is so hard for me.

Girls week end was a blast. We went to a small town on the coast. Ate too much, drank too much, and laughed just right. Played around at the casino and poked around all the tourist shops in old town.

The cruise is booked. Now I'am starting to get on peoples nerves. LOL It"s my annual "Come on, go with us, you'll love it" speech.When will they get it that there are no reasons NOT to cruise? Silly landlubbers.

We had sun yesterday! Cleaned out a few flower beds for an hour or so. Our warmest January on record. Everything is coming up and budding out. It's only Feb. Scary.

Getting ready for Super Bowl party tomorrow here at the bar. Then out of town company coming next week end. (yep, cruisers) Have a wonderful week end.

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Glad you had a good girls trip. We have a Super Bowl party at our house every year so lots of good food and left overs. I had a good weekend but bad on the eating/drinking side. I didnt get on the scale this week, I was a little too scared after this weekend. We got hit with that winter storm on Monday & Tuesday. I think our total snow fall was about 11 inches where I'm at. I have a very big/long driveway...can park 10 cars and I shoveled it 2 nights in a row. I got a very good workout doing that. I hope I can keep up the losing, it will get much easier when the weather gets better. I can't believe you were cleaning out your flower beds! I can't even see where my deck in the back of my house is! Good to hear you are booked.....I'm jealous ;). I am hoping to book very soon. Our friends have decided to join us so that will be fun. You know now that you are booked....you have a date set and maybe a new goal?????

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Always a new goal. My LIFE is a new goal. And always the weight goal! I did say that the end of April is my time limit where I work, if things aren't getting better there, I have to get a different job. I sure don't want to though.

That sucks that you got the storm. Except for the shoveling part. Can't you just feel the calories burning off when you do stuff like that? I've been super slug all winter, so just doing that tiny bit of weeding last week made me feel it. Can't wait till I can go out all the time. Our weather is back to rainy now. Colder then hell yesterday.

We're booked on Carnival Triumph out of New Orleans (party!) on 9/11. Peak of hurricane season, and on an unlucky date. Life is an adventure I guess. Now to lose that stupid next 20 lbs.

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I hear ya Gaye! We always have some sort of goal set for ourselves. Well, you are booked so maybe that may give you some motivation. That will be a very fun cruise. Dont look at 9/11 a bad luck date. Me & my sister flew into D.C. on 9/11/03 and our mother was a wreck that we picked that day to go but it was probably the safest flight we were ever on. Well, I also have my motivation, we are booked as well.:D Now I just need to tell my DH that I have gone ahead and done that. :eek: That snow was not fun to shovel....2 nights in a row and I had enough of it. I got a hell of a workout though. Hopefully we are done with our winter storms for this season, yeah right it's Feb. in Chicago! So, I guess there is only one thing for us to do....we need to hit our goals!!!!

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I see your booked on Ruby Princess in Oct. That's the month we've gone for the past several years. Where are you sailing to.Does it matter really? LOL Hopefully someplace warm.

Our company is here this week end and we're making our plans for the cruise. And your right about that date, not unlucky, just sad still. But get me on a ship with a DOD and I'll be fine.

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Yep, we are booked and I did tell him today. It went better then I thought, he is out of work still so he wonders where the money is coming from. So, we are sailing out of Ft lauderdale and going to the Eastern Caribbean..St Thomas, St Maarten, Grand Turk, Princess Cay, & 2 sea days. We have all been to these ports more then once but I am the only one that has gone to Grand Turk. So, now there are 2 goals set in my house. My DH has agreed to lose some weight as well. He actually should for his health. He is over weight, smokes, and has asthma. He is a very good candidate for a heart attack with his father & grandfather both having their 1st ones in their late 30's, he is 37 yrs old right now. So i hope I can get him to stick to it.

Have a good time planning your cruise. As you said it doesnt matter where we are sailing as long as we are. But Gaye where are the rest of our people at?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Hi ladies. I'm back..... It's been a rough month or so. That post back a month or so, saying I was going to the doctor was for my first (LAST!!!!) Reclast infusion. It's the once per year treatment for osteoporsis. I truly have not felt well since, but as of yesterday I am feeling at least 95%. I had the typical "flu like" symptoms for a couple of days, then a couple of days of weird leg pain. It only hurt when I stood still. Sitting, lying down, walking were all fine, but not just standing. I looked like I had ants in my pants. That went away and it all settled to a severely painful neck, which is now down to a dull ache. Then last week I picked up an intestinal virus -- yuck.


But, happy to say I'm feeling ever so much better and have been walking at least a mile every morning with Cooper. I walk a mile, he runs 2-3 miles. It's great for him, and great for me. My weight was creeping up by last week's ick "fixed" that. Hoping I can stay where I am now. I'm the matron of honor in my best friend's wedding in two weeks and the lovely dress I bought really needs to fit! Photo attached.


Glad to be back and I promise to check back in regularly.


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Amy, wow! Im so glad to hear you are feeling better. I guess once a year for that treatment is plenty. I was wondering what happened to you. I know you would come back to us eventually :D. I see Cooper is keeping you active still, thats great keep it up. Your dress is gorgeous and Im sure you will look fabulous in it. As you can see me & Gaye have had a few struggles of our own but we are getting back to it, right Gaye?

Another week starts and hopefully I can get back to my walking tomorrow, the snow should be all shoveled or most of it anyway. I have my mind set once again!


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Geez Amy, you've really been through it.That's a long time to feel crappy, no wonder we have'nt heard from you. I hope each day is better. It really sucks that you had to get sick to lose those pesky pounds, but now that you're feeling better, I'll bet you're doing "the spin" in front of a mirror.

Lucky you Brenda. Losing would be so much easier if the other half would diet too. He's getting pretty rolly polly the last few years. Up to a size 38 jeans. But no, he just buys bigger clothes. LOL I hope when I get older I won't care either I guess. Nay, I think us girls will always care right?

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Well......I took advantage of it being "Fat Tuesday" today. I didnt go crazy, instead of my usualy yogurt & fruits for lunch I had pizza :p. I did do my walking yesterday and today, I also added another set of my crunches & leg lifts to my workout :eek:. I really need to stick to this, I bought quite a bit of clothes last summer and they were snugish at the end of my cruise. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

Amy, thanks for posting your mfp ticker. I kept seeing it on your posts so I went to the site and signed up.


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I feel like I'am ready to get back on track. Yesterday I made good food choices, and turned down Taco Bell. That's major! Small meals, no snacking. Of course the sun was out, so that helped. I even did some yard work in the afternoon. So far so good, but what happens when the rains come back? LOL I do have the cruise to keep me motivated, besides just sick of looking in the mirror. And it looks like there is a family reunion in the works.
Let's all keep too busy to eat.
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[COLOR=blue]Gaye.....good for you turning down Taco Bell! I love taco Bell myself. We are getting ready to get hit again this afternoon with a winter storm. Expecting about 8-10 inches again! The last storm hasnt even all melted yet. I think I have been doing very good this week. I definitely got it in my head that I want to stick to this yet again. I told my DH that I will reach my goal like 4 months before we cruise but I will have to keep it that way. Im assuming once I see the magic number I will want to keep it that way. Enjoy your Sunday and will speak to you soon.[/COLOR]
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Man I'll bet your sick of those storms. We had about a week of false spring, as usual here in Feb, but it''s back to winter today. I do have flowers blooming though. Warmest Jan. and early Feb. on record. The flowers are 2 months early!
I'am proud of you girls! I swear, I could eat dirt and not lose if I don't excersice. That's why I was loving the good weather. Outside working! Watching my intake closely though. Staying the same I think, which is better then gaining.
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I've been careless about my eating, but my morning walk with Cooper is set in stone. As of right now, 2:45 p.m. my pedometer is at 4897 steps. Accckkkk only halfway to what it should be, and I can promise I won't be reaching 10,000 today. sigh..... maybe tomorrow I'll get closer.

Here's my mudpuppy this morning.
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[COLOR=blue]Hello there,[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000ff]Amy.....Cooper is a cutie!!!! Once they are in their routine for their walk forget about telling them youre not going. Get those step #'s up, you can do it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000ff]Gaye....sorry your winter has returned. I think ours has decided its staying for the rest of the year. Thank goodness we didnt get all they were expecting the other day only 5.5 inches...I say only. So, I was shoveling again last night and tonight. That is one heck of a workout. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000ff]I got on the scale this a.m. and lost 3.4lbs this week. That is a little high because I was feeling well on Sat. and didnt eat too much but I have definitely made up for it since then. Amy, I really like that site and want to thank you again for posting it so I could see it. One of the ladies on there put out a challenge to lose 10lbs by the end of March, I accepted that challenge:eek:. We need warm weather to help us!!!!! Talk to you soon.[/COLOR]
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Amy, Cooper looks like he's in the "teen-age" months. Crazy time. How's the agility training coming along? I know he can't do much yet, just the basics. I know he will be keeping you in shape. LOL
Geez Brenda, Amy has a dog to walk, and you have snow to shovel. I get to watch Bill snore in the Barco-lounger! LOL I did burn a lot of calories last week-end, and know that when good weather is here to stay I can burn a lot more. In the mean time I try to stay away from carbs and sugar. But winter is "comfort food" time. I did make a big pot of ham and beans. I know beans are starchy, but good for you too. I kind of look like a marshmellow right now I think. Come on spring!
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[COLOR=blue]Well, I have been doing very good this week, but we went out for lunch yesterday for my dad's birthday and we went for mexican food....mmmmmm! But I still stayed within my calories for the day. Today, now I need to get out and do some walking, I think its a nice day. I hope you are doing good as well.[/COLOR]
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Well girls, I think I'am going to go get my thyroid checked soon. I've been reading up on the symptoms, and I have a few. I'am cold all the time, tired, real bad memory, weight gain, and now my hair is coming out. I'am a hair stylist! Awwweee! It might not be, but it would explain a lot. soooo tired of being cold. I'll let you know.
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[COLOR=blue]Gaye...I hope there is an explanation for all your symptoms. My sister went to the dr to check about her losing her hair and they checked her thyroid, turns out it was stress. Keep us posted. Im cold too but I think that it has something to do with where I live. Im thinking we all need to move to warmer climate![/COLOR]
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