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Cruising to Healthy


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As far as my goal for the year. I probably could lose more weight, but I think I will be more happy if I meet my goal and then some. I think the best part about goals is setting your sites at something very doable, so you get the feeling of accomplishment. Also, as you've probably noticed I have back problems that sometimes slow my progression and I want to account for times, like now, when I can't do the exercise that I need to. I'm so glad that you think I can meet and exceed that goal.


Your thinking definitely makes sense ~ and I do think you will be happy with your results. You seem to be motivated, and recognize that nobody is going to eat perfectly every day (probably why WW is so popular with the flex points ~ thanks for your explanation.) But you also are holding yourself accountable and know when you are having something you shouldnt. Those are all good things. And you seem to be making changes in your diet in a way that will keep you motivated. And I hope that your back feels better.



Jess, I am not here to criticize you or make fun of what you eat. It's your choice but I can help you make better/healthier choices if you want. All you have to do is ask.


I agree with Mrs. C05 ~ and that is why I think this thread is great ~ but you need to do what you are comfortable with. Maybe you would feel better listing foods you like, and people can give suggestions for alternative foods, or ways to make it healthier rather than listing what you are eating. Make sense?


Mrs. C05 ~ I'm in Central FL. How about you?


You must be so happy that you've met your goal weight! Actually wear the jeans for a bit each day so you feel that they are tight :) I bought a pair of jeans too small, and try them on often so that I can feel them fitting better.

Edited by RQINFL
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I know YOU girls are not going to criticize me or even have..but I'm saying is that someone not posting on this thread already has..so that's why I didn't want too because I don't want it too happen again.


And yes I am open to suggestions and stuff like that. ;)


Last night was a HOMEMADE meal..yes some may not believe it..but I do have homeade meals. LOL


It was some kind of rice with tomato sauce, hamburg, peppers... It was alright..I thought it would be more spicy and thank goodness it wasn't. I had maybe a cup or less with a slice of bread n' butter (smartbalance)


Didn't end up going for my walk :( I got busy and my friend had to cancel on me..so I was running errands most of the night.


On the way home I had my windows down enjoying a breeze when suddenly the truck in front of me slammed on his brakes and was off road a little. I realize he ran over a skunk! :eek: BUT it wasn't dead (at least not at the moment) it ran off but it was right near my car with it's tail up!


I've never been that close to a spraying skunk before and I had my windows down! So all the way home (20min) all I could smell was strong strong skunk. I used my hand sanitizer...keep smelling my yankee car jar thing, lol...nothing worked!


I had to roll my windows up because I thought it was going to rain..when I got into my car this morning- yep it smelled like skunk!! :(


Seriously my car cursed me or I cursed my car cause the past 2 weeks I've been talking about trading it in (I've had it for 5 years) and then these last two weeks things have gone wrong inside and outside of the darn car!!


I'lll run it through the car wash next door when lunch comes..hopefully the day will end better then yesterday.

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Hello girls


snack was yogurt, blueberries and strawberries with ice in blender (60 calorioes) & granola bar 60 calories


Dinner last night was corn on cob, green beans from garden, lean hamburger, potatoes and mushroom soup


Breakfast today - total cranberry, 1/2 cup milk

morning snack yogurt & water

Lunch veggie pizza and water, fresh fruit

dinner -unknown


Jess-come on over to the pool LOL thought of you today when read my daily inspiration "You're not just anyone, You're someone special"


Brooke I also have back problems was really bad like where you are now about 6 years ago so I know how you feel. with the swimming and special warm ups I do it usually stays under control but if it goes out my whole world comes to a halt. So I understand especially in winter when I get less exercise.


Kim & RQINFL- thanks for all the suggestions that you've provided so far. Sometimes we don't want to see it on black and white but then it makes me think of why I am on this board as I need to lose weight and I need the support too.


Recipe that I just tried: Homemade potato chips

in large deep frying pan heat 1/4 cup olive oil over med-high heat. once oil is hot add zucchini chips (cut zucchini in thin slices) cook 3 min until golden brown drain excess oil lightly salt. I dip in ranch dressing. Oh they were so good and I could not believe I was actually eating vegetables.

For Sprice: add hot peper flakes to the oil

Garlic: sprinkle with garlic powder.

Receipe says you can also put them in the oven, on cookie sheet spritz zucchini chips with cooking spray 425 for 10 min but it says they do not get crunchy/crisp.

good luck today

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I know most if not all of you on this thread are young. I just wanted to throw out some more reasons for losing the weight now why you are young & in pretty good health.As a retired nurse & overweight person I have struggled most of my life. When young I wanted to lose for my looks & to fit in with other people. As I approached middle age I then started using that " for my health" phrase. " I'm not wanting to be skinny any more I just want to be healthy" ( Which was a lie I wanted to look good) Now as a senior there are sad but true other reasons. When you're obese, and thats what I am, we all know it affects our joints, back,feet, & omg my knees. But what the doctors & nurses won't tell you is ..... If you have a stroke or other serious medical problems you are less likely to be able to stay in your own home.A thin person can learn through rehab to conquer a lot of things & remain at home with minimum or no help. If in the unlikely event you end up in a nursing home , hospital, or rehab facility, your care will be inferior. As a nurse I watched heavy ppl be put last to get them up in a chair or walk or bathe. My best friend is in a wonderful nursing home & its the same there. It has nothing to do with the facility being bad. If you weigh 120 they can run down there flip you over take you to the bathroom & go on with their rounds.If you are heavy it kills their backs, they have to wait to get others to help them etc etc. Therefore they dodge you & your room. Had she been thinner we could have managed her at her own home. I think of this with my weight issues all the time. I hope I havent offended anyone I just figured you young girls have never thought of being old. Oh & BTW I'm still plugging away at my diet & I must be honest I still want to look good!!! lol 83# to go

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RQ ~ No way! I'm in Winter Park, and work in Maitland mainly, and sometimes Orlando. Where in Central Florida are you? If you want, we can meet up sometime. Just let me know. :)

In my smaller jeans, the waist fits, but it's the thighs and butt that are tighter and it drives me nuts! More reason to jump on the treadmill and get back to jogging! GGGRRRRR!!!!:mad:


Nicole ~ Where have you been? Starbucks got you running crazy?!?!:confused:


Jess ~ I have never been near a skunk but I have heard they have a horrendous smell.


Brooke ~ You have been making some wonderful progress!!!


This weekend is going to be nice and relaxing. I'm picking up my bff from the dealership so she can get her oil changed, and then we're headed out to the Millinea Mall so she can buy some new work clothes (since her's are snug now) for her new job she got. I would think that'd be incentive to workout but I guess not. :rolleyes:

Tomorrow though will be crazy and hectic. We have some insurance people coming in to see about us wanting to get some kind of supplemental insurance to offset the high deductible.:eek: I thank the Lord that I worked in insurance before so I know how it works. I'm still trying to decide, but I will most likely get something since we're wanting to start a family next year.:D

Edited by Mrs.C05
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Mornin' Ladies


Well, last night I'm sad to report that I ate the new McDonald's Angus burger. I didn't eat enough points during the day, so when I left work I was hungry. I by passed all the fast food joints. I even gave up my idea that it was okay to get a blizzard b/c all the proceeds go to the children's miracle network, then I realized that was me trying to find a reason to eat bad.


Got home and had two tootsie rolls and then 3 slices of turkey lunch meat. Mom came home and guess what?.....She brought home McDonalds. My brother was there trying to help us finish up some things on the living room renovation, so mom ended up giving up her burger for my brother and she just ate the side salad with some tuna. I didn't have fries though, just the side salad with some ranch.


The good news out of the bad........I had plenty of points to cover my flub. And I'm sorry to say.............that burger was soooooooooooo GOOD! I did have to scrap half the mayo off the bun. They had to have put like 2 tbsp of mayo on there. I scraped most of it off, just enough for a little flavor.


This morning I added toast to my normal cerel, yogurt and banana b/c I want to make sure I get enough points in, so I don't get that hungry again.


Smart Ones pizza for lunch with an apple

Fiber one bar for a snack and popcorn for a backup


Hey Kim,


Thanks for the encouragement. I've made it through three days of work until 4pm. By then I'm so sore and tired that I go home. Of course I just don't take lunch, so I don't have to worry about leaving early. The worse thing is that I've decreased my water intake b/c it kills me to go up and down the stairs and our bathroom is on the 1st floor (I'm on the third).


You're gonna be fitting perfect in those jeans in no-time. Are you sure they are fitting tight b/c you've gained a little weight or maybe its b/c you've gained muscle. Your thighs are good for getting bigger b/c of muscle growth.


Okay, I completly forgot who else I was going to write something to. I'm drawing a blank..................I'll catch back up later.

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Sardisgrandma - I do know what you are talking about. I was an LNA out of high school and took care of a lot of residents in the nearby nursing home. There was a lady in her 50's and her mind was all there but she was about 500 or 600 pounds and had edema really really bad. We had to clean, dry and medicate all her skin folds and other stuff..so it was hard on us but I also felt really bad for her. She wansn't the only heavy resident either and yes it does make it a lot harder for nurses and assistants to transport/take care of someone who is heavier versus a lightweight. I have thought about what it will be like when I get older and I know that if I don't do something now..it will get worse..I'll probably continue having high blood pressure, eventually getting diabetes (my dad now has it) and having heart disease like my father. Not to mention it gets harder to lose the weight when I get older. I just want to make choices so that it will be drilled into my head that when I'm trying to lose weight..it's not a diet but a lifestyle change. When I have children (hopefully) I will make sure there lifestyle is healthier then what mine was growing up and I think by demonstrating healthier habits yourself then they can follow your lead...so right at this moment having kids is not an option but hopefully someday :D


My brother is a vegatarian and he made his daughter pretty much that way (I have an opinion about that one though :rolleyes:) so she eats really healthy and the only thing she drinks is water! :eek: They all get out go hiking, running, skiing..everything outdoors so they stay really healthy and of course I think the parents influenced that. So I want to have the same kind of concept for my future children and for myself! I used too go hiking all the time with my dad, I played soccer in school, basketball, did girl scouts and my friend and I would ride our bikes all over the town and we also did a lot of walking...I wish right at this moment I could do all those things.


My cousins came up a few weeks ago and on facebook they messaged my brother and asked them to go hiking and grab lunch..they didn't ask me though and I think it's because they assume I will say "no" and/or they think I can't do it. So it's just another reason to start hiking again but start small. Mentioning all these things helps me a little more and gets me to thinking about what can be done.


Just realized how long this post has gotten, I could type a whole book to you guys..sorry LOL :D

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Today has been going great! Had cereal for breakfast, my coffee to hold me over til lunch, which I still haven't made yet but will be doing so after I finish this report I'm doing. Wow, that was a nice long run-on sentence. :p


This weekend is suppose to be relaxing, so I'm hope it still goes according to plan! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!


P.S. Tonight we're going to Carrabba's.:D I loooovvveeee that place! I get the Chicken Gratella, which is grilled chicken and then get nothing but veggies for the sides. For salad, I indulge in the ceasar salad and of course I can't pass up the bread and herbs.:p I do plan to go home tonight and get on that treadmill.

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Hey everyone! So my weekend was pretty good. Went shopping on Saturday with bff and then went out dancing that night. Today I slept in, then ran 2 errands, threw on the crockpot for dinner and walked with my husband. Pretty much a relaxing day, yeah!!

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Hey girls hope you all had a great weekend and look forward to a a great week as well.


Brooke- hope your feeling better!


Friday I went to the movies and saw the ugly truth..thought it was a cute movie but not one of my fav's. Saturday I didn't do too much until night time then I got dressed up and went out to a club for a friends birthday. I did have some drinks :o but I don't drink too often and I had fun.


Sunday my niece came over and my mom, my niece and I went too get pedicures. I actually ended up getting a manicure but next time for sure I'm getting a pedi. Did some shopping for my niece after that and went home. I knew if I got a manicure or pedicure..I'd start getting addicted to it again (I used to get them done every 2 weeks!).


Brooke- I am really thinking about signing online for the WW also, however I haven't talked to my nutritionsist about it and I'm not sure if she want or like me to do it.. but seriously I have done WW before and lost 20lbs so it does really help it can't just get $$ for me though. Will see.


It's gonna be a hot hot day today! :cool:

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Hey Ladies,


Hope you all had a great weekend!


I had to spend the weekend at home b/c the chiro wanted me off my feet for the weekend, just as a precaution. He does say that it looks like the medicine the dr. gave me is working.


Good news though, I lost 1lb this week. I guess the not working out didn't hurt me too bad. And I've met my monthly goal of getting to 339. I'm wondering if I should do a new goal so close to the end of the month or just be happy that I met my goal and wait until next month.


I haven't got the all clear on exercise yet, but he mentioned the pool again. I probably could do the pool if I had moral support with me. But at this point I don't have anyone to go with me and its such a mental hump for me to get over. Its one thing to be seen in a bathing suit on a cruise ship with ppl I'll probably never see again, but on-campus with a bunch of 20 somethings that I see often, bleh. Maybe when I start the WW on campus I can organize a swim group and then I won't be alone.


Anyway, I ate pretty well this weekend. I sometimes just managed to get in my points and then sunday I splurged with some of my flex points, but I didn't use them all. I went down a point on my daily points b/c my weight went down to a certain point. I think I can handle it tho,lol.




BK is the normal cereal, banana, yogurt

Lunch is Lean Cuisine alfredo

Snacks-no sugar added applesauce, fiber bar, and apple.

Dinner-Sloppy joes with a baked potato for me and dad since mom has "back-to-school" night for her 1st graders. (Of course made with deer meat) And I will use the light wheat buns instead of the others.


Join in the fun! LOL. I know the feeling. I didn't think I could deal with the extra cost either, but I figured it was my health and I needed to put it on my priority list. Its 39.95 a month for e-tools and the monthly pass for meetings. It is actually the best deal. I would suggest, if your nutritionist isn't familiar with WW, taking her the information on how it works. Maybe she can incorporate what she is trying to do with the program. A lot of people do low carb inside of WW or Vegetarian or Low-fat or No sugar etc. Can't hurt to ask, if you think that it will benefit you and your health. My Dr. recommends the program.

Have a great Monday!

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Jess you are so right. Talking to you guys got me back on track. I actually walked a mile today. In 2007 I lost 100 pounds & was walking 5 miles a day 6 days a week.Course as soon as cruise was over I put it back on. Not this time,I'm gonna get it off & keep it off. Lost 2 more pounds this week 81 to go.Mt knees are so bad I can't hardly walk. But I remembered last time I had to pray every day. I would talk to Jesus while I was walking & beg for strength to get back home. I always did. So today I started back asking Him for help. Good luck to all of you this week.

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Good job Sardis on the weight loss, every little bit. You know I did physical therapy once and the therapist told me for every, I think this is right, 1lb you lose its like taking 1 ton of pressure off your knees. So keep going and keep praying.


So, I lied yesterday when I said we were having sloppy joes. After a day of going up and down stairs and work, I couldn't stand up long enough to cook the meat and dad was working on the renovation in the dining room now. So, I went to go down another set of stairs, our basement (They are simple stairs, no railings, kinda wobbly) and my dad stops me in my tracks and asked what I needed. I said I was going to check for pizza b/c I couldn't cook the sloppy joes. So, he went down and got a couple of pizza's for me.


Now, I know what you are thinking......I was thinking the same thing. It was a horrible idea, but between the pain I was in and the fact that I was hungry from having to carry myself at half mast all day, I made a bad decision. I had four slices. Two bigger ones and two small ones. Then I finished with a ice cream bar from WW. But, I did count all the points and logged them and I have the points for it. I had to dig into my flex points, but that's what they are there for. I hope to make better decisions today.


This morning is the normal ceral, banana, yogurt

Lunch: another Lean Cuisine

snack, apple, fiber bar, applesauce.

dinner: ???


I'm so tired. I'm not sleeping again b/c my leg keeps aching all night and I can't find a position to sleep that it doesn't hurt. I think I will call the chiro and see if he has any suggestions. I even went to bed at like 8 last night.


Oh well, Let us all push through another day with the finish line in sight.

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Morning girls!


Sardisgrandma..keep going. Honestly I have done the same exact thing. I would walk up the biggest hill in my area and pray that I could make it at the top and make it back down. Everytime I did it..it was still surprising to me but I know it can be done even if it hurts. I just have to get back into that routine.


Brooke - So what, you had pizza. I had pizza on Sunday and you used your flex points as you said.


Last night for us was just sandwiches that we made. It was seriously too hot to cook..today is gonna be just as hot or hotter! :(


Maybe tonight I'll go swimming (at the lake) :D

Edited by Jesscap5
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The appeal of Weight Watchers and the reason people are able to stick to it is because it allows you the flexibility to have the occasional splurge/bad decision. You had the points, you chose to use them on pizza. Nothing wrong with that. You used some of your flex points - fine, they give you the flex points for a reason. This isn't a diet - it's a lifestyle change. With the lifestyle change, you can still enjoy your favorite foods in moderation. My mom lost 40 pounds on WW. She went to McDonald's today and had a small hamburger and small fry for 10 points. To compensate, she was having 1 point soup and half a sandwich for dinner. Her craving was satisfied, and she made a smart decision. I've been following WW for 8 weeks now and have lost 13 pounds. Saturday is my weigh-in day and splurge day. You have to do it occasionally or you'll go insane! Don't beat yourself up, just get back on the horse the next day :)

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The appeal of Weight Watchers and the reason people are able to stick to it is because it allows you the flexibility to have the occasional splurge/bad decision. You had the points, you chose to use them on pizza. Nothing wrong with that. You used some of your flex points - fine, they give you the flex points for a reason. This isn't a diet - it's a lifestyle change. With the lifestyle change, you can still enjoy your favorite foods in moderation. My mom lost 40 pounds on WW. She went to McDonald's today and had a small hamburger and small fry for 10 points. To compensate, she was having 1 point soup and half a sandwich for dinner. Her craving was satisfied, and she made a smart decision. I've been following WW for 8 weeks now and have lost 13 pounds. Saturday is my weigh-in day and splurge day. You have to do it occasionally or you'll go insane! Don't beat yourself up, just get back on the horse the next day :)


Agreed!!! That's exactly what happens when people completely cut out their cravings and then when they want it, they just go crazy and eat a lot of it. Before they know it, they just gained 5+ pounds.

You just use your points for whatever you want. Don't feel so guilty about it.


Yesterday's food:

B: Special K Red Berries & coffee

L: PF Changs leftovers....I know, I know!

S: Dannon Light & Fit Peach yogurt (not a huge fan of peach come to find out)

D: Steak tips and mashed boiled red potatoes

Des: Edy's Loaded Cookies & Cream (Can you believe this is better for you, per serving, than the Light's they have out!??!!)

Workout: 1hr playing raquetball


Today's Food:

B: Same ol' same ol' - Special K & Coffee

L: Sweet Tomatoes - Salad (lettuce, carrots, lil cheese, raisins, FF Italian), Low-Fat Chili w/ onions, and small bowl of Edy's Non-Fat Swirl ice cream

S: Dannon Light & Fit Banana yogurt????

D: Leftovers - Ham & mashed boiled red potatoes

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Okay, I won't beat myself up over it, lol.


Yesterday, we had our WW work meeting. We finally have enough people to have our very own meeting, which is great! Two of the other girls in my dept are going to do it, so its even better. Our President was even there!


It was so funny and/or tempting too. B/c the other girls have decided to just splurge this weeks b/c we don't officially start until next week. Being that I'm already on the program, its not an option for me. We all rode down together, we would have walked, but I'm not up for that long of a jaunt yet, and they decided to go to DQ after the meeting b/c we have to use our lunch hour for the meetings. The one girl just got a diet soda, but the other got a chicken strip basket. MMMMMM, those are so good. The gravy and toast with fries and chicken! But then I thought to myself, "You didn't lose 13lbs by eating that stuff." Then I almost blurted out to her that that basket is like 1200 calories, but I caught myself b/c I know how it feels when people do that stuff, so I let it go. Came back and had my lean cuisine and apple.


I'm feeling a little better each day. The afternoons are the worse, but I always feel slightly more healed in the morning, so I have to beleive that I'm getting better. I need to call the chiro if its okay to do my bike again.


Anyway, I went home last night and decided I felt like I could start dinner. So I threw some frozen fries in the oven and some deer hamburger in the skillet and pulled out the manwhich sauce. I got through defrosting and putting it in the skillet for a while before I had to hand the reins over to mom b/c I needed to sit down. But I used my low cal buns and a small serving of the fries. I had a WW cookies n cream bar, oatmeal cookie with a oz of tortilla chips to finish off the points.


BK-Ceral, low fat milk, yogurt, banana, toast, smart balance butter 2 tsp

Lunch-Healthy choice chicken with peas/carrots, mashed potatos and the dessert I will throw away. I don't like peas either, so I will pick out the carrots, but they are diced up small ones.

Snack-fiber bar, apple, applesauce.

Dinner-As usual I don't know.


Jess, Have you got back to the pool yet?


Hope everyone can jump those hurdles today.

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Hi all!


Yes I did get too the Pool today finally. It stinks because I was supposed to have it 3 times a week but since one PT is gone getting married and it's really busy...they can't fit me in for more then once a week :(


The other really bad news is I had a really nice manicure on Sunday and now it's ruined. :( Guess I could try to find some white nail polish and re paint the tips.


Food wise it's been..ok.


Last night was homemade lean meatloaf, some mashed red potatoes and salad.


This morning was cereal, had a glass of light lemonade and have a bottle of water with me. For lunch I am only taking a half hour because I missed a half hour of work for the pool..and I need to keep my vacation time for surgery later down the road. So anyway I think I'll be having something similar as Brooke for lunch. ;)


Tonight I have no idea what I'll be doing so can't say what's for dinner yet.


EDIT: my boss told me I can't take a half hour so tomorrow I have to come in one hour early! I want to say more about this but don't think it's a good idea. lol

Edited by Jesscap5
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That's great about the pool, but sad about your nails. I need a pedi so bad and normally I would up keep one I got professionally, but since I can't bend over my feet have gotten nasty!


Bosses are funny...I won't say anymore.


I really came on here to write that I had a "moment" today. I had to walk across campus to get a tutorial on how to do a webinar for my dept. and thats where our subway is, so I just figured I'd get lunch while I was over there. My first instinct was to drive b/c of my back, but it seemed so stupid b/c it really wasn't that far, but I know how painful my back can be when I walk too much. I went ahead and walked it. It hurt, a few times it pinched and I had to stop for a min. But I made it there and back. I plan on walking to another building to meet with someone in about an hour, so I hope I'm not pushing it. Anyway, 2nd moment: I had subway, I ate there b/c I needed to rest between walking and they have the scrabble thing with the peel off thing on the drinks and when I peeled my off it had "One cookie" with next purchase. I knew if I held on to it I would be tempted. But I didn't want to throw it away. So, I walked over to the only guy in line and asked him if he would like the free cookie and gave him the coupon. It was a good moment! And it's those moments that keep me going.


Wee, I jumped a hurdle today!

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That is great Brooke!!! Every little bit helps!


Jess, I'm sorry to hear about your nails and not being able to fit you in for pool sessions. How far in advance can you book yourself for pool time?


Anyone know where Nicole has been?

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That is great Brooke!!! Every little bit helps!


Jess, I'm sorry to hear about your nails and not being able to fit you in for pool sessions. How far in advance can you book yourself for pool time?


Anyone know where Nicole has been?


Not sure, but she's on my FB and posts sometimes there.

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I don't know, but I know sometimes I just don't feel like typing my life out, so maybe she is just taking a break or maybe she is busy with wedding business.


Sooooo, yea. I'm not looking for sympathy, but I so didn't get to sleep until like 4am last night. I think I fell asleep for like an hour or so around 11, but that was it. I had to go to the bathroom at 2am and when I went to get up the nerve in my back pinched something and I thought I was going to scream. But I was in mid movement so I had to keep going. I was hoping that I wouldn't pee on myself. When I finally sat up it hurt too and I had to walk down the stairs to the bathroom tearfully the whole way. Then I tried to lay back down after and it pinched again. I don't know if it was the pain or that I hadn't gotten any sleep or just everything at once, but I pretty much cried myself to sleep after that. Now my eyes are all puffy and salty. On top of everything, they blocked Facebook at work. I know your thinking, well most works do that....but I actually use Facebook for work and so do a lot of the departments on-campus. I also use it for personal use, I admit. But honestly, if half of your alumni are on facebook and they put things up like their jobs, where they live, what they are up to on there, its important to see and know that information. I'll live, but I'm just not in a good mood anyway.


So, I watched Ruby: The first 100lbs and it was very inspirational...........yet in my emotional state and the fact that I slept as long as I could this morning......I went to bojangles and got chicken biscuit and tea. I'll compensate with my healthy choice meal for lunch. I also brought a banana, yogurt, fiber bar, grapes and some blueberries.


Mom bought me a grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad from McD's last night. I ate a couple bites of the salad, but it was kinda wilty, so eh. I finished points with some tortilla and cheese.


My plea for the day:

Please God make this day go by fast and uneventful. Or give me the strength to wash away my grumpiness and shine through as a better person. And please bless the fried chicken biscuit to the nurishment of my body.

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Let's see last night was BLTT's Bacon, lettuce tomato and turkey sandwiches with some goldfishes. Then it was straight upstairs to lay down and wind down so I could fall asleep sooner. Oh, the bacon is that ready to eat stuff and it actually has better calories vs. the cook kind. I tried turkey bacon once, it tasted like nothing.


Today it was back to my cereal, low fat milk, yogurt,and toast.

Lunch: Lean cuisine beef tips and red potatos

Dinner: eh, don't know and I should be used to that by now.


Oh, we got Facebook back at work. They decided that it was a useful tool for most of us. And I've also got volunteered to man our webpage now. The girl we had who did it all left, so they hired a company to do it and now one person from each department has to maintain it. Yep, the 25 year old got put in charge. Oh well, it looks simple, so I won't fret.


I hope you guys have a great weekend.

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