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well here it goes I did well during vacation but this weekend is our fall festival and I could not resist funnel cake and corn dog. The funnel cake though is good to many so I bought took one bite and handed it off. i had the picture of the deadly scale in my mind.


thanks Jess & Brooke for the positive thoughts.


Kim our closest zoo is 1 hr away and it is funny because my neice loves the dipping bread & oils she is 4 yr and her mom loves italian so when we go to the zoo we always end up at Carrabba's. I am glad you enjoy it too.


hope all are having a great weekend

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Hope everyone had a good weekend.


I had to work sat. from 7am-1pm. I had to be up at 5:30am and I was at my brother's watching his dogs, so I didn't get much sleep between the one snoring in the floor, the other in the bed moving around and the two in the gate going in and out. It was a great day though. It was our Family Weekend, so I got to have actual contact with people! That's the worse part of my job, limited social contact, even with co-workers.


I did have a bojangles chicken biscuit for breakfast. I was at my brothers and I couldn't find oatmeal and they had soy milk, bleh (Its too sweet). Then I didn't eat anything else until about 12:30pm. They had like a Parmesan chicken meal or ham and corn. I had like a cup of the pasta, the chicken was breaded, but I picked the smallest piece I could find and about 1/3 cup of the marinara sauce, roll, with a little butter and a soda. I couldn't stop the soda. I needed caffiene so bad and they only have coke products and I just could NOT do a diet coke when they had cherry coke. Then dessert was three sugar cookies. But I did good when I got home. I had a BLT with a bowl of tomato soup. Only two slices of the pre-cooked bacon. I used some of my flex points, but thats what they are there for.


Yesterday, I was in a lot of pain. My back just took a bad step in the wrong direction. So, after work Sat. I came straight home and went to sleep in the recliner for like three hours. That night I was up and down, up and down. turning. Went downstairs and tried the recliner, didn't work. It was horrible. I was so tired and hurting. I prayed I could get sleep last night and thank God I did.


I ate oatmeal, toast, tortilla cheese chips with ff sour cream and salsa, ice cream bar, mom bought McDs grilled chicken sandwich and I ate some tortilla chips with it, some diet hot coco, ff whipped cream, and veggie soup with crackers for dinner and a small piece of chocolate cake with some milk. LOL


Oatmeal for BK this morning. LC for lunch, and a few snacks.


I hope my back can handle today. The only positive thing is that it reminds me why I'm doing what I'm doing. The only negetive is that I'm without exercise once again.

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Hope everyone had a great weekend! Brooke- I'm glad your not punishing yourself for the little things. :D


I wasn't very good this weekend :o BUT I had a great weekend! Especially yesterday my friend (who is scottish) took me to the highlands games and they were awesome. One band that played..it seriously felt like I was at a rock concert they were amazing and I got their cd and got two band members to sign :D I also got a handmade necklace and earrings that are STUNNING. DId I spend too much this weekend? YES :eek:

But I had a great time and that's what counts most.


Did I mention I got another sunburn? :eek: and the bee's were terrible. Couldn't take a sip of fresh brewed root beer without 5-10 bees around.


Anyways I made my mistakes and I was back in the gym at 5:30am this morning making up for it! Also you know your really tired at that time of morning when you head in the wrong direction. I was late getting too the gym because I took a different way and was heading to another town! LOL


Hope everyone has a great monday..last day of summer! :D

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So, last night I had McDonalds. Quarter pounder with fries. I had the points, but I still felt guilty after the yumminess left my taste buds. Weigh in is today, so I guess we will see, lol.


I might take the rest of the day off if my back doesn't stop hurting. Its so random now. I don't understand.


Oh, we found out yesterday that our Director of Alumni Services is resigning to move to another job. Its good for her, less of a commute. Bad for me though. I was just starting to like her job, lol. I felt that if she stayed a little longer I could have learned a lot and then could have taken over for her b/c I'am a alumni and all. lol.


Our big VP is a guy though and I hate to say it, the last few people he has hired have been guys b/c our dept. is mostly women. I hate to say he is sexes, but.........if the shoe fits. Otherwise he is a nice guy.


I asked the Ast. Director if she would take it and she doesn't want it b/c its really stressful. I asked if I would have a chance in hell and to be honest and she said, no, but no harm in trying.


I really would LOVE to get out of this attic hole with no human contact and away from my supervisor b/c though she is nice, she has her problems and I feel like she is holding me back.


All this stress isn't good for me. Geez, maybe I should just be happy I have a job and I'm "healthy" and living.


Same old for BK

Lunch LC

Dinner, maybe leftover soup.


Peace out.

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Ugh, I gained 2lbs this week. The good thing is I know everything I did wrong. Eating out too much, high fat foods, combined with no physical activity= 2lbs.


I wanna say I don't feel bad about it and a little mad and a bit teary, but I know those emotions will go away and my positive attitude will kick in. I just wanna go run a mile, lol.


I new week and maybe I will lose the 2lbs. If I can gain 2lbs in a week, I can lose it. So, that's my goal......lose the 2lbs I gained.

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Brooke - Ya win some, ya lose some and then you repete. Eventually with possitive thinking you will still end up less then what you were before. I think most people, epecially people who are trying to lose weight have a plateu or a gain at some point and then just keep thinking positive and like you said work on trying to lose what you lost. The two pounds could be for a number of reasons also- make sure you are drinking plenty of water...I'm trying to tell myself this everyday too.:p


Yesterday was pool therapy and today the personal trainer at the gym had us go to a nearby Senior residents pool. LOL

Well I overslept and was late :mad: but I got there and started doing the aerobics. THe only thing I didn't like was the fact that the pool only went 4ft deep...you get more resistance in deeper water.

Tomorrow I'm gonna try my best to hit the gym for some more excercises. My food intake- still not perfect but I'm trying slowly on working on it. I am resisting a lot of temptations and at the same time I am giving in to a few but tweeking it a bit. Will get weighed in at the next weight loss surgery meeting first monday in October..seems like forever since I've been there.


It's hump day, half way to friday! :D

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Thanks Jess. I know there are always setbacks, just don't care for them, lol.


Chiro said my pelvis was out of place and that was causing the pain, plus my hip flexers were aggrvt.


I figured out a more comfortable way to sit on my exercise bike that allows me to feel less pain and do more, so I'm back to that. Did 15 mins @ moderate rate and some weights last night. It felt good.


I'm making sure this week that I count every little thing that goes into my mouth and I'm going to buy a food scale to make sure I'm eating the right amounts instead of "eyeing it." Hopefully between these things and the exercise I will get rid of those 2lbs.


Jess, you are great for getting in the pool. I've yet to gather the nerve again to do it.


One more work day.

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I ended up not going to the gym this morning. I need that one day a week where I sleep in later (excluding weekends). Plus I'm dealing with mother nature right now, so yeah that makes me more tired. Today for lunch I brought a healthy choice fresh mixer and for snacks I have a almond granola bar and no sugar added applesauce.


If someone came up to you while you were eating something bad and said "Oink Oink" would you be insulted or would you think that's a motivator?


Someone said that to someone else and I just wanted your thoughts on that.

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That is a NEGATIVE motivator, if you can call it motivation. When losing weight or dealing with any disease or addiction people need positive re-enforcement.


"oink, oink" is a response from someone with a bad impression of themselves and is pushing those negative feelings about their own lives off on someone else. Plus someone with the mentality of a 10 year old.


This may have been a moment in that person's life that says, "maybe I need to change things." but it should also be a time in that person's life that says, "Maybe I also need to change the people I surround myself with too."


I'm sorry if this was someone you know or a family member or something, but that's my honest opinion.

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Hi Guys


Jess I agree with Brooke that is a NEGATIVE motivator. They either have something thenmselves that they are angry at or mentality of a child.


I have had noises like that said to me and you try to ignore it, then you try to not dwell on it but you do. And how do you tell that person he/she needs help.


I am having a good week so far. My curves workouts are saying that I am increasing strength.


The biggest loser is still my motivation. I am not sure how all of them lost 155 lbs. But good for them. I love Curtis Stone and was trying to take his valuable lessons to life. I do not have a food scale and I know my meat/protein I have been eating to much. I loved how he took zuchini and made pasta out of it.


Do any of you get Woman's World Magazine? I got this month issue and was inspired by a woman who lost her weight just by walking and watching portion control and they tell her low glycemic diet and more fiber. I thought the article was inspiring and informative. and wanted to pass on.


Have a great day

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Okay so here's the story behind that question.


I went yesterday to see the trainer like I do every Mon. & Wed and I go with two girls from work. One was on vacation this week. We were doing water aerobics yesterday and we were talking about eating and motivation and the co-worker who was with me was talking about the other co-worker who's on vacation and she said "if you see XXXX eating something she's not suposed to all you have to do is go up to her and say OINK OINK, and she will immediatley stop eating". I was like :eek:


She goes..oh and XXX calls me CHUBS. Then the personal trainer was saying how that was good and how XXX (who's on vacation) needs that to stay focused.


Then I said- Im sorry but if anyone said that to me I would be pissed. I would be insulted. That would make me feel worse about myself.


Then they were saying how they see it in a positive way..but to be honest with you I don't think they have been through the things I have with my weight and if they have then I think they would see it differently and not only that but I thought the same thing you guys did as well...negative reinforcement.

I had a lot of negative reinforcement on myself and through other people and just now in the last two years I have tried to change that so now I don't think that's an NOT an acceptable way to encourage someone to lose weight.

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Last night I was starving when I got home. I forgot to bring enough snackage, so I ended up with like 29 points when I got home. I was so hungry I just grabbed some leftover soup and crackers and went for it. Of course I measured and all, lol. Then mom came home and had bought me a grilled chicken sandwich from BK and I felt bad b/c I want eat it after its been in the fridge. So, I 16 points left to eat, so I just decided that I would eat the chicken sandwich. Then I had a small piece of chocolate cake. But I got in 17 mins of the bike at a moderate pace, so I was proud anyway.


Here is the kicker. This morning I fixed myself some egg beaters scrambled eggs on Arnold's bread and what do I do...............I leave it sitting on the counter and don't realize until halfway to work. Yep. So, I went and got a biscuit. I will just have to adjust my other point intake for the rest of the evening and realize that I still have 30 flex points and 8 exercise points! I'm trying for 20 mins tonight.


I'm still hurting. In fact I think I'm out of joint again, but I'm tired of the Dr., so I'm just gonna deal for the weekend.


Hope you guys have TGIF!

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I'm trying to be helpful here as a successful WW loser. The key to success, in my opinion, is planning ahead. I write out my whole day with 2-3 points left so I can have a piece of candy or whatever. I bring a lot of food with me when I go to work.


I just looked at my points scale, and it says that you'd be earning 5 exercise points if you do 20 minutes, not 8. You're not supposed to carry over the points from day to day...it's use 'em or lose 'em the day you exercise. I was also told to not use more than 4 exercise points, even if you earn more. I don't necessarily agree with this...I do 2 hours of high intensity exercise daily (burning 900-1200 calories according to my heart rate monitor), so I need to eat more.


I lost 16 pounds in 2 months following WW, and I've been maintaining for the past 5 weeks. My cruise is in 5 weeks...I can't wait. I am a little concerned because I do a decent amount of business travel in Oct, cruise and Thanksgiving in Nov, and am gone on business the first 3 weeks of December.

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I'm trying to be helpful here as a successful WW loser. The key to success, in my opinion, is planning ahead. I write out my whole day with 2-3 points left so I can have a piece of candy or whatever. I bring a lot of food with me when I go to work.


I just looked at my points scale, and it says that you'd be earning 5 exercise points if you do 20 minutes, not 8. You're not supposed to carry over the points from day to day...it's use 'em or lose 'em the day you exercise. I was also told to not use more than 4 exercise points, even if you earn more. I don't necessarily agree with this...I do 2 hours of high intensity exercise daily (burning 900-1200 calories according to my heart rate monitor), so I need to eat more.


I lost 16 pounds in 2 months following WW, and I've been maintaining for the past 5 weeks. My cruise is in 5 weeks...I can't wait. I am a little concerned because I do a decent amount of business travel in Oct, cruise and Thanksgiving in Nov, and am gone on business the first 3 weeks of December.



Thanks for the help, but sometimes I do shorthand on here b/c most of the girls no what I mean b/c I've said it before.


I did 17 mins of moderate level exercise on a stationary bike. When I put that in on WW online its only 2 points. The 8 points is for the total amount of exercise points I've earned for the week.


I guess I need to ask my leader, but on the online the activity recorder will not let you use exercise points until you use all your flex points. It will not start deducting from exercise until all 35 are gone. Maybe its a glicth in the system, but I will ask on Tuesday. I rarely use my exercise points.


I know planning ahead helps, but its not what I do. And I think the best part about WW is that you can fit it to you and how you live. If I plan ahead, I waste food b/c my taste changes so often. Plus I live with my parents, so I kinda go with the flow. But I'm still losing, except for last week when I had a computer error in my points. When I stop losing, I'll take the time to re-evaluate and see what I can change, including planning ahead.


Thanks for the reminder though. Hope you cont. to contribute, everything helps.

Edited by brooklynfc
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I don't post often here and have a lot to offer. I lost 80 lbs and WW in 1 1/2 yrs and have 25-30 to go 'til goal. There are great thing about WW and not so great things too but won't get into them here unless you want me to expound on them. ;)


As for Activity Points (Exercise Points), with the new Momentum plan that went into effect last December, they are used after all your Weekly points are depleted and carry over for the week as Brooke stated. Previously, they were use them or lose them per day.


If you have any questions or want any specific advice, ask away!

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I don't post often here and have a lot to offer. I lost 80 lbs and WW in 1 1/2 yrs and have 25-30 to go 'til goal. There are great thing about WW and not so great things too but won't get into them here unless you want me to expound on them. ;)


As for Activity Points (Exercise Points), with the new Momentum plan that went into effect last December, they are used after all your Weekly points are depleted and carry over for the week as Brooke stated. Previously, they were use them or lose them per day.


If you have any questions or want any specific advice, ask away!


Thanks for the clarification. I haven't really taken to Momentum, and I continue to follow the old Flex plan because it's worked for me.

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Ugh, Okay rough weekend. Went to the Extraordinary Women's conf. in our area. Mom got me up at 5am on Saturday. My throat had been sore, but now it was kinda worse, but I feel like it was b/c it was early. Then my back was hurting, but I couldn't take pain meds until I ate and we drove all the way to the next city before we got food. Then we had to wait in the rain for like 10 mins, go inside and what did they do? They had just laid a rubber tarp over the hockey rink ice and put chairs and the stage on top of that, so it was freezing in there. So damp and cold from 7am-2pm with a sore throat and achy back. Finally took me to our friends house nearby and I got under three blankets, a jacket, a sweater and a shirt and they still had to put a heating pad on my feet. Woke up yesterday with my throat still sore, couldn't eat, but I had to eat a couple bites of cereal to get the pain meds in my system. I hardly ate anything.


Couple bites of cerel, cup of tomato soup, baked potato, some candy to suck on, mom made pot roast and I ate a few of the soft potatoes and carrots and one snack cake. I still had points leftover, but I just couldn't force myself to eat when my throat hurt.


One side is hurting today and my ear, I just hope it doesn't turn into an ear infection.


I took a shower this morning b/c I feel asleep before I could last night, so no time to fix BK, so it was a ham and egg biscuit this morning. That hurt going down.


Leftover chicken and rice for lunch.


Probably some of the pot roast and potatoes for dinner.


Hope you guys had a better weekend.

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Sorry you didn't have such a great weekend Brooke :( Hopefully you'll feel better soon. ;)


My weekend did not go as planned. Friday I was supposed to hang out with my friend, well that didn't happen so she rainchecked it for Saturday. Sat morning I went to my niece's soccer game after she dropped their dog off (St Bernard!) and begged me too go, well of course I felt bad and went..which made me feel good about it anyway. Then I went home..was sooo tired so I took a nap. Got up to go to the shed as we are getting ready for a huge yardsale at my mom's work. We ended up not bringing anything up because of the rain. Friend called me later in the day to tell me she couldn't hang out again, so basically I did nothing the rest of the evening.


Sunday I got up early and went to the nearby shopping Outlets, parents cancelled our plans to go see other family members so I ended up meeting my friend and we saw surrogates. Went home and didn't do a whole lot.


Food choices, not good but not terrible...except maybe a couple things.


This morning I went to the gym and the trainer said I wasn't working out enough! :eek: One of the girls offered to walk with me during work..so we'll see. I did lose a few pounds though on the plus side.


Will be a busy week prepairing for the yard sale and hopefully getting a few more pounds off before my offical weigh in next Monday.


Take Care!

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brooke: sorry to hear about your weekend hope you are felling better soon :)


Jess: I hate when friends makes plans with you then cancel :( but sounded as though it turned out ok by going shopping at the outlets.


We have two schools in our town and the one had their homecoming and the other is this weekend. Watched the parade (homecoming court) Went to rent a movie but all the movies I wanted to see was all out. I did not do much of anything laundry, read magazine, grocery shopping, a couple of walks and took a nap and here we are another week. I did well over the weekend except I saved points for extras that i did not eat. i hope it carries into the week.

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Sorry Jess.......if I was there I would have not canceled!


Thanks Kimmer, I'm feeling mucho better!


So, today is weigh in and all I'm hoping for is to get those 2lbs I gained off. I'm hopeful. I didn't get all the exercise I wanted in, but I did keep a close eye of food and points. I hope it pays off.


Did a last chance workout last night, lol. Well, wasn't nearly what BL does, but I did push myself a little more. Faster and a little longer.


I won't write much now. I'll come back after lunch and let you know the results. Cross your fingers, that at least it goes down and not up again.

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Hey ladies! This past weekend was on the crazy side! Friday night we drove to Tampa to look at a new car, which he ended up buying. Then I had to get up Saturday morning early to drive to Savannah to meet up with a friend. My back was killing me after driving that much! I did pretty good during the weekend, especially with all the walking we did.


Yesterday I had the normal Special K Berries for BK, lunch was homemade wrap. Hubs and I decided to buy a whole turkey to start using as lunchmeat rather than buy the processes stuff. We have tons of it left and will last us for about a month between the 2 of us. Sweet! I used that in my wrap, topped with Sweet Baby Ray's Sweet & Spicy sauce. Dinner was garlic and herb pork and stuffing. <<---I'm suppose to have that for lunch today but my PMS is kicking in and am really craving Checkers. I don't know. I usually end up talking myself out of my cravings, lol!!


Today is normal breakfast -Special K Berries. Lunch is suppose to be leftovers from last nights dinner but we'll see if my craving wins or not. Dinner tonight is some kind of Hormel Turkey and gravy meal.

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Brooke hope your weigh in goes well and you get that two pounds off!


Friday I weighed in at the pool place I go to and it was less then at the Doctors office a couple weeks back. Today I weighed myself on the same scale there and I lost another 2lbs and I retried it several times! I'm really happy about it. :D


I am having a small hot chocolate this morning but I do have a nature valley bar for a snack, mini popcorn bag for later just in case and for lunch it will be what I had yesterday...a salad. I will grab and apple and yogurt at the store also. Dinner will probably be left over lasagna my mother made.


Stay positive and have a great day everyone!


Brooke I will be waiting for your next post to see how it went! ;)

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Here is a recipe that sounds yummy for the cooler weather. A little similar to the Olive Garden's Zuppa Tuscana.



igatoniSausageKale_n_lg.jpgmain meals



POINTS® Value: 7

Servings: 4

Preparation Time: 10 min

Cooking Time: 16 min

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Works with Simply Filling

Italian food is always a family favorite. Use kale or broccoli rabe — depending on what’s available.









2 cup(s) uncooked rigatoni

1/8 tsp table salt, or to taste, for cooking pasta

8 oz raw turkey sausage, sweet Italian variety icon_filling_food.gif 4 cup(s) kale, roughly chopped into bite-sized pieces icon_filling_food.gif 1 cup(s) canned chicken broth

1/4 tsp black pepper

1/4 tsp table salt

1/2 cup(s) shredded Parmesan cheese, Parmigiano-Reggiano recommended Instructions



  • Cook rigatoni in salted water according to package directions.
  • Meanwhile, remove sausage from casing and cook in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat, breaking up sausage as it cooks, about 3 minutes. Add kale; cook, stirring frequently, until limp, about 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Add broth to skillet and scrape up browned bits on bottom of skillet with a wooden spoon; season with salt and pepper. Cover skillet and reduce heat to low; cook until kale is tender, about 5 to 10 minutes. Stir in rigatoni; heat through.
  • Sprinkle each serving with about 2 tablespoons of cheese before serving. Yields about 1 1/2 cups per serving.

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