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Cruising to Healthy


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Well, the chiro def. helped. I had a place on the back on my head I didn't even know was in need of help. He worked on the knot too. he said my lyphs were swollen, might account for my ears being clogged in the mornings. He hardly had to touch me to pop my hips either, lol. As usual, I'm sore, but ice and some Ibprofin will help.


I had grilled cheese last night, just two of them and no side. I did have a piece of sweets last night, but stopped at that.


Getting at least 64+ oz of water in a day too.


Sat. 319.4

Sun. 319.4

Mon. 318.8

Tues. 319.4

Wed. 320.4

Thurs. 320.4


I guess 319 it will be. Means I lost the 1lb though, so its still good. I'm gonna round up from the 318.8, its just too close. Here is hoping for something good next week or possibly a miracle tomr.


BK: honey clusters


L: leftover lasagna


D: We are out of chicken.......can't believe we actually used it all up, lol. No hamburger either, just deer. Hmmmm, this could be an issue.


W: I'm gonna try for another quick workout. Being this sore after the chiro is hard, but maybe a slow 30 would be better. i will have to gauge when I get there. I'm just glad I'm getting in three workouts in my "WW" week. counting sat.


Only like 8 more days until Christmas......wow.


Oh, wearing my new boots today. Finally found a pair that didn't have sky high heels and weren't pencil thin with a wide calf. The calves are still a little small, but a little scrunch in a boot works. So far they are comfortable, but I brought flats just in case. I wanted to break them in a bit today b/c i want to wear them tomr. too for our Christmas party. OOOOOpppps, need to ask about the food, forgot.


Oh, forgot to say too. I got the results back from those test my work provided as an incentive to get healthy and get money off the insurance. Guess what my "condition" is? Weight Management. Wow, took a team of lab people to tell me that. lol. Well, I have to go to the Dr. and talk about my nutrition and exercise plan.........then I get another $10 off my health insurance a month for a year. I mean, since I'm already on a weight loss plan and I'm exercising this should be a simple visit. I'll be sure to take my weight chart to them and show them how I've been doing too. I should post that again for you guys......maybe tomr.


I can't remember, I think one of my Cholesterol was in the "watch zone" and my BP too, but I don't think its fair to judge my BP from that day b/c they had needles.........just saying. My hip/waist ratio was in the good though, which I think means that I don't have that middle fat that they say is so unhealthy. Also I'm below average for all the risk for my age group and population.


So, let me sum that up for you. The only thing really wrong with me is I'm fat. And since I'm already working on that.........lol. I will try and cut some more fat out though as a result of the cholst. watch. I think I've been avoiding veggies too and I understand they help with cholst. Oh course, my dad is only about 25lbs over weight and he has cholst. so it might just be in my genes. But of course, they will blame it on my weight, so I doubt there is no point in arguing.


But I'm on a good track. Saw a video from Good Morning America where a girl lost 200lbs and she used WW plan. It took her three years, but she started at 500lbs. There is hope though. I'm 20lbs away from 299. That is exciting. (Did I mention they weighed me in at 327 when I did that test. I know for a fact that my weight chart had me at 321, not much of a diff. on the scale of fatness I guess though, just saying, lol.)


Good choices.

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Got in my workout. I have to say, I feel I accomplish a lot more with a 20 mins workout pushing myself than 30 mins of pacing myself. I got my heart rate up to 178 and even when I slowed down for a few mins. it hovered at 154. That has to be good.


I ate crap for dinner. Chicken sandwich and fries, some oreos. Did all that good work in the gym and then put that in my body. I amaze myself sometimes.


So Christmas lunch today. Yesterday we had range of the full menu, now they may have decided to limit it. My co-worker said she would send us the limited menu if so. Hopefully something decent. I also will be eating dinner out with friends at Buffalo Wild Wings. Kids will be with us, so we thought it would be easier and cheaper and no where near the mall traffic. I don't eat wings, so that won't be hard, but their menu is VERY limited. I think I will just have to go with a grilled chicken sandwich unless they've added anything since.


Sat. 319.4

Sun. 319.4

Mon. 318.8

Tues. 319.4

Wed. 320.4

Thurs. 320.4

Fri. 321.4


Steady incline...........had to be the sweets. I've noticed I increased those this week and ate more at night too. I've been eating something sweet with lunch and then after dinner. Really, at my weight any sweet beside fruit should be off limits, but as I know that would be disagreeable with my mentality at this point I need to do the best I can. One sweet a day should be enough. That's what I should do and will try. But I logged my official weight as 319. 11lbs..........stuck there, but I will make it. So, if you are keeping track, since I started this post I have lost 33lbs. Over 2 years.........its sad to me, but I just have to remember that I'm not 352 anymore and for two years I haven't gone back or gained more. This is a big deal.


BK: I mixed corn flakes and frosted flakes.......it was a perfect marriage of empty calories


L: Ha, Just got the menu..........so it looks like a club sandwich or hamburger. .........hmmm.


D: grilled chicken


W: Probably not any.


I've had a lot of people look at me lately and ask if I've lost weight. Maybe they are being nice, but it does help. It might be the skinny jeans and cute boots.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 320

Sun. 320

Mon. 322


I feel icky, my stomach is kinda........bleh. I'm wondering if I picked something up from the kids? Idk. Hopefully, its just a little too much eating out and I can fix that.


I think I'm going to take Wed. off. If people don't get me the stuff I need to do reports in the next two days, I think that should be their problem, not mine.


BK: smoothie and oatmeal.


L: DK, didn't plan anything


D: DK, didn't plan anything


W: Going to the gym to see what I can deal with.


Short, sweet and a little snappy today.


Good Choices.

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I haven't felt right the past couple of days, kinda bloated and just tired. I'm not sure what is up and my weight is up. Though I haven't been perfect, I really haven't been outside the realm of what I normally do, which is perplexing me. But you know during these times you have to really pay attention b/c you do things like grab a chocolate mint and don't realize that by the end of the day you had 5 of those little things. I'm just going to start today paying attention to what I'm actually putting in my mouth and the value it has. That's the first step to getting back to the basics.


So, my poor brother and SIL. They can't catch a break. She is still only 65% on her blood, so two more weeks off of work and she will need additional surgery after that with more recovery. They just got both the kids feeling better and then the baby gets a double ear infection, congestion and thrash of the mouth. If that all wasn't enough, my SIL calls last night and my brother has thrown his back out. He was in the floor and she couldn't get him up, so she needed dad to come over and help with him and me to come over and give the 4 year old a bath b/c she still can't bend down that well. We got there and he was already in the chair, he managed to get up, but he was in bad shape. I really feel bad for them and I feel bad for the 4 year old too. You should see his little face. I told you before when my SIL first got home and we were helping she had to get up and lay down and cried and it really scared him. He had a similar reaction to my brother when he had to get up and go to bed and was in pain. He has a coping mechanism of sticking two little fingers in his mouth and sucking on them, he actually has callous'. He cuddled with grandpa for a while after that.


Mom had to take the baby and my SIL to the dr. this morning, the 4 year old went to daycare and I will be taking my brother to the chiropractor this afternoon.


Sat. 320

Sun. 320

Mon. 322

Tues. 322

Wed. 320.8


Well, at least it will only be a 1lb gain. Wonder if I'm in a rut again or if its just the Holidays and I guess a bit of family stress lately...........




At home for the rest of the week


BK: Shredded wheat


L: No plans


D: No plans


W: Will try to get one in on the bike this afternoon.


Good Choices.

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Mon. 321.6


I posted 320 for last week's weigh in. 1lb gain, but it was probably a good idea just try to maintain.


I hope I can keep the 320 this week and then start out with the new year.


I didn't weigh this weekend.........too much going on, but will not lie and say that I ate more than I needed. But I will say that I ate less that I have in the past. Its not perfect, but its improvement.


I'm under the weather. Its some stuff in my chest. It skipped my sinus' and went straight to my chest this time. The bad thing is I need mucinex to get it out of my chest, but that stuff really affects my BP, so much so I can feel it. I think I will half the pill and take it with some hours inbetween to help. I hope I feel good enough tomr. to get on the bike. I took a nice nap today b/c I got really tired. Its not really helping that the wood stove at home is blowing back smoke in the house, dad is smoking in the basement and mom decided to fry some potatoes which created a bit of smoke. My lungs are not happy. I really hope this is the last year I have to deal with wood heat and my dad's smoke.........I really hope I can get out of the house this year.


Good Choices.

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Mon. 321.6

Tues. 320.2

Wed. 321.4


I went out shopping today which means eating out. So IHOP was first. I went with their simple and fit eggs bk, that has 2 slices of turkey bacon, egg substitute, wheat toast. I did add some silver dollar pancakes. I don't like pancakes unless they are made at IHOP, its weird, but they just taste so perfect. I thought that was better than getting the big pancakes, but they are still like 10 points for them. So, if I had forwent the pancakes I would have only spent 9 pts on BK. Instead 19 was spent. It was a late breakfast, so wasn't so bad b/c we skipped lunch.


Then my mom and friend went to Panera b/c they wanted the soup bread bowl. Well, I knew that was BAD. The poor checkout girl got a little annoyed with me. I flat out told her that there was nothing on their menu that looked remotely healthy. I finally ended up with a 1/2 turkey sandwich, a bowl of tomato soup and an apple with unsweet tea. Thank you smart phone.......b/c I looked up the soup and it was 380 calories for the 1 1/2 cup they had in there. So, I decided to just eat half. Thank goodness I made a good decision on that unlike the pancakes b/c it would have been another 10 pts, but instead I got away with 5pts for the soup and 3pts for the sandwich (thats what their nutrition says) of course I added a packet of olive oil mayo, so 1 more point.


Now, I think I will just have a cup of hot coco for something sweet. I have like 10 points left.


I did get a bit of walking in too, won't count it, but its there.


Good Choices.

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Mon. 321.6

Tues. 320.2

Wed. 321.4

Thurs. 320.2


Well, maintaining through the holidays isn't so bad, last year I gained...........so I will count that as an accomplishment. Friday, I will get some exercise in.......depending on how I feel. I'm fighting off a respty. and sinsus infection. I'm trying everything I can to keep if from coming to the point of going to the Dr. But it is def. affecting my sleep.


Hope I can behave with food today.


I have new motivation for a short term goal. My aunt bought me a dress from LB. Its a straight line strapless dress, its super cute. Its a 26/28 and if you have read before then you know that I have large hips and a small top. Well, since this dress is straight it has some fit problems. I have to say, when I first saw it, I was actually thinking I wouldn't even get it on. However, I did manage to slip it on, even without unzipping it. The slip underneath is really tight on me b/c its silk, but the actual dress has some stretch to it, so it fits, but def. shadows my shape. The top on the other hand is loose and the waist is dropped a bit (I'm trying to get a pic). So, my new motivation is to loose 10 more lbs to fit in this dress better. I think 10 more will help me fit in it, not sure, but that's what I'm going with. Mom said she could cut the slip, but I just wanna see if I can get it to fit first. My aunt really bought it for my next cruise, so I have 11 months, but with 1lb per week my avg, I'm going to shoot for 2 1/2 months.


Did I mention I found a very cute dress at Avenue yesterday marked down from $50 to $20. Its green polka dots on a cream background, very 1950s style, LOVED IT! And...........it was a size 26 and it fit.


I do think exercise will be easier once I get back to work and get back to using the gym, but I think also, that I just need to get a little bit of exercise in everyday, even if its just going outside and walking leisurely around. Thats what all the weightloss stories say........they started with just a little bit of exercise everyday. Of course my New Years resolution is partly to get more veggies in my diet. You know I like sugary fruits, but veggies are hard. Anyone have a book or site that gives lots of reciepes for healthy ways to fix veggies? Like flavoring that is low cal, but tasty (obviously, not ranch and swimming in butter). I have to have flavor on my veggies to eat them.


Good Choices.

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Panera is a sad place. The food is excellent, but boy do they murder it. And they advertise it as being "so healthy"..HUH? I used to eat the veggie sandwich at least once a week there, then when I looked on the "Eat This, Not That" website I found out the two pieces of bread had something like 24g of sugar each per slice! And that was the wheat. How does a soup that is supposed to be made out of Tomatoes have 380 calories for 1 1/2 cups??!! Good thing for the save with your phone.


You might like that website, it's called "Eat This, Not That" and has some really good "swaps" for favorite restaurants.


Mon. 321.6

Tues. 320.2

Wed. 321.4


I went out shopping today which means eating out. So IHOP was first. I went with their simple and fit eggs bk, that has 2 slices of turkey bacon, egg substitute, wheat toast. I did add some silver dollar pancakes. I don't like pancakes unless they are made at IHOP, its weird, but they just taste so perfect. I thought that was better than getting the big pancakes, but they are still like 10 points for them. So, if I had forwent the pancakes I would have only spent 9 pts on BK. Instead 19 was spent. It was a late breakfast, so wasn't so bad b/c we skipped lunch.


Then my mom and friend went to Panera b/c they wanted the soup bread bowl. Well, I knew that was BAD. The poor checkout girl got a little annoyed with me. I flat out told her that there was nothing on their menu that looked remotely healthy. I finally ended up with a 1/2 turkey sandwich, a bowl of tomato soup and an apple with unsweet tea. Thank you smart phone.......b/c I looked up the soup and it was 380 calories for the 1 1/2 cup they had in there. So, I decided to just eat half. Thank goodness I made a good decision on that unlike the pancakes b/c it would have been another 10 pts, but instead I got away with 5pts for the soup and 3pts for the sandwich (thats what their nutrition says) of course I added a packet of olive oil mayo, so 1 more point.


Now, I think I will just have a cup of hot coco for something sweet. I have like 10 points left.


I did get a bit of walking in too, won't count it, but its there.


Good Choices.

Edited by Gathina
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I agree that so many restaurants are just terrible for you. I've found that a lot of sandwich places have a ton of fat in their bread, too. I try to stick with plain wheat or even white if I have to. I ALWAYS buy wheat bread for home, but sometimes at a restaurant simpler (white sliced bread) is better than fancy.


Sorry it's been so long since I wrote anything. As always, the holidays are just SO busy that it's been tough. I have been eating too much candy/sweets lately... doing OK on meals/savory snacks, but I need to stay away from the sugar. I am looking forward to a fresh start in January. This year, I lost a total of 10 pounds. (Although the aforementioned sweets have infringed on that a bit!) :mad: Also have been eating out a bit and having high-calorie holiday meals, too.


We are looking to book a mexico vacation in late February (we have a friend having a destination wedding). It gives me almost 8 weeks from the beginning of the year to jumpstart some weight loss. I think I need a period of being really strict so that I can lose a bunch at once and get motivated. I'd love to lose 10 pounds before the vacation... really in high hopes I would shoot for 2 pounds/week so 16 pounds, but I think I'll start with 10. If I can do that, I will be well on my way towards my goal. Even though I lost 10 pounds this year, I'd like to lose about 20 more (30 would be ideal). I turned 30 this year, and I really want to just start maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


I'm not sure if I will go on WW for the 8 weeks or just track food on my phone again... that seems to work almost as well, and I can check in here for support.


I'm planning on eating simple breakfasts and lunches, then making 3 dinner meals each week (there's only 2 of us, so that will be enough since we will have leftovers). I'm thinking of keeping it simple. Of the three meals, one will be a soup (potato-leek soup, pumpkin soup, etc). One will be some type of whole wheat pasta (with chicken, turkey breast meatballs, etc). and one will be some type of ethnic food (mexican, stirfry, etc.) I think if I keep it simple and track the recipes in the beginning of the week, it will make it much easier to track my meals. I'm also going to start eating cottage cheese at lunch again OR greek yogurt at breakfast. I like dairy and the protein helps me stay full.


Well I will be sure to check in again after New Years! Best of luck. This is a good time to look back over the year and focus on accomplishments or goals that we didn't quite meet. I'm glad I lost 10 pounds, but I know had I focused more, it could have been more. But I'm glad that I didn't stay the same or even gain weight this year.

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Panera is a sad place. The food is excellent, but boy do they murder it. And they advertise it as being "so healthy"..HUH? I used to eat the veggie sandwich at least once a week there, then when I looked on the "Eat This, Not That" website I found out the two pieces of bread had something like 24g of sugar each per slice! And that was the wheat. How does a soup that is supposed to be made out of Tomatoes have 380 calories for 1 1/2 cups??!! Good thing for the save with your phone.


You might like that website, it's called "Eat This, Not That" and has some really good "swaps" for favorite restaurants.


Mom said they must have used milk or cream in it. Probably true. Glad I didn't just say, "Oh Tomato soup, campbell's is only like 3 points for a small bowl...." Can you imagine what their bread bowl soup was worth??


I like Eat this, Not That. It pops up on my Yahoo feed every once in a while and I read it. It had helped me make better decisions when I've been out eating.

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I agree that so many restaurants are just terrible for you. I've found that a lot of sandwich places have a ton of fat in their bread, too. I try to stick with plain wheat or even white if I have to. I ALWAYS buy wheat bread for home, but sometimes at a restaurant simpler (white sliced bread) is better than fancy.


Sorry it's been so long since I wrote anything. As always, the holidays are just SO busy that it's been tough. I have been eating too much candy/sweets lately... doing OK on meals/savory snacks, but I need to stay away from the sugar. I am looking forward to a fresh start in January. This year, I lost a total of 10 pounds. (Although the aforementioned sweets have infringed on that a bit!) :mad: Also have been eating out a bit and having high-calorie holiday meals, too.


We are looking to book a mexico vacation in late February (we have a friend having a destination wedding). It gives me almost 8 weeks from the beginning of the year to jumpstart some weight loss. I think I need a period of being really strict so that I can lose a bunch at once and get motivated. I'd love to lose 10 pounds before the vacation... really in high hopes I would shoot for 2 pounds/week so 16 pounds, but I think I'll start with 10. If I can do that, I will be well on my way towards my goal. Even though I lost 10 pounds this year, I'd like to lose about 20 more (30 would be ideal). I turned 30 this year, and I really want to just start maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


I'm not sure if I will go on WW for the 8 weeks or just track food on my phone again... that seems to work almost as well, and I can check in here for support.


I'm planning on eating simple breakfasts and lunches, then making 3 dinner meals each week (there's only 2 of us, so that will be enough since we will have leftovers). I'm thinking of keeping it simple. Of the three meals, one will be a soup (potato-leek soup, pumpkin soup, etc). One will be some type of whole wheat pasta (with chicken, turkey breast meatballs, etc). and one will be some type of ethnic food (mexican, stirfry, etc.) I think if I keep it simple and track the recipes in the beginning of the week, it will make it much easier to track my meals. I'm also going to start eating cottage cheese at lunch again OR greek yogurt at breakfast. I like dairy and the protein helps me stay full.


Well I will be sure to check in again after New Years! Best of luck. This is a good time to look back over the year and focus on accomplishments or goals that we didn't quite meet. I'm glad I lost 10 pounds, but I know had I focused more, it could have been more. But I'm glad that I didn't stay the same or even gain weight this year.



I know it was all those little things I popped in my mouth without thinking and then all the eating out too. Though I love my family, I was really happy to only spend 1 night in WV. When there is nothing to really do there, you just eat........and eat........sleep........eat. One day of that was enough. I got right back on track after Christmas day though, I wasn't perfect, but I got back to tracking and counting and trying to make heathlier choices.


Its hard, but its the little successes that will push you through.

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Mon. 321.6

Tues. 320.2

Wed. 321.4

Thurs. 320.2

Fri. 319.4


Well, its better than 320.2.......eh.


So. 319.4 is official this week.


Still sick. Nasal passage is swollen, trying to get it to continue to drain though, that's the part that has to cont. The last time it couldn't drain I had to take steriods. So, nasal decongestant for my nose, and some nasal spray. At night I'm spraying some saline spray in there and using a massage wand to help move things. I have been using an extra spray of nasal spray at night.......but I figure having meds that open my passages at night is important. I also pop a nasal degc. at night too. The issue is, it all drains down and gets in my chest, so I have to wake up in the middle of the night sit up and cough until I get it cleared, totally gross. I also did like boiling water steam and threw some pepperiment candy in and it helped loosen and get some moisture in my nose. I would really like to not go to the Dr.


Anyway, mom and went on a little tour of some houses I liked. I think most will be out of my prices range, but I really don't think I will find houses in good neighborhoods in my price range at this point. I found one I really loved, but I haven't been inside yet. I've seen pics, but not inside. But I'm lucky to have real estate agents in the family to help me. I'm gonna go ahead and get prequalified, so I can see what I can get and if its worth it to buy right now or just go ahead and try to rent until I can save up some serious down payment.


I had oatmeal for BK


Then we went out and we got half/half tea from McDs. Mom was starving and I was just feeling bad so I couldn't tell if I was hungry or just sick, so we went by Wendy's. I went with a grilled chicken wrap (whatever that sauce they have on the grilled chicken) and a small fry with water. I would have went with a baked potato but we were getting back in the car. I will from now on b/c Wendy's fries are crazy points wise. 8 points for a small fry!!! That's almost a large McDs fry.


Came home and had some leftover homemade spaght. that was made with mom's homemade canned tomato sauce and deer for meat, and high fiber pasta. I had some ice pops to help sooth my throat and a hot coco later.


We I start feeling better I will get back to exercise.


Good Choices.

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Small fast food tip..from the Eat This Not That people..yes I do this..if I do ever eat fries or something with too much grease I blot the grease as best as I can with a napkin..it does help minimize any damage already done..in terms of fat grams, etc. I've done this on pizza before too. When you see how much grease you blot out it's amazing..and disgusting!


Mon. 321.6

Tues. 320.2

Wed. 321.4

Thurs. 320.2

Fri. 319.4


Well, its better than 320.2.......eh.


So. 319.4 is official this week.


Still sick. Nasal passage is swollen, trying to get it to continue to drain though, that's the part that has to cont. The last time it couldn't drain I had to take steriods. So, nasal decongestant for my nose, and some nasal spray. At night I'm spraying some saline spray in there and using a massage wand to help move things. I have been using an extra spray of nasal spray at night.......but I figure having meds that open my passages at night is important. I also pop a nasal degc. at night too. The issue is, it all drains down and gets in my chest, so I have to wake up in the middle of the night sit up and cough until I get it cleared, totally gross. I also did like boiling water steam and threw some pepperiment candy in and it helped loosen and get some moisture in my nose. I would really like to not go to the Dr.


Anyway, mom and went on a little tour of some houses I liked. I think most will be out of my prices range, but I really don't think I will find houses in good neighborhoods in my price range at this point. I found one I really loved, but I haven't been inside yet. I've seen pics, but not inside. But I'm lucky to have real estate agents in the family to help me. I'm gonna go ahead and get prequalified, so I can see what I can get and if its worth it to buy right now or just go ahead and try to rent until I can save up some serious down payment.


I had oatmeal for BK


Then we went out and we got half/half tea from McDs. Mom was starving and I was just feeling bad so I couldn't tell if I was hungry or just sick, so we went by Wendy's. I went with a grilled chicken wrap (whatever that sauce they have on the grilled chicken) and a small fry with water. I would have went with a baked potato but we were getting back in the car. I will from now on b/c Wendy's fries are crazy points wise. 8 points for a small fry!!! That's almost a large McDs fry.


Came home and had some leftover homemade spaght. that was made with mom's homemade canned tomato sauce and deer for meat, and high fiber pasta. I had some ice pops to help sooth my throat and a hot coco later.


We I start feeling better I will get back to exercise.


Good Choices.

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'Tis the season for being sick and eating. I am done with all of it!!! :( All 4 of us in the house have colds of some form and eating has been out of control terrible. Of course, it's so hard to control with so many good things around. But, we are also until the horrible stress of dealing with my father in law's inevitable passing in the very near future. There has been no meal planning or thinking period. I am anxious for the kids to be back in school and get back on a regular schedule of eating right and exercising.


Here is hoping for a happy and healthy new year for all.

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Sat. 321

Sun. Didn't weight b/c I was at a friends

Mon. 323


Well, way to start a new year............but with drinking a bit and .......well New Years day not getting out of pjs until 3pm..........yea not good choices.


I feel..............like .........:(. I can't really tell if I'm getting better or not. I don't think I am, but I'm not getting worse....i don't think. If you don't mind me being gross for a min.


Woke up with with my chest hurting, the back of my nasal passages feeling full. When I got the nerve up to let myself cough, I almost choked on the nastiness that came up in little yellow bits (GAG, gross!). What came out of my nose wasn't much better. Dr. Oz says most sinus infections clear up on their own eventually........do u think a week of this is too long? I know that my bp was up again yesterday from the decongestant. The problem is, I can't find my new insurance card........I don't remember if I even got it. I got my other cards............but with all the bustle of Christmas it could have gotten misplaced.




Back to work today.


BK: Reg. oatmeal with some sugar


L: I will go to subway b/c I have a gift card from mom and I didn't plan anything.


D: Mom didn't go to the store this weekend either, so our choices in the house are getting slim. I might have to go myself and just spend the extra $


W: Okay, if I don't decide to go the Dr. today (if I can get in), and if my body can make it.........if the gym is open............(so many ifs today) I will hit the elliptical.


I need a serving of veggies with both lunch and dinner (at least one), that was my plan for the new year. I'm already slacking. I have to get it together.


Good Choices.

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Brooke...I hope you are feeling better soon. I have had sinus infections. My doctor just tells me to take Sudafed, but another doctor in the same practice has prescribed an antibiotic. Honestly, the Sudafed (behind the counter regular old style Sudafed that you need to get from the Pharmacist) and a nettie pot works best for me. Are you sleeping at night? If not, get some Nyquil - sleep can work wonders. If your chest hurts, you have bronchitis, too. I would get to a doctor just to be sure. You don't want to develop pneumonia too.


Today is THE day....holidays are over. (although I am off today because my client cancelled) Time to get going and get back on track 1000000%!!!! I will try to be better about checking in and reporting in. Some how, that helps me to stay focused, too.



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Brooke...I hope you are feeling better soon. I have had sinus infections. My doctor just tells me to take Sudafed, but another doctor in the same practice has prescribed an antibiotic. Honestly, the Sudafed (behind the counter regular old style Sudafed that you need to get from the Pharmacist) and a nettie pot works best for me. Are you sleeping at night? If not, get some Nyquil - sleep can work wonders. If your chest hurts, you have bronchitis, too. I would get to a doctor just to be sure. You don't want to develop pneumonia too.


Today is THE day....holidays are over. (although I am off today because my client cancelled) Time to get going and get back on track 1000000%!!!! I will try to be better about checking in and reporting in. Some how, that helps me to stay focused, too.





I feel better today......I hope it continues.


I know the feeling, I was making good choices, but apparently not enough b/c my weight is up, I hope its just retention of too much sodium or something.

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Sat. 321

Sun. Didn't weight b/c I was at a friends

Mon. 323

Tues. 323.8


Ugh, it pains me to type that. Its so far away from where I was going. I really hope it is just retention. I stopped my fiber intake too for a couple of days. Lots of water, a detox and cut back on the sodium, maybe I can just maintain again...........maybe.


I felt nasty yesterday, so I just went home. The worst thing was I didn't plan for lunch so I had to go get some and the only thing they had open yesterday was the pizza place. I had a slice of cheese and a soda..........at least I didn't get breadsticks too. I wanted some chocolate too, but I settled for the kashi cin. cereal I had left at my desk. Got home and mom fixed veggie/deer soup. So lean mean, tomato based (canned fresh), and lots of veggies (a few pasta pieces b/c mom didn't have potatoes). Had some coco for dessert.


BK: Oatmeal with sugar


L: Brought leftover soup (this should help my veggie promise)


D: Idk


W: I feel much better today, so unless I hit rock bottom for some reason........I think I will try a workout. They say it helps to get your body circulating when you are sick, as long as you aren't killing yourself, lol.


So, I've had a setback this week..............I have 11 months..........I need to make it. I have to commit more.


People who start off at like 400-500lbs, like on talk shows, say they start off with just like 10 mins of walking a day and then eating better. It seems so simple and they shed 100lbs in a year. Maybe, I'm not as committed as I think I am. Its a good question to ask myself and to test.


Anyway, I should be good with water. I bought a brita water pitcher to use at the office (b/c the water still taste bad to me) and it holds 10 cups of water. I get that in at work then have a bit glass or two at home and I should get what I need.


Well, off and running at work, good choices.

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I've been lurking here and not posting for a while; The Biggest Loser starts tonight, I tape that and then watch it (and other shows too) when I hop on the treadmill at 3 a.m. (yes you read that right) every morning before I leave for work. I lost 100 pounds like 25 years ago and kept it off all of this time. When I remarried 15 years ago, I gained a little bit back like 10 pounds but lost it last year and now I'm just trying to lose the final 10. If I did it, you can too but you really have to commit. This is no lecture but you really should try to stay away from soda, drink more water and stay away from anything fried and processed. Eat slow, tiny bites and enjoy what you are eating. YOU can do this but you have to really be committed!

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Well, I had my first challenge today. And today is the first day I am actively tracking calories!!! Grrr. My co-worker made homemade carrot cake cupcakes for us. As you may know, I have issues telling people that I am on a diet and refusing food... it's like I don't want to hurt their feelings, and also I feel like if I tell everyone I am on a diet, they will be watching me to see what I eat/if I've been losing weight, etc. And that feels like it is inviting too much criticism. I know that's stupid, but I would rather work on my diet/exercise without talking about it all the time (just check in online here). I feel like I eat pretty sensibly (usually), but it's still an issue for me. Something to work on.


Anyway, I took oa cupcake, ate it, and tracked it. I will still be within my calorie goal (1200-1600) for the day, especially with the exercise I am planning for tonight (will try to eat around 1600 calories plus burn 400 of those). I wanted to be on the lower end of my calorie range, but now I will definitely be on the higher end. Maybe these challenges will help me figure out how to work treats sensibly into my diet. I am just feeling a little discouraged because this happened on the first day of my fresh start.


Anyway. Here is the rest of my food for the day, maybe I'll start posting it like Brooke does. :)


B - Trader Joe's O's, 1% milk, black coffee

L - Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with a slice of mozzarella, lettuce, tomato, plus 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, one small apple, and 1 tablespoon of real peanut butter

S - Carrot Cupcake :(

D - I'm thinking either homemade turkey breast meatballs with my homemade marinara and whole wheat pasta or I will make a homemade low-cal potato leek soup.


P.S. I'm also kind of mad at myself because we waited too long to book our weekend getaway trip to Mexico... it's gone up $300 per person, and now I don't think we'll go... :(

Edited by RachieLnnn
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Happy New Years everyone!


I've been gone way too long, I got a temp job and with the holidays the days flew by. Now time to get to business. I'm thinking of joining Weight Watchers On Line. I've done well on their program before and for some reason when I pay money I seem to make much better choices...I hate to throw money away! I hate the thought of paying for something I feel I should be able to do myself but it just isn't working and maybe it will get me on the right track.


Just gotta make it, me, a priority...and remember how much better I feel when I make better choices.


Here's to a great 2012! We can do it!



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Maybe better meal planning will help:


B:Jimmy Deans D-lite breakfast sandwich

L: Vegan taco salad

snacks: apples or carrots

Not yet sure about dinner gonna have to get better at planning ahead I know it will help with making better choices!


Enjoy your day!

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Well, I had my first challenge today. And today is the first day I am actively tracking calories!!! Grrr. My co-worker made homemade carrot cake cupcakes for us. As you may know, I have issues telling people that I am on a diet and refusing food... it's like I don't want to hurt their feelings, and also I feel like if I tell everyone I am on a diet, they will be watching me to see what I eat/if I've been losing weight, etc. And that feels like it is inviting too much criticism. I know that's stupid, but I would rather work on my diet/exercise without talking about it all the time (just check in online here). I feel like I eat pretty sensibly (usually), but it's still an issue for me. Something to work on.


Anyway, I took oa cupcake, ate it, and tracked it. I will still be within my calorie goal (1200-1600) for the day, especially with the exercise I am planning for tonight (will try to eat around 1600 calories plus burn 400 of those). I wanted to be on the lower end of my calorie range, but now I will definitely be on the higher end. Maybe these challenges will help me figure out how to work treats sensibly into my diet. I am just feeling a little discouraged because this happened on the first day of my fresh start.


Anyway. Here is the rest of my food for the day, maybe I'll start posting it like Brooke does. :)


B - Trader Joe's O's, 1% milk, black coffee

L - Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with a slice of mozzarella, lettuce, tomato, plus 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, one small apple, and 1 tablespoon of real peanut butter

S - Carrot Cupcake :(

D - I'm thinking either homemade turkey breast meatballs with my homemade marinara and whole wheat pasta or I will make a homemade low-cal potato leek soup.


P.S. I'm also kind of mad at myself because we waited too long to book our weekend getaway trip to Mexico... it's gone up $300 per person, and now I don't think we'll go... :(


I understand, I think I squeaked by with people not really bringing junk food in this year and my family didn't really fill the house with extra snacky foods either, just big meals.


I'm always on a diet, so I don't have to tell people anymore, lol. But you are right, it really isn't anyone's business. Sometimes, its more annoying. I hate when people ask me, "Where can you eat?" I know they are trying to help, but it just rubs me the wrong way.

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Happy New Years everyone!


I've been gone way too long, I got a temp job and with the holidays the days flew by. Now time to get to business. I'm thinking of joining Weight Watchers On Line. I've done well on their program before and for some reason when I pay money I seem to make much better choices...I hate to throw money away! I hate the thought of paying for something I feel I should be able to do myself but it just isn't working and maybe it will get me on the right track.


Just gotta make it, me, a priority...and remember how much better I feel when I make better choices.


Here's to a great 2012! We can do it!




All I gotta say is be careful with those "free" fruits and veggies............but good luck!!!!

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