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Ok, I am going to jump in here and I know your not going to like my answer. But this is my field and I've practiced in it for 15 years so I think I have some credibility.


There are different theories of addiction. The original disease concept dates back to Dr. Jellinek in the 60's...dealing with chemical dependency. It had to do with tolerance and how eventually the body developed diseases directly related to the overdose of alcohol or drugs and the body died from them. That's the easiest way to explain it.


Then as the culture shifted and things had less of a stigma on them, new theories came out about modification and learning how to "modify" and build up a tolerance the body could handle.


the problem with that is, it's a heavy cognitive behavior approach. 99% of most problems people deal with has to do with how they interpret situations, put meanings onto them. It's the thinking process that has to change before the behavior can. And under all that is the feelings that drive the behavior. If you feel hopeless, you tend to think hopeless, then the hamster in your head goes round and round. It makes no logical sense to try and tweak a diet "your way" because "your way" is how got overweight in the first place. All diets work if you follow them. They dont work when you keep making so many mofications because you don't like the way it's done, or your worried you won't get enough to eat, etc.


Saying "I can't" is an excuse. It's the negative way of approaching it. The right way to approach it is to say "I can go into McDonalds and have a small sandwhich and be okay with it" or, as I've said here before, "I can have 3 cookies and enjoy them instead of eating the entire box and then calling myself a fat pig after".


so that's a basic answer to your post..


When I was reading your posts about your treats, etc. I was wanting to know, why do you feel you deserve a treat every day? I'm not talking about just wanting one because it's there or because it taste good, but why do you think you "deserve" one? Like why do you think you deserve a cookie at night versus feeling like you deserve an apple, a new shirt,etc?


Like is your life that much better by having treats that you feel you deserve? Why is a cookie a better treat then a new lipstick or something? Wouldn't you have more of an appreciation if you didn't have them as often, saw the scale drop more, an then bought a new blouse because you really did deserve that??


My rambling thoughts..no offense intended.



Just for conversational purposes..........


I was thinking about this, probably my brains way of finding excuses, but nontheless.....


Would a psychiatrist say this to a drug or alcohol patient or even someone suffering from a phobia?


I mean, I have an addiction to food, and unfair as it is I can't take it out of my life forever, just modify it.


But still, a lot of people consider addiction a disease, something that has to be treated at least, like alcohol or drugs or even a phobia.


When you deal with chemical dependency the statement on a physical level is, NO they CAN'T. Their body tells them so.


When you talk about the mental part of it, then its they CAN'T and they WON'T. B/c their mind is mentally effected by the chemical in their physical body.


If you asked someone who had a phobia of going outside.....They would say "I can't go outside." They might not be able to tell you why, but they mentally can't rationalize their fear, their problem. So, while you and I are probably like, "Just freakin' go outside!" They are paralyzed by a fear that probably feels like having a gun held to your head by someone saying, "Don't go outside."


Now, is food addiction this serious? Do most people who have weight problems actually have this kind of severity of eating issues? I don't know. I'm sure their are statistics on it.


I do know the treatment for these addictions and issues take time. It isn't overnight, its small steps to retrain you mind and body to respond differently to the stimulate. 12 step programs or what have you.


Sure, some people can quit cold turkey (my did it with smoking when i was born, although he started back up again when I was in high school), but did they address their issues or just push them to the side only to pop up again later?


I do believe their are people out there who eat b/c they can and don't care and if they wanted to stop eating and lose weight all it would take is for them to care. But I think there are people out there, maybe like me, who have physical and mental reasons why they struggle with food on a daily basis.


I'm as slow as a turtle on this and it well may take me years to get to a safe place, but my plan is to stay there.


And yes, there are things that I say I CAN'T do and believe me when I tell you, I'm not using it as an excuse. I'm either physically or mentally not ready for it and in my mind........I can't............yet.


With all that rant........do know I'm not picking on you or anything like that. I will say it again, I do appreciate everyone and the help they offer.


PS-Bob Harper is hot.

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Ok, I am going to jump in here and I know your not going to like my answer. But this is my field and I've practiced in it for 15 years so I think I have some credibility.


There are different theories of addiction. The original disease concept dates back to Dr. Jellinek in the 60's...dealing with chemical dependency. It had to do with tolerance and how eventually the body developed diseases directly related to the overdose of alcohol or drugs and the body died from them. That's the easiest way to explain it.


Then as the culture shifted and things had less of a stigma on them, new theories came out about modification and learning how to "modify" and build up a tolerance the body could handle.


the problem with that is, it's a heavy cognitive behavior approach. 99% of most problems people deal with has to do with how they interpret situations, put meanings onto them. It's the thinking process that has to change before the behavior can. And under all that is the feelings that drive the behavior. If you feel hopeless, you tend to think hopeless, then the hamster in your head goes round and round. It makes no logical sense to try and tweak a diet "your way" because "your way" is how got overweight in the first place. All diets work if you follow them. They dont work when you keep making so many mofications because you don't like the way it's done, or your worried you won't get enough to eat, etc.


Saying "I can't" is an excuse. It's the negative way of approaching it. The right way to approach it is to say "I can go into McDonalds and have a small sandwhich and be okay with it" or, as I've said here before, "I can have 3 cookies and enjoy them instead of eating the entire box and then calling myself a fat pig after".


so that's a basic answer to your post..


When I was reading your posts about your treats, etc. I was wanting to know, why do you feel you deserve a treat every day? I'm not talking about just wanting one because it's there or because it taste good, but why do you think you "deserve" one? Like why do you think you deserve a cookie at night versus feeling like you deserve an apple, a new shirt,etc?


Like is your life that much better by having treats that you feel you deserve? Why is a cookie a better treat then a new lipstick or something? Wouldn't you have more of an appreciation if you didn't have them as often, saw the scale drop more, an then bought a new blouse because you really did deserve that??


My rambling thoughts..no offense intended.


I don't deserve it, I want it. Simple. I know I want it and I know if I don't put some kind of limit on it, I will go back to eating M&Ms in the middle of the day, then a rice crispy treat later afternoon, then go home eat dinner and then eat a little debbie cake or cookie or ice cream.


I don't want to cut it out now or ever. This is probably why I'm on such an opposite plane as everyone else. I want to learn how to live with it. How to live with a McDs on every street corner and a family who spends every holiday stuffing their faces. So the only thing I can think of is to find control over it. If I can say to myself, "Brooke, you get one 'treat' a day, you have control over what it is, when you have it, and how much, now make YOUR choice." Then I have to really think about it. When do I usually mostly want something extra? When do I have the most opportunity to overeat? Will we be going out to eat? Is there a special occasion that I need to take into account? Then I can make my choice based off of a well thought out day.


To me its about control. I don't want to be told what to do or how to do it. Everything has to my choice or nothing. My mom has fought with me for years, some of our biggest fights have been over her "trying" to give me advice on what to eat or not to eat. I don't know why I want control over my diet so much, anything else I don't much care if someone else decides, but food is a whole new world. It makes me nervous, angry, and defensive when people try to control it or tell me how to do it. In fact, just writing about it makes all those things come up. I probably feel, but don't display the same thing my 4 year old nephew does when he gets frustrated.


If he has a toy and he is playing with, he will ask you to play with him and if you do something with the toy that is new he wants to try it, but if he can't do it exactly the way you do it he gets really frustrated and throws the toy, puts his head down and says in a pouting voice, "I can't do it." If you try to help him try again he gets even more frustrated and tries to turn away from you and will stomp his feet and go, "hmp, I can't do it!" At this point you have to stop 'pushing' him, tell him its okay, go back to playing by yourself until he decides he is ready to try again........he will...........and he succeeds.


Now, its nothing against what anyone hear says, b/c its nothing against anyone personally. Its just an emotional reaction that would happen with anyone, even family, friends, strangers..........it doesn't matter I don't discriminate. I still like to hear what people think b/c a few things have actually gotten through my wall.


I have to do this my way. And by that I don't mean going back to the eating habits that got me to 352lbs. I mean I have to deal with each level of dealing with my food issues my way. So if gradually reducing the the amount of treats can have is the way I have to do it to be able to reach the zero or practically none, then that is the way I have to do it.


I'm following WW program, well I guess I'm 'OFFICIALLY' following the program now. I reset everything, even if it means I gain some weight. I re-read their program guides and for the past week I've been on point and on the program 100%. And you are right, it will work if I follow it. But I think the program has to be understood. WW recommends certain ways of eating and encourages you to eat that way. However, it also preaches about not depriving yourself and that its system allows for moments of.......and I believe the document actually says.......treats. They sell WW ice cream, which I don't really eat, but they do and muffins and cakes etc. Now its all lower calorie, smaller portions etc. So, I could still follow the WW program 100% if I had one of there little mini chocolate cakes three times a day in between meals if I planned it into my daily meals. But I'm saying, I don't want to have to need to plan that into my daily meals. I want to be okay with having one special thing a day. Something that I will enjoy and something I can say that I choose b/c I have control over it. I need to prove to myself that I can eat something like that and not go crazy again. I need to prove I can say STOP, to myself and I'll listen.


And to be honest, I'm more than proud of myself this week. I've kept on point, not going over and even one day a couple points under my daily points. I've still managed about 5 days of exercise and I've kept to my 1 treat a day for at least 5 days straight, WITHOUT feeling like I NEED anything else. I've even curved times when I might have tried to sabotage myself and it wasn't that hard. So maybe the point of what I'm doing is lost on some, but I totally get it and I believe my actions this week and the fact that it was a 2lbs loss week, means it hasn't been lost on me. I'm overjoyed at these results both mentally and physically.


In fact, I think I deserve a happy dance:




We I see how much I've changed, I'm don't really care that my progress is slow. I didn't learn habits overnight and they won't change overnight either. I'm very happy about where I'm at and I think it is okay for me to believe that and say it. And its also okay to say that I'm okay and happy, but I can want more at the same time. And that's what I need to say, b/c self doubt is my worst enemy, even more so than food.


And I don't take offense.........:)

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1 MORE DAY UNTIL THE BEACH. I wasn't excited at first, I'm still not as excited as I am for my Nov. cruise, but I think I'm just holding back b/c I want to see how the boys react. Plus it is very bittersweet for me. The beach, especially this beach and the place we are staying is where I used to go with my grandmother every year. Its one of the biggest memories I have of her. It is some of the best memories of have of her and also a painful association. The last time she went to the beach she was in one of the last treatments for cancer she would have. My aunt decided to go with her hopping it would help her fight a little harder. She didn't know when she planned it that it was during the performances I had for my senior play in high school and I had a pretty big role. So, I didn't get to go with my grandmother, on what would be her last trip to the our beach. It still makes me cry, though I think its just the memory of how I felt b/c I came to conclusion a few years ago that i was lucky to have missed that last trip b/c my memories of my grandmother and the beach would always be when she was healthy and happy and vibrant and laughing. I didn't get to ruin those memories with one bad memory of her being sick.


Needless to say though, I haven't been there since I was around 10 years old and a lot of things have changed, but I bet a lot has stayed the same and I'm sure a few good memories will flood my mind that will cause a few tears. Even after 13 years, I still miss her.


Now that the sappy is over.


Our fridge is bear so I decided to just go by the store this morning to pick up what I needed for lunch, so it was a bit of a crap shoot, but I did give it some thought.


BK: 1/2 c oatmeal

1/2 c 2% milk

2 tsp of sugar


S: 1 c of 2% milk

1 scoop of protein powder

1 c of berries (mixed, blue, straw, rasp)


L: 4oz of turkey slice meat (ff)

1 whole yellow tomato

1 tbsp of light mayo

1 tsp of mustard

I call that a turkey/tomato salad, lol


S: 2 oz of turkey pepperoni

1 c of berries


D: Chicken something. Last night mom watched the kids at my brothers and so I made dinner for dad and I. I totally admit that I had a choice to fix myself something else and I choose not too, but I did choose to eat a smaller portion of........you guessed it.........pizza. I still was in my points values for the day too.


W: The bike, 50 mins. I'm having some pain in my talebone from sitting on that bike. I did fracture my tailbone in college, so from time to time when I sit for too long, especially on harder surfaces, I get some discomfort. That's why I limited my ride. I wanted to stop at 30 mins, but I did press on.


I don't know if I will have time to post any while at the beach, I'm think I read they have wifi, so I should be able to connect, but no promises to write.


I do promise to picture all of you staring me down should I think eating a whole bag of cookies though.:p


Good Choices.

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Brooke ~ congratulations on your two pound loss and on that smaller swimsuit bottom. Both are victories!


In the event that there are other who don't know who Bob Harper is ~ I thought I would post a picture of him so we could have a forum consensus of his hotness. :D


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Brooke ~ congratulations on your two pound loss and on that smaller swimsuit bottom. Both are victories!


In the event that there are other who don't know who Bob Harper is ~ I thought I would post a picture of him so we could have a forum consensus of his hotness. :D





I hope he's not fattening cuz i wanna eats him up LOL

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Not fattening at all..his good looks are allegedly being wasted on a man although he has never "officially" stated so..




I hope he's not fattening cuz i wanna eats him up LOL

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Hey everyone, hope you had a nice weekend! I'm travelling this week so am anticipating some annoyance while tracking. But I'm going to estimate and track the best I can. It's easy at chain restaurants, but I don't know what to come expexct. I've been tracking everyday for 2.5 weeks very consistently, even when I had a business dinner out and I'm pretty sure I was like 1000 over my calories for the day! But I ate lighter the next few days and upped my workout, instead of giving up on the week like usual. End result, I am down 5 pounds in 2.5 weeks, yeah!

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And to be honest, I'm more than proud of myself this week. I've kept on point, not going over and even one day a couple points under my daily points. I've still managed about 5 days of exercise and I've kept to my 1 treat a day for at least 5 days straight, WITHOUT feeling like I NEED anything else. I've even curved times when I might have tried to sabotage myself and it wasn't that hard. So maybe the point of what I'm doing is lost on some, but I totally get it and I believe my actions this week and the fact that it was a 2lbs loss week, means it hasn't been lost on me. I'm overjoyed at these results both mentally and physically.


In fact, I think I deserve a happy dance:




We I see how much I've changed, I'm don't really care that my progress is slow. I didn't learn habits overnight and they won't change overnight either. I'm very happy about where I'm at and I think it is okay for me to believe that and say it. And its also okay to say that I'm okay and happy, but I can want more at the same time. And that's what I need to say, b/c self doubt is my worst enemy, even more so than food.


And I don't take offense.........:)


Sounds like you have found what works for you! I'm happy for you! A 2 lb. weight loss in a week is nothing to sneeze about. I think you are well deserving of that happy dance!:)


Gathina, didn't you have a wedding this weekend?? Congratulations. I know we'd all love to see some photos if you are willing to share!!


Not much new here. Made chicken salad today (boiled chicken breast, mayo, celery, touch of splenda)...chicken pot pie for the rest of the family. Had Outback last night...steak, broccoli, and salad. Love that I can eat out and not feel like I need to cheat. DH and DD ate bread and a blooming onion, and DD had wine, but I was fine without. Going to cook a pork loin in the crockpot this week paired with some caesar salad and veggies.


Hope everyone has a good week!

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Good Morning

Hope everyone had a good weekend. DH and I spent the day a fort desoto beach sunday. What a great day had brezees all day water is wonderfuly warm. I made a huge field green salad with some chicken on it for me. And for him a sub. Salad was so good for lunch that what I made for dinner to:). Need to go buy a new scale mine died thursday. But I do feel like I have lost some more weight. I need to get really tough on working out so I can tone up better. Its so hot in Fl that I think I'm going to just start working out with my firm dvd in the house. All my workout stuff is in the garage just can't even deal with workingout in the garage. Maybe I will bring the treadmill in the house for awhile. This will drive me crazy tho I am such a fussy neat freak. And really have no where to put it.

Oh well everyone have a great day!

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Happy Monday, Everyone!


Hope everyone had a great weekend and that Brooke is having a fun vacation!


We leave for our summer cruise in 18 days and I am still hoping to drop a few more pounds before then. Wish me luck! So far I have lost 76 pounds, so I am 24 pounds away from my original goal of a 100 pound loss. When I get there (not IF I get there, WHEN I get there!), I may decide to set a new goal of another ten pounds. Even the 100 pound loss will put me at a weight that I haven't been at since middle school, so we will see how it goes. My plan of action for this week:


~ WATER, WATER, WATER (I drink at least 80 oz. per day)

~ 1,200 calories per day (and making sure I do so, I have been laxed on this the last few weeks and have had some days that were more around 1,000....I know that it not good!)

~ Everyday workouts, plus doubles on Monday and Thursday


What is everyone else's plan for the week??

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Not fattening at all..his good looks are allegedly being wasted on a man although he has never "officially" stated so..


Yeah I know it's never officially been stated but, it's obvious lol.


It's sad. We do lose a lot of the hot ones to other men lol.

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Good Morning

Hope everyone had a good weekend. DH and I spent the day a fort desoto beach sunday. What a great day had brezees all day water is wonderfuly warm. I made a huge field green salad with some chicken on it for me. And for him a sub. Salad was so good for lunch that what I made for dinner to:). Need to go buy a new scale mine died thursday. But I do feel like I have lost some more weight. I need to get really tough on working out so I can tone up better. Its so hot in Fl that I think I'm going to just start working out with my firm dvd in the house. All my workout stuff is in the garage just can't even deal with workingout in the garage. Maybe I will bring the treadmill in the house for awhile. This will drive me crazy tho I am such a fussy neat freak. And really have no where to put it.

Oh well everyone have a great day!


Oh, Fort DeSota brings back memories...I did my undergraduate degree at Eckerd College, so I know Fort DeSota well. I also like Pass A Grille beach and the Hurricane. How long have you been in that area? I was in college in the early 80s and I remember the Hurricane when it was just a beach dive bar. Now it seems very upscale considering what it used to be!



Happy Monday, Everyone!


Hope everyone had a great weekend and that Brooke is having a fun vacation!


We leave for our summer cruise in 18 days and I am still hoping to drop a few more pounds before then. Wish me luck! So far I have lost 76 pounds, so I am 24 pounds away from my original goal of a 100 pound loss. When I get there (not IF I get there, WHEN I get there!), I may decide to set a new goal of another ten pounds. Even the 100 pound loss will put me at a weight that I haven't been at since middle school, so we will see how it goes. My plan of action for this week:


~ WATER, WATER, WATER (I drink at least 80 oz. per day)

~ 1,200 calories per day (and making sure I do so, I have been laxed on this the last few weeks and have had some days that were more around 1,000....I know that it not good!)

~ Everyday workouts, plus doubles on Monday and Thursday


What is everyone else's plan for the week??


Congrats on your weight loss. That is awesome. I hope to see my 100 lb. goal by my kids' graduation next May. On Aug. 1, I will have been on this diet for a year! I go to the dr. next week so will weigh then and see how much I've lost!


Enjoy your cruise and be sure to come back and tell us all about the new Liberty!! I'm interested to know how easy it was to stay on your diet while on the ship! I'm looking forward to our Thanksgiving week on her!

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Dh and I spend almost every Sunday at Ft Desoto its our only day off together So it a great place to just be together no pc,phones and such.

We always go to north beach and walk a long ways away from the crowds its like having our own beach. We end it by going to the pier and watching the cruise ships go under the skyway. This week was really nice got to watch 3 manatees playing, And a small pod of dolphins playing.

Dosn't seem to matter how long I have lived here still get a thrill out of dolphins.

We live in a little Artsy town about 15 min from there so its our fave beach.

This is bad but never been to the hurricane. We avoid the tourest traps.

And there are to many other really great places to eat here.:)

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Dh and I spend almost every Sunday at Ft Desoto its our only day off together So it a great place to just be together no pc,phones and such.

We always go to north beach and walk a long ways away from the crowds its like having our own beach. We end it by going to the pier and watching the cruise ships go under the skyway. This week was really nice got to watch 3 manatees playing, And a small pod of dolphins playing.

Dosn't seem to matter how long I have lived here still get a thrill out of dolphins.

We live in a little Artsy town about 15 min from there so its our fave beach.

This is bad but never been to the hurricane. We avoid the tourest traps.

And there are to many other really great places to eat here.:)


Hurricane was a completely different place in the early 80s...a one story beach dive bar with great, reasonably priced grouper sandwiches. It was a big college hangout for the Eckerd students. Don't know what happened, if they got bought out or what, but I do agree, it is definitely not worth going to now! I have not been back to that area in a few years. The last time we were in that area, we stayed at N. Redington Beach and drove by Pass-a-Grille. It has built up a bit over the years as has the area around the Bayway Bridge...I cannot believe all the new condos! Sadly, I have not been back to Fort DeSota since my college days!

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Hey everyone! Tomorrow is weigh in for me, hoping to drop below 125 finally. Haven't been keeping up on my workouts as much as I'd like due to company being in town. I love when they come in, but then again I don't, because I know it dampers my workouts. Bleh! I did walk yesterday morning with Ethan (my 5month old son) and then did a JM workout in the afternoon. Had planned on walking in the evening again, but hubby wanted to go bike ride and I decided to finish up some work and play with Ethan.


Hope everyone is doing good! What's everyone's plan for the weekend?

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Hey everyone! Tomorrow is weigh in for me, hoping to drop below 125 finally. Haven't been keeping up on my workouts as much as I'd like due to company being in town. I love when they come in, but then again I don't, because I know it dampers my workouts. Bleh! I did walk yesterday morning with Ethan (my 5month old son) and then did a JM workout in the afternoon. Had planned on walking in the evening again, but hubby wanted to go bike ride and I decided to finish up some work and play with Ethan.


Hope everyone is doing good! What's everyone's plan for the weekend?


This morning was my weigh-in, and I did it! Dropped 1lb! 124.6 *Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight* Opppss, wrong place.:p


Hope everyone has a great weekend. It was storming here a while ago, but thankfully it's done now. Hoping to go for a walk after dinner and the store.

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Hey everyone, I'm back. Well actually I got back last night around 3am. We decided to beat the beach traffic and drive Friday night. Though my sleep is a bit messed up b/c of it, I have plenty of time now to unpack, and get ready to go back to work........food and all.


It was a fun time and I did do more walking and so forth than I do normally, but it still wasn't enough to curve my boredom eating. A lot of waiting was done to see who wanted to do what when, and naps for the kids and a lot of logistic issues that caused a lot of down time. I never made it to walk on the beach or any of the exercise classes. I didn't even know where the building was until halfway through the week. Its just REALLY hard to plan around 7 adults and 2 kids. Excuses, yes, but oh well it is what it is.


Personally, I had fun and so did the kids and that is what vacation is about. I did do things differently though. I did a few things to just help curve my eating to better things, not the best things. I found myself at one point unloading a few scoops of spagehetti back in the dish (eating at the rental) and saying, "Why did I need all that, I don't need all that, put it back." My SIL's mother caught me talking to myself, but said that it was a good thing, lol. I also tried to stick to grilled things except for the one night we went out for seafood b/c the last time I got all steamed or broiled fish it was terrible! I also got an ice cream one night not realizing their portions were CRAZY big and I wasn't that hungry. So, I ate what I felt comfortable eating then stopped and took the rest back to put in the freezer at the house for another day. I know there are some that will say, "Why eat the ice cream?" But I think we all know that I will eat the ice cream by now, so now sense in arguing about it. I was just happy that I was making a few different decisions than I would have in the past. I NEVER felt over stuffed either. Now, I never let hunger set in either (which I've learned is okay to do.). But, previously I would have ate, ate, ate until I felt like I was going to pop and was miserable.......then I would start to get a little relief.....then I would find a reason to restuff the hole that I just made. So, I feel like that was an accomplishment too. All small, but all big to my overall.


But I think eating on vacation isn't as important as having a plan for when you get back. Its imperative that I get right back on my plan ASAP......and I have. I started as soon as I woke up (12 noon :p). We have leftover food from the trip and there were some oreos on the counter when I came down and I went to reach for the bag (only 2 left), but I stopped......nope......gotta get back on track from the very start or it will just be a slippery slope. I was thinking about it all week. Building myself up for when I got home and what my plan would be.


Mostly it was.........GET BACK ON THE WAGON NOW! And so far I'm proud to say I have. Back to my points (I did track a few days on vacation) and back to balancing my carbs, proteins, fruits, veggies. Of course I also need to be prepared for this work week too, so I'm going to make a list of proteins, carbs, fruits veggies and come up with some meal ideas for the week then hit the store tomr.


Exercise is a bit harder to get back into when you've been on vacation, but I did do almost 2 hours of walking one even around the shops area. I'm trying now to talk myself into getting on my bike........motivation......motivation.


I hope to lose everything I gained this past week, in a week, by getting right back on track. It should be very doable.


I've decided with 3 months to go before my cruise I'm just gonna aim for 17lbs. Sometimes goals don't work out, but its no reason to give up.


Good Choices.

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Welcome back home, Brooke. Sounds like you have a good plan for getting right back on the wagon again! I think that is key...I know when I started this plan a year ago, we went away for Labor Day weekend and I indulged a bit more than I should, but when we got home, it was right back to the low carb way of life!


Best of luck to you!!:)

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I have found the most delicious lunch food. Now, it's not for the faint of heart as its super spicy, but yesterday Publix was passing out samples of the Boars Head jerk turkey breast lunch meat (from the deli) as well as the Boars Head 3 pepper colby jack cheese. No carbs in the turkey breast, but 1 g of carbs per 1 oz of cheese. They are sooo good, but also very spicy, so you have to like spicy foods. But, I love my spices, so to me, some turkey breast wrapped inside the cheese is a perfect lunch. I was so excited, I had to share!:)

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I have found the most delicious lunch food. Now, it's not for the faint of heart as its super spicy, but yesterday Publix was passing out samples of the Boars Head jerk turkey breast lunch meat (from the deli) as well as the Boars Head 3 pepper colby jack cheese. No carbs in the turkey breast, but 1 g of carbs per 1 oz of cheese. They are sooo good, but also very spicy, so you have to like spicy foods. But, I love my spices, so to me, some turkey breast wrapped inside the cheese is a perfect lunch. I was so excited, I had to share!:)


Apparently, I need to eat spicy food to help with sinus headaches. The one I had yesterday lasted all day and it was just painfully annoying. My aunt sent me an article with suggestions on home remedies including eating some jalopneo peppers. Might have to try it.

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Had to put out a fire this morning when I got back. I just don't have luck with this one professor who submits grants......her stuff always has problems with it and I always seem to get at least half the blame even though all I do is click a button. Anyway, that was fun on a Monday morning plus a staff meeting where I found out I have to work all Labor Day weekend.....first weekend of Sept. right? Anyway, not like we get Labor Day off anyway and my boss said we could take some time off the next week. So not horrible.


I gotta check my bank statements and credit card while I'm on lunch too just to make sure all that I spent is accounted for. So proud of myself with spending though. I think in total I probably spent about $100-$150 while I was there. We ate in a lot.


As far as back on the wagon........i think I'm doing about 93% right now. I hope to be at 100% by the end of the day. I'm craving things like bread and cereal right now b/c I've been so unblanced with my carbs and protein for a week, but I'm doing very well in not over doing it. I did miss my morning snack b/c of our meeting (couldn't bring it with me) and then I had to get on this grant issue, so i went straight to lunch. I might add in my greek yogurt at the end of the lunch hour just to add a little extra punch in there for missing the morning snack.


BK: 1/2 c oatmeal

1/2 c 2% milk (almost finished and 1% will be back)

2 tsp of sugar


S: Missed it


L: 3oz of Turkey slices

1 medium tomato chopped

1 tbsp light mayo

1 tsp mustard

1.5 c of green beans

1 tsp of oil on the green beans (mom cooked them)


1 serving of greek yogurt


S: 1 large apple

2 oz of turkey pepperoni


D: 1 cooked boneless chicken breast seared and seasoned

1/2 c of brussel sprouts

2 slices of low calorie/high fiber toast (80 calories)wheat.


W: 50 mins. on the bike


Treat: I think it will be a small DQ ice cream cone for 6 points. This will be on my way home.


I'm happy that I've already dropped 4 lbs.


Okay, I guess I'll tell you the weights.............:rolleyes:


But let me first say that I'm proud of this and my thinking is, this is average. The average person gains 7lbs on vacation (week vacation) and here is why I'm proud of that for those of you who maybe rolling your eyes at me, lol.


Obviously, I have to eat WAY more than the average person to weigh as much as do, so it would suggest that on vacation I would probably gain more weight than the average person too. So if the average is 7lbs, then I should have at least gained 10-14lbs. I didn't. I gained the average of 7lbs. Now, I'm sure some of you would say, "But you don't need to gain any weight!!!" You are right, but I guess I just find the positives in the negatives b/c it keeps me going instead of giving up.


So, Friday morning I weighed 322.

This morning I weighed 318.


Four lbs gone in three days. I chalk this up to getting right back to things the moment I woke up when i got back home. And once I add back in the exercise today (I didn't yesterday b/c my excuse was my head felt like it was going to split open from the moment I woke up that morning til I went to bed) it will get a lot better, a lot quicker.


I have to say my family mocked me for bringing my scale and though I still gained........It did help me stop those few times I could have really OVER DID it. It made me want to walk instead of riding on the golf cart and made me go to the shopping mall area for a second day even though my feet were still hurting from walking around for 2 hours the night before......to walk for another hour.


I'm confident that I can lose the total of 17lbs before this cruise. I KNOW I CAN I KNOW I CAN I KNOW I CAN I KNOW I CAN.


Good Choices.

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