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:) Your right you will get there, if you like to read you should read The Wallstreet diet and You on a Diet, I don't live by diet books but there is a lot of good tips that really make sense. I have a long commute so I listen to books on CD. When I start feeling like my diet is starting to slip I will check out You on a Diet and listen to it again. You are right about it clicking for you. :) Tomorrow is Friday enjoy the day and the weekend.

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:) Your right you will get there, if you like to read you should read The Wallstreet diet and You on a Diet, I don't live by diet books but there is a lot of good tips that really make sense. I have a long commute so I listen to books on CD. When I start feeling like my diet is starting to slip I will check out You on a Diet and listen to it again. You are right about it clicking for you. :) Tomorrow is Friday enjoy the day and the weekend.


I have almost picked up that book so many times..........I need to. "The more you know..." right?

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Didn't make it on the bike last night, filling out my form took a lot longer with 2 babies and a 5 year old running around, lol.


Still came in at 315.


You know I didn't think about this, but my Dr. put me on a new bc at my yearly. Its the same concept as seasonale, but its another brand and the sugar pills aren't sugar, they have small amounts of hormones in them. So perhaps my clenching teeth and eerie moods, weight have been my body adjusting to this new pill. Really not trying to find an excuse, just examining all the pieces.........




BK: english muffin and egg with canadian bacon

venti skinny latte, it was that kind of morning


S: Had a meeting so didn't get one yet, but finished off my venti


L: veggie burgers with tomatos


S: greek yogurt


D: Mom wanted to go to applebees since dad is going out of town..........we will see.


W: I'm gonna work through lunch and get off early so I can work out and still try and make it over to meet my SIL to finish this application, maybe.


Had great news about our little men yesterday though.........not completely there, but its a big beginning.:D


Good choices

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Back from our cruise :( Had a great time the laughter just never stopped.

We went with a group of 30 of our friends..Crazy fun trying to keep this group together in Cozumel was like hearding kittens..Wasn't happening.LOL

Anyway the great thing is I only gain 1lbs I am so happy at no time did I feel deprived. I stuck to very low carbs, No bread or sweets I was fine with that. Now drinking I did more than a bit of that. Did the stairs for every thing other that going to dinner. The ship had some really weird step caps heels felt really unstable on them. In port we walked everywhere and snorkled so I think that really helped.

Next step to lose the next 20 and really step up working out.

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Back from our cruise :( Had a great time the laughter just never stopped.

We went with a group of 30 of our friends..Crazy fun trying to keep this group together in Cozumel was like hearding kittens..Wasn't happening.LOL

Anyway the great thing is I only gain 1lbs I am so happy at no time did I feel deprived. I stuck to very low carbs, No bread or sweets I was fine with that. Now drinking I did more than a bit of that. Did the stairs for every thing other that going to dinner. The ship had some really weird step caps heels felt really unstable on them. In port we walked everywhere and snorkled so I think that really helped.

Next step to lose the next 20 and really step up working out.


YAY! Welcome back. You give me hope that I can do just as good in 39 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Okay, I ........what I would call......new Brooke indulged. The old Brooke would have indulged by eating an entire tombstone pizza and then chips and snack cakes etc. I did have 4 slices (smaller ones) and then a daiquiri and low fat popcorn. So, though I went a little crazy, it wasn't how I used to go crazy.


I had a hard time working out yesterday. I gave myself a break on Saturday (I did do a full 60 mins. on Friday!!), but Sunday I got on the bike and it was just slow going. I could motivate myself to really push it. I got 30 mins. in and I was just done. I did do chores around the house, so I didn't just sit on my butt, still.


Still managed to pull in 313 Sat/Sun. and this morning saw 312 AGAIN. It seems I'm really good at getting stuck and maintaining weight.....so maybe that is positive in a way.


BK: WW English muffin

non fat latte small (mom bought it on Sunday and I just put it in the fridge for today.)


S: pepperoni (turkey) and apple slices


L: Cali. sushi rolls (6) and 1/2 c of corn


S: 2 oz of fake crab meat and apple slices


D: bbq sandwich and 1/2 c corn.


W: 60 mins. on whatever I can get on in the gym.


39 days and counting. I just wanna see 310. I know what I need to do to get there.


Good Choices.

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:) I am hoping for 110 for you, it is looking hopeful. 39 days you have to be getting really pumped it should be great incentive. Keep up the hard work. I'm

off to the gym myself. Have a good night.


I think you meant 310, but 110 might be fate telling me something like, "aim a little higher, Brooke." lol

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I'm about 313.2 this morning. That's okay. Last week I was 315......its got to be a good thing to see numbers go down.


I did my 60 mins. last night and came in with my points last night. I've been have a daquiri as my treat the last few nights. I mean, I just don't drink that much on a reg. basis. Mainly if I have a bad day and need to take myself down for a bit to just relax (seeing how its a natural depressant and when I'm stressed I get all high and tight) or if I'm celebrating a special occasion (weddings, bdays, holidays) and of course vacation/cruises. Like the experts would say, "Don't drink your calories." Well unless they are like protein shakes or something. But the point is to try and get my body used to a little alcohol. I know it sounds stupid, but I really have to easy into have like a drink a day (which is about normal for me on a cruise). My brother over did it when he was younger and developed an allergy to alcohol. Now, I can only imagine what he had to do for that to happen. I know I had my days in college, but pretty much since my senior year and every year after, my gravity towards "drinks" has slowed considerably. Anyway, I had some mix left in the fridge and some coconut rum left from the beach (we barely touched a 1.75 bottle), so I thought I would use that up. I will switch to less caloric and not everyday once that is gone.


BK: WW muffin

Venti skinny latte (Its bleeping chilly outside)


S: 2 tbsp of pb and apples


L: 3 oz of grilled chicken

1 c of brown rice

1 c of green beans


S: 3 oz of fake crab

apple slices


W: about 40 mins.


D: Idk


I'm watching my nephews tonight, so my plan is to work through lunch, so I can bump off early and hit the gym before having to leave to go watch them. Mom will pick them up so that gives me a little time. But I still will only be able to get in about 40 mins. But I think I might say lifting up my boys is gonna be weight lifting, lol.


This is also why I don't know about dinner. I will have to eat over there with them, so I will have to make due with whatever there is and pretty much what the kids will eat. Just means I need to watch my portions more. I've left about 23 points for this evening to help with that too.


38 days.......I can't believe it.


Oh! And I bought that wrap dress I posted a while back. It went on sale (well $10.00 off), so I bought it. I wasn't sure about it, but I got it yesterday and I tried it on and it was actually cute. You can change the top to wrap in all kinds of designs so it can look like a whole new dress. It was a bit hard to do it by myself, but I got the hang of it. I will just have to watch the videos on the different ways to wrap it again. I thought it would be super clingy, but it wasn't any worse than anything I've worn before. Its that soft jersey knit material. The waist is actually a bit too small, by like an inch. I may have to tack it up a bit to make sure the dress doesn't show any skin, lol. I'm gonna try and do a post on my blog about it if I can find some time this weekend b/c I have to work on Sat.


Good Choices.

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Yesterday I got a proposal given to me that I have about 2.5 weeks to get done. Its a challenging proposal and I think it might take every bit of that time to get it complete, mainly b/c I have to pin down so many people for answers I need. I'm trying to start with a peaceful mind and positive attitude. The last proposal I sent for this particular entity was highly stressful as I was literally 1 min. away from the deadline to submit when I hit the button. We got the proposal, but I think I probably took a few years off my life that day. But I hope that since I've done it before this time won't be so hard.


I'm not going to tell you what I ate at my brothers last night...........lets just say with a 14 month old and a 5 year old in the house it was a lot of frozen finger foods.............


But I did take some time to use the 14th month old to do a few lifts, lol. I mean he thought it was FUN and giggled the whole time, but I got about 6 good 22lb weight lifts, lol on top of my 40 mins. on the bike (which I tried to keep a higher pace at to try and level that I wasn't doing 60 mins.)


On top of that, I'm almost done with my loan application to submit for my house. Funding won't start until probably later in October, but this will tell me how much I qualify for through them. At this point, its the only option I have to get the house on the land. Anything else is going to require a 20% downpayment or some complicated loopholes. So, I just keep reminding myself that there is a reason for everything, so Que sera.


BK: Oatmeal


S: crab and tomato slices


L: Campbells Healthy Request Chicken Noodle. The serving size is 1 © and the can has two servings at 110 calories. I will eat the whole can.


S: Greek Yogurt and apples


W: 60 mins. After this week I'm thinking of how I can take it up one notch. Do you think I should increase the level (resistance) or try to up my avg. speed a bit? Or do you think I should just leave it for a little longer until it b/c a little more easy. I still struggle with 60. About 45 mins. in though I get a cooling sensation and usually can push through.


D: I'm gonna say grilled chicken and mixed steamed veggies.....


Heard a story this morning on the radio about some students in schools have been complaining about being left hungry from the lunches provided. Apparently, the Gov. has decreased the portion sizes. From what I understand the same portions are served to 1st graders all the way through high school. The Gov. response to parents and students is that they have been used to eating too much, so when they decreased the food to a better portion, its natural that they might feel hungry, but that's good.


Okay, I see the obesity problems with our youth and country, I'm part of it. And maybe I'm not an expert or even a good example, but truly know that starving kids is not the way to ensure they don't get fat.


I remember school lunches..........and though they may be "balanced" by the "food pyramid" I don't ever remember them to be filling. Filling in the sense of staying power. I really doubt that much has changed as far as food goes in public schools. I mean I saw the choices when Jamie Oliver did his tv show and it all looked the same to me.


Its okay to cut portion sizes (though I doubt that a 6 year old and a 16 old should be eating the same portion sizes), but you can't feed them canned mixed vegetables, chicken nuggets and applesauce with a side of chocolate milk and expect that to satisfy them during and keep their brains active enough for at least another 5 hours of school.


Then again, maybe I'm wrong.


Good Choices.

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I think your right, lots of guys I went to school with bought 2 or 3 lunches in high school b/c they said one lunch did not fill them up. I most always took my lunch had a bologna sandwich on white bread with mustard and a small bag of chips, I did not like food that much so I my mom sent what she knew I would eat. I switched my white bread for cheese and the chips for vegies and bologna for turkey but the trouble now is I like to eat, so I have to be careful. I can not put any extra food on the table at dinner or I will sit and pick until everything is gone. I really hate buffets I always eat to much no matter how much I tell myself I am full. Hope you don't get to stressed out with your job remember exercise does just as much to relieve the stress as eating does. :) Have a productive night.

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:) Where have you been? Haven't seen any posts for a while is everything okay with you?




I think you have the tools you need to lose the weight...you know what you need to do. It's just mentally getting in the place where you do it consistently. I really do believe half the weight battle is mental! As women, I think we have a hard time putting ourselves first...making time to plan our meals, grocery shop for the food that will allow us to lose weight, etc. But, we have to learn to take care of ourselves!


Best of luck! Hope you are feeling better!

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Hey guys, tomorrow is weigh-in day for me so I'm anxious to see what I weigh after all these workouts I have been doing. And I need to eat good all the way up to our cruise next week. We all know the food onboard isn't the best. I am so close to my goal weight too!


Brooke, with how little you eat (for a woman your size) I am surprised the pounds aren't dripping right off. This just shows how different everyone's metabolism is.




Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2

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Hey guys, tomorrow is weigh-in day for me so I'm anxious to see what I weigh after all these workouts I have been doing. And I need to eat good all the way up to our cruise next week. We all know the food onboard isn't the best. I am so close to my goal weight too!


Brooke, with how little you eat (for a woman your size) I am surprised the pounds aren't dripping right off. This just shows how different everyone's metabolism is.




Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2


I don't post all I eat in a day. Well, what I eat in the evening. What I eat during the day is mostly right, give or take a switch here or there. I eat my WW points everyday, but I slip up too often and it ruins all the hard work.

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I didn't work out b/c I was just tired. Trying to work on my proposal and I kept getting other little task all day that were distracting. But I will workout tonight. In fact, I made plans to work through lunch and take off early so I can grab a workout before going to the eye dr. to check my contacts again.


BK: Oatmeal


S: greek yogurt and apple slices


L: 3 oz of chicken and 1 c of brown rice and green beans


S: 3 oz of crab meat and tomato


D: Grilled chicken and baked potato


W: At least 40 mins.


Ugh, I think my allergies are just dragging me down. That and I've been trying to avoid the latte's and caff. again and it is getting to me...........Oh well.


Here is hoping I can stop slipping up.

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I didn't work out b/c I was just tired. Trying to work on my proposal and I kept getting other little task all day that were distracting. But I will workout tonight. In fact, I made plans to work through lunch and take off early so I can grab a workout before going to the eye dr. to check my contacts again.

BK: Oatmeal

S: greek yogurt and apple slices

L: 3 oz of chicken and 1 c of brown rice and green beans

S: 3 oz of crab meat and tomato

D: Grilled chicken and baked potato

W: At least 40 mins.

Ugh, I think my allergies are just dragging me down. That and I've been trying to avoid the latte's and caff. again and it is getting to me...........Oh well.

Here is hoping I can stop slipping up.

Brooke I feel for you. Just asking for the caffeine withdrawal you're probably having how about massive doses of excedrin? I've had those withdrawals and they are a bi**h! Also what do you put on your baked potato. I saw you have yogurt on your plan that is a great sub for sour cream and may help. Hang in there girl! Ken (aka Fritos assistant)

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Brooke I feel for you. Just asking for the caffeine withdrawal you're probably having how about massive doses of excedrin? I've had those withdrawals and they are a bi**h! Also what do you put on your baked potato. I saw you have yogurt on your plan that is a great sub for sour cream and may help. Hang in there girl! Ken (aka Fritos assistant)


I had to end up hitting up some Crystal Light Energy to make it through the day. Oh well, its no calories.


I put smart balance marg. on my potato. If I do sour cream I only use low fat and 1 tbsp. I don't think I could do yogurt on my potato. Even plain would be too sweet.

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Well, I almost copped out of my exercise, but I drank some Crystal Light energy and felt much better, stupid caffeine.


I got a good 40 mins. in and it felt good.


Cut myself after dinner and some cereal for a treat.


BK: Oatmeal


S: Spam lite 2 oz



L: 6 inch sub-Chicken breast with light mayo and baked chips


S: Spam lite 2 oz

apple slices


D: Idk


W: 60 mins.


Gotta work tomr. We get our lunch paid for. Its like a festival lunch thing, but I think they have a table with wraps and stuff, so i should be good there.


Oh. I logged 313 in today as my official weight for this week. Though I saw 312.6 I decided to round up. 313 is still 1lb down from last week. Now the trick is to continue on a downward path instead of this up and down path.


Good choices

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Well, I almost copped out of my exercise, but I drank some Crystal Light energy and felt much better, stupid caffeine.


I got a good 40 mins. in and it felt good.


Cut myself after dinner and some cereal for a treat.


BK: Oatmeal


S: Spam lite 2 oz



L: 6 inch sub-Chicken breast with light mayo and baked chips


S: Spam lite 2 oz

apple slices


D: Idk


W: 60 mins.


Gotta work tomr. We get our lunch paid for. Its like a festival lunch thing, but I think they have a table with wraps and stuff, so i should be good there.


Oh. I logged 313 in today as my official weight for this week. Though I saw 312.6 I decided to round up. 313 is still 1lb down from last week. Now the trick is to continue on a downward path instead of this up and down path.


Good choices


It is all about good choices, with a treat here and there.

Here is my log for the day......

Breakfast: Cinnamon burst cherrios, 1 cup with 1/2 cup Almond Breeze vanilla almond milk -- Lunch: Eat Smart Broccoli (whole bag) and Bumble Bee Light Tuna 4oz -- Afternoon snack: 1/2 banana (my 7month old eats the other half) and Dinner tonight is Amigo's. We have a groupon for it so we want to use it before it expires and before our cruise next week.


Weigh in for today was 120! 5 more pounds for my GW and possibly 10 more for my PP weight!! This should be completed before March, our 8 year anniversary cruise and praying I can get in a bikini again!


I seriously don't know how I have managed 40hr work weeks, while watching my son and working out twice a day.


I'm so excited for our cruise next week, but at the same time, I'm so torn about leaving our son behind. I know, I know, he'll be fine (he really will be, he'll be with a family friend and he's such a good, happy baby) but I have him every.single.day. and we have a routine. Seriously, my husband and I need this time alone though.


Happy Friday everyone!

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The cutting the portions thing is a decent idea..too bad school food is crap to begin with. How many of us would even feed it to our dogs. Not.


But the gov't telling them to do it is another thing. Who want to live in a nanny state where the govt decides how much you can eat? or drink? Evidently, they think we are all so stupid that we don't have common sense to cut our portions so they have to force us to do it. We should cut portions, but nobody should make you do anything against your will.




Yesterday I got a proposal given to me that I have about 2.5 weeks to get done. Its a challenging proposal and I think it might take every bit of that time to get it complete, mainly b/c I have to pin down so many people for answers I need. I'm trying to start with a peaceful mind and positive attitude. The last proposal I sent for this particular entity was highly stressful as I was literally 1 min. away from the deadline to submit when I hit the button. We got the proposal, but I think I probably took a few years off my life that day. But I hope that since I've done it before this time won't be so hard.


I'm not going to tell you what I ate at my brothers last night...........lets just say with a 14 month old and a 5 year old in the house it was a lot of frozen finger foods.............


But I did take some time to use the 14th month old to do a few lifts, lol. I mean he thought it was FUN and giggled the whole time, but I got about 6 good 22lb weight lifts, lol on top of my 40 mins. on the bike (which I tried to keep a higher pace at to try and level that I wasn't doing 60 mins.)


On top of that, I'm almost done with my loan application to submit for my house. Funding won't start until probably later in October, but this will tell me how much I qualify for through them. At this point, its the only option I have to get the house on the land. Anything else is going to require a 20% downpayment or some complicated loopholes. So, I just keep reminding myself that there is a reason for everything, so Que sera.


BK: Oatmeal


S: crab and tomato slices


L: Campbells Healthy Request Chicken Noodle. The serving size is 1 © and the can has two servings at 110 calories. I will eat the whole can.


S: Greek Yogurt and apples


W: 60 mins. After this week I'm thinking of how I can take it up one notch. Do you think I should increase the level (resistance) or try to up my avg. speed a bit? Or do you think I should just leave it for a little longer until it b/c a little more easy. I still struggle with 60. About 45 mins. in though I get a cooling sensation and usually can push through.


D: I'm gonna say grilled chicken and mixed steamed veggies.....


Heard a story this morning on the radio about some students in schools have been complaining about being left hungry from the lunches provided. Apparently, the Gov. has decreased the portion sizes. From what I understand the same portions are served to 1st graders all the way through high school. The Gov. response to parents and students is that they have been used to eating too much, so when they decreased the food to a better portion, its natural that they might feel hungry, but that's good.


Okay, I see the obesity problems with our youth and country, I'm part of it. And maybe I'm not an expert or even a good example, but truly know that starving kids is not the way to ensure they don't get fat.


I remember school lunches..........and though they may be "balanced" by the "food pyramid" I don't ever remember them to be filling. Filling in the sense of staying power. I really doubt that much has changed as far as food goes in public schools. I mean I saw the choices when Jamie Oliver did his tv show and it all looked the same to me.


Its okay to cut portion sizes (though I doubt that a 6 year old and a 16 old should be eating the same portion sizes), but you can't feed them canned mixed vegetables, chicken nuggets and applesauce with a side of chocolate milk and expect that to satisfy them during and keep their brains active enough for at least another 5 hours of school.


Then again, maybe I'm wrong.


Good Choices.

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The cutting the portions thing is a decent idea..too bad school food is crap to begin with. How many of us would even feed it to our dogs. Not.


But the gov't telling them to do it is another thing. Who want to live in a nanny state where the govt decides how much you can eat? or drink? Evidently, they think we are all so stupid that we don't have common sense to cut our portions so they have to force us to do it. We should cut portions, but nobody should make you do anything against your will.


My point exactly. How are they going to cut portions on food that is crap anyway. If you are feeding them well balanced and filling foods, then portions shouldn't be a problem, but the crap they feed them........its no wonder they feel hungry, its not satisfying or healthy.

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Short and sweet today.


BK: Oatmeal


S: diet coke and cupcake :rolleyes:


L: Mac n cheese with canned chicken in it and a low V8


S: turkey slices and berries


D: hamburger and pasta salad (we have leftovers that need to be eaten)


W: 40 mins. b/c I have an eye apt. But I'm making sure I get in a workout b/c I'm taking some OT and taking off early to run by the gym before my apt. at 5:30.


I can't focus. I'm only doing this halfway and its frustrating me, but I also know the more I let it bother me the more negative things will get, so I'm trying to stay positive and that is the hardest part at this point.


Good Choices

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Hope everyone had a good weekend. Played beach/water volleyball for the first time in over a year. Man my arms and legs are sore! Good workout though. Can't wait for Thursday! Ahhhhh! Praying I have the strength to step food on the ship (being gone and away from our son), lol!

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Hope everyone had a good weekend. Played beach/water volleyball for the first time in over a year. Man my arms and legs are sore! Good workout though. Can't wait for Thursday! Ahhhhh! Praying I have the strength to step food on the ship (being gone and away from our son), lol!


As much as you'll miss him, the time for your husband will be crucial. I often watch my nephews so that my brother and SIL can have a date night to reconnect.

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