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Cruising to Healthy


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Well a 40 min. workout in yesterday morning and I made it all day without getting sleepy, then I got in another 30 min. workout that evening after work. The programs on the machines really do push me to stay at a rate. In fact, the elliptical told me last night to slow down my HR :eek:. I hope getting these more consistent workouts (as far as effort goes) helps me see more results this week.


Did really well yesterday with food. I'm just trying to get back to the basics of WW. I used to do really well on their old program and it was all of the little food tips that I liked so much. Like eating ff or sf chocolate pudding with some ff whipped topping added to it for filling and sweet cravings. Those light baby bell cheese wheels, I forgot I liked those. Lots of tricks from the old point system that I had forgotten.


I did stop by McDs last night, but I did better than normal. I ordered just a reg. cheeseburger with Medium fries and diet soda. I was on my way to a friends house to meet her new dog before dog sitting this weekend and I know I would want to visit, so I ate on the way there. I started to eat the fries and discovered that they were kinda bland (I'm a salt eater), so I ate just a few more and decided if they weren't that great, then why would I continue to eat them? I ate my cheeseburger and balled the bag up and threw it in the floor so I couldn't "mindlessy" eat the rest of the fries. Threw them away when I got home later. Pretty good for me, seeing how fries are one of my FAVORITE bad foods.


Had some chocolate rice crispies when I got home for something sweet and was done for the night with my points. Mom was baking cookies when I got home. Apple cookies and cranberry chocolate. I told her, "Good, keep making cookies I don't like, that is fine by me." Though this morning I got up and saw peanut butter balls ready for chocolate in the fridge. She must have made those when I went to bed. I hope she takes them to work.


We are supposed to have Water Zumba today, so that will be a welcome break from my normal workout and then I'll probably do another 30 in the gym tonight. I keep putting off doing weights. Weights scare me b/c its so easy to hurt yourself if you don't pay attention. But I KNOW that I need to do weights to really get results.


I also decided not to weigh today. I didn't feel the need to. I'll see how I feel tomr.


Good Choices.

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I know everyone is different, but I feel that if I were to weigh everyday, it would drive me insane with the numbers fluctuating or not being the number I want it to be. I weigh in on Friday because I know the weekend is here, I've been good all week with eating and working out, so I think Friday is a good medium. Then if I'm lax with the exercise or eating on the weekend, I have all week to work it off. Usually before it goes in my mouth though, I ask if I feel like doing an extra workout. The answer is usually no, since I want to spend as much time with friends and family and especially my 9 month old son.

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I guess it was a form of self torture :confused:. Probably b/c I felt guilty and confessing felt better than keeping it in. idk. I'll try my best to be more positive. Starting with not weighing everyday.


Self torture? How is not sharing the good healthy things you're eating, the workout that just kicked your @$$ and watching the numbers go down on the scale not deserve a congratulatory message?


I'm right there with you on not weighing everyday. It would depress me.

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As I sit here I'm chewing on some deer jerky. The best thing about this time of year. My brother and dad hunt so I reap a few benefits like lean, dried, spicy, tasty, high protein jerky. Calories are really low and so is the fat (much better than beef). Its a nice snack between meals with a piece of fruit.


Got my hour of exercise in at lunch yesterday so I didn't feel guilty about heading home and not to the gym for more workouts b/c I needed to get to work on my SIL Christmas present. I'm making her a shutterfly photo album of the first year of the boys being with us. I've collected all the photos I can and I'm trying to piece them together in the album with corresponding seasonal and yearly events (Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc.) I wish we had more pictures of things like their first Father's Day or the baby walking for the first time. But the main events are there and its plenty pictures for me to deal with. Its going to take a couple days to put together and then I hope I can have it shipping on time. I think she will like it. Lucky for me shutterfly has some great discounts this time of year. Hopefully wont' have to pay and arm and leg for shipping.


I'll workout after work today b/c I have a lunch meeting today. But I'll get my hour of harder workout in and I know it will do me good. So far, I've only eaten one peanut butter ball and I think mom is giving some of them away, so that will help.


I do hate that its hard to translate my activity into my WW though. I don't want to over calculate, but I don't want to under either. Basically, when I input "elliptical" into the search for activity it gives me two choices. 1. Elliptical (cross training) high intensity or elliptical moderate. Moderate is worth 9 points for 30 mins. and High is worth 11 points for 30 mins. On the elliptical when I chose the program for cardio the key on the machine says that its high intensity. So, I assume that I log it as high intensity. This is one of the things that is hard about WW, this portion isn't exactly clear. I don't ever really use my workout points for food exchange, but its nice to keep count of how I'm doing.


So far I've been pretty good about eating my veggies and fruits more. Fruits more than veggies b/c they are easier to just grab (as I don't care for raw veggies as much as steamed with some herbs). But I try to include the veggies as sides with lunch and dinner and the fruit are snacks.


Today I have a lunch meeting like I mentioned. I'm trying to formulate a plan in my head. I had forgotten about it, which is why I had brought leftover spaghetti (deer hamburger and garden canned tomato sauce) for lunch today or I would have planned better last night. It doesn't help that they don't pre-post meals for our cafet. so I don't even know what is being served today. I'm just trying to think of strategy that will help me stay away from too much food (buffet style eating). They have salad, but I tend to overdo salad to the point of making it pointless. They have two sides and both sides serve different stuff. I think my best bet is just to head to one side and only choose from one side and not check the other side. This will keep my choices down to a min. I'm kinda hoping my friend is working in there today, she said that if I came in she would help me stay with the better choices as she helps prepare the stuff and lost 50lbs herself. I tell you what I need are those blinders they put on horses. Yep, I need a straight line of vision to good foods. Wish me luck!


Good choices.

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Brooke, have you thought about getting a heart rate monitor?


To wear all the time or?


No, just while you're working out. I feel HRM are way better than the machine based one's with just putting your thumb on the metal piece for it to get your heart rate. I have a HRM that I wear while working out and have tested it against the HRM on my treadmill and it's a ways off.

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You know I have never had deer before! I don't even think they sell it anywhere in Southern California! Maybe in the mountains. What does it taste like?


I don't think anyone sells deer meat commercially, maybe I'm wrong. But my dad and brother are hunters, so during the deer season they hunt and shoot deer, then we have it processed into different styles of meat that should last us until the next season or longer.


Deer is pretty close to beef. Pretty much what you would use beef for you can use deer for. Its not a fatty meat though, so you really have to know how to cook it so that it doesn't dry out or taste gamey (as it is wild meat). If you have a good processor and the deer have eaten well that spring you can get a good lean meat to use for everything from lasagna to tenderloin or roast even. I guess it can be compared to bison? Bison is a lean meat that is substituted for beef.

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I don't think anyone sells deer meat commercially, maybe I'm wrong. But my dad and brother are hunters, so during the deer season they hunt and shoot deer, then we have it processed into different styles of meat that should last us until the next season or longer.


Deer is pretty close to beef. Pretty much what you would use beef for you can use deer for. Its not a fatty meat though, so you really have to know how to cook it so that it doesn't dry out or taste gamey (as it is wild meat). If you have a good processor and the deer have eaten well that spring you can get a good lean meat to use for everything from lasagna to tenderloin or roast even. I guess it can be compared to bison? Bison is a lean meat that is substituted for beef.


Isn't dear called venison? Bison meat is also pretty good as well as buffalo meat. I don't care for venison though because of the game-y taste. I have to say why not call it "deer"? Venison sounds so "poisones", lol.

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Great workout yesterday. Wanted to stop so bad, but I just kept trying to make my mind push forward.


Trying to get a menu for the two holiday parties I have next week (back to back), so I can plan ahead. Its proving to be hard. But I know I can still make good choices despite.


Trying to re-focus on getting the process of my house started. As I walk into my house every night this week, mom has been in the kitchen cooking cakes, cookies, pies etc. She brings home stuff too. Its VERY hard. And I know you guys say its my choice, but it would make it so much easier if I didn't have to see it or smell it or be around it.


Anyway, aqua zumba today for an hour at lunch. I need to finish up my SIL present so I think I will just go home after, but I did bring my workout clothes just in case I felt froggy.


Good choices.

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No loss........just maintaining my 315. But if I can not gain 10lbs through the next week and a half....I will we sooooo very happy. Not only do I have 3 holiday parties to attend this week (two work, one family, maybe a friend thing too), but I'm still preparing myself for the emotional onslaught of going to my grandparents in WV. Our first Christmas with out my grandmother. I've been really good managing myself the last few months b/c I've had so much going on. Plus I only really saw my grandparents a few times a year, Christmas being the main one. So, its been easy for me to just deny that she is gone. I know she is, but its like she is still there and I'm just haven't seen her since my last visit. I really dread walking into that house and her not being there. Christmas was her time. I know we should rejoice and be happy, but I know that as much as we will try to put on good face that house will be sad this year. Its been years since my aunt Kathi died and there is always tears shed for her each year. We are an emotional group. Now we are going to lock ourselves in a overbearing hot house with not much to do with LOTS of food for about four days.


I KNOW. Its my choice to wallow or prevail. I've been trying to let myself mourn the last couple of weeks to try and not have it so strong when I go and I hope that will help disarm me a bit. I've made a pact with my aunt (the one I was so worried about) to walk up the driveway and down the road at least once a day while we are there. She finally joined a gym and has a trainer (her insurance pays for it). So, maybe we can keep each other strong. I do hope we don't just bond over not doing anything. B/c that would obviously be much easier.


I've found yet another trigger for my appetite this weekend. Um, I won't go into what it is, but its def. in the emotional/hormonal range. I got through too mindless eating before I realized what was happening. I won't go into my TERRIBLE eating or say any excuses b/c I did have control, just didn't use it. But its like MrsC05 said, Am I willing to put in the energy to burn those calories. Well, I didn't this weekend and should have, but I got my but up out of bed this morning and went to the gym early. We all know how I hate that, but guess if I wanted to eat all that crap.........guess what?


The gym will just have to help curve the damage I did this weekend and I hope it works. Even if I maintain, that is fine. Plus I won't be around to hit the gym next week so might as well get in what I can this week. They do have limited hours after Christmas, so I will take the time and gas money to make the drive to workout after we get back.


Anyway, I grabbed a nice 20 mins. this morning and got my HR up to 161. I plan on hitting the gym at lunch for at least 30 mins. Probably the bike b/c my knee is still giving me problems. Then I'll go for a full hour after work today.


I'll try to keep up this pace all week. Short workouts during the day and a long one at night. We still have Aqua zumba this week so that will help with an hour workout twice this week. Friday will be the only night that I will have to skip out b/c its my Grandad's Christmas dinner and his bday party that night around 6ish.


The key this week will be to manage the food going in. Tomr. we have our entire work Christmas lunch in our cafeteria of course a buffet style. But I have aqua zumba after so hopefully I can avoid eating too much knowing that I have to go workout. I have actually considered asking one of my co workers to just make me a plate, they are all skinny......I'm sure they could do a better job. I'm not kidding.


Wed. we have our dept. lunch at a local place that as long as the menu is the normal one I know I can get a grilled chicken breast and veggies on the side.


My grandad's...........well........he makes pillsbury biscuits, pinto beans and a spiral ham. My aunt brings cakes (thank GOD she usually brings something I don't like) and there is normally a cheese ball and sodas. I don't eat pintos, so I'm stuck trying to make a meal out of ham and biscuits without over doing it. My plan of action this year is to grab a grilled chicken sandwich before going over and then having like some ham. Then I will go park myself in the living room away from the kitchen. I will be stuck there pretty much b/c my grandad (even though he can really afford better) still lives in a 1970s singlewide trailer (though we convinced him to order a new one this year and it should be up by spring). When you put my mom's side of the family into this little place its crazy. We are loud and all need to be on a diet. So, if I find a seat across the room, then I'm kinda stuck there. That's my plan.


Sorry this was so long. I guess its the holiday edition, lol.


I have confidence in myself that the few changes I've been making lately are just the beginning of better and BIGGER changes for myself. I still hate getting up early to work out, but as many of you have said, "Time to get over what you don't want to do." Now, if I can get that to translate into the food side of things I will be doing great.


Good Choices and Seasonings Greetings.

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Re: dinner at your grandfather's, instead of eating before because you don't like pinto's, why not bring some grilled or roasted veggies or a big salad for everyone to enjoy. Just a thought.


I will give it a go. Knowing my family, no one will eat it, but at least I'll have something.

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Good idea..and if their feelings are "hurt" so sad to be them..sometimes it's hard to say "no" to stuff for fear of hurting others feelings if you don't eat "their" stuff. You don't even have to give them a reason. Just, "no thankyou, I don't want any". None of their business why!


a few times in life I've found myelf in similar situations.stuck with no where to go. I did use those times to take a couple of walks per day and "focus" on nature, the clean air, etc. You could invite others to go with you. It would break up the monotony of the day. Bring cards and things to do for everyone who wants to join you. The idea is to do things that don't revolve around sitting around and eating.


Pinto beans are very good for you..I eat them every day..for a serving size of half a cup, you get a LOT of nutrition out of them.and a ton of protein to keep you full. I'd focus on any veggies and proteins..minimize the biscuits and bread. Another trick you can do is to take a paper napkin and "blot" the excess oil, fat, etc. off ham or biscuits or other foods. It does help and when you see what your napkin looks like all oily you'll be glad you didn't put that in your body.


Re: dinner at your grandfather's, instead of eating before because you don't like pinto's, why not bring some grilled or roasted veggies or a big salad for everyone to enjoy. Just a thought.
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Good idea..and if their feelings are "hurt" so sad to be them..sometimes it's hard to say "no" to stuff for fear of hurting others feelings if you don't eat "their" stuff. You don't even have to give them a reason. Just, "no thankyou, I don't want any". None of their business why!


a few times in life I've found myelf in similar situations.stuck with no where to go. I did use those times to take a couple of walks per day and "focus" on nature, the clean air, etc. You could invite others to go with you. It would break up the monotony of the day. Bring cards and things to do for everyone who wants to join you. The idea is to do things that don't revolve around sitting around and eating.


Pinto beans are very good for you..I eat them every day..for a serving size of half a cup, you get a LOT of nutrition out of them.and a ton of protein to keep you full. I'd focus on any veggies and proteins..minimize the biscuits and bread. Another trick you can do is to take a paper napkin and "blot" the excess oil, fat, etc. off ham or biscuits or other foods. It does help and when you see what your napkin looks like all oily you'll be glad you didn't put that in your body.


all good ideas. Will give them a go.

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Well, yesterday was better all around. Food was better, exercise was good.


I hit the gym that morning for 20 mins. I got another 30 in at lunch and one more 35 mins. after work. Today won't be as hard going. I plan on Aqua zumba at lunch for an hour then about 30 mins. after work.


Holiday lunch today. Will have to keep my head about me. So easy to get involved in eating and not socializing, which is more the point.


Maintenance is the name of the game this week. I've left my scale in the car (from taking it dog sitting this weekend for my weigh day) and I plan on leaving it there until Friday night when I'll need it on Sat.


Good Choices

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Your doing a great job of trying to plan ahead..maintaining is the right attitude for sure! Progress not perfection..


It's great your being so mindful...small changes=big payoff.


Well, yesterday was better all around. Food was better, exercise was good.


I hit the gym that morning for 20 mins. I got another 30 in at lunch and one more 35 mins. after work. Today won't be as hard going. I plan on Aqua zumba at lunch for an hour then about 30 mins. after work.


Holiday lunch today. Will have to keep my head about me. So easy to get involved in eating and not socializing, which is more the point.


Maintenance is the name of the game this week. I've left my scale in the car (from taking it dog sitting this weekend for my weigh day) and I plan on leaving it there until Friday night when I'll need it on Sat.


Good Choices

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all

Hope everyone had a great holiday! So how did everyone get thur the holidays? I did really well just 1 cheat I had 3 cookies on xmass eve at work. Other than that I have had a few glasses of champaigne. So I didn't loose any weight but no gain YAY! I got a ton of new clothes from my daughter. When I checked the sizes I was thinking there was no way they were going to fit as most were med. So thrilled everything fits and fits well.

So now I need to start getting ready for our cruise on the 5th. Hoping that I will be able to find a really great formal dress cheap after the first.



P.S. Why is it so quite lately?

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Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays!! We had our Christmas lunch at work catered by Carrabba's Italian restaurant. I brought some homemade chicken salad just in case I couldn't eat at the lunch, thinking I could nibble on it back at my desk after lunch and just eat some tossed salad for lunch, but luckily besides pasta, they had chicken marsala and italian sausage so I had some chicken marsala and salad and broccoli for lunch. There was also some kind of pie, but I didn't look close enough to even see what kind it was! :) I work at a school, so I was given tons of candies and other sweet treats, but brought them home for the kids and to serve to guests!!


For Christmas dinner, I ate turkey, gravy, mashed cauliflower and cranberry sauce made with splenda and was completely satisfied. Right now, I have a cupcake cake (one of those things that Publix makes that consists of lots of cupcakes pushed together and then iced like a cake) that was given to us sitting on my stove. The gloppy buttercream icing that used to be my favorite is so unappealing to me that I told my DH that instead of a chocolate cake with buttercream icing for my 50th birthday (on 12/31) to just get the low carb cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory. I just cannot see ingesting all of that fat and calories with a chocolate cake!!


I have had a couple of glasses of champagne, but all in all, feel like we did pretty well with the holidays! DH is also sticking to atkins and has lost over 10 lbs in a month!! For my birthday dinner, we are going to a Brazilian steakhouse where they carve the meat at your table, so that's perfect for the atkins diet. I also bought the atkins frozen dinners. DH had eaten them for lunch, but I have not tried them yet. He said the crustless chicken pot pie had too much spinach for him (he doesn't like spinach), but since I love spinach, I'm looking forward to trying it. He also liked the beef tips in burgandy sauce. He is still drinking more red wine than is really allowed on atkins, but since he's still losing, I guess it is ok.


We went to the cinema to see Les Mis and I was happy with just the cherry vanilla diet coke. I had not seen the new coke machines at AMC theaters with over 100 flavors of coke and diet coke (my kids were laughing at me, saying, "you don't get out much, mom), but I haven't been to the cinema in a while and when we go, I usually don't buy food, but I was intrigued by the new coke machines...so many choices and I assume (and hope) all of the diet coke flavors were no carbs!! The AMC cinema we went to put the calorie count on the menu for each food item...wow, one look at that and you won't order anything if you are dieting. I wonder how it is affecting their business!! It was quite shocking to see that very few items were under 1000 calories!!


Happy New Year to everyone!!

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Hey guys, sorry I've been in and out. The holidays were good. Ethan made out pretty well with a ton of clothes and toys. Sadly right now though our Grampa only has a few precious hours/days with us. He went in to have skin cancer removed from his lip, however for dementia patients, anesthesia is REALLY bad for them. Don't know if the skin cancer was bad enough to REALLY, REALLY need it, or if my family didn't think to ask how anesthesia would be on him or what.....but he's gone down hill since then. Dr's said he'd only last 24 hours and it's been more than that. Our last family member showed up at 1am this morning (who is a dr. in Denver) and we thought he was waiting on her to pass, however he is still with us right now. But it's a waiting game right now of when he passes.

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I've been in WV for 5 days and we have iffy signal there. I did take a walk 3 out of the 5 days. Missed one bc it was freezing rain.


I got sick the last night. Threw up and had stomach cramps. I'm still having random cramps, upset stomach, gas. It comes on at weird times with no real reason. I don't think it's a virus bc I haven't felt weak or other systems.


Been three days so if it continues tomr. I will see a Dr. I've been taking probiotics.


Anyway. The scale is not pretty but nothing I can't handle, I thought I would break down when I saw the damage after the holidays and sense my weight usually takes a week to catch up then I probably haven't seen the worse. But I'm positive and I'm getting back into my routine more and more each day, started major clean out of my room. Clutter in your life makes you feel cluttered. By Jan. 1st I'm going to be on track to my very ambitious goal of 50lbs. That's right. I'm going to push my goal. To hell if I don't make it but I should give myself the benefit of the doubt that I could. Land zumba and water plus a booty bootcamp class at the Y will help me too. Food will be big. I MUST find a way to control my intake. Not what I eat but more so how much. It's those little things I cheat by not logging or under calculating. Y cheat myself.


I pray every night for the will and the way to be healthier but God also helps those who help themselves.

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Hey guys, sorry I've been in and out. The holidays were good. Ethan made out pretty well with a ton of clothes and toys. Sadly right now though our Grampa only has a few precious hours/days with us. He went in to have skin cancer removed from his lip, however for dementia patients, anesthesia is REALLY bad for them. Don't know if the skin cancer was bad enough to REALLY, REALLY need it, or if my family didn't think to ask how anesthesia would be on him or what.....but he's gone down hill since then. Dr's said he'd only last 24 hours and it's been more than that. Our last family member showed up at 1am this morning (who is a dr. in Denver) and we thought he was waiting on her to pass, however he is still with us right now. But it's a waiting game right now of when he passes.


So sorry about your Grampa...thinking of you all.

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I've been in WV for 5 days and we have iffy signal there. I did take a walk 3 out of the 5 days. Missed one bc it was freezing rain.


I got sick the last night. Threw up and had stomach cramps. I'm still having random cramps, upset stomach, gas. It comes on at weird times with no real reason. I don't think it's a virus bc I haven't felt weak or other systems.


Been three days so if it continues tomr. I will see a Dr. I've been taking probiotics.


Anyway. The scale is not pretty but nothing I can't handle, I thought I would break down when I saw the damage after the holidays and sense my weight usually takes a week to catch up then I probably haven't seen the worse. But I'm positive and I'm getting back into my routine more and more each day, started major clean out of my room. Clutter in your life makes you feel cluttered. By Jan. 1st I'm going to be on track to my very ambitious goal of 50lbs. That's right. I'm going to push my goal. To hell if I don't make it but I should give myself the benefit of the doubt that I could. Land zumba and water plus a booty bootcamp class at the Y will help me too. Food will be big. I MUST find a way to control my intake. Not what I eat but more so how much. It's those little things I cheat by not logging or under calculating. Y cheat myself.


I pray every night for the will and the way to be healthier but God also helps those who help themselves.


Sorry you have been feeing sick, Brooke. A nasty stomach flu went through our school just before Christmas break. I hope that is not what you have.


You are right about not cheating yourself...you deserve to be healthy and fit!! Best of luck to you!!:)

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