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Cruising to Healthy


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I was thinking the same thing Mrs.CO5..like if she just plain wanted the cupcake, she was still physically hungry and needed it, or if she just thought "as long as I don't go over my points I can have it ", "I deserve it because whatever"..Like, would the rest of your day really be that horrible if you didn't have the cupcake? It guess we were wondering, "why cupcake, why now?" Do they have Overeater Anonymous meetings in your area? It almost sounds sometimes like your addicted to food..like your afraid something will happen if you don't use all your points everyday, if you don't eat the cupcake, if you don't eat what your mom makes and she'll be upset, etc.


WW recommends eating your full allotment of daily points each day. I haven't been on this thread in a while. I'm sitting in the Hong Kong airport waiting to fly home (YAY!!) As far as weeklies go, you can use them as you please. Use some, all, or none. You can use them all in one day, a little each day, or not at all. I usually use about half on the weekends and spread the rest throughout the rest of the week. I find I lose better if I eat every one of the weekly points.


For those that say you can't imagine working out so much and maintaining weight...are you going to stop working out when you hit your goal? There are so many benefits to working out beyond weight loss...cardiovascular health, more energy, better tone, etc. Plus, even if the scale doesn't show much movement, your body still changes. Once I only lost 6 lbs but dropped two sizes. I was asked if I lost 15 lbs. I gained about 6 lbs of lean muscle.


I have a cruise in 11 weeks. After 6 weeks in Hong Kong, a cruise, Oktoberfest in Munich...I want to lose about 10 lbs. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to do South Beach or WW.


As for Brooke, she's right. I don't know her struggles. I've never needed to lose weight, and the most I've wanted to lose was 20 lbs. I think you've made a lot of strides, but I think you need some help to get to the next level. It's all in your head. Good luck.

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I think she sees it full well, she just doesn't want to do it the way your supposed to. Remember all the times she said she was so stubborn, would fight things to the bitter end,etc. Maybe it's time to just suck it up and get over it and face reality. You get defensive when everyone here points out what we can all obviously see is wrong, and then your solution for all we know is to go bury yourself in a cupcake or something. Maybe it's time to stop blaming your living situation, your parents, your genes, your hormones, your "......" (fill in the blan)


Lhanson is right..you are making fabulous choices and that's great..but the thing is, you are NEVER....NEVER..going to be able to eat the way you always have. So you need to LEARN to be consistent for a period of time with eating RIGHT..like for a few weeks..before you start tweaking, etc. tweaking is what you do to find out how to MAINTAIN your weight. You learn along the way, how to incorporate treats, etc. But no diet on the planet ever advocates treats every single day, at least I've never seen one.


If your going to keep being honest with the board, all of us are going to keep being honest with you. If you get upset, none of us mean to hurt you but maybe when you do get upset it's because you know we are right.


Brooke something you said just jump out at me. You said you made your food choices so you wouldn't feel like you were being punished.

You are not being punished for eating healthy and mike healthy food choices.

YOU are punishing yourself by making the food choices that you make.

I'm not sure why your not seeing this. Every time you make a bad food choice You are punishing yourself.

You have punished yourself your whole life!

Now its time to reward yourself with health, and being able to do things that your weight stops you from being able to do.


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Today I had 1/2 a banana, a mocha light bottled drink, and then my Grammie made some spaghetti & meatballs. Meatballs were turkey (had 3), had 1 serving of spaghetti noodles & 1 serving of marinera, more of a brunch meal. Snacked on 1/4c of pistachio's before my JM workout. Tonight's dinner is Carrabba's. What I get there is the chicken gratella aka grilled chicken, with double green beans or broccoli (whatever their green veggie is, and eat half the chicken & veg to save for another meal). The salad I get is their house salad with light vinaigrette on the side (and dip my fork in). The bread and herbs we do get, but they quarter the bread so we're eating 1/16 of it since we're splitting it, if that makes sense, lol. I hope I have that right.


Workouts today were 1hr walk this morning and then I just finished up my JM. All my calories total 1336, which I'm 6 calories over my daily amount. I went in and calculated my BMR to see what I was suppose to be eating just based on sleeping all day (what my body needed just to function) since I wasn't really losing weight. Been hanging around 120lbs. which is okay with me, but I'm working on cardio and strength so I was hoping to lose 5lbs.


So as of yesterday I upped my cals so we'll see how things go with that, keeping up with my workouts, and no soda. It's all become a daily routine now of eating healthy (good protein, veggies, some fruits, and nuts), exercising, drinking water. I have the best energy now and am always wanting to do something active with my son.


Brooke, I'm sure your college has a few nutrition courses....what if you talked to the professor there to see if she can help you plan out some meal and snack ideas?

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In researching WW a little bit, I'm reading on the community forum for WW, is that most people are given too many points and don't see a weight loss. Only maintain weight or gain weight. What if you adjusted your points Brooke? It seems the average points people are given are between 25-40pts.....I'm not sure how much "food" 28 points are, but from what others have said, it is a lot and they don't/can't eat that much, which when they don't eat all their points, that's when they see a weight loss.


Those of you on here that do WW, can you post on here what a healthy daily food intake would be for you based on 25-40 points? Is that a lot or little of food? Then again, I'm sure it's all about what you choose too.

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I found this too on the WW website. If I have everything correct Brooke, your Daily Points should be 39. I'm just trying to understand the WW to help you out.


Are you:



A Nursing Mom*?-----12pts


How Old Are You?





Over 58-------0pts


What do you weigh?

Enter the first two digits of your weight in pounds. For example, if you weigh 175, enter 17. If you weigh less than 100 pounds, enter the first digit of your weight in pounds. i.e. for 98, enter 9.


How tall are you?

Under 5'1"----0pts


Over 5'10"----2pts


Do you spend most of your day:

Sitting down?------------------0pts

(e.g. as a receptionist, bus driver, cab driver)

Occasionally sitting, but mainly standing?---2pts

(e.g. sales person, housewife, cook, teacher)

Walking most of the time?-------4pts

(e.g. waiter, mailman)

Doing physically hard work most of the time?---6pts

(e.g. nurse, gardener, construction worker)


The total is your daily points target.

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I found this too on the WW website. If I have everything correct Brooke, your Daily Points should be 39. I'm just trying to understand the WW to help you out.


Are you:



A Nursing Mom*?-----12pts


How Old Are You?





Over 58-------0pts


What do you weigh?

Enter the first two digits of your weight in pounds. For example, if you weigh 175, enter 17. If you weigh less than 100 pounds, enter the first digit of your weight in pounds. i.e. for 98, enter 9.


How tall are you?

Under 5'1"----0pts


Over 5'10"----2pts


Do you spend most of your day:

Sitting down?------------------0pts

(e.g. as a receptionist, bus driver, cab driver)

Occasionally sitting, but mainly standing?---2pts

(e.g. sales person, housewife, cook, teacher)

Walking most of the time?-------4pts

(e.g. waiter, mailman)

Doing physically hard work most of the time?---6pts

(e.g. nurse, gardener, construction worker)


The total is your daily points target.

I think this is from the "old" system. Not sure if Brooke is doing the old system or Points Plus. They also have a new system, the 360. I don't know what the new one is about though.

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To everyone giving Brooke advice, since we are all on a board about losing weight it's probably safe to say that none of us are where we really want to be. If it was so damn easy there wouldn't be a need for this board. You and I both know that she has to make the decision to lose weight yourself. Telling her what she is doing wrong isn't going to make her do it right. Pointing out things here and there are fine. If she chooses to adopt it then ok if not then attacks won't really help anything. None of us are Dr. Phil. We don't have all the answers or we wouldn't be here. We are here for support.

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I think this is from the "old" system. Not sure if Brooke is doing the old system or Points Plus. They also have a new system, the 360. I don't know what the new one is about though.


You're right. That is the Momentum program. WW changed to Points Plus in Dec 2010. 360 is Points Plus while focusing on behavioral and psychological aspects. Brooke is doing Points Plus, and it's an unknown formula for calculating the daily allowance. It's based on sex, height, and weight. I get 26 points, which is the lowest allowed. The program allows you flex up 3 points, which I do, because 26 points only puts me around 1100 calories.

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In researching WW a little bit, I'm reading on the community forum for WW, is that most people are given too many points and don't see a weight loss. Only maintain weight or gain weight. What if you adjusted your points Brooke? It seems the average points people are given are between 25-40pts.....I'm not sure how much "food" 28 points are, but from what others have said, it is a lot and they don't/can't eat that much, which when they don't eat all their points, that's when they see a weight loss.


Those of you on here that do WW, can you post on here what a healthy daily food intake would be for you based on 25-40 points? Is that a lot or little of food? Then again, I'm sure it's all about what you choose too.


If you go to the WW Facebook pages, you'll see lots of success stories! Lots of people posting that they lost 80-100+ pounds in a year.


I typically eat 29-33 points a day. I typically work out two hours a day. Here's what a typical day looks like:


2 eggs - 4 pp

Orange - 0 pp

Greek yogurt and berries - 3 pp

Lite String Cheese - 1 pp

Chicken Taco Chili - 5 pp

Salad with tomato, cucumber, olive oil - 2 pp

Cashews 1 oz - 5 pp

Apple - 0 pp

2 squares Dove dark chocolate - 2 pp

Crunchy baked chicken - 5 pp

Steamed asparagus - 0 pp

Baked chips and salsa - 3 pp

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If you go to the WW Facebook pages, you'll see lots of success stories! Lots of people posting that they lost 80-100+ pounds in a year.


I typically eat 29-33 points a day. I typically work out two hours a day. Here's what a typical day looks like:


2 eggs - 4 pp

Orange - 0 pp

Greek yogurt and berries - 3 pp

Lite String Cheese - 1 pp

Chicken Taco Chili - 5 pp

Salad with tomato, cucumber, olive oil - 2 pp

Cashews 1 oz - 5 pp

Apple - 0 pp

2 squares Dove dark chocolate - 2 pp

Crunchy baked chicken - 5 pp

Steamed asparagus - 0 pp

Baked chips and salsa - 3 pp

I like your menu here :)

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To everyone giving Brooke advice, since we are all on a board about losing weight it's probably safe to say that none of us are where we really want to be. If it was so damn easy there wouldn't be a need for this board. You and I both know that she has to make the decision to lose weight yourself. Telling her what she is doing wrong isn't going to make her do it right. Pointing out things here and there are fine. If she chooses to adopt it then ok if not then attacks won't really help anything. None of us are Dr. Phil. We don't have all the answers or we wouldn't be here. We are here for support.


Thank you. :)

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My response to fergusonvt wasn't meant as a dig to the rest of you. Good intentions are always just that. I suppose since I started this thread there is a lot of concentration on me and I suppose its overwhelming at times. Seems like I'm the only one who gets "pick" on over my food choices. I guess I'm the only one making "bad" food choices. I never intended this thread to be all about me. I really just wanted started it by just wanting to be honest about what I was doing. I didn't really think anyone would care that much. I'm glad people do.


But as much as you guys may try, you can't MAKE me see the light. I have to see it on my own. You can try and pound things into my head as much as you want to, but it won't work until I'm ready to hear it, see it, do it.


I'm here








You guys are here.


You will just have to wait for me to catch up............if you want to. It could take some time.


But I feel like I'm doing well. Not great, not good, but well. I'm not going to be pushed into thinking the one cupcake I ate I should feeling about eating. WW does say I can have treats everyday, if I want. Why do you think they have WW ice cream, candy, snack cakes, muffins, bagels, english muffins, bread, candy????


And I did try to reduce my points at one time and I think I got fussed at on here for it b/c I wasn't following the program...........



Mostly what I hear are mixed signals:


Don't eat all your points.....

NO, eat all your points its the program


Eat fruit

But don't eat too much of it


Exercise is good

But it is pointless if you keep overeating




And this is not just from you guys its from experts too.


In one day I read three different healthy articles all by professionals and each one told their readers three different things.


One said Carbs are okay and can be good for you in moderation

One said Carbs should be limited at all times

One said, BK should include 600 calories with protein and a sweet snack like a muffin or sweet cereal along with fruit. B/c their studies show that people ate less throughout the day when they ate a big breakfast and had something sweet/carb with it.


I think my best bet of surviving without having a mental breakdown of different opinions, expert advice and advice is to block it all out. Look at my chosen diet plan and evaluate it according to my own personal needs, wants, and what my body says.


Sometimes there are too many cooks in the kitchen. And there is no doubt that I value that you have taken such a GREAT interest in my serious weight problem, but all of you have said it: I'm the ONLY one who can do this. It does help that people want me to succeed and hate to see me hurt myself or fail. But you just can't do it for me I'm sure as much as some of you want to.



I won't be posting food anymore b/c I'm tired of getting chastised like a child. There is only one place I need to log my food and I will do it there.


I will however post about how I'm doing and how I'm feeling etc. I will try not to whine, complain, etc. about my results as they are strictly my failings/triumphs and I will own them.


I hope I haven't completely pissed anyone off b/c that was not my intention.

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I was under chiropractor orders to rest my knee this weekend. At some point during my exercise programs last week I injured it enough to cause some nasty swelling. As I went to take pictures for work on Friday I knew that there was something wrong when I couldn't squat down to take a picture. I almost could not get back up. But I've done well with resting it, though I did have to move around and be on it for a bit yesterday b/c we went to a friend's baby shower and the boys were there too. The swelling is no where near what it was on Friday I'm happy to report. So I'm hoping on Monday it will be good enough to go back to Yoga. The chiropractor did tell me to wrap it the first couple of days though.


Friends and family kept telling me I might be over doing it. As much as the lazy side of me wants to listen to them. That side of me that kept using my back and other pains to say, "I can't do it" I can't listen to it.


A short story:


There once was a girl who was afraid of the gym. She didn't want to go b/c that meant other people would watch her and judge her, maybe even feel sorry for her. She went for a while when it wasn't busy and was able to hide from people for the most part. Then the money became too much and she stopped. When she got a new job and had access to the gym for free she again had to face her fears of judgement and this time with a crowd of young people. She started going but not on a reg. basis. Then she hired a trainer and though she learned new things and pushed limits she still held back. But she couldn't stop so she really got out of her comfort zone and tried zumba and she liked it. Again, classes weren't all the time so she had to fill in the blanks. She then tried new machines and longer times and higher speeds and more tension. She realized that the limits she set for herself weren't exactly real and that pushing a little harder wouldn't hurt (a lot). So then she decided to try something she said she would never do b/c it was a challenge to her mentality and body, yoga. Come to find out it wasn't as bad as she thought though still hard and a bit embarrassing when she couldn't do moves. Never did she think she would spend two hours working out, but on Wed. she does two hour long classes. Though she gets sore, though her back aches, though her knee swells........she knows she is doing good things for herself in the long wrong. Maybe she still has some of those initial fears, but she fights them everyday to do something good for herself.


Today I'm going to do reg. household chores and take some breaks to just relax and enjoy a peaceful Sunday. Though I will be in fear all day and night b/c my mom got sick last night and I drank after her yesterday as we decided to share a meal from McDonalds. Though getting a bug would probably jump start some weightloss it is NOT the way I want to do it.


Off to do my laundry.

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Wow..to me that looks like a lot of food for not many points..good diversity of options, too.


If you go to the WW Facebook pages, you'll see lots of success stories! Lots of people posting that they lost 80-100+ pounds in a year.


I typically eat 29-33 points a day. I typically work out two hours a day. Here's what a typical day looks like:


2 eggs - 4 pp

Orange - 0 pp

Greek yogurt and berries - 3 pp

Lite String Cheese - 1 pp

Chicken Taco Chili - 5 pp

Salad with tomato, cucumber, olive oil - 2 pp

Cashews 1 oz - 5 pp

Apple - 0 pp

2 squares Dove dark chocolate - 2 pp

Crunchy baked chicken - 5 pp

Steamed asparagus - 0 pp

Baked chips and salsa - 3 pp

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Brooke, I agree that you have to do this your way. Weight loss is 80% mental, I believe. I was heavy for a couple of years before it kicked in that I needed to seriously diet. Everyone gets there at a different pace. I couldn't do WW and i know others can't do low carb. Each person has to find what works for them. I hope you do find what works for you. Meanwhile, i'll keep sharing what works for me.


Today I found Aged Parmesan Crisps in the deli section of Super Walmart. They are made entirely of cheese and are wheat, gluten and sugar free. $4.98 for a box of about 10 crisps...a bit pricey, but so often on low carb you just crave something crunchy, since you can't eat chips, cereal, etc., so it's a great snack for very little carbs. Three crisps are less than one carb.


Tonight, DH grilled Johnsonville Italian sausage...3 carbs per link. Two links with spicy mustard and a side salad was dinner followed by a couple of the parmesan crisps. Sugar free jello will be dessert later as I watch Downton Abby (just a bit obsessed!). BTW, DH has now lost 20 lbs. in about 2 months. He is thrilled that his trousers are getting big and he needs to tighten the belt. Probably time to go shopping for some new jeans for him.


We were on a college trip this weekend and the hotel we stayed at included breakfast. I was very happy to see eggs and meats along with the waffles, muffins, and biscuits. I was able to eat eggs and bacon and totally stay on the diet. For dinner one night we did Applebees and they have WW points on some of the entrees and lots of other low carb options. I had a steak and substituted a portofino mushroom cap filled with spinach for the potato. Very filling and entirely within the diet. The next night we did Macaroni Grill and I had the chicken scallopini, but substituted broccolini for the pasta and ordered my caesar salad without croutons. It really is becoming a lifestyle of eating healthy and making good substitutions without feeling deprived.


40 lbs. to lose by May...I wish I had DH's metabolism...I'd be there within 2 months!!!:)

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Pcrum, don't you just hate how men lose it faster than us?!? Ugh! My husband has lost 4lbs in a week!!!


Brooke, I'm sorry if I came across as "attacking" you, but some of the things you do makes me ask why? But, you are you, and I am myself. We are all different and make our own decisions.


Today I had a glass of OJ and a jimmy dean delight sandwich (turkey sausage, egg white & american cheese, 250cals) for breakfast, lunch were snacky foods- 1/4c pistachios, fiber one bar, & a dannon activia strawberry yogurt and we went to dinner at FishLips to watch the cruise ships leave. There I had grilled mahi, asparagus, steamed rice and a side salad. Exercise was an hour walk, my JM, and some shopping.


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2

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Oh and speaking of cruises, DH and I are wanting to do 2 more cruises on Carnival to be grandfathered in for platinum before the end of this year is up. So, we have our yearly anniversary one in 2 months, and then we are seriously thinking of doing one in Sept. so our then 18mo. old can go (yayayay) and then try a Thanksgiving one. I am not so sure on the latter one, because of the price. Anyone know if it is really worth double the price?


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Ack, where did my other post go???


Anyways, I was saying.....Brooke, I'm sorry if you felt I was attacking you. Its just that some of the things you do/did, I was asking myself "why??" But you are you, and I am myself. We all make our own decisions. I hope you find what you're looking for.


Today I had:

B: oj.....110cals, & jimmy dean delight turkey sausage, egg white & american cheese sandwich......250cals

Lunch: snacky foods-- dannon activia strawberry yogurt, 1/4c pistachios, & fiber one bar

Dinner: grilled mahi, asparagus, & steamed rice w/ side salad as an appitizer


We went over to Port Canaveral for dinner at FishLips. Best place to watch the cruise ships leave!!


Exercise: 1hr walk, JM and 1hr shopping


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Oh and speaking of cruises, DH and I are wanting to do 2 more cruises on Carnival to be grandfathered in for platinum before the end of this year is up. So, we have our yearly anniversary one in 2 months, and then we are seriously thinking of doing one in Sept. so our then 18mo. old can go (yayayay) and then try a Thanksgiving one. I am not so sure on the latter one, because of the price. Anyone know if it is really worth double the price?


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I did a New Year's cruise, and the ship was soooo CROWDED! I won't do another holiday cruise. Any way you could go the next week? Prices are way cheaper and the ships aren't that crowded.

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We've done 3 Thanksgiving week cruises. Since we have to travel during school breaks, we find that Thanksgiving week is the least expensive school break time to travel. We haven't found those weeks to be any more crowded. If anything, it's less children onboard than during the summer months. We love cruising during Thanksgiving week because the islands are not as hot...we live in FL, so appreciate the break from the heat. I'd highly recommend a Thanksgiving week cruise. BTW, the MDR does serve a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving day...we've never ordered it because we like other entrees better, but they do offer it.


We only need 1 more cruise before 12/31/13 to be platinum, so will do something, even if it is just a shorter 3-4 night cruise.

Edited by pcrum
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Oh and speaking of cruises, DH and I are wanting to do 2 more cruises on Carnival to be grandfathered in for platinum before the end of this year is up. So, we have our yearly anniversary one in 2 months, and then we are seriously thinking of doing one in Sept. so our then 18mo. old can go (yayayay) and then try a Thanksgiving one. I am not so sure on the latter one, because of the price. Anyone know if it is really worth double the price?


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We just did the Christmas/New Years cruise on the QM2, it wasn't double the price but about 1/4 more. I would do one of 2 things. Book it now if you want a cabin that you really want and watch for price drops like a hawk or wait, the prices will likely drop.

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If you go to the WW Facebook pages, you'll see lots of success stories! Lots of people posting that they lost 80-100+ pounds in a year.


I typically eat 29-33 points a day. I typically work out two hours a day. Here's what a typical day looks like:


2 eggs - 4 pp

Orange - 0 pp

Greek yogurt and berries - 3 pp

Lite String Cheese - 1 pp

Chicken Taco Chili - 5 pp

Salad with tomato, cucumber, olive oil - 2 pp

Cashews 1 oz - 5 pp

Apple - 0 pp

2 squares Dove dark chocolate - 2 pp

Crunchy baked chicken - 5 pp

Steamed asparagus - 0 pp

Baked chips and salsa - 3 pp


Whats the crunchy baked chicken?

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Brooke, I agree that you have to do this your way. Weight loss is 80% mental, I believe. I was heavy for a couple of years before it kicked in that I needed to seriously diet. Everyone gets there at a different pace. I couldn't do WW and i know others can't do low carb. Each person has to find what works for them. I hope you do find what works for you. Meanwhile, i'll keep sharing what works for me.


Today I found Aged Parmesan Crisps in the deli section of Super Walmart. They are made entirely of cheese and are wheat, gluten and sugar free. $4.98 for a box of about 10 crisps...a bit pricey, but so often on low carb you just crave something crunchy, since you can't eat chips, cereal, etc., so it's a great snack for very little carbs. Three crisps are less than one carb.


Tonight, DH grilled Johnsonville Italian sausage...3 carbs per link. Two links with spicy mustard and a side salad was dinner followed by a couple of the parmesan crisps. Sugar free jello will be dessert later as I watch Downton Abby (just a bit obsessed!). BTW, DH has now lost 20 lbs. in about 2 months. He is thrilled that his trousers are getting big and he needs to tighten the belt. Probably time to go shopping for some new jeans for him.


We were on a college trip this weekend and the hotel we stayed at included breakfast. I was very happy to see eggs and meats along with the waffles, muffins, and biscuits. I was able to eat eggs and bacon and totally stay on the diet. For dinner one night we did Applebees and they have WW points on some of the entrees and lots of other low carb options. I had a steak and substituted a portofino mushroom cap filled with spinach for the potato. Very filling and entirely within the diet. The next night we did Macaroni Grill and I had the chicken scallopini, but substituted broccolini for the pasta and ordered my caesar salad without croutons. It really is becoming a lifestyle of eating healthy and making good substitutions without feeling deprived.


40 lbs. to lose by May...I wish I had DH's metabolism...I'd be there within 2 months!!!:)


I have no doubt that you will lose the 40lbs by May. You seem to have things down to a science.

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Oh and speaking of cruises, DH and I are wanting to do 2 more cruises on Carnival to be grandfathered in for platinum before the end of this year is up. So, we have our yearly anniversary one in 2 months, and then we are seriously thinking of doing one in Sept. so our then 18mo. old can go (yayayay) and then try a Thanksgiving one. I am not so sure on the latter one, because of the price. Anyone know if it is really worth double the price?


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I heard it both ways. I've often thought about doing a Thanksgiving cruise b/c we get at least 3 days off from work and then I wouldn't have to use all my vacation time up. But I never have the heart to leave my family during Thanksgiving.

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Ack, where did my other post go???


Anyways, I was saying.....Brooke, I'm sorry if you felt I was attacking you. Its just that some of the things you do/did, I was asking myself "why??" But you are you, and I am myself. We all make our own decisions. I hope you find what you're looking for.


Today I had:

B: oj.....110cals, & jimmy dean delight turkey sausage, egg white & american cheese sandwich......250cals

Lunch: snacky foods-- dannon activia strawberry yogurt, 1/4c pistachios, & fiber one bar

Dinner: grilled mahi, asparagus, & steamed rice w/ side salad as an appitizer


We went over to Port Canaveral for dinner at FishLips. Best place to watch the cruise ships leave!!


Exercise: 1hr walk, JM and 1hr shopping


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Not so much attacking me, but more so ganging up. I mean if you go back and read maybe the last three pages.........and you read them as me.........it might make sense. Like I said, Best intentions, I know.

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