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I have lost most of my weight doing a low fat, no sugar, no carb diet. very little red meat. lots of chicken, turkey, and fish. I don't do prossesed foods ie fake butter,most boxed canned foods. I try really hard to stick to if it has more that 3 things on a lable I don't buy it. Cutting all white flour out of my diet did 2 things for me started loseing weight and I just felt so much better.

I find now if I eat anything with wheat that is refined it makes me sick and makes my body hurt. I just read something that 1 out of 3 people have some kind of problem with wheat. I also really watch my Cals stay at about 1200 to 1300 cals a day.

This just works for me. Sticking with lean meats and fresh veggies has been really easy to do.

All progams work if followed. I think when they are not working its becuse of one of two things. Your either not really following it. or your cal count is off. I think most people under count there cals. I tend to add to my cals. Say a egg has 70 cals in it I'll make it 90 just becuse it could be bigger and higher in cals than I think it is. Seems to be really working for me.

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[quote name=Bellfree Bat;36837128


I will point out that it's not all about "points" but the quality of the "point" that you probably should be more concerned with. I am sure if you thought more on the well-balanced' date=' whole (real, unprocessed) food and portion control, you will see consistent weight loss...even at 1 lb or less a week. Believe me....you cannot exercise enough to combat a poor diet.[/quote]


This is absolutely right. The quality of the point does matter. You could eat a whole box of those snack cakes and never be full and end up eating all your daily pts. I never buy that kind of thing. If I did, I would keep hearing them calling to me from the pantry. If I want a snack or something chocolate I will have a Swiss Miss diet cocoa (1 pt) or for salty I will have a 94% ff kettle korn individual serving bag. (3 pts.)


You must weigh and measure everything. No eyeballing. I have done that before. You eyeball it and then toss in another spoonful. All those little spoonfuls add up, especially when your eyeballed serving is too big already. Measure every tablespoon of peanut butter or whatever you are having. I purchased my digital scale at Walmart for $20. It is one of the best purchases I have ever made. If you don't measure and weigh everything you are just playing at it and and not serious at all.


If I ate all my daily, weekly and activity pts. I would gain weight. I could be wrong but I feel and at least for me, the weekly pts. are for emergency or special occasion...not something you use every week. For me, that will likely be what my maintenance pts will be like when I get to my desired weight.


So, I'm done. I will not be posting again. I wish you luck and if you would just get serious, you can do it. If you are just going to play, you should just stop this thread, because it does seem like you just want some sort of attention.

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This is absolutely right. The quality of the point does matter. You could eat a whole box of those snack cakes and never be full and end up eating all your daily pts. I never buy that kind of thing. If I did, I would keep hearing them calling to me from the pantry. If I want a snack or something chocolate I will have a Swiss Miss diet cocoa (1 pt) or for salty I will have a 94% ff kettle korn individual serving bag. (3 pts.)


You must weigh and measure everything. No eyeballing. I have done that before. You eyeball it and then toss in another spoonful. All those little spoonfuls add up, especially when your eyeballed serving is too big already. Measure every tablespoon of peanut butter or whatever you are having. I purchased my digital scale at Walmart for $20. It is one of the best purchases I have ever made. If you don't measure and weigh everything you are just playing at it and and not serious at all.


If I ate all my daily, weekly and activity pts. I would gain weight. I could be wrong but I feel and at least for me, the weekly pts. are for emergency or special occasion...not something you use every week. For me, that will likely be what my maintenance pts will be like when I get to my desired weight.


So, I'm done. I will not be posting again. I wish you luck and if you would just get serious, you can do it. If you are just going to play, you should just stop this thread, because it does seem like you just want some sort of attention.



Okay, Bye.


That was just a little rude, btw. People maybe honest here, but that was more rude than anything.


If you read the beginning of this thread I started, but I invited others to join me and to use this thread too. At the beginning it was about that. Now its turned into a thread about my failures and me. I didn't ask for that and I certainly don't like have my failures thrown in my face either. I'm sure no one does.


In fact. I'll be taking a break from this thread for the next month. I believe most of the people who have generally been there for me as friends are on my fb page, so I hope I can stay connected there.


This thread makes my BP go sky high most of the time. It makes me doubt myself and causing internal conflict on a daily basis. I don't think its healthy for me all around. I thought it would be good to have a support system other than my family b/c they can be biased (and are), but I think this has taken a different turn for the most part.


If you want to continue posting, please do. Hijack the thread, PLEASE. Maybe if I decide in the next month that I can handle this again and it was more helpful and come back, it will have been taken over and the attention will no longer be strictly on me. I may have been a drama major, but I really have never liked being in the spotlight, especially when it comes to my personal things. I put myself out there on this thread and have been honest from the beginning.


I'll check back only in the next few days to see if anyone wants to add me to fb or has any last HELPFUL words of advice. After that I will be gone until March. I'll come back and let you know if I will be coming back or not.


In the meantime, I'm going to work on me, myself, and I. I'm not going to listen to anyone else, or read anymore stupid health articles, watch the BL, or receive unsolicited advice from other people (not talking about you guys, ppl in general). I'm going to work on this diet myself (Not a lifestyle change, that is a stupid marketing slogan). There has too many cooks in my kitchen for too long and it has not helped me. I need to get right with myself.


I wish you ALL the best of luck with your own weightloss. I thank you ALL for the support, advice, wisdom, honesty and maybe even being PITAS sometimes. I hope you wish the same for me even if it is another 4 years.


I'll leave you with this for now.


I lost 3.2lbs this week.


Bon Voyage, for now.

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3.2 lbs in a week...congratulations!! Just think if you did that every week, you'd be at your goal weight in not time!!


You have to find what works for you and by the weight loss of the past week, it sounds like you are well on your way. I wish you good luck and success and will look forward to staying connected on fb if you choose to leave this thread.


I hope others will keep posting on the thread to share diet successes, recipes, etc. That is why I enjoyed the thread... to share weight loss tips and stories. I'm so sorry you felt it turned into something negative. I'm sure that was not the intention of those who wrote to offer advice, but I do agree that if I had all that attention and well-intended advice thrown at me, I might be a bit overwhelmed too. I hear you about "too many cooks in the kitchen". You need to figure out what works for you. Best of luck!!

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I wish there was a magic formula for weight loss. Even "experts" disagree on what works. For many years, I believed this formula is calories in < calories out, but one needs to add all the coefficients of metabolism, emotion, hormones, activity, etc. Those things actually matter.


That being said, I figured out what works for me when I want to lose weight. I am usually w/in a 5 lb range and have been for 20+ years. Recently, I gained 10 lb because we moved. I was being very social, which was fantastic - I was eating out at several new places and at new homes and wanting to try everything that was served. It was fun at the time, but then I didn't fit my pants, so I wanted to reel it in.


This is how I do it - it works every time.


I keep a very simple diet - it does not vary much from day to day and will consist of the same foods for a few weeks at a time. Boring, but it works and takes the psyche of food out of the equation - meaning, I am not thinking about what I am going to eat.


Breakfast - packet of oatmeal w/ scoop protein powder, a fruit, coffee with a splash of 2% milk


snack - fruit, sometimes 10 tiny twist pretzels, more coffee :D


lunch - veggie (usually spinach 2-3 cups), chicken (I make up chicken breasts w/ rock salt, rosemary and pepper every few days so they are ready to take), 1/2 low fat yogurt


snack - a starchy veg - like pumpkin, 1/2 sweet potato, butternut squash - no butter, flavored w/ cinnamon - this I make in the slow cooker every few days - a root vegetable with cinnamon on low for 4 hours.


dinner - a protein thing (small 4-5 oz steak, chicken, or salmon or 1 c beans), high water fruit like berries or melon, veggie (usually spinach w/ aged balsalmic or broccolli w/ a tsp of japanese salad dressing)


lots of cucumber slices and grape tomatoes whenever


a treat - either 2 oz of wine or a hershey's kiss or small square of dark chocolate


Once a week I either go out to dinner and have whatever, or allow a couple slices of pizza or some dessert splurge. Usually I do this in conjunction with "date night" :D


** fruit is a typical serving of fruit - whatever is in season at the farmer's market or on sale at the store. I will often get frozen berries in the winter


I usually lose about 1/2-3/4 lb per week on this diet - averaging 1300-1400 calories/day. It seems a bit OCD, I realize, however, it keeps me healthy, it is inexpensive, it has a lot of fresh, real food, it is easy, it works.


Hope this helps someone :)

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Wow, ok where did that come from!?!


This weekend has been great!! Yesterday wasn't so good with my cals, didn't eat a whole lot since I wasn't feeling my best. However this morning I got up and did my JM workout, and I really think I sweated it out or something. My stuffy nose went away and I can finally breathe!! Lets hope it stays that way!! Today we went for a walk, and will be walking again later.


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2

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I think it came from where Brooke in an earlier post had said she thought some were thinking she was only posting for attention. When I read it I thought "woah..." It was pretty direct, for sure.


I guess everyone has their own moment of truth that gets them so fired up that they are willing to do whatever it takes to put themselves and their own ways aside and do what they are going to do to lose the weight. I hope maybe that comment will be "it" for Brooke and she'll come back. That's the problem with a public forum, when you post stuff and ask for feedback you have to be willing to take it or let it go gracefully. Nobody is perfect.


I hope everyone else keeps posting, everyone here has great advice.


Wow, ok where did that come from!?!


This weekend has been great!! Yesterday wasn't so good with my cals, didn't eat a whole lot since I wasn't feeling my best. However this morning I got up and did my JM workout, and I really think I sweated it out or something. My stuffy nose went away and I can finally breathe!! Lets hope it stays that way!! Today we went for a walk, and will be walking again later.


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2

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Looks like the holidays and the cruise has chaught up with me. Got on the scale this morning and I'm up 4.5 lbs:eek: While I has really good about what I was eating I did over do with the drinking. So back on induction to kick start the weight lose again. At least I am getting on it before I did anymore damage. Still want to drop other 30lbs by Sept.

How is everone else doing?


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Feeling a bit better this morning. Looks like some of the weight gain may have only been water dowm 3.5 this morning. Still going to go back on induction for 2 weeks. and keep those carbs under 5. It will be a good jump start on the newyear.

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When I was on the medically supervised plan, I could have zero carbs for one week..harder than I thought..then I stayed at 20 to lose and now I maintain at 60 per day. I also drank a lot of "powerade zero" for the electroyltes..and it had no carbs..but it also helped a lot with bloating.


Feeling a bit better this morning. Looks like some of the weight gain may have only been water dowm 3.5 this morning. Still going to go back on induction for 2 weeks. and keep those carbs under 5. It will be a good jump start on the newyear.
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When I was on the medically supervised plan, I could have zero carbs for one week..harder than I thought..then I stayed at 20 to lose and now I maintain at 60 per day. I also drank a lot of "powerade zero" for the electroyltes..and it had no carbs..but it also helped a lot with bloating.


What does a 0 carb diet consist of? I know eggs have 1 carb each. Are you just eating meat? If you don't mind, could you share what a typical day's food would consist of with 0 carbs? I'm very intrigued, as I'd love to jump start my weight loss!! Thanks so much.

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Almost to my GW and I'm working out like a maniac, lol! I told myself I have until Feb. 15th to get there, but I know I'll make it there way before then. I fly out that day to Baltimore to see a friend and we're going to drive up to NYC to do a girls trip for the day/night. So excited. Then after that, we have our 8yr anniversary cruise about 2-2.5 weeks after. Yay!

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Ok, it wasn't pretty but it was only for one week. I had also had an EKG and other medical work done by the same doctor who put me on the plan. It was essentially no more than 5 carbs per day and they gave me a list. I couldn't exceed 500 calories per day.


These had 0-1 carb and about 35 calories per ounce:


Very Lean

ground turkey

white chicken meat no skin

cornish hen no skin


cottage cheese



smoke salmon, shell fish

tliapia, canned tuna in water

pork tenderloin,

Tofu (Nasoya light firm)


Lean 55 calories, 0-1 g carb


chicken dark meat 1 oz

turkey, dark meat no

lean pork chop


veal sardines

flank beef london broil


turkey bacon (jenny o)

turkey sausage links -2


the seond week I could add 5 carbs:


Same as above for meats, but 5c vegetables (25 calories each)







green beans


1/c cup: cauliflower, brussel sprouts, peppers, snow pea pods, artichokes, cucumbers, green ohion,s mushrooms, leeks, kale, spinach, bok choy, eggplant.


Gradually, each week more was added and eventually fruits, starchs, fats. The first week alone I lost 10 lbs water weight, 3 lbs fat and every week consistently I lost about 2 lbs of fat and 1-2 water. They had special machines to measure how much of what. I was also on an appetite suppressent but when I was off it, I found my eating habits had changed.


My weight gain, they told me was due to eating too much healthy stuff: grains, rice, fruits/vegetables and bad portions. Not a lot of meat anyways so this diet for me was hard as I had already eaten mostly a plant based diet. It took me about 7 months to lose 50 lbs.


They do NOT recommend the first week to go for more than once. I would never do anything like this on my ownbut it was doctor supervised. I had won the program through a radio station contest and I was getting married soon so it was a good incentive.


Hope this helps!



What does a 0 carb diet consist of? I know eggs have 1 carb each. Are you just eating meat? If you don't mind, could you share what a typical day's food would consist of with 0 carbs? I'm very intrigued, as I'd love to jump start my weight loss!! Thanks so much.
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Ok, it wasn't pretty but it was only for one week. I had also had an EKG and other medical work done by the same doctor who put me on the plan. It was essentially no more than 5 carbs per day and they gave me a list. I couldn't exceed 500 calories per day.


These had 0-1 carb and about 35 calories per ounce:


Very Lean

ground turkey

white chicken meat no skin

cornish hen no skin


cottage cheese



smoke salmon, shell fish

tliapia, canned tuna in water

pork tenderloin,

Tofu (Nasoya light firm)


Lean 55 calories, 0-1 g carb


chicken dark meat 1 oz

turkey, dark meat no

lean pork chop


veal sardines

flank beef london broil


turkey bacon (jenny o)

turkey sausage links -2


the seond week I could add 5 carbs:


Same as above for meats, but 5c vegetables (25 calories each)







green beans


1/c cup: cauliflower, brussel sprouts, peppers, snow pea pods, artichokes, cucumbers, green ohion,s mushrooms, leeks, kale, spinach, bok choy, eggplant.


Gradually, each week more was added and eventually fruits, starchs, fats. The first week alone I lost 10 lbs water weight, 3 lbs fat and every week consistently I lost about 2 lbs of fat and 1-2 water. They had special machines to measure how much of what. I was also on an appetite suppressent but when I was off it, I found my eating habits had changed.


My weight gain, they told me was due to eating too much healthy stuff: grains, rice, fruits/vegetables and bad portions. Not a lot of meat anyways so this diet for me was hard as I had already eaten mostly a plant based diet. It took me about 7 months to lose 50 lbs.


They do NOT recommend the first week to go for more than once. I would never do anything like this on my ownbut it was doctor supervised. I had won the program through a radio station contest and I was getting married soon so it was a good incentive.


Hope this helps!


Thanks. This gives me some ideas...I think I need to do just the protein/meat for a week and see if I can get things going again. I'm stalling at about 1-2 lbs. a month and need to lose more! Your diet is just about what I'm eating now, but I add some fats, like mayo and salad dressing. I think I need to cut back on those and just do meat for a week. Thanks again.

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Fats I wasn't allowed until the 3d week and it had to be only one per day and under 5 g. I've never liked salad dressing and not big into Mayo so for me that was easy. I have 2tb half and half which on my container says is 1. The thing about anything fat free or sugar free is sometimes that has more carbs


If you have an asian market, look for the "Miracle Noodles"..they have like zero to 1 carb per serving. They aren't the greatest but dressed up with seasoning they are pretty good and they are filling.


I would also recommend try and drink one Powerade zero per day. Crystal light has carbs (some of them do). I did learn from the doc. the electroytes are needed when you cut back so much. The powerade zero has no carbs, has flavor and it does help with water weight.


Good luck. I don't advocate this kind of diet but I learned a lot and I've kept my weight off.



Thanks. This gives me some ideas...I think I need to do just the protein/meat for a week and see if I can get things going again. I'm stalling at about 1-2 lbs. a month and need to lose more! Your diet is just about what I'm eating now, but I add some fats, like mayo and salad dressing. I think I need to cut back on those and just do meat for a week. Thanks again.
Edited by Gathina
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It did work for me. Contrary to popular belief, I did struggle and I'd been thin my whole life so to gain 50 lbs and not realize what had happened might as well been 200 for me. It really hit home when I bought my wedding dress and even though the sizes run smaller to begin with, it was fortifying. Plus I carried my weight well as I am tall and muscular. Although I dont think it's good to weigh yourself every day, for me I have to because if the scale fluctuates too much then I have to see what I did wrong and for me it was "a little bite of this and that" that will make it go up.


But do drink the Powerade if you go low carb; It's pretty cheap to buy and I drank a 32 ounce bottle. It really does help with the bloat and constipatoin.


Thanks Githina

This is good info. :) We just have to keep working it! Goal to rock a two pice buy sept 21!

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So we booked 2 more cruises in the last week, one for this coming up September for our son to go on with us, and then one for our anniversary which will now be lumped as 1 big celebration of our anniversary, yearly cruise and Ethan's birthday. We'll be booking another one for Thanksgiving once we have the deposit so that we're grandfathered in to be platinum.

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:) Lucky you, now you have lots to look forward to and it will help with the weight loss. :)




So we booked 2 more cruises in the last week, one for this coming up September for our son to go on with us, and then one for our anniversary which will now be lumped as 1 big celebration of our anniversary, yearly cruise and Ethan's birthday. We'll be booking another one for Thanksgiving once we have the deposit so that we're grandfathered in to be platinum.
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Maybe you guys can help. New husband and I want to take a cruise as we didn't take a honeymoon in October when we wed. I went on two NCL cruises in mid 2000 and then on Bahamas Celebration last year from west palm (locals, you must try this cruise, it's a great deal!)


We want a small ship, more adult oriented (though not REAL old adults) and the ports aren't so important to us. Not opposed to a four day cruise or a week, no preference. Not a die hard cruiser but enjoy them, husband has never been on one. We can sail out of Fort Lauderdale or Miami as both are a quick drive for us in less than 1.5 to either.


My very first cruise was the Norway in 2000..loved that charming old ship. I've heard HAL is more for the older crowd, anyone know anything about Princess or Celebrity?


:) Lucky you, now you have lots to look forward to and it will help with the weight loss. :)
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If you want small and adult oriented (but not REAL old) take a look at Windstar cruises. Right now, the remaining Caribbean voyages on the Wind Surf (@300 pax) are on sale. You will have to fly to St. Maarten to embark but IMHO, nothing better for a honeymoon than a Windstar cruise.

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Maybe you guys can help. New husband and I want to take a cruise as we didn't take a honeymoon in October when we wed. I went on two NCL cruises in mid 2000 and then on Bahamas Celebration last year from west palm (locals, you must try this cruise, it's a great deal!)


We want a small ship, more adult oriented (though not REAL old adults) and the ports aren't so important to us. Not opposed to a four day cruise or a week, no preference. Not a die hard cruiser but enjoy them, husband has never been on one. We can sail out of Fort Lauderdale or Miami as both are a quick drive for us in less than 1.5 to either.


My very first cruise was the Norway in 2000..loved that charming old ship. I've heard HAL is more for the older crowd, anyone know anything about Princess or Celebrity?


We went on Princess for our honeymoon and it was lovely! Yes, it was an older group of people, but was still very nice. However, Princess is more expensive than say RCCL or Carnival.


Question Gathina, I see that you're from Jamaica right? My husband and I are going to Ocho Rios next month, and are wanting to try some good local food. We're doing an excursion through Carnival but it isn't all day and will have some time afterwards. Can you recommend anything?

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Hi, no, not from JA but I did keep a place there for a long time.


I hope your going to Dunn River Falls if you do go..it's a must!


We have friends that own a small motel in Ocho Rios near the "House of Fish" which is a good local mom and pop place, a few blocks from the marketplace. I'll advise you to PLEASE do not be "afraid" of the local market place..very nice people.you may feel hustled to buy stuff or be overwhelmed by the crowd but remember these people make next to nothing so when they see the big ships coming it's a huge moneymaker for them. $2000 Jamaican is less than $5 U.S.


Jimmy Buffet's place is the typical tourist trap..I'd try world of fish.



We went on Princess for our honeymoon and it was lovely! Yes, it was an older group of people, but was still very nice. However, Princess is more expensive than say RCCL or Carnival.


Question Gathina, I see that you're from Jamaica right? My husband and I are going to Ocho Rios next month, and are wanting to try some good local food. We're doing an excursion through Carnival but it isn't all day and will have some time afterwards. Can you recommend anything?

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Hi Gathina,

Princess is a great line. Not as old as HAL. My daughter and I went on the Island lovly ship.

One of the nicest quite cruises I've been on was the Jewel of the sea DH and I went on her last mth for our anv. We really enjoyed it so much so that we plan on going on her again. Also timing is everything make sure you don't go during spring break. If you can go this mth or in may before the schools get out.


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