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Cruising to Healthy


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It has been really slow lately. I check everyday to see if anyone has posted.

Really wish all the reg posters would come back.

I'm down 12 lbs since feb 15th and a non smoker..woo hoo.

I have been working out for a hour a day. Eating all lean protein and veggies. a few nuts and very little cheese. I feel really good.

I hope you have a wonderful time with your hubby, I know you will miss the baby. But try really hard to make it just about you and your hubby:).

Hope everyone is have great weight loss and finding a healthy life style.



Good for you for being a non-smoker!! My DH quit a 30 year nearly 3 pack a day habit 3 years ago. Lately, he's been doing Atkins with me to lose the 30 lbs he gained when he quit, lol!! He's down 24 lbs, so far!! Lean protein and veggies is definitely the way to go!!

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Hey everyone,

I can't believe how long it's been since I posted everything. To be honest, I used to read everyday, and I just needed a break. My problem was that the first time I posted anything on here, it was 2010! And here I am, not making any progress... as has been brought up, that's almost 3 years, and I could have been at my goal weight ages ago if I had just focused. I couldn't believe it. I see that the same topic has been brought up lately by a few others, too.

So I caught up on reading your posts last night and bought some good food from the grocery today. I put in a new goal weight and my actual weight on Loseit and exercised today. I've just felt like SUCH a slug lately, and had lost the motivation/interest in keeping tabs on things. When I weighed in this morning, I was up 4 pounds from my previous starting weight... ugh. So I'm starting over AGAIN.

One thing that has got me excited is that we decided to purchase a CSA subscription again this year, and it starts in a few weeks. Looking forward to fresh farm veggies! I know we will start with a lot of kale, spinach, carrots, etc.

Today at the store I tried to get fruits and veggies in every color of the rainbow. Since others have posted their diet plans, I thought I would post mine too. Loseit tells me I can have about 1600 calories a day. I'm slightly under today, but I think that's OK since I am kicking this thing off and I've got the motivation!

Breakfast: 1 cup fresh mixed fruit (pineapple, strawberries, cantaloupe, and grapes), 2 squares of "breakfast pizza" (I made this for a brunch yesterday... consists of homemade pizza dough, spinach sauteed with olive oil, spicy red pepper, and garlic for "sauce", roasted red bell peppers, prosciutto, and gruyere/swiss/mozzarella, then I topped it with a few eggs for the last few minutes in the oven... they cook to be opaque white w/semi-solid yolk... yum)

Lunch: Trader Joe's super spinach salad (spinach, carrots, quinoa, dried cranberries, cherry tomatoes, I think that's it - with a carrot/ginger/miso dressing - I used half the dressing provided)

Snack: Trader Joe's Lentil chips w/ hummus

Dinner: 1 cup of 1% milk, Trader Joe's turkey meatballs (3), 2 oz of whole wheat pasta, and homemade marinara sauce (olive oil, onion, crushed tomatoes, garlic)

Workout: 35 minutes on the elliptical


Brooke, I hope you continue to keep posting because I enjoy your posts, but I totally understand the need to cut back and focus on yourself. Best of luck to you!! And everyone else on here as well...:)

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:) Hi Rachielnnn glad your focusing on your weight loss, it has been a long cold winter. I have skipped the gym many of nights not wanting to get out in the cold, I have been slowly going back. I use the elliptical machine when i go to the gym. We eat mostly healthy at my house, mostly turkey and chicken very little beef. My DH cooks, a few years ago he was told he had high cholosterol a few years ago and he did not want to take medication to contol it so he went on a health kick and we all eat better and feel better so 3 years later it is just part of our life. Good luck, pcrum has been doing really good with her weight loss also. I am going to try to stay more focused on the gym and loss the few winter pounds I have gained being lazy. :p

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Been under extreme stress (for me) lately. Won't go into detail, but those who have my FB know.


I think its finally out of my body and I'm returning to normal, but it certainly felt horrible while I was there.


It did push me to push myself though. I know exercise helps with stress, so I made sure to keep up with that while I was under it and believe it was probably my saving grace for a while. I'm not going into my weight right now b/c its still a sore subject.


I tried a new class at our Y on Monday called Body Bootcamp. I knew it was going to test my limits and it certainly did. I admit that I had to modify a more than a few moves just so I could do something instead of nothing. It challenged me it every way. Within the first 5 min. I had lower chest pains and I actually saw many other smaller people stop to "get water" and thought about stopping too. I figured that if I just kept moving it would stop and I was right. I was painfully sore yesterday (and still today) and my back is def. not loving me right now, but I made it through the whole class trying my hardest not to "wimp" on the moves. Half the class left in the middle. I completed yoga yesterday afternoon, but didn't try zumba that evening. I knew my muscles needed some rest. Tonight I will go for zumba and yoga.


I've finished "The Plan" and I think its at least worth attempting. I'm curious to see if I have the results she claims. Its a bit tricky to stick to though, a lot of "details" (or at least to me), so since my mom pointed it out to me and she controls most of the food in the house (she shops) I told her I would do it, if she did it with me. I figured this was the best way to keep focused and if we were both eating the same things it would be easier to have some control over food in the house until I can move out. Dad also has been trying to cut back on bad foods as his Chol. was up even on his meds. I think this will challenge me, but I think having someone else investing it in will help me push through.

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So Brooke, I said I would never post on here again, but I lied.


I tried "The Plan" and it is a whole lot of work in the beginning. Have you seen the thread on here about the woman wanting to loose 100 pounds? She is doing this and is doing well. You might want to check out her thread. She posts what she eats every day. I could not do this "diet". I could not get through the first week, but you might have better luck especially if your Mom prepares all the stuff you have to eat.


You might be interested in this one.



It is very easy and doable. You just do it for three days a week and then eat sensibly for the other four. It does not give you free reign to just eat totally awful for the four days off if you don't want to regain what you lose on the three days. I am guessing it is less food than you eat most days, but I guarantee you, you will not starve to death. I actually thought it was very filling and could not eat everything on the first day. After your four days off, start the three days again. I do the military diet part Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It's only three days a week and the foods are things I actually like.


If you just hate any of the foods, there are substitutes listed. You must measure everything though. On two of the days you eat 1 cup of ice cream and 1/2 cup on the other day. When you eat a banana, you only eat 1/2, so I have been putting the other half in the freezer and will use it in smoothies later. 1/2 cup of tuna is one small can.

On the third day, it calls for 1 cup of tuna (two small cans) and I just could not do that, so I subbed for 6 oz of grilled chicken.


I truly want you to succeed.

Edited by EmmasNana
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Life seems to be back to normal, as possible. My stress levels are gone and my grandad is hopefully on the mend though he will be in care for a while longer.


Got a new responsibility at work. I finally get to use my Theatre degree and help put together our new performing arts series here. My boss has entrusted me as the "point person" and I'm hoping that this is what she will use to push me up the ladder.


We finally got a health screening at work again. If you remember my job offered a "health program" back in 2011 to motivate healthy choices and gave us a free screening. They had to part ways with that company (it went under) and so they took some time to choose a better company. They have the ability now to do the blood test with a prick of the finger and do the screening right there. Neat, huh? Anyway. I thought I might share my numbers with you.


Total Chl: 162

HDL: 58

Triglycerides: 113

LDL Chl: 82

TC/HDL Ratio: 2.8

Glucose: 93

BP: 158/96 (The nurse and I determined that this was caused by too much sodium the yesterday as my last BP test was 110/82) But there is a history of High BP in my family and those people actually are the smallest people in my family (20-50lbs to lose). So, I may not be able to avoid high BP due to family history, but I think my 5 hours of gym time really helps keep it low. Next step is to consider my sodium intake, which I know this new plan does.


Haven't started it yet as mom has to finish the book, but she is on board. The great thing is, that if she does it with me I might get a look foods that I might be able to have at her age. I'm sure genes have at least something to do with it. I'm hopeful for this plan and excited to try it.


Good news is the nurse said my numbers were all really good and to just try and cut the sodium down and test my BP again in a week.

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:) nice to see you back on here Brooke, my son lost his best friend on Easter so I haven't been to focused this week. I work out with my daughter and believe me it is much easier when we push each other, hopefully you and your mom can push each other. Good luck with the work promotion always a plus when you like your job. Keep up the good work.:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

We found out about a week ago that my dad has diabetes. Constant thirst, he lost 20lbs, and going to the bathroom alot prompted him to go to the Dr.


My dad is 56 years old and has high cholt. high BP, but he has never weighed more than 230 or so at 6'1. So, this isn't due to weight, its the hereditary coming through. His mother had diabetes. I think she was actually diagnosed around the same age, but I can't remember.


Anyway, so now he is on a 1800 calorie diet with specific food groups to eat each meal and is on metphormin (sp). They had once thought to put me on that b/c apparently its helpful for weightloss too, but never did b/c of the side effects.


My grandad is still in ICU and now my poor mom has to deal with helping my dad with this new challenge. They've also put him on anxiety meds as he went to the ER last week with dizziness, chest pains etc. Nothing wrong with his heart so they deemed in a panic attack. My mom may need some after all is said and done.


Anyway, I can't blame mom for not wanting to deal with a "the plan" right now. Frankly, I told her we could all just go on the new diet that was prescribed for dad and it certainly wouldn't hurt us any. I'm sure with diabetes on both sides of my family it will only be a matter of time (though my grandad's is due to weight).


Meanwhile, I'm tracking with Sparkpeople and just trying to deal with each day as it comes. I'm thinking of going to the dr. b/c I've been feeling bloaty and sometimes I get pain where my kidney's are. I just have to find the time to go.


Hope all is well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My grandad is still in the hospital. They can't seem to get him stable enough to get him to a nursing home for rehabilitation. My poor mom is getting to her wits end with everything. I'm not being much help to her I'm afraid b/c my extra "job" at work has kept me busy on top of trying to get this house ordered. Our household is full of strife right now, though we are all doing our best to manage in good ways.


I hate to say this, but I'm kinda glad my Dad got diabetes, I think he finally understands what I've been going through all these years trying to stick to various diets. Its not easy going from eating whatever you feel like, when you feel like it to pretty much being told what you can and can not eat and when you need to eat it. I think he gets it now. Not that he was ever mean to me about it, but its nice when someone realizes its not as easy as it appears to be giving up a basic freedom b/c you simple HAVE to.


As for me. I'm steady Freddy. Sparkpeople helps and I've been the best about tracking food even when I don't really want to. I've been doing yoga more as my joints and back appreciate it more. They will cut back on classes for the summer, hopefully not completely. So yoga twice a week and one zumba is all I will have. But I think adding in some equipment and walking will fill in the blanks nicely and will also help keep my body guessing.


Hopefully, I will be in my house by July if everything goes accordingly. Went over and mowed it and cleaned it up from all the trash people threw over in it. Got a good workout from that. Narrowly missed a snack in the grass, literally. And I think home ownership will agree with me. I will have to be more active on my "off-time" and I will have to seriously consider my food choices b/c of budget (No splurges on junk food when I need to eat for the month and even less to zero eating out). Might be the best diet I've ever been on.


I'll leave on a positive note. I managed to to Up Dog in yoga classes last week. Its been something I couldn't do before and so I just did baby cobra. But I decided to try last week and managed to get my knees off the ground for at least 5 seconds each time. Just proof my body is getting stronger.

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:) Thanks for checking in, glad to hear things are starting to work out for you. Sorry to hear about your grandpa it has to be a strain on all of you. I hope your dad is doing good on his new diet and is healthier for it. Your house will keep you busy that is for sure and a broker. Keep on keeping on.:)

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Brooklynfc, creating a healthy lifestyle, and losing weight are not easy. You comment about UpDog in yoga was awesome! Take pride in your accomplishments, there will be little ones and big ones, and they are all important.


I am glad you are using sparkpeople.com. That website is amazing. I used it back in 2007 to lose weight, and it has helped me to keep it off.


I wish you the very best. Hang in there and keep taking care of yourself.

Edited by TDS549
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The decision has been made for my grandfather to have a tracheotomy. The Doctors feel it best for him to try and recover as his right lung just keeps deflating. He is in surgery today and we are hopeful that he can pull through this time and get back to at least where he was before the accident.


My dad is doing well with the diabetes, but he has been more emotional lately thinking about his own mother, my mom's dad and he is concerned for my brother and me with the heredity of the diabetes. I told him with my weight problem and the heredity I may have no chance of escaping it, unless they find a cure soon. But I told him the more I work on my weight and the more I keep up with exercise that I will have a better chance of at least staving it off for longer. I have to admit, I would not be thrilled about pricking my finger twice a day as my aversion to needles is high.


I've been coasting along with maintenance on my weight. I'm not going into the old habit of telling you guys my excuses or even that I'm okay with it. But its where I'm at.


I have been researching diabetic diet plans for women and I have found that I don't have any aversion to the meal plans I have seen. The food seems to be food I eat on a normal basis anyway, just probably not at the extent I eat it. I found a couple of 30 day meal plans. As always though, my problem is implementation. I don't seem to want to make time for myself to good for myself, too many "easy outs."


I continue my yoga and zumba classes but on a lesser schedule. I need to supplement some more cardio in someway that is not so boring as the stupid elliptical. I lose patients so quickly with it and the bike. Although I have pushed myself to be more "normally active" outside of the gym by working in the yard, helping with the mowing and garden etc.


I have found myself lately when I do not so healthy things repeating in my head as if my brain is a separate entity, "When you are ready Brooke, let me know."

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:) You will be so busy when you get your house it will keep you motivated and motivation is a key to all weight loss. My son had a tracheotomy a couple of years ago, it was supposed to be temporary but he can breath so much better he is thinking he might just keep it. He eats and talks normally so it doesn't really bother him at all, just the look of it. When he gets sick it is a big plus because we can keep his lungs cleaned out. Your grandpa will not like it at first but he will be happy with the end result. Try to keep yourself busy and focused. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I have found the problem of my stomach issues. My chiropractor seems to help me more than anyone and he is usually 100% right. Maybe it is b/c I see him more than my Dr.????


Anyway, I guess he noticed somethings when he was adjusting me last week and asked if I was having stomach issues. When I said yes and explained a few things, he suggested that I am lacking in acid in my system.


The gas and bloating stems from the valve that keeps the acid in being open for the lack of enough acid to keep it closed. There is a fine balance apparently. So he suggested I lesson my intake of OTC acid reducers and try taking shots of apple cider vinegar after meals (at leas lunch and dinner). It is totally gross as I tried it last night, but it did seem to help with the issues. Today I'm having some reflux, but I forgot to get some vinegar for lunch today. I'm going to try this and see if it is the problem I've been having.


On top of that, he also seemed to think I was having symptoms of a mild bladder or kidney infection. I started on some cranberry juice (diet) to help flush my system and I'm feeling better (along with lots of water too). Its amazing what he can figure out just from pushing on my bones.


I'll get back to you on the quest for what works for me in weight loss........when I figure it out.

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Well, Memorial Day weekend came and all of the promotions for BBQ looked sooo appetizing, but also typically a no no for low carb dieters. I checked in all of the grocery stores for a low carb sauce and couldn't find one. Came home and googled low carb BBQ sauces and saw a couple of recipes, but also found a product made by Walden Farms. Not only do they do BBQ sauces, but they also make pasta sauces, mayo, ketchup, salad dressings, and chocolate sauces. All of these have ZERO calories and carbs. A store locator button on their website showed that Publix carries these products. They are located in the gluten free aisle, which is why I missed them before.


I did pork ribs in the crockpot with the BBQ sauce and come home to find 3 teenagers and my husband devouring the ribs...I got maybe two ribs out of that batch. Everyone loved them, although my son did get some regular BBQ sauce out to add to his serving. The first ingredient is purified water, so the sauce is not as thick as some others, but for ZERO calories or carbs, it works for me and for the rest of my family!


For the second batch, I made a spice rub and marinated the pork overnight in the rub. I just googled a couple of recipes and took a little from each to come up with this spice rub:


2 TBLSP paprika

1 TBLSP garlic powder

1 TBLSP splenda

1 TBLSP dry mustard

2 TBLSP cumin

2 TBLSP chili powder

2 TBLSP kosher salt


The next day, I put the pork (this time I used a pork tenderloin) in the crockpot and cooked it all day. After 8 hours in the crockpot, I came home, shredded the pork and added the Walden Farms BBQ sauce. It was heavenly. I know the spices add some carbs, but I don't think it's a lot and this dish is full of flavor. Next time, I'd even add about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper, just because I like spicy foods. Walden Farms makes 2 types of sauces, regular and thick. I cannot tell a real difference between the two. They are $3.89 a bottle at Publix; $4.99 on their website.


We also tried the mayo and ketchup. The mayo is kind of sweet, more like Miracle Whip than mayo. I'm not a fan of Miracle Whip, but for ZERO calories or carbs, I'm trying to develop a taste for it. For now, I'm using about 1/2 Walden Farms mayo and 1/2 Kraft mayo for my egg salad and chicken salad. I hope to slowly work up to all Walden Farms mayo.


I don't eat ketchup, but DH does, so he tried the Walden Farms ketchup. Again, it doesn't taste exactly like ketchup, but is a viable substitution! To us, the ZERO calories or carbs is a big motivator.


The chocolate sauce is also very good. I dip natural almonds in the sauce and it is a nice treat. I think it would be good on low carb ice cream...Breyers used to make a low carb ice cream, but I haven't seen it recently! So sad!


I want to try the marshmallow cream...that sounds good as well!


Another treat I found that is not exactly low carb, but very tasty is the Cinnabon Almonds. I had been eating the Emerald Cinnamon Roast Almonds and the Chocolate Roast Almonds, which are 6 g of carbs per 1/4 cup. I like them crunched up and spread in my greek yogurt or just plain for a touch of something sweet after dinner. Well, the Cinnabon almonds are 14 g of carbs per 1/4 cup, so I try to just eat one or two as a treat, but they are very good. Of course they also have 11 g of sugar compared to the 1 g of sugar in the Emerald brand, so it is definitely a "treat" food, but I feel like it's got to be healthier than a slice of cake or a cookie that has no nutritional value. At least with the almonds, you are getting Vit E and Magnesium.


Hope everyone has a good summer. We are busy getting 2 kids ready for college. We have to take 1 more cruise before 2013 to get our "Platinum" status...not sure when we'll take it, but will do one before the end of the year, although it will probably be a short one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:) How is everyone doing? Busy with the summer I hope, I have been keeping busy but I do think about you girls on here now and then and I hope all is good with you. Still haven't booked that next cruise, it is still a toss up at our house Bermuda or Alaska I am not a fan of the cold but Alaska looks really pretty, pcrum has let me see her lovely photos. IDK still don't like the cold I live in Michigan and it is to cold here most of the time for me. Brooke I hope your doing okay and your busy with your house. Check in sometime and enjoy the summer.:)

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Hula, I went to grad. school in Michigan and lived there 10 years (mostly in Grand Haven area but also in Farmington Hills and I worked in the armpit of Detroit). I would LOVE to be there now as it's miserable humid here in FL and I know it's worse in the Carib right now. I went to London last month for business, that's my big thing and there's a chance I may go for a year for research in 2015. I ate a LOT (for me!) but I must have walked a good 2-4 miles a day and everything is public transit so it worked well and I came back under the weight I was when I left by about 2 lbs. My husband's first birthday party in the U.S. is this weekend, and I had it all catered from the Cuban restaurant here that we like (though he is from Costa Rica) so mostly good things like grilled chicken in mojo, rice, beans, and I'm getting a watermelon and also making his fav. homemade ice cream.


Hope all are well.


:) How is everyone doing? Busy with the summer I hope, I have been keeping busy but I do think about you girls on here now and then and I hope all is good with you. Still haven't booked that next cruise, it is still a toss up at our house Bermuda or Alaska I am not a fan of the cold but Alaska looks really pretty, pcrum has let me see her lovely photos. IDK still don't like the cold I live in Michigan and it is to cold here most of the time for me. Brooke I hope your doing okay and your busy with your house. Check in sometime and enjoy the summer.:)
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Gathina, I hope you get to go to London for a year. We lived there for 4 years and absolutely loved it. We were in Datchet, in Berkshire County, just 40 minutes west of London. In fact, my kids are over there now visiting. If you go back to London, be sure to take the train to Windsor to see the Queen's weekend home, Windsor Castle. Windsor is a lovely, quaint town that is just stunning. Windsor can be reached via Waterloo Station or Paddington Station in London.


I do miss the British food....the sausages were amazing. It was so easy to maintain Atkins over there. I ate a lot of fresh veggies and protein.


Hope everyone is enjoying the summer!! I just found Malibu Spiced Rum sweetened with truvia. 70 calories and 2 g of carbs per shot. Mixed with diet coke and a squeeze of lime, it's the perfect drink for summer. I also still drink the firefly skinny tea vodka...0 grams of carbs per shot and also sweetened with truvia.


Hulalovestocruise, let us know if you decide on Alaska. We are trying to pick a cruise. We have to do one more Carnival before 12/31/13 to be grandfathered in the platinum status and are trying to pick. So many good deals out now...just trying to pin the dates down!

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Hey guys. Same old, same old with me. The queen of denial and excuses. But I'm happy, so I'm not going to sweat it.


I have a new part of my job now that relates to my actual degree. I'm the coordinator for our Performing Series and I have to brag and say that I have built it from scratch with the help of some great co-workers (b/c you don't anything great alone). I've really been able to use my degree in theatre and my Masters in Humanities to pull this thing off in about 2 months. Its been stressful, but exciting at the same time. My boss has given me major props for pulling it off and doing so with a smile :D. She gave me a raise too. She couldn't give me much because we don't have numbers for enrollment in yet, but she wanted me to know that the gesture is small, but she really means it. Its not a huge raise and I'm still not "promoted" but she said that she keeps me in mind all the time for when possibilities come around and that she wish she had 10 of me. On top of that our outgoing (he is retiring) VP of Business has really talked me up too and thinks I did a wonderful job pulling the Series together (as it was his brain child).


We have the adoption of my nephews to look forward to and celebrate this year (soon we hope) and we are totally in love with our baby girl that we got when she was two days old and was only supposed to stay with us for a few weeks. She is not 5.5 months. She is happy, beautiful and healthy in every way and we pray everyday that God will see to it that she becomes a perm. part of our family.


I'm still single.......big shocker.


And my house woes continue. My house was supposed to come in at $115,000 total. Somehow it got pulled up to $129,000. Well, that puts me way over my monthly payment and over the assessment we had done a year ago. They are trying to bring the price down, but in the meantime......the rates are going up...up...up and opportunities are going down, down, down. My cousin wants to put the land back up for sale and get me the money I've paid on it back. But my grandad is still in the hospital and my aunt has to sign off on the contract to do so. On the other side, my cousin took me out to look at a few houses and I really liked one that is pretty much the house I wanted to build and is the exact price I want to pay, but with bargaining room. The downside is that its not in the best of neighborhoods. The section at the top of the hill is like an "old" part of the area and the houses are small and the families that live there are not "well" off. But when you come down the hill to where the house is they have built a whole new subdivision back there with government (HUD) funding. All brand new modular homes that are assessing for like $150,000 and up. The house isn't perfect either. It has the sewer access in the front yard for the neighborhood, it has very little front yard, drops off into the woods in the back and a small side yard. Am I wrong to think that if I'm going to buy a house in my price range that I'm going to have to make some concessions? I probably won't live there forever and even with the "problems" with the house and area, if I buy it at a low price and the market goes back up, even a "okay" house will sell well. I told my family that I don't make enough to have a "good" house in a "good" neighborhood.


But I digress b/c I'm waiting on the USDA certificate to come through so I can even make an offer. Yes! After pretty much a year, they have FINALLY processed my application and will hopefully being issuing me a 100 certificate to purchase a home soon.


I still hit the gym. Yoga is my fav. Zumba causes my knee to swell. But I found a love for the row machine now. And they have an arm bike in our gym now which is GREAT for when my knee swells and I need to get a workout in.


I'm on the committee for our new Wellness program at work, so I'm helping create it. I think it will be positive for me to be a part of. I'm excited to see what help we are going to get.


That's all for now (like its not too much already).



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just love it..I have a friend who lives in Chorleywood outside of London..if I get the grant then I'll be at the Anna Freud center and will either stay in Bloomsbury although I'd love to stay in High Street/Kensington where I ususally stay.


It's such a CIVILIZED life there..not that it's not here..but I love that people have a sense of decorum, etc. I also loved the take away salads and sandwiches from Marks and Spencer!! :)



Gathina, I hope you get to go to London for a year. We lived there for 4 years and absolutely loved it. We were in Datchet, in Berkshire County, just 40 minutes west of London. In fact, my kids are over there now visiting. If you go back to London, be sure to take the train to Windsor to see the Queen's weekend home, Windsor Castle. Windsor is a lovely, quaint town that is just stunning. Windsor can be reached via Waterloo Station or Paddington Station in London.


I do miss the British food....the sausages were amazing. It was so easy to maintain Atkins over there. I ate a lot of fresh veggies and protein.


Hope everyone is enjoying the summer!! I just found Malibu Spiced Rum sweetened with truvia. 70 calories and 2 g of carbs per shot. Mixed with diet coke and a squeeze of lime, it's the perfect drink for summer. I also still drink the firefly skinny tea vodka...0 grams of carbs per shot and also sweetened with truvia.


Hulalovestocruise, let us know if you decide on Alaska. We are trying to pick a cruise. We have to do one more Carnival before 12/31/13 to be grandfathered in the platinum status and are trying to pick. So many good deals out now...just trying to pin the dates down!

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I just love it..I have a friend who lives in Chorleywood outside of London..if I get the grant then I'll be at the Anna Freud center and will either stay in Bloomsbury although I'd love to stay in High Street/Kensington where I ususally stay.


It's such a CIVILIZED life there..not that it's not here..but I love that people have a sense of decorum, etc. I also loved the take away salads and sandwiches from Marks and Spencer!! :)


OMG, Marks and Spencers....they have the most wonderful sandwich fillings that are low carb if eaten alone...salmon and cream cheese, egg and mayonnaise, tuna and sweetcorn. I LOVE Marks and Spencers and I never figured out why they never ventured to the USA.


I always said that it's so much more civilized in the UK, so to hear you say the same thing is so funny! I think I must have been British in a previous life, because I feel more at home there than in FL, where I'm from, lol.

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We have to take one more cruise before 2013 on Carnival to be "grandfathered" into the platinum status. I'm trying to decide between the Victory (out of Miami) and Paradise (out of Tampa) for Labor Day weekend (both are 4 nights). I figure it will be a celebration for DH and I after getting two kids off to their respective colleges. Anyone been on either ship and have a preference? The itinerary for Victory is Key West and Cozumel and for the Paradise it's just Cozumel with 2 sea days. I like Key West and the only thing keeping me from doing Victory is the drive to Miami for a 4 day cruise. Tampa is only 90 minutes away vs. 4 hours to Miami. But, the Victory is a larger ship, so that's my quandary. Any input is appreciated.

Edited by pcrum
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We have to take one more cruise before 2013 on Carnival to be "grandfathered" into the platinum status. I'm trying to decide between the Victory (out of Miami) and Paradise (out of Tampa) for Labor Day weekend (both are 4 nights). I figure it will be a celebration for DH and I after getting two kids off to their respective colleges. Anyone been on either ship and have a preference? The itinerary for Victory is Key West and Cozumel and for the Paradise it's just Cozumel with 2 sea days. I like Key West and the only thing keeping me from doing Victory is the drive to Miami for a 4 day cruise. Tampa is only 90 minutes away vs. 4 hours to Miami. But, the Victory is a larger ship, so that's my quandary. Any input is appreciated.



I think the Victory is the same class as the Valor which we went on in Feb. I loved that ship. It was large but not so big that you felt lost.

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