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Cruising to Healthy


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Its been a month? Lol, I didn't notice as my job has been hell and back lately. My new performing arts responsibility had a sold out show, then I went into a big weekend event for my job where I worked friday-sunday pretty much all day and night. Thank God my boss gave us 3 days off and I just decided to take off through Wednesday this week. I was more than tired.


The house is in a median state. I have most of what I need to get by, just need to do a few more things. The living room is a blank canvas as I have not even hung a picture in there yet. My guest bedrooms have come together more than my own Master. Had the heating elements go out in the water heater, but that was a easy fix (for my dad). I'm having some real problems with sleeping though. I haven't "settled" into the house yet. I get spooked, creeped out, scared really easily. Having a loud floor fan in the room and turning on a small lamp with my pandora meditation ap playing helps me tune stuff out, but I still have to take tyenol pm to get good rest. Everyone says, in time, I will settle in and "trust" my house more. We will see. I hate that I can't settle in though. Halloween is like my fav season and I LOVE ghost movies and such, but I can't watch them b/c they just add to the anxiety.


Otherwise, love the house. Its everything I needed and wanted. My neighbors are nice and the two empty lots next to me have sold, so I guess I'll get more neighbors soon (hope they are nice).


I've been pretty steady with my weightloss. I gained like 6 pounds during the 2 weeks of moving b/c I was eating out like everyday, which I try to limit otherwise. But, I'm happy to say that getting back in the gym and cooking for myself has meant that I've got the 6lbs back off fairly easy. After this last week at work, I'm not sure what the scale will look like. I def. was up and on my feet alot and I did about 10 trips up and down 3 flights of stairs, walking, moving, loaded up chairs and tables etc. But I didn't get to eat on a reg. basis and it was a lot of grab what I could kinda deal. And I know some of you would say, "Make time for yourself" But I honestly can say without any fear of getting struck by lighting that I had no time for myself. We were way understaffed and I did what I could to keep myself from passing out from lack of regular food.


On top of it, I managed to fall over some stack tables and pull a muscle in my back that has kept me out of the gym this week. I'm hoping all the work from the weekend will keep me at least on stable condition and I'm back to eating better.


My BP continues to be awesome. We had our wellness screening at work again and I got mostly great results. I was 2 points too low on my good cholt. and 2 pts high on my trygl. But everything else was within range (other than my weight, obviously). 118/82 was my BP and that was after that stressful weekend. I talked it over with the health nurse and we talked about what the last couple of weeks had been like for me and decided that the 2pts either way was probably a result of just a bad month. If I got back in the gym regularly and added more veggies in I would probably be on the mend in no time.


My house isn't full of junk, but its not full of perfect foods either. I think its a nice balance. I try to keep things balanced. Mostly, I find that I'm just not as hungry as I used to be. I don't feel the need to snack and sometimes a PB sandwich is good for dinner for me. Maybe its b/c I'm paying for the food or maybe its the diff. of environment or the idea that I'm totally responsible. Idk. I hope it continues. Its been so steady and I haven't had to put much thought or stress over anything. I've barely kept track of food and still have managed to lose.




Hope everyone else is well.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hope everyone is doing well, this thread sure is quite. Brooke, Pcrum, how are you doing?


I hope people start to post again. At least this thread is back on the top again.


I still look and see if anyone post. I still just don't want to be as open as I have been, still stings.


But I'm happy. I started the 30#@30 challenge and I hope I can meet this goal in 6-8 months. But I gave myself the year. I continue my exercise and try to make good choices. Though I admit that fruits and veggies are expensive, even the frozen ones. Plus trying to buy enough to keep around without letting it spoil (for one person) seems to be a fine art that I have not mastered yet. Salad seems the easiest to do and I can usually eat a bag of it in a week.


Anyway, almost time for me to head to the gym for a quickie workout during lunch and go get my flu shot too.


Hope everyone is good.

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Good luck on the 30 lb. challenge, Brooke!!


I hope everyone is doing well. We have been keeping busy and staying low carb. We bought a grill over the summer, so have been grilling steaks, hamburgers and Italian sausages for some great, low carb meals. I love the Walden Farms no calorie BBQ sauce and use it on hamburgers. I also use the Walden Farms no calorie mayo with my chopped up hard boiled eggs in the morning.


I also made the low carb eggplant parmesan last week and that was a big hit. Keeping with the Italian theme, I did meatballs (ground pork, beef, parmesan cheese and lots of spices) topped with Rao Vodka sauce (4 g of carbs per 1/2 cup).


My one downfall has been the special that Flemings Steakhouse has been running on Sun. night for a 3 course prime rib dinner. DH and I did that a couple of times and they do a chocolate lava cake for dessert that is even better than the WCMC served on Carnival. Well, I've had that cake a couple of times in the past couple of months, but I figure one "treat" once in a while is ok. I know they are national chain and if you have one near you, the 3 course prime rib dinner on Sun nights for $39.95 is wonderful. Sometimes they have specials and have it for $29.95, which was the case for Halloween week.


We leave on a cruise on 11/23/13 so that I will make platinum on Carnival this year. Just a short 5 day one on the Ecstasy out of our home port of Port Canaveral. Thought about squeezing in a 2nd one before 12/31/13 so DH could also make platinum (he is one cruise behind me), but the timing doesn't work out and with Faster to the Fun, I see no need to really stress about it. We had thought if he also made platinum, it would be nice to book him in one room and me in another so the kids could get the platinum benefits. But, for $50 a room, we can buy the kids the platinum benefits. Oddly enough, this close to sailing Faster to the Fun is even still available on our sailing.


As I get older, the phrase "never say never" keeps coming to mind. I always hated sports, especially American Football. Well, DD is a freshman at FSU, so we have been keeping track of the Seminoles Football team and what do you know, once DH explained the game to me, I kind of like watching it!!! Now, I'm ready to go to our local Seminole Booster Club to watch a game at a bar with others to really party during the game! Who would have thought!


Hope everyone is doing well!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

:) Been super busy 10-12 hour days at work it is just crazy, glad everyone is doing okay. PCrum enjoy your cruise. Brooke, how is the house coming along? Feeling more secure now that you have been there for awhile? My son says I'm a workaholic so I may never get time for another cruise, bet he is wrong. I am still looking when I have a moment. Hope to have more time soon.:rolleyes:

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:)Tomorrow is your big day, Lucky you have a great trip.



Good luck on the 30 lb. challenge, Brooke!!


I hope everyone is doing well. We have been keeping busy and staying low carb. We bought a grill over the summer, so have been grilling steaks, hamburgers and Italian sausages for some great, low carb meals. I love the Walden Farms no calorie BBQ sauce and use it on hamburgers. I also use the Walden Farms no calorie mayo with my chopped up hard boiled eggs in the morning.


I also made the low carb eggplant parmesan last week and that was a big hit. Keeping with the Italian theme, I did meatballs (ground pork, beef, parmesan cheese and lots of spices) topped with Rao Vodka sauce (4 g of carbs per 1/2 cup).


My one downfall has been the special that Flemings Steakhouse has been running on Sun. night for a 3 course prime rib dinner. DH and I did that a couple of times and they do a chocolate lava cake for dessert that is even better than the WCMC served on Carnival. Well, I've had that cake a couple of times in the past couple of months, but I figure one "treat" once in a while is ok. I know they are national chain and if you have one near you, the 3 course prime rib dinner on Sun nights for $39.95 is wonderful. Sometimes they have specials and have it for $29.95, which was the case for Halloween week.


We leave on a cruise on 11/23/13 so that I will make platinum on Carnival this year. Just a short 5 day one on the Ecstasy out of our home port of Port Canaveral. Thought about squeezing in a 2nd one before 12/31/13 so DH could also make platinum (he is one cruise behind me), but the timing doesn't work out and with Faster to the Fun, I see no need to really stress about it. We had thought if he also made platinum, it would be nice to book him in one room and me in another so the kids could get the platinum benefits. But, for $50 a room, we can buy the kids the platinum benefits. Oddly enough, this close to sailing Faster to the Fun is even still available on our sailing.


As I get older, the phrase "never say never" keeps coming to mind. I always hated sports, especially American Football. Well, DD is a freshman at FSU, so we have been keeping track of the Seminoles Football team and what do you know, once DH explained the game to me, I kind of like watching it!!! Now, I'm ready to go to our local Seminole Booster Club to watch a game at a bar with others to really party during the game! Who would have thought!


Hope everyone is doing well!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My aunt passed away Friday night, she was 54 years old. She had blood clots in her lungs and heart. All these months worry about my grandfather, every phone call a potential bad news about him. I did not expect my Dad to call me and tell me that she was gone. When people are sick or even just old.......it seems so much easier to let go. I never once prepared myself for the idea that she wouldn't be here. I've never had someone die..........that I didn't have time to prepare for it.

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My aunt passed away Friday night, she was 54 years old. She had blood clots in her lungs and heart. All these months worry about my grandfather, every phone call a potential bad news about him. I did not expect my Dad to call me and tell me that she was gone. When people are sick or even just old.......it seems so much easier to let go. I never once prepared myself for the idea that she wouldn't be here. I've never had someone die..........that I didn't have time to prepare for it.





So sorry for your loss. PE catches people off guard and is usually fatal. Hang in there.

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Brooke, I am so sorry about your aunt. She was so young, did she have a history of blood clots? I hope you doing ok.




She was born with clusters in her neck. And had a bout with some back in her late 30s I want to say. They put her on blood thinners then, for thick blood. About 6 years ago she quite taking the blood thinners. We don't know why, but she was one who ready a lot about side effects and so forth and believed in more natural approaches. A nursing friend of ours said that once she stopped taking the thinners, it was really just a matter of time with her condition. But the friend also said, had she went into the surgery the results could have been worse. She could have ended up an invalid or brain dead or various other things. She said, "In a way she was lucky."


The nurses said that she said she felt faint, laid back on the bed, closed her eyes and never woke up. We are grateful, she wasn't in pain. I've watched three grandparents (now a fourth) die very slowly from various diseases and conditions. I also watched my dad's sister die slowly from cancer. Something is to be said for having the time to say goodbye, but there is something to be said for not watching someone you love suffer.


I'm just grateful that she was a woman of great faith and I know she is happy where she is. It has comforted us all and the fact that her husband walked forward in church the Sunday after she died and got saved was more comfort that there is a purpose for everything.

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Sorry for your loss what a shock for you. I see you booked a cruise, lucky you.


Thank you. I mainly worry about my mom and my other aunt. But it seems to have brought us all closer together and I'm glad for that.


Yes, I've had this one booked for two years! I'm finally in the home stretch. Now, I'm hoping my budget will work and I'll have everything I need.

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I joined myfitnesspal. I got tired of the new WW system. It worked in the old system, but my body doesn't seem to respond to their new formula and I was just sitting there, holding. Which isn't bad.


Over Christmas (I get like 2 weeks off), I decided to let my control down and bit and just enjoy my friends and family and food. I used the two weeks to let various parts of my body try to heal from my workouts and was ready to come back in January to start brand new. No NY resolution, other than to cook more, microwave/heat less.


I was exposed to my pawpaw's wood stove, which apparently was putting a lot of smoke back in the house (as my dad helped him remove 7 five gallon buckets of creosote from the chimney after we went home). I knew it felt like a sinus infection coming on so I dosed myself with decongestants in hopes to keep that from happening. Two weeks later it was mildly better, but I felt bad. I went to urgent care and I was diagnosed with: Sinusitis, allergic Rhinitis, Bronchitis and laryngitis. The Dr. told me to rest and wait until I finished the meds to get back in the gym.


Another week, no exercise. But I was tracking my food really well. I didn't find out about my aunt until Saturday morning. Mom knew I was still trying to feel better so she told Dad to let me have one more night of good rest before telling me. So, obviously, it was a whirlwind of planning, family, eating what you could, when you could. I spent a lot of time at my grandad's with everyone. Plus the Dr. had put me on steroids to help take the inflammation down. Needless to say, I was just not caring.


FINALLY. I've been to the gym this week. I hit the treadmill on Monday and did two five min. sections of a slow jog. My lungs seem to still be having trouble getting enough air. I'm not sure if its b/c I'm out of practice or they haven't fully recovered from the bronchitis. I did my weights too. Yesterday, I did an easy restorative yoga session with our "new" yoga teacher (our other one is too preggers) and it ended up just being the two of us, so she showed me lots of modifications for my body size. It felt good to just release some of that stress from my emotions and from all the work that is backed up b/c I haven't been at work for a whole week since we came back from break.


I'm putting more effort into keeping my calorie count in the range that myfitnesspal has set for my weight loss. Food has always been my problem and consistency. I just want to lose my holiday weight and my "grief" weight and I'll be happy for moment. Then, I'll take it another step.


My aunt spent a lot of her life trying to lose weight. She was a chunky child, but lost most of it when she was older and got married. She was very "Farrah." Then the weight crept up on her as the years went on, until her late 30s when she got down to a size 8. She did really well for a long time, but again the weight came back on. She never gave up though. She worked on it all the time. She worked through pain and she worked through the fact that her husband wasn't the nicest man to her (but she never gave up hope that he would find God and change his ways.) and that most men in her life didn't respect her, though she was smart, savy, and determined. I used to feel sorry for her. I used to be mad at her for letting people walk all over her. But when she died, so many people (the funeral home was lined up) came and talked of her love, her generosity, her kindness, her unwavering faith. I knew then, that that she was special. She overlooked how people treated her and pressed on. "Turning the other cheek." She could have walked from her marriage many times and some say she was stupid not too. But I admire her determination to stick by someone who so desperately needed her love, forgiveness, and kindness. She stuck to her faith, that God knew what he was doing and she was where he wanted her to be. And now, she has gotten her reward.

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Sounds like you are getting back in the swing of things. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!


I'm trying to lose the 5 lbs I gained over the holidays. We took our cruise Thanksgiving week and then my kids were home from college and asked me to make chocolate peanut butter balls for them (which consist of sugar, peanut butter, butter, and chocolate--no redeeming ingredients at all!) and I was sooo good in not having any until just before Christmas when I had a couple. Christmas dinner was low carb for me (turkey, brussel sprouts, and mashed cauliflower), but we went out to celebrate my New Year's Eve birthday at Flemings, which has a chocolate melting cake that is even better than Carnival's! Well, between the cake, peanut butter balls, and holiday champagne, I'm up 5 lbs, so am back to clean eating!! I do feel so much better when I eat clean.


Last week's dinners were low carb chili (no beans), and a pork loin cooked in the crockpot with jerk seasoning, and hamburgers with Walden Farms No Carb BBQ sauce and no bun. DH also did Italian sausage on the grill (3 g of carb per link). Lunch every day is cesear salad with Boar's Head jerk turkey breast and freshly grated parmesan cheese, and Hormel peppered bacon bits. Breakfast each morning is 2 hard boiled eggs mixed with Walden Farms no calorie mayo, spicy brown mustard, and bacon bits. Good thing I don't mind eating the same foods evey day!


Happy New Year and hope everyone is doing well. Brooke, enjoy planning for your upcoming cruse! No cruise plans for us this year...having 2 kids in college is taking every bit of expendable income I have!!

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Sounds like you are getting back in the swing of things. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!


I'm trying to lose the 5 lbs I gained over the holidays. We took our cruise Thanksgiving week and then my kids were home from college and asked me to make chocolate peanut butter balls for them (which consist of sugar, peanut butter, butter, and chocolate--no redeeming ingredients at all!) and I was sooo good in not having any until just before Christmas when I had a couple. Christmas dinner was low carb for me (turkey, brussel sprouts, and mashed cauliflower), but we went out to celebrate my New Year's Eve birthday at Flemings, which has a chocolate melting cake that is even better than Carnival's! Well, between the cake, peanut butter balls, and holiday champagne, I'm up 5 lbs, so am back to clean eating!! I do feel so much better when I eat clean.


Last week's dinners were low carb chili (no beans), and a pork loin cooked in the crockpot with jerk seasoning, and hamburgers with Walden Farms No Carb BBQ sauce and no bun. DH also did Italian sausage on the grill (3 g of carb per link). Lunch every day is cesear salad with Boar's Head jerk turkey breast and freshly grated parmesan cheese, and Hormel peppered bacon bits. Breakfast each morning is 2 hard boiled eggs mixed with Walden Farms no calorie mayo, spicy brown mustard, and bacon bits. Good thing I don't mind eating the same foods evey day!


Happy New Year and hope everyone is doing well. Brooke, enjoy planning for your upcoming cruse! No cruise plans for us this year...having 2 kids in college is taking every bit of expendable income I have!!



Thank you.

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I came down with the stomach bug about 1am the other morning. Not exactly the way I wanted to lose a few pounds, but I also think.........shouldn't let this lead go to waste after all the "hard" work it took.


I took work off today b/c I would hate it if my coworkers came back early from a bug and passed it on. Plus, I didn't actually run a temperature until last night. So I figured I was still contagious. Plus, I'm still down on fluids and I only managed about 600 calories yesterday with bread and crackers, and gatorade. I got up a few times, but when I moved the nausea got worse and my body was aching from top to bottom. I can only imagine what my body thought I was doing. I need about 2300 calorie to fuel my body for the basics of my day-to-day living and I only took in 600. I normally would have stuck with boullion and fluids only, but I got to a point where my body was saying it was hungry to the point I felt sick on top of already feeling sick. Right now my back is having a fit b/c I'm making myself sit up today. I woke up sore all over from being in bed all day and night. I knew I needed to get up and at least sit up. I'm know I probably shouldn't get back to jogging this week, but maybe yoga tomorrow would be okay.

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I came down with the stomach bug about 1am the other morning. Not exactly the way I wanted to lose a few pounds, but I also think.........shouldn't let this lead go to waste after all the "hard" work it took.


I took work off today b/c I would hate it if my coworkers came back early from a bug and passed it on. Plus, I didn't actually run a temperature until last night. So I figured I was still contagious. Plus, I'm still down on fluids and I only managed about 600 calories yesterday with bread and crackers, and gatorade. I got up a few times, but when I moved the nausea got worse and my body was aching from top to bottom. I can only imagine what my body thought I was doing. I need about 2300 calorie to fuel my body for the basics of my day-to-day living and I only took in 600. I normally would have stuck with boullion and fluids only, but I got to a point where my body was saying it was hungry to the point I felt sick on top of already feeling sick. Right now my back is having a fit b/c I'm making myself sit up today. I woke up sore all over from being in bed all day and night. I knew I needed to get up and at least sit up. I'm know I probably shouldn't get back to jogging this week, but maybe yoga tomorrow would be okay.


Hope you feel better soon. Lots of nasty bugs going around! Campbell's beef bouilion works for me when I'm sick...there's one with gelatin in it that kind of makes you feel full. Bouilion, saltines, and ginger ale are good for a stomach flu. My kids' pediatrician used to say to do the BRAT diet with a stomach flu...bread, rice, applesauce, and toast.


Feel better soon!

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