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Cruising to Healthy


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Hi all!


I was drawn to the name of your thread...Cruising to Healthy, how perfect! I would love to join you, if you don't mind, as I could use some (lots) support in making better food and exercise choices.


We don't sail until October 2012 but my lifestyle needs to change and the sooner the better. We moved May 2010 and in that time I have gained 40+ pounds that I had lost prior. I need to lose it along with many more.

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Hi all!


I was drawn to the name of your thread...Cruising to Healthy, how perfect! I would love to join you, if you don't mind, as I could use some (lots) support in making better food and exercise choices.


We don't sail until October 2012 but my lifestyle needs to change and the sooner the better. We moved May 2010 and in that time I have gained 40+ pounds that I had lost prior. I need to lose it along with many more.


Welcome! Sure you are more than welcome to cruise along with us on this journey to being healthy. No rules here. We come here to vent, ask for help, or just to keep accountability. Share what you want and how much you want. We all just try and keep a positive atmosphere as we all have different goals an expectations.

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There went another weekend, but should be my last working weekend for the next two weeks. I think I did decently with eating. It was busy on Sat. and we kinda had to eat what we could get. No enough water all weekend though. Got to spend some time with the nephews though when they had dad over for a birthday breakfast. The ice cream cake kinda was hard though.




Sat. 322.8

Sun. 321.8

Mon. 321.4


I hope that continues. Two more weeks to meet goal before I cruise. I think if I keep the exercise up I'll make it.


BK: Oatmeal and skim


L: leftover spaghetti and bagel chips


D: Have to work again tonight......but I brought some of mom's potato soup and I'll probably have a PB sandwich with it. (Its a cup and a 1/4)


W: Zumba tonight. I will get to at least do that even though I have to work.


18 days and counting. I'm praying for no sickness, no sinus infections, no injuries, no body else getting sick or injured, and safe travels, oh and no hurricanes, lol.


Good Choices.

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Thanks for the warm welcome. It's been cold and rainy here in northeast Ohio all weekend. Drank lots of hot apple cider, sure was yummy but probably lots of calories for a drink.


Gave into Mcdonald's craving yesterday, fries and Coke, at least I sticked to small sizes, usually I get a whole meal and beat myself up for it the rest of the day. Finally, I've decided to get what I really want and not eat things I don't really want.


Really need to work on the exercise part of the equation.


Enjoy your day!


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Thanks for the warm welcome. It's been cold and rainy here in northeast Ohio all weekend. Drank lots of hot apple cider, sure was yummy but probably lots of calories for a drink.


Gave into Mcdonald's craving yesterday, fries and Coke, at least I sticked to small sizes, usually I get a whole meal and beat myself up for it the rest of the day. Finally, I've decided to get what I really want and not eat things I don't really want.


Really need to work on the exercise part of the equation.


Enjoy your day!




I LOVE hot cider and it can be caloric, but not as bad as you think it is. Its mostly spices and water, depending on where you get it. I buy the sugar free packs from the store. They are something like 50 cals. per packet and they are still pretty tasty.


Totally get the FF bit. Most of the time I crave fries, but I guess its been burned into my brain that I need a hamburger with the fries and then of course soda to drink. All those silly commercials I guess. But I've been thinking the same thing you have. If I want fries..........why don't I get JUST fries. There isn't any need to get the whole deal. Its a battle. I did the whole deal on Sat. b/c I was stressed from work and eating my emotions.


Exercise is great. I just now started back to it. I wanted to get a bit of a handle on my food first (though that is never done) and then get back to exercise. I stopped losing steadily and that's when I knew I had to get back to exercising.


Good Luck!

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Hi All. After a very snacky Sunday, I am back. Of course, I did not snack like I used to, but I was craving salty items. I still did my bike, so there was no gain. I am down 53 lbs. I lost 3 lbs last week. I just wish all all weeks were like that!


For dinner tonight, I am making the kids shake and bake pork chops. I am going to do a pork stir fry for myself with a little rice and salad. I leave in 32 days. It's coming up so quickly and my list is about a mile long!!


The fast food thing kills me. It is so darn addictive. Today, I got my son McDonald's for lunch, but did not get myself anything. I went home and had a turkey sandwich and an apple. The smell alone was killing me, though!! If we do fast food, I prefer Wendy's because there are more options - chili, baked potatoes, nicer salads, etc.


Have a good night!


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If I want fries..........why don't I get JUST fries. There isn't any need to get the whole deal. Its a battle.


Glad to hear I'm not the only one who struggles with this, it seems like such a simple concept....and yes, when emotions are attached is get so much worse.


Yeah, Kim, 3 pounds in a week! I agree Wendy's has lots of better choices for fast food. Baked potato and chili, yum! Not sure how you can ride in the car with the smell of McD's and not have any, woohoo for you!


Got on the scale yesterday, thought I needed to get a starting point. Not as bad as I thought, but lots of work to do.




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Hi All. After a very snacky Sunday, I am back. Of course, I did not snack like I used to, but I was craving salty items. I still did my bike, so there was no gain. I am down 53 lbs. I lost 3 lbs last week. I just wish all all weeks were like that!


For dinner tonight, I am making the kids shake and bake pork chops. I am going to do a pork stir fry for myself with a little rice and salad. I leave in 32 days. It's coming up so quickly and my list is about a mile long!!


The fast food thing kills me. It is so darn addictive. Today, I got my son McDonald's for lunch, but did not get myself anything. I went home and had a turkey sandwich and an apple. The smell alone was killing me, though!! If we do fast food, I prefer Wendy's because there are more options - chili, baked potatoes, nicer salads, etc.


Have a good night!



Great choice Kim! Guess that's why you are doing so GREAT!

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Lets see............I did Zumba, got a great workout, but opted for Pizza instead of soup. Forgot that I had no where to heat it up, but I saved it for lunch today.


Sat. 322.8

Sun. 321.8

Mon. 321.4

Tues. 321.2


Moving down!


I'm trying to give myself some rest inbetween workouts, so not to go overboard. Hopefully, in the next few lbs I go down I should also go down in points again, so that will help keep the momentum.


BK: Kashi cereal and skim (out of oatmeal)


L: Potato soup and oyster crackers


D: I'm wondering if I will want soup again...........probably :p


W: None tonight, break night.


17 days and counting...I have just a few last min. things to get and I'm on my way.


Good choices.

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Brooke...I took your lead and took off a night from the bike. :rolleyes:


Not a very good day. I think mother nature is making her visit soon because the backs of my knees are aching (weird, huh? That's the first sign for me.) and I am craving salt.


I am so glad that I working all day tomorrow so I can stay away from the food. I am grateful to be able to work part time and be home with my kids, but it does a number on me to have access to food all the time at home.


Miami...one month from today. One month from today, I will be out with hubby at the waterfront, taking in the sights and preparing for 5 nights of Rick Springfield. :D

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Yep, that's how my day has gone. I got two bites of cereal and then I had someone stop by and yep.......cereal=mush. No time to restock and the horses were out. People stopping me in the hallway and bathroom to tell me to do stuff. Geesh.


Stressful times b/c I just can't figure out my bosses and their intentions, which makes me scare for my position. But I guess I should let it go b/c I'm doing my job and that's all they can ask of me, so worrying will get me no where.


On a good note:


Sat. 322.8

Sun. 321.8

Mon. 321.4

Tues. 321.2

Wed. 320.8


Here is to hoping I meet goal in another week.


BK: 5 bites of mini wheats, a little of skim milk


L: half a turkey club (didn't even take the leftover, didn't want it, not that it wasn't good), pickle, chips.


D: Maybe soup. Had grilled cheese and chips last night.


W: 30 on the elliptical


Good Move: I went for my first pumpkin pie blizzard yesterday. I started off just getting a mini, then I decided It was my first of the season, splurge. Then it was a small, by the time I pulled up I'd ordered a medium. Thank God it didn't make it to a large. I had to dive into my flex points for this, but not by much. So I ate and drove (I should have pulled over and enjoyed it more), but when I got down to the last 3 oz I did something I didn't think I could do, I stopped. I put the cup in the cup holder and drove the rest the way home (about 10 mins) even got stuck in a bit of an accident area and though I thought about filling the time by eating more, I didn't. It was a little melted when I got home, but I decided I would stick it in the freezer and I could have the 3oz at a later time. Still there, so far.


16 days and counting and I just hope and pray I can get through these next few weeks with out going insane at work or getting sick or anything else. I could really use a vacation to the 10th degree.


Good Choices.

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Brooke...excellent job on the weight loss. You are almost in the teens! (I love entering a new "decade" on the scale.) Good job not finishing the Blizzard, too. I can't get ice cream when I am out - I always "have" to finish it.


Not feeling well today - just a tummy issue. I did do the bike tonight and did well with food today. I hope I can sleep tonight.


Have a happy Thursday.


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Brooke...excellent job on the weight loss. You are almost in the teens! (I love entering a new "decade" on the scale.) Good job not finishing the Blizzard, too. I can't get ice cream when I am out - I always "have" to finish it.


Not feeling well today - just a tummy issue. I did do the bike tonight and did well with food today. I hope I can sleep tonight.


Have a happy Thursday.



I hope you feel better :(

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Well, didn't get to workout last night b/c I ended up having to go to a work dinner, no biggie. I will get one in tonight. I did good at the dinner. They had like a small salad (mostly stuff I thought was gross on a salad -cranberries-oranges-egg-onion-so I didn't eat it all, just enough to be polite). Then a roll (about the only thing I liked) and some kind of pork chop with stuffing rolled in it and sweet potatoes on the side. Yea I ate not even half of the plate. Then an apple cake kind of dessert which was good and I could have eaten all of it, but I left at least a little bit on the plate.


I have no clue what I ate in points, I need to go back and fill it in.


Sat. 322.8

Sun. 321.8

Mon. 321.4

Tues. 321.2

Wed. 320.8

Thurs. 321.4


I almost want to go with the 321.2 for my weight b/c I want to make sure I have another loss and 320.8..........well, maybe I will round it up to 321 and leave it at that. Lets see what tomr. brings.


Speaking of tomr. I get to go to a red carpet movie premier...........HERE..........in my little dinky town. They filmed a movie in our tourist lake area which is right down the road and they are premiering the movie at our local theatre. I mean its not huge stars, but some well known actors thats for sure. My aunt got tickets and we get to walk the red carpet and meet the stars. I'm super excited! I'm gonna go all out!!! This may be the only time I ever step foot on a red carpet, I'm going to cherish it. Maybe I'll be one step closer to knowing how my idol (Cass Elliot) felt. Gotta find a shawl to wear though...........I'm thinking my purple dress for the cruise is the most glamorous.........that or my long black one from the previous cruise........I mean black can never be wrong, right? Anyway,


BK: Well, I'm gonna actually try to eat breakfast this morning. Got interrupted with my cereal yesterday and it was mush, so I just moved on. Cereal of some sort today.


L: I ended up having 1/2 of a turkey club and some chips........I think I wrote this yesterday.......dejvu. Frozen pizzas today.


D: Umm soup def. Need to help mom get rid of it.


W: 30 on the elliptical. Obviously I won't be able to workout friday b/c I will need to take off work early just to get ready for the premier. But I will try for a workout at home on Sat.


15 days and counting...........with all the work drama............I could use it, but I'm trying to be positive and just do what I can to do the best I can and let the rest go.


Good Choices.

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Hi, All! I started my healthy lifestyle again 3 months ago and I'm down 30 lbs and feeling so much better. We sail at the end of February and I'm planning on losing at least another 30 lbs before then.


My biggest weight loss weapon.....veggies! The more veggies I eat the more weight I lose. All that nutrition turns on my fat-burning switch. I kinda follow the "Eat To Live" program which advocates a nutrient-dense diet so I try to eat the following every day: 1 lb raw veg, 1 lb cooked veg, at least 4 fruits, 1 oz nuts or seeds, at least 1 c of beans or lentils and only 1 serving of brown rice OR starchy veg OR wg bread or wg pasta. I love to eat big portions so this program works great for me because I can eat as much as I want and I'm never hungry. All that fruit does wonders for killing cravings for sweets, too.


I'm already formulating my plan for how to eat healthy AND eat all the goodies I want on our next cruise. On our first cruise a few years ago, I actually came back 2 lbs lighter than when I left. I walked everyday on the ship whether we were going to be active on shore or not. And I only ate in the DR where they served smaller portions than what I would have taken from the buffet. I'd love to hear how any of you lost weight on your cruise.


Eat your veggies!




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Hi, All! I started my healthy lifestyle again 3 months ago and I'm down 30 lbs and feeling so much better. We sail at the end of February and I'm planning on losing at least another 30 lbs before then.


My biggest weight loss weapon.....veggies! The more veggies I eat the more weight I lose. All that nutrition turns on my fat-burning switch. I kinda follow the "Eat To Live" program which advocates a nutrient-dense diet so I try to eat the following every day: 1 lb raw veg, 1 lb cooked veg, at least 4 fruits, 1 oz nuts or seeds, at least 1 c of beans or lentils and only 1 serving of brown rice OR starchy veg OR wg bread or wg pasta. I love to eat big portions so this program works great for me because I can eat as much as I want and I'm never hungry. All that fruit does wonders for killing cravings for sweets, too.


I'm already formulating my plan for how to eat healthy AND eat all the goodies I want on our next cruise. On our first cruise a few years ago, I actually came back 2 lbs lighter than when I left. I walked everyday on the ship whether we were going to be active on shore or not. And I only ate in the DR where they served smaller portions than what I would have taken from the buffet. I'd love to hear how any of you lost weight on your cruise.


Eat your veggies!





Welcome. We are all here to at least support you making your goal.

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Okay, so I skipped my workout. I was just too excited about tonight and needed to pick up a wrap to go with my dress (need it for the cruise anyway). Then I wanted to test out my hair and make up too. I stink.


Sat. 322.8

Sun. 321.8

Mon. 321.4

Tues. 321.2

Wed. 320.8

Thurs. 321.4

Fri. 322


I'm gonna go with 321-rounded as my official weight. 320.8 is just too close and the rest of the week is just too close too.


BK: Well, trying to remember everything I need for tonight took its toll b/c I forgot I had no milk for cereal and no pb either. So I pulled into work and realized this. Well, pulled right back out and grabbed a ham and egg biscuit. Not the best choice, but it was the quickest.


L: frozen pizza...........ugh I need better food.


D: Pizza probably, that's what my aunt wants to order for us to eat before we go.


W: Unless walking the red carpet counts, nothing.


I will need to make up some exercise this weekend if I really want to meet my goal. Its so close, but so easily missed.


My mind is slowly only wanted to think about the cruise. My attention span for work is slowly losing its battle.


14 days and counting....


Good choices.

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Hey all! Sorry I haven't written much this week, I've been extremely busy at work!


Our scale died (battery ran out) this week, so we had to get out our old scale. I forgot that I did not like this scale. I thought I would be down a pound, but this scale showed me up THREE! Grrr. But now I have "lost" those three pounds. So hopefully, it means that this old scale is weighing me 4-5 pounds higher than my old scale was. That would mean I am down a pound or two! It's just annoying, because I have been keeping track by one scale, at the same time, everyday, so that it is all relative. When you bounce back and forth between scales, it throws you for a loop. I also don't like those doctor's scales, where they slide the weight over until it is balanced. Those are the worst!!!


Well, hopefully we can pick up a new battery this weekend, I will keep you posted on progress! Also, I DID end up signing the October unprocessed foods challenge pledge. I have been doing pretty good so far. We have lots of veggies to cook up, so it hasn't been too hard. I did find wheat pasta at Trader Joe's that has only one ingredient (whole wheat durum flour), so I think that is ok. Other than that, I have had some barley and brown rice for my carbs. I also found a whole wheat bread that almost passes the test, except for one ingredient (wheat gluten). I am going to say that it is ok for this challenge. The rules are it has to have ingredients that you could use/make at home, nothing that would require a chemistry lab. So no HFCS, food colorings, etc. I already make my own salad dressing, marinara, etc. so it's not that different.


Have a great weekend, everyone!


P.S. Welcome to the new people!!! This is a great thread that Brooke started!

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Gluten I think is safe for you...I make my own homemade bread in the bread machine and some recipes call for it, some don't..it basically sorta "holds" everything together but the reality is most breads have it, even the Ezekial breads...


Good luck, it will be easier than you think..from your posts we "eat" the same (LOL) and it's funny, any type of processed food now makes me sick to my stomach...you will be amazed how much yoru taste buds will change, too. Things I used to love that were processed make me sick now and I just don't enjoy them. It doesn't take that long either!


Hey all! Sorry I haven't written much this week, I've been extremely busy at work!


Our scale died (battery ran out) this week, so we had to get out our old scale. I forgot that I did not like this scale. I thought I would be down a pound, but this scale showed me up THREE! Grrr. But now I have "lost" those three pounds. So hopefully, it means that this old scale is weighing me 4-5 pounds higher than my old scale was. That would mean I am down a pound or two! It's just annoying, because I have been keeping track by one scale, at the same time, everyday, so that it is all relative. When you bounce back and forth between scales, it throws you for a loop. I also don't like those doctor's scales, where they slide the weight over until it is balanced. Those are the worst!!!


Well, hopefully we can pick up a new battery this weekend, I will keep you posted on progress! Also, I DID end up signing the October unprocessed foods challenge pledge. I have been doing pretty good so far. We have lots of veggies to cook up, so it hasn't been too hard. I did find wheat pasta at Trader Joe's that has only one ingredient (whole wheat durum flour), so I think that is ok. Other than that, I have had some barley and brown rice for my carbs. I also found a whole wheat bread that almost passes the test, except for one ingredient (wheat gluten). I am going to say that it is ok for this challenge. The rules are it has to have ingredients that you could use/make at home, nothing that would require a chemistry lab. So no HFCS, food colorings, etc. I already make my own salad dressing, marinara, etc. so it's not that different.


Have a great weekend, everyone!


P.S. Welcome to the new people!!! This is a great thread that Brooke started!

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Brooke~How was walking down the red carpet? Sounds like fun!


Trish~ I agree, eat veggies, just wish I liked more of them.


I've been doing some vegan cooking and lots of vegan baking. The statistics on vegans and their lack of heart disease is amazing. I can't imagine being totally vegan but cutting back has sure made me feel better.


I do enjoy this thread and hearing what works (and what challenges) others. Brooke, you are an inspiration with your dedication to better choices and working out.


Here's to making it a great day!


Edited by MrsMTC
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The red carpet was really cool. I saw Ben Savage. It was just really weird that them fairly famous people were in my little hometown, filming a movie about out little lake. It was cool though and the movie was really great, but I might be biased.


Sat. 323 (I had mexican and well........the salt alone people)

Sun. 321.8 (I detoxed with my tea and lots of water.


Okay, I don't usually post on the weekends that much but I will so maybe to motivate myself.


Today I need to get my butt upstairs on the bike and do some exercise to catch up from last week. It will be easy on my back , but burn some calories. I cleaned for the first part of the day yesterday. My newly wed cousin called on his way back from his honeymoon and was going to stop by on their back.........so mom and I went into spastic cleaning mode (the spare bedroom had my cruise stuff everywhere, lol). He called about two hours later and said they needed to go home b/c they just bought a house and had to sign papers. Oh well, got some needed cleaning done.


Then I spent the most of the rest of the day ironing clothes for work and my cruise clothes. I had to take about a 2 hour break to allow my back to get some pressure off and let the ibprofin kick in.


Did get to watch the Dream sail away. It was cool, but they had a nasty sailaway day, felt bad for them.


I wish I could get rid of processed foods. Its just not something I'm willing to do right now. There will have to be some skills I will have to learn in order for that to work and I'm not ready to learn them yet.


Well, I'm going to sit her for a bit longer and ice my back, then grab some brunch, then go over my cruise list one more time and finally up the stairs to watch some netflix while I ride my bike. :)

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This has to be quick, got a morning meeting. This may or may not be fun.


Anyway, did get on the bike on Sunday for 25 mins. My attention span just couldn't do five more mins. I was working on cruise stuff, I'm lucky I got myself on at all.


Sat. 323 (I had mexican and well........the salt alone people)

Sun. 321.8 (I detoxed with my tea and lots of water.

Mon. 320.2


YAY. That much closer.


BK: Oatmeal and skim


S: Apple


L: Salmon patty, mac n cheese (yep, its fried, but its leftover and so is the mac n cheese)


D: Probably subway, since I have Zumba and will need to eat ahead of time.


W: Zumba. I hope to get to the gym maybe everyday this week. I have to see how I feel. The nerve in my back is getting a bit edgy and I don't want to hurt myself before the cruise. But I was thinking about doing the normal Zumba, 30-Elpt-30elpt. then adding 20 mins in between. Don't know, we will see.


Well, 11 days. I'm already discussing another cruise with some friends. I can't help it. It def. is my motivation. As for a house, well found out I had to defer my student loans to even qualify, but I have no reason to do that and they won't let me, so I guess I'll take some of the money I would have been saving for a down payment and just put it towards the student loan. That's life.


Well, off to the meeting.


Good choices.

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Had a great Zumba workout, but my SI joint was a little angry about it. So, def. no workout today. Not that I could. Forgot I had a meeting off campus today, that will take the rest of my afternoon, so I will work from home after.


Sat. 323 (I had mexican and well........the salt alone people)

Sun. 321.8 (I detoxed with my tea and lots of water.

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 320.6


Still doing well.


If I can just hit an even 320, I will have lost my 10lbs. I wish I could see 319 before I leave. I think thats where I was on my last cruise.......with mom, lol.


BK: oatmeal, skim, cheese stick, apple


L: Well, its whatever they have at this meeting. They usually have boxed sandwich lunch meals. So, hopefully won't be too bad.


D: Maybe some BBQ with some corn


W: Resting my angry SI Joint.


10 days. So close. Single Digits next. I've been talking with friends who want to book the Liberty in Sept. 2012. The prices are crazy good right now. Of course I'd have to wait until I got back from this one and pay some cruise "drinks" off, lol. But I think I can do it. I wish my aunt would let us know dates for the Ireland trip. These two trips would happen almost back to back if she still does summer time. I don't know if I have enough days off for both. Maybe not the money for both either.


Whatever will be, will be, right?


Good Choices.

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