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What I did on my Summer Vacation Pacific Princess 6/11-25 Live


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Just a few things I didn’t know a few days ago…..


The excursion to Columbia Glacier does not get close to the actual glacier; too much ice. It was a bit hazy, so the glacier could barely be seen. However, we spent quite a bit of time close to the ice. field It’s amazing! Almost surreal. You’re surrounded by all this blue glacial ice. Really gives you a close up look.


Kodak is a bit of a laid back stop. Nothing in particular to cause you to go WOW. Nice town with beautiful scenery. We rented a car and cruised around. Lunch at the Chowder House (under the bridge) was great. Everyone in town was very friendly. Unfortunately, we didn’t hear until the end of the day that lots of eagles hang out at the city dump. Hope someone can post photos from that in the future.


I suspect it might be a combination of a small ship and the type of traveler that comes to Alaska. This has certainly been the friendliest cruise we’ve been on. Certainly, our new friends from the roll call have been great. But in addition, most everyone is up beat and talkative. Nice!


Well, off for some Rudolph, errrrr, reindeer chili. :D


(Photos below are the ice near Columbia and costal shot from Abercrombie State Park.)





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I'm enjoying this thread so much, even though I've probably done my last Alaska cruise.

Can't get my husband to do it again.

Your writing is wonderful. If it were at Barnes and Nobles I'd plunk down my money.

Even when you're ranting!!!

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While I won't argue that Kodiak is "laid back" the Russian Heritage Tour is not to be missed! I know it's too late for those of you on board right now, but for future cruisers, I do recommend this one. We did it last year, and have it booked for our August cruise this year.


Of course, you must be interested in Russian Heritage, but the visit to the Russian Orthodox Seminary was wonderful. The priest who conducts the tour (hope he's still there) is the most informative and interesting person I have ever met. The local entertainers are the best ever (and we saw several last year), and the food provided was tasty and a wonderful introduction of the foods of Russia.


The trip out to see the Coast Guard Base was scenic, and since my family are "Coast Guard Men" very important to me. We did see a nesting Bald Eagle last year, which was a sight I probably will never see again.


Don't underrate Kodiak. It's great! But I have to admit that that restaurant mentioned "under the bridge" is now on my list of places to visit as well.

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Thanx to all who are providing varied activities for Kodiak. We're going on HAL's new 14 day roundtrip Seattle itinerary next May, and Kodiak is one of their "new" ports, so we're anxious to hear about suggestions. Originally, were going to just rent a car and some fishing gear and go off on our own, but now maybe I'm rethinking that!:rolleyes: Thank you again - appreciate the advice and recommendations!

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Sorry about Pam’s difficult time at Kenai Fjords. It was pretty rough. My DW (who takes ginger and wore Sea Bands) said she really enjoyed the cruise, even though she spent it on the lower aft deck, where the crew asked people feeling very ill to go. Rear of the ship was most stable, so upper aft is also an option. By the way, as Karen said, the crew was amazing in all ways; lots of information, and assisting folks who got ill.


If I had to choose between Kenai Fjords and the Columbia Glacier, I too would go with Columbia. I think the main reason you see more wildlife there is that you start seeing things right away. At Kenai, you cruise quite a while before critters show up. However, the Holgate Glacier is quite a sight, and definitely makes Kenai Fjords worth the effort!


Reindeer chili was pretty good! :D



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[We were among the first off the boat waiting for the shuttle to arrive. We noticed the same crowd from yesterday beginning to assemble. The same people that break in line, push their way onto the first shuttle, and claim the prime territory on the tour boat. These are the same people who show up late to disembark, ignore the fact that there is an obvious line, and then push their way from their perches on the stairs or other doorways and cut in line when the gangway opens. They are the same people who stay inside all warm and toasty while others stand outside shivering their timbers hoping for that special photo op only to be crowded out when the entitled realized some wildlife had appeared. They are the same people who after the end of the tour, descend from their prime seats to make sure they beat the people who are sitting right at the exit off the tour boat. There are quite a few ill-mannered, self-centered, entitled people on this ship. Now I realize this has nothing to do with Princess, or even cruising, it’s simply how some poorly potty trained, ignorant people are and we ended up booking a cruise with them. There, I feel better having said that and I appreciate the fact that you did not read it.]


Per George Barnard Shaw, "by the time they are FIFTY they get the face the deserve."


PER ole me: "And the problems too."




"But that's their problem - so you just HUNKER DOWN and have FUN."

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An amazing day in Icy Strait! Started with a super 4.5 hour whale watching trip with Shawn (Glacier Wind Charters). Had no idea humpbacks can sound like a fog horn. Floating around with a dozen humpbacks is incredible! Then we had fantastic dungeness crab at The Office. Great local hang out. We finished the day watching sail away from Sterling’s. We both thought the day had been perfect, but then, to our surprise, a whale breeched 10 times while we were finishing desert! As I said, amazing!





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(Photos below are the ice near Columbia and costal shot from Abercrombie State Park.)






Absolutely stunning photos. Thanks to all posting on this thread for sharing your adventure. We were on the Pacific Princess for three weeks last year and miss her terribly.


Kathi & Leo

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We just booked this cruise a few days ago and have loved catching up with your posts! Thanks to all taking the time to post. :)


mountainhouse, your photos are amazing, makes us even more impatient! I have a question about Skagway, you mentioned taking the train on the way back. How did you get up? We've never been to Skagway, so haven't done the White Pass Rail yet, and can't decide whether we should do the round trip for the first time or find an alternative.


pamwinn, you said you took the Columbia Glacier Cruise with Stan Stevens Tours. On their website, the only tour listed was at 12, any tips on how you managed it?




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We just booked this cruise a few days ago and have loved catching up with your posts! Thanks to all taking the time to post. :)


mountainhouse, your photos are amazing, makes us even more impatient! I have a question about Skagway, you mentioned taking the train on the way back. How did you get up? We've never been to Skagway, so haven't done the White Pass Rail yet, and can't decide whether we should do the round trip for the first time or find an alternative.





I believe they used Dyea Dave, the same tour company we are using in September. Look at his website, because that gives you the option of one way up and train back.

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Kodiak cont.


We enjoyed our sail away and later attended Scary-o-kee. Keith did not sing this time but my lemon drop martini decided I would. I have a very nice karaoke system at home with a very large selection of music so singing is not new to any of us but all our music is Sound Choice and if you know karaoke, you know how good these are. Cruise ships use Cavs that are somewhat different from what I’m used to. I chose to sing Ode to Billy Joe and as Simon would say, it sounded like I was singing karaoke. I was a bit nervous but I had a good time. Diane promised she would sing Paradise by the Dashboard Lights with Keith if I sang first so I am looking forward to that if we have another night of karaoke. It will be a crowd pleaser.


Sea Day June 20, 2009


The weather was perfect for a lovely and relaxing day at sea except for the obligation of formal night. We spent most of the day on the balcony and checking out the atrium sale and did little else.


We went to Sabatinis for the Pub lunch. I had the cottage pie and everyone else had the fish and chips. We left full and happy. Do not miss it.

We dressed for the evening, attended the Captains Circle party, had formal photos taken, and ate our lobsters. We all swear (again) that we will never lug these formal clothes across the county. Those extra sweatshirts would have come in very handy. Most people were dressed according to guidelines but I did not see any truly formal dresses though there were a half dozen or so tuxes. Why I fret over this, time after time is beyond me. My hair is now totally out of control and my face is red as a beet and chapped. Try dressing that up. The poor people in the Photo Department should not have to be exposed to such pictures.


Icy Strait Point June 21, 2009


This was our favorite port (we think). ICP is a beautiful place and our whale watch excursion with F.I.S.H.E.S was beyond expectation. There were six of us on Floyd’s boat and we had a fantastic time. We got up close and personal with several pods of humpbacks. In fact, we saw so many whales that we don’t know how many we saw. Rex took a photo that had an eagle, sea lions and whales in it. I have seen many whales and heard (and smelled) the blow but I have never heard them honk before. It sounded like a foghorn and one whale in particular seemed to enjoy making the sound. Floyd had equipment onboard that allowed us to hear the whales communicate under the water. That was interesting but I really preferred it when he turned it off because it also picks up engine sounds. We did not see a whale breach on the excursion but did see a very happy breaching whale as we departed.


We decided to try the Bistro for dinner and were pleased with the selection offered.

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Heard there was a quake (5.3) this morning around 11:30 - did you feel it?


Have really been enjoying your notes and photos - can't wait to get on the ship Thursday!!


Hope you are all well!

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We didnt feel it...

but then again I'm a Calif native from the SFO Bay Area...

we don't usually get off the couch for anything less than a 5.7 and we need to be close to epicenter or on the high roll wave.

Just a fyi...

i've decided to do my full and detailed report of ship info and ports when i return as i need to save my minutes to correspond with my DH ...i've gathered lots of info for you..

and will also be featuring many local shop owners

as my own version of a port and shopping guide

i will say this ...for ISP we did the ships whale watching and then bear watching...and saw LOTS of whales and then 1 bear...which even my crappy 6.1mp 3x zoom camera was able to catch..though not as crisp as mountainhouses photos!

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Yup, Radiance of the Seas is bigger. ☺ The other photo is Mendenhall. It’s not Nuggest Falls, but a flow of water coming out from the right side of the glacier.


I understand internet service is a bit spotty near Victoria, so this will be my last post from the ship. I’ll update my galleries in a few weeks and post a link here. Thanks for all the kind comments!


Seas a bit rougher tonight. Going home outside Queen Charlotte Islands.


ioanab - yes, Dyea Dave. He does a great job!





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An amazing day in Icy Strait! Started with a super 4.5 hour whale watching trip with Shawn (Glacier Wind Charters). Had no idea humpbacks can sound like a fog horn. Floating around with a dozen humpbacks is incredible! Then we had fantastic dungeness crab at The Office. Great local hang out. We finished the day watching sail away from Sterling’s. We both thought the day had been perfect, but then, to our surprise, a whale breeched 10 times while we were finishing desert! As I said, amazing!







Not once or twice, but ten times? How cool!

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Juneau June 22, 2009


Juneau is the place to shop for souvenirs. If you look closely, you may be able to find things created by Alaskan Artists in Alaska but as in all ports, watch out for that made in China stuff and steer clear of the same stores you see all over the Caribbean.


Rex purchased a zip hoodie and we spent the dogs allowance on a surprise for Aunt Leslie. It was a hassle emailing them a hundred photos of items until they finally picked what they wanted for her. They can’t read very well and their spelling is atrocious but we speak their language and got what they picked out. They love her so much we hope she understands and enjoys the dog biscuits. 8^)


We skipped the Red Dog Saloon for something with more local flavor and stopped in the Triangle bar as we have done before to enjoy a locally brewed Alaskan White. It was a short port stay and having been to Juneau many times, we did not book an excursion and instead spent time souvenir shopping and people watching. It was a little chilly and overcast but it did not start raining until after we returned to the ship around departure time. All in all, we have enjoyed nice weather on this trip.


It was Scarry-O-Kee (karaoke) night so Keith and Diane pretended they were asleep or out when I called to collect on the promise and did not answer the phone (as if I didn’t expect that). When I first arrived for karaoke I was the only one there aside from the kid who sings song after song (in an ear wrenching way) so they were happy to let me sing. My audience was the kid and the crew. That made it pretty easy to claim the self-imposed title of Best Singer of the Evening.


I am finally tired of eating at every opportunity so I sent Rex off with Keith and Diane for dinner. Today I only had lunch and lunch (not a typo). If I play my cards right for the next few days, I just may be able to fit into my clothes for the long flight home. I am not sure what the post 9/11 penalty is for flying naked but any more food and I may find out.


My hair is really horrible now. Even though I brought my own hair products, the Afro haircut and the salt air have made me very self-conscious about my hair. Combine that with the red, peeling face and the whiskers that have started to return and well…you get the picture.


Who cares, around midnight we decided to rock the rolling ship and went to the disco to dance. Of course, we were the only people there so we had the dance floor to ourselves. We danced to trance music and had a blast. It was hard to stand as the ship was really bouncy but that made it even more fun and I am sure we entertained the staff even though they tried to look nonchalant when I glanced at them. I know we looked funny because I could see three of us. It was very late by the time we decided to call it a night.


Sea Day June 23, 2009


The day started out cold, windy and rainy but by noon time the it was sunny and warm on our balcony. A pod of friendly whales treated up to a display of at least eight full breaches. They are such magnificent creatures. We looked up from our balcony but no one was watching but us. We spent the better part of the morning and afternoon gazing at the sea.


It’s formal night but we are all trying to talk each other out of participating. Rex gave me a haircut so if you need to know how to do that without creating a mess in the cabin for your steward, or polluting the plumbing system on the ship, we figured it out.


More later……

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Mountainhouse, your pictures are adding so much to this Live. Thank you to you as well as to pamwinn and where2next. You are all doing a great job.


Which program do you use to upload your pictures to in order to post them on CC? Is it easy to do from the ship?


If Mountainhouse answered this question, I missed it. But while most of us will never match the quality of his photography, it would be nice to know how to upload photos to CC.


Thanks to all the fine "live" reporters on the Pacific Princess cruises this season. When we board the ship on July 9 we'll have no excuses for not being prepared! :)



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Hi Everyone!

Today was Ketchikan day…and it was a beautiful day…

My mom has been to Ketchikan over 10 times and it has never rained

when she has visited..I should also note it’s never rained when she goes

to Seattle…

She said to let you know that she’s available as a good luck charm

she has decided to waive her fees, in lieu of a bc cabin


So, I have a few things to share with you on Ketchikan..

We’ve been here many times, so we just wandered and shopped

But let me back up for a minute…

When you are in Pier 91 in Seattle, you will see an Alaska Information Books

PICK THEM UP….They have tons of coupons for Ketchikan, Skagway and Juneau…

Many of you know from our little website that I really believe in supporting small business owners and MADE IN stores

Alaska is no different..One of the stores I like is a small one on Creek Street

Called Sam McGees..they offer tastings of Alaska made Honeys, Jams, Jellys and Syrups!

Also, if you are traveling to warm humid weather, go to the health page

In our journal on the website..and check out the neck coolers from

a small business in Alaska that I found over a year ago! Excellent to work with

and very friendly, also they donate to cancer charities a % of what you purchase

and NO, I’m NEVER EVER “paid to play”.

A very special museum is the Totem Heritage Museum..they have preserved

AUTHENTIC and ORIGINAL totem poles that are over 100 years old.

They are stored in a climate controlled cases to preserve them …this

is a fabulous way to have immersion in the culture of Tlingit’s, Haida’s etc

of this region.

If you visit Dolly’s House on Creek Street..keep in mind this is a time capsule

Take the time to check out each room, the kitchen is a gem! I’ve seen so many people just walk straight through missing out on some rather fascinating items..

and while you might not be impressed with Dolly’s career choice..her work ETHIC

(not values) can be quite inspiring for what she did at that time in

these living conditions!

Regarding my detective work onboard…

The Staff…

Captain Sevillo

Chef- Thomas Ulrich

PSD- Ivano Calandri

Casino info

I spoke with the Casino manager and provided the specs of what is offered

in the Casino…

I asked him this question…what would you say is the biggest difference

people will find with a casino on a small ship. He said while we don’t have as many games and options, what we do have is the personalized service, we have and take the time to visit even more than the big ships do, we really enjoy being able to do that.

So here you go……..


2 Blackjack tables

Three Card Poker

5 card stud poker

Fun 21 and Face up Blackjack..(are special games offered periodically)


6 for 1.00

17 for 25 cents

13 for 1 cent


It felt lukewarm to me…I wouldn’t swim in it, but if you are from a place that gets a lot of snow it might be delightful…I did see someone in it doing laps and he was the only one in there.

Deck 8 midship doesn’t have much motion, but we haven’t had anything but wavelets ..so I cant say for sure…

I took a picture of the ship today so you can all understand what I’ve been saying about

The balcony differences…I will take more in each port..so you can really see what I mean. Deck 8 midship does have higher balconies

Electrical outlets…there are 2 north American outlets and 2 European outlets

If you want to expand your plug usage bring your converter. I’ve heard

a few people having extension cord issues and my mom is having problems

with her heating pad keeping from auto shut off on each plug option.

One of our cruisecritc members had her night light surge and go kaput…..

Tomorrow is Glacier Bay…the Rangers will be onboard beginning at 11am

In the Pacific Lounge ….and continue with lectures, guidance and materials

throughout the day…

I cant remember if I mentioned this ~ last night we set clock back one hour

Oh, been meaning to tell you on ITUNES is a Alaska Seafood Vodcast

That you might be interested in viewing

If you are going fishing in Alaska..

I spoke with my head waiter Hermonio yesterday and he was aware of the discrepancy

of the other cruise…and didn’t understand it himself. He investigated for all of you readers of cruisecritic..and yes, he’s heard of this website…


Only the Ketchikan fishing SHOREX purchased through Princess

Can bring fish onboard and have the chef cook it for your dinner.

If you have SHOREX to fish in Icy Strait Point

the fishing company will ship your fish to your house.

If you are going fishing through something you personally arranged

You are out of luck for having the chef cook your fish.

The gym…I spoke with Ryan the Fitness Manager, prior to this ship

He was with the Island and Caribbean. He will be here for the whole

Alaska season, at least that’s the plan..

So to walk around the deck ….13 laps equals 1 mile

The gym has the following equipment….

1 step machine

5 treadmills

4 seated bikes

2elliptical machines

Free weights …light and heavy

Cybex machines

Exercise Balls..lots

Equipment for spinning class and step classes

The scale is in pounds and kilos…

And of course Ryan the Fitness Manager..who I have heard

Will whip you into shape..

I actually had a wonderful chat with him, about an exercise

Program for me and how to handle an adaptive program for

chronic pain and what pain that means I need to back off or

pain that means I’m beginning to feel what it’s like to get

by body back in shape after a multitude of surgeries..

Whatever your needs are…it’s worth a few minutes of your

Time to search him out for a little complimentary guidance!

So, we just got the Patter for Glacier Bay…

We will pick up the rangers about 10:30-11am

And once they come onboard…it’s all about them and Glaciar Bay

No other activities are scheduled…

BTW, in the shops…they are changing their loose stones vendor

So their stock on that along with the few items in settings are

25% -35% off the ticketed price…it didn’t look like they marked up

To mark down.

That’s all for now…


Thank you for all of this great information. I am sure that you are sad that the cruise is almost over but no doubt there is another trip already in the works. I have one more question. We finally hit the Elite status which includes laundry/cleaning. Do you know how long it takes? This will help me decide on how much to bring. We leave Sept. 3rd. Any information is appreciated.

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Thank you for all of this great information. I am sure that you are sad that the cruise is almost over but no doubt there is another trip already in the works. I have one more question. We finally hit the Elite status which includes laundry/cleaning. Do you know how long it takes? This will help me decide on how much to bring. We leave Sept. 3rd. Any information is appreciated.


Out before 9:00 AM, back at dinnertime. If you requested expedited service. If not, out in the morning, back the next day. Also at dinnertime.

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