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Blackjack Players Step Inside!

Yo Eleven

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You could not be more WRONG. The dealer's goal is to make money for themselves. The ONLY way to do that is by having players win, it is few and far between the player that has the class and generosity to tip when losing. Now, if you're a stiff, they are glad to see you lose. Go to the ATM, come back and lose some more. All night long as Lionel Ritchie sang. The dealers job is to take or pay the bets proplerly according to house policy and local gaming regulations dictate.

How the heck can I be wrong by answering BOTH yes and no, Mr. Know (No) it all? :p

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I too have to agree with Yo Eleven. I have played thousands of Blackjack hands since 1978. And Believe me . The stupid, ignorant, chicken out , ten splitter and No Bust Players ALL DO INDEED ruin the game for the Basic Stratigy players And players that know the Basic do's and don'ts of Blackjack.


I will agree that once in a long while A Chicken out Player that will not take his card when he should , might acutually save the table from losing a particular hand , But that just don't happen very much at all. And the hell of it is the bad Player thinks he done every body a favor and that is going to be his way to do it forever.


More often than not , The bad player will not get ahead very much at all himself and actually Cost the honest basic stratigy players to lose hands that they really wouldn't have lost . And they can cause the Dealer to start making 20 and 21 a LOT more and wipe most everybody out at that table.


If someone don't know the game , then they should first READ and UNDERSTAND a book on blackjack and go the the free beginner games offered at casinos until they Learn the game correctly.


The beginners should practice at home first before going to a Casino and ruinning it for the seasoned players that know the game well.


And when they think they have a good grasp on the game , then start at the $3 min tables and stay there a while before moving up.

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matt...you are so right !!! terbear and Yo have no clue.:confused: They remember the the times they were hurt and forget the times they were helped. My observations...and I have been playing aince the 70s...is that over time the hurts and the helps even out. Besides no one has a obligation to worry about your winning or losing.


The ONLY person that effects your outcome is YOU. :eek:



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The chances of a player at your table making the wrong play and hurting you is the same as that person helping you. The cards are all random and the chance that another person "takes" the dealer's bust card is the same as the chance that that person "takes" the dealer's 4 or 5 to make a 20.


The only thing I don't like is when some players take FOREVER at the table to decide what to do. They will think for 20 seconds each time they get a 15 or 16. There is no reason to try to decide for so long what to do--either you are going to make the correct play or you are not.

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Anyone who knows the "basic do's and don'ts" should also know that, in the long run, other people's play likely does not have an impact on your level of sucess. :rolleyes:





Matt , You MUST be a beginner at Blackjack for sure.


Any body that takes a hit that they don't need. or chickens out by not taking a hit that they DO need , or splits 10's and takes cards that they for sure don't need , or just sits there and plays a NO BUST HAND, SURELY DOES mess it up for the whole table. and Right Side Players at a BJ table will lose because of the ignorant actions done at that particular table.


For the life of me , I could never figure out why a player would want to bust themselves out when they have 12 or better hard and the dealer is showing a break card of ( 6 or less).


I mean what is the real percentage for the player in a play like that?


Does the player holding 12 really think in his mind that he can get a 9 to make 21 and be safe then?


The book I read said why take a chance breaking when the dealer can break just as easy as the player can.


And when a last base player takes cards that he really don't need, it is usually a ten or a card that would have broke the dealer.


In all my years of playing BlackJack, I have found out that Basic Stratigy WILL WORK and everybody can make money ahead , if ALL the players allow it to happen.

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matt...you are so right !!! terbear and Yo have no clue.:confused: They remember the the times they were hurt and forget the times they were helped. My observations...and I have been playing aince the 70s...is that over time the hurts and the helps even out. Besides no one has a obligation to worry about your winning or losing.


The ONLY person that effects your outcome is YOU. :eek:







Just remember..............The players are the ONLY ones at that BJ table that have controll of the cards.


The Dealer has his rules to follow.


And It is up to the " Players" to beat the dealer .


NOT the other way Around.

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The chances of a player at your table making the wrong play and hurting you is the same as that person helping you. The cards are all random and the chance that another person "takes" the dealer's bust card is the same as the chance that that person "takes" the dealer's 4 or 5 to make a 20.


The only thing I don't like is when some players take FOREVER at the table to decide what to do. They will think for 20 seconds each time they get a 15 or 16. There is no reason to try to decide for so long what to do--either you are going to make the correct play or you are not.





If I were at your table of players like you suggest here, I would be scared as hell to bet anything over the table minimum .


And I would prolly say a few words and leave right after the first bad play by your kind of Players.


But I agree with you on these long decision players .


If they Have to think a long time about what to do with a 15 or 16, Then they must be beginners for sure that haven't learned very much about the game yet. They will prolly make a bunch of mistakes.


I would be scared to play at a table with 1 of those kind.


It is wise to size up the players by watching them for a while before joining their table.

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Matt , You MUST be a beginner at Blackjack for sure.


Any body that takes a hit that they don't need. or chickens out by not taking a hit that they DO need , or splits 10's and takes cards that they for sure don't need , or just sits there and plays a NO BUST HAND, SURELY DOES mess it up for the whole table. and Right Side Players at a BJ table will lose because of the ignorant actions done at that particular table.


For the life of me , I could never figure out why a player would want to bust themselves out when they have 12 or better hard and the dealer is showing a break card of ( 6 or less).


I mean what is the real percentage for the player in a play like that?


Does the player holding 12 really think in his mind that he can get a 9 to make 21 and be safe then?


The book I read said why take a chance breaking when the dealer can break just as easy as the player can.


And when a last base player takes cards that he really don't need, it is usually a ten or a card that would have broke the dealer.


In all my years of playing BlackJack, I have found out that Basic Strategy WILL WORK and everybody can make money ahead , if ALL the players allow it to happen.


LOL - far from a beginner.


While the play on one hand may impact that one hand - What about the next hand dealt and the next hand after that and 10 hands after that? How many hands may you have won later on in the game because of a bad decision made by someone else? How many hands have you won because someone else did something stupid?


This is why every expert in the games says IN THE LONG RUN, the play of others has no impact on your success.


Take a read of this website - http://www.blackjackhero.com/blackjack/myths/


I would much rather play with a bunch of people who didn't know what they were doing but were having fun then sit at a table where people think that they know what they're doing but spend there time trying to lecture the other players ;)

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For the life of me , I could never figure out why a player would want to bust themselves out when they have 12 or better hard and the dealer is showing a break card of ( 6 or less).


I mean what is the real percentage for the player in a play like that?


I'm assuming you know that the proper play is to hit when you have 12 and the dealer is showing a 2 or 3?

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just got off the Freedom. Played BJ for 8 days with the wife. we have both been playing for years and always play correctly (basic strategy). mostly sat at the $5 table because i don't like playing alone at higher stakes tables. alot of terrible play and i was down couple hundred for most of cruise. we finally moved to $10 table where play was consistent and i ended up $50 plus for trip and wife was up $700. we play a progressive betting strategy also. i don't like it when people play crazy but i'm not going to say anything to them. if i don't like what they do i leave the table. i enjoy playing to much to get upset when a bone head play is made. smaller stakes tables ALWAYS have novice players. i know that and accept it if i sit there. if your not having fun then why play?

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just got off the Freedom. Played BJ for 8 days with the wife. we have both been playing for years and always play correctly (basic strategy). mostly sat at the $5 table because i don't like playing alone at higher stakes tables. alot of terrible play and i was down couple hundred for most of cruise. we finally moved to $10 table where play was consistent and i ended up $50 plus for trip and wife was up $700. we play a progressive betting strategy also. i don't like it when people play crazy but i'm not going to say anything to them. if i don't like what they do i leave the table. i enjoy playing to much to get upset when a bone head play is made. smaller stakes tables ALWAYS have novice players. i know that and accept it if i sit there. if your not having fun then why play?



Hi jkirby4:


Glad to see another Basic Stratigy Player. I know exactly what you mean about the terrible play at the $5 tables .


I'm also glad to hear you could finally make some ahead money after you got away from them terrible stupid players.


Some Folks here are saying that it makes no difference what some terrible players do at a table. They say that their bad play does not have an impact on you or others winning or losing a hand.


But it appears that your experiences proved that these NON BASIC STRATIGY PLAYERS -- DO INDEED have a negetive affect on your outcome of winning or losing.


I would have done the same exact move that you did . Away from these terrible players.


It is very hard to get ALL Consistent Basic Stratigy Players at a BJ table to play with.


You and your wife must have got a lot of good cards dealt to you and good hits dealt to you also at this $10 table after your excellent move.


I have found it that if ALL the players at a table were Consistent and played Basic Stratigy , then they ALL would get more winning hands and get good hits when they need them .


And the dealer would also break a LOT more when they are supposed to.



Keep up the good work.

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for me its psychological. i have played thousands and thousands of hands and honestly i DO believe it doesn't affect me. for every knuckle head play that hurts me there will also be a knuckle head play that helps me. for me its easier to accept a losing streak when people are playing correctly. i "let" it affect me so i seek out like minded players. i don't get "upset" tho.

my wife got on a couple streaks that were fun to watch. we bet 10,15,20,25 progressively so she had multiple runs when she maxed out at $25. three days in a row it seemed like she could not lose. we try to give ourselves the best chance at winning but we still realize that its still roughly a 50/50 bet.

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Blackjack Experiment Shows Bad Players Don't Hurt You: http://renzey.casinocitytimes.com/articles/1034.html
ALL it proves is that for THAT player on THOSE hands the net result was it helped him. Another run and it might have hurt him. And that is only because he was betting the same amount every hand, if you're betting a porsitive or negative progression, when the against the book play happens matters. They might make you win when you have $5 bet and make you lose when you have $125 in the betting circle.
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matt...you are so right !!! terbear and Yo have no clue.:confused: They remember the the times they were hurt and forget the times they were helped. My observations...and I have been playing aince the 70s...is that over time the hurts and the helps even out. Besides no one has a obligation to worry about your winning or losing.


The ONLY person that effects your outcome is YOU. :eek:



What is it that you don't get?


My beef is those that play like this tend to be jerks and hold up the game. They ask stupid questions and simply make playing with them no fun at all.


It seems to me most idiots that walk into a casino end up at the blackjack table. Why? I have no idea. :rolleyes:

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My beef is those that play like this tend to be jerks and hold up the game. They ask stupid questions and simply make playing with them no fun at all.


Look on the bright side - if the game is being slowed down, you are likely getting better comp value (less actual hands per hour then the casino estimates).

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ALL it proves is that for THAT player on THOSE hands the net result was it helped him. Another run and it might have hurt him.


Actually, what it shows that it was pretty much what would be expected +/- a few wins or losses. 300 hands is probably between 3-5 hours of play.


And that is only because he was betting the same amount every hand, if you're betting a porsitive or negative progression, when the against the book play happens matters. They might make you win when you have $5 bet and make you lose when you have $125 in the betting circle.


It also might make you lose when you have $5 and win when you have $125 in the betting circle.


Thing is, the bad outcomes tend to stick with us and this is why people get worked up about the play of others.


And a note on progression systems - http://www.bj21.com/bj_reference/pages/10537.html

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Look on the bright side - if the game is being slowed down, you are likely getting better comp value (less actual hands per hour then the casino estimates).

For me there is no bright side. I rather pay for the crummy 10 dollar buffet than sit with a bunch of chumps that have no idea what they are doing.


Even better idea. Play craps where there is a minimum amount of chumps, play high stakes, break the house, and have the house offer me a free nights stay in the hotel.


Blackjack-what a waste of time, especially with them changing their rules about 6 to 5 and continuous shuffle machines. Why play? Simply invest in the stock market instead. Much better odds. :p

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What is it that you don't get?


My beef is those that play like this tend to be jerks and hold up the game. They ask stupid questions and simply make playing with them no fun at all.

This might be true, but that isn't the same as "they make me lose."


It seems to me most idiots that walk into a casino end up at the blackjack table. Why? I have no idea. :rolleyes:


My vote says they wind up at the slots. LOL.



Answers in red above. Shalom.

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For me there is no bright side. I rather pay for the crummy 10 dollar buffet than sit with a bunch of chumps that have no idea what they are doing.


Even better idea. Play craps where there is a minimum amount of chumps, play high stakes, break the house, and have the house offer me a free nights stay in the hotel.


Blackjack-what a waste of time, especially with them changing their rules about 6 to 5 and continuous shuffle machines. Why play? Simply invest in the stock market instead. Much better odds. :p



You are Soooooooooo right Yo Eleven:


Especially Cruise Ship BlackJack. It is getting to be a real drag and waist of time and Money.


It is BAD enough to have to deal with a Continuous Shuffle Machine where NoBody including, Card Counters, Have any Idea in hell as to what is going to be dealt next [ High or Low Cards].


Then I have to deal with Ignorant Idiot Bad BJ players on top of CSM's.


I usually play a high low betting stratigy based on the spent cards that I have seen.


I can pretty well make money this way but only with Like Minded "BASIC Stratigy Players".



That is Not possible with a CSM . There is no way to tell if the CSM is rich in big cards or rich in little cards.


The casino has a much higher advantage with A CSM than a shoe and they know it.


And the Ship also Knows that they have another Advantage in the Bad play , Ignorant BJ player that helps them bring in the other players chips plus their own .

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My issue with CSM's (much like the no talk dealer robots that can be found in every casino) is the speed of play - as I'm not a card counter I am not interested in playing 120 hands an hour.


Interesting article on the positive impact of playing at a CSM table -http://wizardofodds.com/blackjack/appendix10.html

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terbear...your claims about other players having nothing but a negative effect on you is patently ridiculous and false,especially with the CSMs.

You can't know if third base is going to get a 10 or a 5 when he hits a 16. And maybe the 5 would have given the dealer a 21 and the 10 busts him.You and Yo only remember when it is vice versa.


I suggest you read some of the sites noted here.


BTW..I hate sitting with players like you who blame their bad luck on everyone else at the table and telling everyone how to play their hand. It is my money and what I do is none of your business!!


And many a time I have told people like you at my table to mind your own freakin business.:eek:


Cheers all.

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terbear...your claims about other players having nothing but a negative effect on you is patently ridiculous and false,especially with the CSMs.

You can't know if third base is going to get a 10 or a 5 when he hits a 16. And maybe the 5 would have given the dealer a 21 and the 10 busts him.You and Yo only remember when it is vice versa.


I suggest you read some of the sites noted here.


BTW..I hate sitting with players like you who blame their bad luck on everyone else at the table and telling everyone how to play their hand. It is my money and what I do is none of your business!!


And many a time I have told people like you at my table to mind your own freakin business.:eek:


Cheers all.

Good thing I no longer play BJ anymore. If Rantheman sat at my table I would probably be sent to prison for assault with a dealer shoe. LOL! :p

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