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Conquest Cruise -- 6/28 to 7/5/09


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This is my first cruise report, so please bear with me. I'll be glad to answer any questions also.



Sunday, June 28 -- alarm was set for 8:00 but I was so excited I couldn’t sleep. Got up @ 7:30, puttered around doing last minute ‘chores’. Got DS up @ 8:00 -- were out the door by 8:45.


Got to Galveston EZ Park @ 10:20 (thanks GPS!), were parked & unloading by 10:30. You get a $5 discount if you pay ahead online. About a 15 minute wait for the shuttle but we could SEE THE SHIP’S TAIL from the parking lot!!!!




No lines for check-in AT ALL -- just lots of walking-LOL! Showed DS’s passport, my DL and birth certificate and got our S&S cards. Gold-trimmed this time (!!) because we sailed w/Carnival before.


We were in Group 2 to board. Group 1 was TWO wedding parties. They had some entertainment going on in the waiting area -- coloring contest for the kiddos, line dancing, and the ever-popular and MUCH overplayed “Cha-Cha Slide” !! We were all already in a ‘party spirit’.


We had a wait of 40 minutes (?) before we could board. By noon we were on board and sitting at the Lido deck, me with a Fun Ship special!! We stopped by the Purser’s desk first thing so I could put $50 on DS’s S&S card (he had no charging privileges). They also punched a hole in DS’s tag so he could hang it from the lanyard I’d brought for him! Several people asked later “where we’d got the holes punched” as they didn’t know about this neat little trick!!


We were told our rooms wouldn’t be ready until 1:30 and there were employees stationed @ all the elevator banks to be sure no one slipped by!! DS changed into his swimsuit & got in the pool while I ate lunch and had another drink (YUMMMM!) At 1:10 I decided I’d waiting long enough & retrieved DS from the pool. We started in search of an ‘unguarded’ elevator but seems all the ‘guards’ had left. We got to the Main Deck (we had cabin 2212) but the doors into the hallways were still shut. DS left in search of our cabin, reported back that it was open, and we ‘snuck’ in.




Our cabin was a 4A, which means it had 2 twin beds and 2 portholes. Nice ledge by the portholes to sit & watch outside! Very roomy and lots of storage areas. We DID have a gift basket in the bathroom with 4 toothpaste samples, Pepcid AC, Tylenol, a razor, etc. Under the couch-bed were 2 full length drawers which were perfect for DS to throw all his clothes in! Unfortunately, our luggage wasn’t delivered until AFTER the Muster Drill, Sail Away, and Circle C registration!


Muster Drill was scheduled for 4:00 -- Sail Away time. WHY do that do that?!!! Anyway, we stood in the hallway before the station & let LOTS of people pass us by so we’d be in the front. It was hot, we were crammed in like sardines, but mercifully it was quick. DS figured out the lights on the life vests were ‘water-activated’ so he amused himself by licking his 2 fingers and putting them on the 2 contacts of the light to make it flash. What can I say? He’s a boy…..


Luckily they dismissed Stations B, D, and F first (we were in B). I gave DS the life vests & told him to run back to the cabin w/them while I went topside. We were already leaving Galveston! We watched for awhile, some of the Crew did introductions and some more line-dances out by the Lido pool.




At 5PM was the Camp Carnival’s registrations in different places! Be sure and look @ the card they hand out to you when you board the ship or you will be confused!!! Of course I had forgotten the Circle C registration I had pre-filled-out from home and brought with our documents, so I had to do another one. LOL We were outta there by 5:30. Came back to the cabin and THERE was our LUGGAGE! I unpacked while DS went swimming again.


At 7 we went to dinner. Since I’m not a real “schedule” person, we had signed up for anytime dining--which worked perfectly for us! DS was super-excited about the baby-back ribs! We both had the ribs, I had the tiger-shrimp cocktail (could’ve eaten two) and of course Chocolate Melting Cake for dessert. They got me on the water before dinner though -- I didn’t know you had to pay for ‘special bottled water’. Oh, well--it was only $4.50 and I will know better next time!)




We explored the ship after dinner and DS actually met another boy from his classes at school!!! They were both super-excited to see each other -- what are the chances?!!! They made plans to meet up @ Circle C for the party @ 10PM.


After we watched the oil rigs off in the distance a while, I was ready to call it a night. DS was just getting started. We looked at the Circle C schedule and they had the ‘dance’ @ 10, Battle of the Sexes game, Tour of the Ship, and then DodgeBall in the basketball court. Since DS already had a ‘good buddy’ to hang out with, he left to go to Circle C by himself. I watched a little TV and went to sleep. (You know you’re old when you go to bed before your kids do…..) He came back to the cabin once around 11 to get a soda for him & his friend, and then I didn’t see him again until he came back & woke me up @ 1AM saying he was ‘hungry’!!!! I told him just to go to sleep!

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Monday, June 29


Slept like a baby, except for the screaming young adults that were coming back to the cabins around 2AM (I guess when the bars closed). It never occurred to them that other folks *might* be asleep, I guess -- as they were running and hollering each other’s names all up & down the hallways. There is absolutely NO motion, rocking, or vibrations in our cabin (so far -- crossing fingers!). I slept until 9:30, left son a note where I was & left to go find some magic elixir (coffee!). I had brought little creamer pots for me to enjoy and I can tell already they will be a Godsend!! Also had the disposable insulated foam cups, which means I don’t have to make as many trips back to the bar for refills.


Enjoyed my coffee hanging out @ the rail, just watching the sea go by. The pool was a busy area, and every time I passed a chair with a towel hung on it, I smiled to myself. “Chair Hogs”!! Got back to the room about 11 and woke DS up. He ordered cereal from room service and then went to go to the slide. Room service was very quick and efficient! He had his cereal w/in 10 minutes!! But, he informed me, you need at LEAST 2 boxes to make a bowl-full!


We spent the rest of the day on the Lido deck, watching the ice carving and hairy chest contest. Boy, we had some ‘wild’ men on our cruise! They were not too shy to ‘strut their stuff’…. ! A good time was had by all.






I went to the library to check out some reading materials then went back to the cabin to start reading. DS was still swimming and hanging with his pals @ Circle C. They were playing Wiii and Playstation so he was in Heaven! He came back to the cabin around 6. Tonight was Elegant Night, so we were NOT eating in the dining room! Instead we wandered through the ship, watching all the other elegant people. We played a couple of *serious* games of Air Hockey (one of our favorites) which, I am sad to say, DS won both! He had pizza for dinner and I ate off the Cezanne buffet (wonderful lamb shanks in chocolate sauce--yum!) Then DS went off to Henri’s Club to see what his pals were up to in Circle C while I went back to the cabin for some more ‘down’ time. Ahhhhh, life is good!!


DS came back to the cabin around 10:45 & said he’d been watching 2 guys break-dancing’ on deck. I missed it because on the Capers it was listed as ‘Breakin’ with D and Pedro and since I didn’t know what that was I didn’t bother to go. Oh, well…….

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Tuesday, June 30


During the night ‘they’ begin dropping depth charges from the ship. A dull ‘boom’ and the room would vibrate & shake, 10-15 seconds and another ‘boom’. All night long. Eventually I got where I could sleep through most of them -- an especially powerful one would wake me up occasionally. They continued throughout Tuesday. I have NO IDEA what they really are, or why -- but they didn’t start until Monday night.


I finally got up @ 9:45 (hey, I like to sleep late! -- besides I stayed up until 1 AM finishing a book I got from the ship’s library) and went to get coffee. DS was still asleep. After my breakfast, I took him back some bacon & OJ. Surprise! He was GONE!! Dalla -- our room steward-- told me he’d gone up to Lido to get an omelet. So BACK up to Lido I trekked where I found him. We wandered around the shops until 1PM, where there was a wonderful ventriloquist & comedy workshop scheduled. My son, ever since he discovered Jeff Dunham on You Tube, has been FASCINATED with ventriloquism. This guy, Marc Rubben, was supposed to do a one-hour clinic, but ended up staying with my son & several other interested young men until 2:45! He showed us all his dummies, told them how to practice and get started, suggested several books, etc. It was very informative and my son loved it!




When we finally left I was hungry but DS went to play in the arcade. So I went off to another seafood lunch @ Sur Mer, which was again wonderful! I met DS back @ the cabin where he was playing a game on the laptop. He left about 3:45 to join some of his pals at the Laser Tag they now offer on board. It is $1/minute, sold in increments of 5 minutes. (He said it was fun, but ‘not long enough’)


I read & watched some of the Welcome Aboard program on TV. DS came back @ 5 and we BOTH took naps. Then we got dressed and went to dinner. DS was VERY disappointed they didn’t have ribs on the menu tonight so he just got some fries. He said he’d get something from Room Service later if he was hungry. BTW, last night he ordered their chocolate cake and said it was better than the Chocolate Melting Cake we had on Sunday. Sacrilege!!


I had the Jerk Pork Tenderloin with the French Onion soup as an appetizer. The soup was excellent, the Jerk Pork was very good. I loved the caramelized eggplant that came with the pork! During dinner (this was about 9:00) the waiters all danced around the room getting people up from their chairs to dance. One waiter danced on top of a table to Vida Local and he had some MOVES! It was great entertainment!


DS went on to Circle C which is right outside our dining room. They were playing Wiii and Playstation in there so he stayed there. Tonight was the Deck Party outside so I hung around there a bit. Went back to the cabin & DS & I watched a movie until 11:30. Then it was lights out because tomorrow was JAMAICA MON!!

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Wednesday, July 1


I’d set the alarm for 8:15 because the Capers said we’d dock @ 9 & I wanted to see it. By the time the alarm went off, we were ALREADY docked. Bummer. Luckily we were on the port side so I could just look out & see the hills and scenery. Woke up DS, we ate and then made our way to the debarkation area.




I had signed up online for the Jamaican Zipline Tours and once in the terminal, I asked at Information about getting there. The Info man left the booth and guided us outside to a van and David the driver. There were already 3 people inside -- a family from right down the ‘street’ in Cypress! They had signed up for the 10AM tour (we were for the 11AM one) and as it was already 9:30 we started on our journey!


Traffic was on the WRONG SIDE of the road!! What an experience! Narrow roads, cars and vans passing by literally close enough to touch, it was scary!! Never mind dodging the enormous potholes (some would rival Houston’s best!) and loose goats and dogs, which seemed to be everywhere! We had a very enjoyable, fun-filled (??!!) ride up the mountainside to the Zipline place. David made it a great experience for all of us.


When we got to the zips we were quickly ushered into the bathrooms (there are NONE on the zips), then to get our harnesses on, helmets (optional), and then into the 6-track for another bumpy, scary, thrill-filled ride UP the mountain, through the banana plantation where it’s laid out, to the start of the zips.




We were fitted still more closely into our harnesses, given a 10 minutes safety speech and then we were on to the first zip!! We walked off a ground area into a cut in the mountainside where we zipped along barely feet above the ground. Piece of cake!!


There were 5 zips in all -- the last one they call the Big Kahuna -- a monster 1600’ zip where you reach speeds of 35 mph. Every person we met was professional, courteous, funny, and wanted to be sure we had a good, no -- an Excellent -- time! They fully checked each harness every time, pulling on the straps and tightening buckles. Literally the hardest part was climbing up the mountain to the next zipline!! I kept reminding myself how many calories I needed to burn off before Chocolate Melting Cake tonight!!




My son was kinda disappointed because he was not heavy enough (@ 80#) to get to the end of all the zips. He had to ride with me on Zips #2, #3, and #4. Which was not bad but both of us would have preferred to ride separately. The 17-YO girl of the family we rode in David’s taxi with was also not heavy enough @ 100# so she ended up riding with her mother.


There is a snack break between zips #2-#3 where they serve water or coconut water, and let you try pineapple, sugar cane, and coconut meat. My son ate most of the pineapple, declared the sugar cane ‘OK’ and quickly spit out the coconut. It was a nice break.




Between zips #3 - #4 there is a cable-wooden bridge that you walk across, but the staff also hooks you to in case you slip. Very comforting!


It took approximately 3 hours for the trip there & back and the ziplines. All in all, a very nice time & I would highly recommend Jamaican Zip Line Adventures. Here is a picture of a very cute 'Ganja Shack' we passed and made David stop so we could all take pictures!




The driver, David, was our driver all day for $20 US PP. He waited for us @ the zips, he took us to town and would have driven us to various places nearby if we had asked him. The other family we were with wanted to go to Margaritaville and the Shops nearby, so he dropped us off there and told us to meet him back in front @ 4:30. DS & I hung around there & I had a beer or two, then we went ‘shopping’. None of the souvenirs appealed to me so we didn’t buy anything except some Blue Mountain Coffee and Jamaican Hot Sauce. We were fairly bored and I wished I’d let David take us to see some other sites on the island. Oh well…..


We got back to the ship with no problems, and ran up on Deck 9 to see sail away. I was ready with my camera to capture video of anyone running after us as we left the dock, but alas, no one cooperated. I will have to wait for You Tube fame I guess.




After a bath & supper we went back to our room to relax for 45 minutes. Then we went to the Toulouse Lounge to see the Illusion and Magic show with Helvenia. It was fairly entertaining but my son & I both would have been happier with more straight magic than the costume changes and dances. We have to get up EARLY tomorrow morning so it’s off to bed with us.

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Thursday, July 2


Wow! What a day! What experiences!!!! The highlights of the trip so far! I had set my alarm for 6:15. Unfortunately DS had a short nap before the magic show last night, and consequently could NOT get to sleep until WELL after midnight. So he was draggin’. Literally. But he dutifully got up, I packed and we ate breakfast, I had coffee (DS needed some!), and were down in the Lobby waiting for our Tender Tickets by 7:00. We stood in line, then raced downstairs to the Gangway to depart, since we were supposed to meet our tour -- Stingray Sailing -- by 8:15!!


The Tender Tickets were useless. No one even asked for them. We asked the guy boarding us on the Tender & he said “Save it for a souvenir!” I was kinda ticked the crew ORDERS us to get a tender ticket and it’s not needed, used, OR even looked at. Oh, well…..


We were the 2nd tender out and we met our excursion in plenty of time! Actually everyone else must’ve been on the FIRST tender because Captain Chip remarked that he was waiting on us.





Captain Chip had 27 people for this tour from the Conquest. He has a 2-hull catamaran & by 8:00 we were leaving the dock and on our way to the sandbar! It took us about 45 minutes to arrive @ the Sandbar and Capt. Chip was very happy we left so early because there was only one other boat and us out there! (By the time we left the reef you practically couldn’t have SWUM between the boats!!)


There were literally sting rays EVERYWHERE!! It was the most amazing thing! The would practically knock you down and almost try to climb up your body to see if you had any food for them! The closest thing I can think of is being swarmed by ducks at a duck pond if you have bread. I mean these things had no fear! You could pet them anywhere, they would swim OVER each other to get to you if you had food in your hands. An experience DEFINITELY not to be missed!




However, as Capt. Chip said, they are fickle. Once all the food was gone, they were off to find the next ‘victims’ to beg from! We spent about 45 minutes just interacting with the rays until they left in search of ‘greener pastures’.




Then Capt. Chip loaded us all back and took us a few hundred yards away to the reef. Everyone quickly suited up and we were in the water. WOW! I LOVE coral reefs! I had taken a new digital Canon camera and got some incredible shots and videos of the fish and rays! DS spent part of his time jumping off the boat. We were there about 45 minutes.




Then Capt. Chip loaded us all aboard then, and put up the sails for a leisurely ride back to dock. I was havin’ a beer, stretched out on the Catamaran netting in the shade of one of the sails. Ahhhhh, this was the life. In a moment, I was ready to chuck my job, my house, family and everything I’d worked for to come to GC and live this laid-back lifestyle!!


We got back to dock (after seeing the Iguanas sunning on the beach rocks -- Capt. Chip said they’re like squirrels stateside -- just everywhere!) before noon. Capt. Chip let us off wherever in town we wanted -- DS & I opted for close to the tender dock. We headed off to Margaritaville, the shops and souvenirs but only got as far as the little ‘mall’ where Margaritaville is located. They had a ‘Buy 3, Get 1 Free’ T-shirt sale going on, so I did all my friend/family shopping there. DS found the waterslide up top and the best part was it was FREE!! So I had a margarita, a plate of nachos, and DS amused himself on the waterslide until 1:45. Then I DRUG DS away from the slide & his new-found buddies and we got on a tender & were back on the ship by 2:30. We were so exhausted we both took quick showers and fell into bed for a much-needed nap.


Tonight is ‘cruise elegant’ and I actually got DS ‘dressed up’ in khaki’s and a white button shirt. He looked so handsome! We took photos in 3 different locations -- hopefully ONE of them turned out decent! Dinner tonight was cream of broccoli soup, with blackened grilled chicken. We had chocolate cake from room service later, of course! DS went to hang out @ Circle C while I watched a movie on the TV and turned in early.

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Friday, July 3


We slept in late as we weren’t docking in Cozumel until 10AM. Plus I hadn’t planned any excursions -- we were just going to Chakanuub and Paradise Beach and snorkle & swim. Going down the dock we met our friends from Wednesday and THEY were going to Chakanuub also! We shared a taxi ($3 PP) there, then bought our tickets inside ($16 each, kids are $8). There are men waiting at the entrance to take your picture with iguanas and macaws!




We quickly found ourselves a ‘hut’ shucked off our street clothes and snorkeled for awhile.







Then DS went to play in the freshwater pool by the dolphins and I walked around the park. There were iguanas everywhere!! -- even a Granddaddy about 6 feet long and bright orange!







I spent quite a lot of time walking around Laguna Chakanuub and enjoying watching the fish there.





(continued in next post)

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DS came back and we went snorkeling some more.




Then it was on to Paradise Beach. $12 for a taxi there (about 10 minutes further down than Chakanuub)! DS quickly hit the water & headed out to the Island Slide and other water toys there. The water is not as clean & clear close to shore as Chakanuub and there’s more seaweed. However, once you get out a bit from shore, it’s OK.




DS was bummed that the age limit for the jet skis was 18 and I wouldn’t ride with him. Besides, it’s $35 for 15 minutes PP!!! I had a couple of drinks and we shared a wonderful Mexican platter for $14.95 that had PLENTY on it for two! By then DS was exhausted and actually said he’d swum enough & wanted to go back to the ship.


We took a taxi back ($12) to the dock. I still wanted to do some shopping so I walked DS to the ship and he went back to the room. Then I headed back to the shops on the dock, where I bought my daughter some silver bangles, my sister some REAL vanilla, and me a bottle of liquor.


When I got back on the ship about 5:00, DS had showered, dressed and was already napping! I got cleaned up, then woke him up to see if he wanted to go get a hamburger as I didn’t feel like eating much for dinner. We went up to Lido and watched the ship pull out of Cozumel while we ate.


Then it was on to the juggling and comedy act at 7:00! Both of which were very good -- DS laughed until he cried at the comedy (which was *mostly* family friendly). We returned to the room and played cards until 9:00, when he left to go to Circle C. Tonight is teens only laser tag & he didn’t want to miss that! I read a bit & then went to sleep, only to be woken up @ 12:30 when DS came back & was ordering ROOM SERVICE!!!!!

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Saturday, July 4


Our last day on the ship!! L We slept in & then went to have breakfast/coffee. After we ate we got the clubs & balls for miniature golf and played the course 2 times. The ‘scenery’ was gorgeous: blue sky, blue water, and the ship’s ‘tail’ rising above us! It was fun and we met up with our friends from Jamaica! DS played another game with them.




Then it was on to the Chocolate Buffet, which was Taste of the Nations today!! Boy was there a line for that! Everything was scrumptious, but I wish they’d served smaller portions. When you’re trying 5-6 things, a fulll piece of each was WAYYYYY too much!


After stuffing myself there, I had to go take a nap. DS went sliding and swimming. When I got up I went to find him & we went to the Arcade to play a little Air Hockey!


Then it was on to eat dinner!! Ribs tonight so I had NO PROBLEM getting DS to go to Renoir. I had a delicious French Onion soup, Shrimp Cocktail, and then we got THREE plates of ribs! It would be SERIOUSLY easy to eat yourself sick every day on a cruise!! We rolled back to the cabin, DS checked the Circle C schedule and then was off to find his friends.


I watched a little TV while packing -- SAD! I had decided to do self-debark so I wasn’t in any hurry. We had drunk up the 12-pack of sodas I had brought so we had plenty of room for our new T-shirts and souvenirs. DS came back about 10PM and ordered Chocolate Cake for both of us from Room Service. We are TOTALLY addicted to their Chocolate Cake. DS wanted to order 5 extra pieces and take them home tomorrow…… If I’d brought any Tupperware I would have. Wonder if they have to-go boxes in Room Service??!!

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Sunday, July 5


Was woken up @ 7AM by CD Chris announcing “Good morning everyone! It’s a lovely day and Welcome to the Bahamas!” He let it sink in for a few seconds then said “Well, it was worth a try. We are docked in Galveston and ready to begin debarkation” I got a good laugh out of that.


I woke DS up and we got up to go to breakfast. DS said he could NOT leave without one more Conquest omelet! So of course we got in line and they were already done with the passengers that had to get off to catch a flight, so they were calling self-debarking and of course they started with Deck 2!!! Well, we finished our breakfast, retrieved all our stuff, gave our cabin one last backwards glance, and set off to stand in line. It took us about 45 minutes to get off the ship and head towards Customs.


Customs was the only bad experience we had all trip long! After standing in line for what seemed like HOURS and moving @ a snail’s pace, we got to the desk. The Customs official was very grim-faced and when my son remarked “Finally! It was a long wait!”, the official said “It’s all these people with birth certificates that are NON-COMPLIANT with the new rules slowing down the line.”


You can read the rest of what happened in my other thread from last week. Suffice it to say, I was GLAD to get out of there!!


We were home and unpacking by 11:30 AM -- the end of another GREAT cruise!


This is my brief opinion of the ports we made: Jamaica -- I've been there, done that, and while I wouldn't AVOID it, it would not be a place I chose to go back to. Grand Cayman -- I would do the Stingray tour in a heartbeat. Or something else. GC gets 2 thumbs up. Cozumel -- it was our 2nd time there. We enjoy the beach & snorkeling immensely, so I'd go just for that. I probably prefer Chakanuub to Paradise Beach just for the snorkeling.


Jamaica is VERY high on little trinkets and they don't have much to offer (to me). Except for pipes in all types of materials and little boxes to hold the 'stuff' and shirts with Bob Marley on them.


Cozumel is the cheapest for T-shirts. The shops right at the pier have lots of things and they're pretty reasonable. GC -- can't say much about it as I spent the entire afternoon in Margaritaville. But that one is great if you have kids to entertain. You can see the slide & pool from where you're sitting! And try the 'Mountain of Nachos' -- it'll feed four!


All in all -- a wonderful cruise & one I'd gladly do again!

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Thanks for the GREAT review with pictures!! We're leaving next Sunday (the 19th) for our second time on the Conquest! Can't wait! We are doing the zipline, swimming with the stingrays and Ch.Park as well! :)

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what an excellent, well written, and seamless review. Awesome!!! Sounds like y'all had a great time. So happy for ya.


As for the depth charges?? maybe there were some rough seas and it was the hull getting slapped by waves? maybe?

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Excellent, well-written review! Thanks for taking the time! Was there any decent snorkeling to be had at Paradise Beach? We are planning to head there, but not Chakunuub. Also, I heard there is good snorkeling within walking distance of the tender pier in Grand Cayman at a free beach, did you see that?


MACH, if you're out there, maybe you have some theories about the "depth charges" ? Do you think maybe they were dumping? (I know that's a sensitive subject..)

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Wonderful review!! I really loved reading about your relationship with your son, it made me miss mine, who is all grown up and moved away. :(


I'm curious about the "depth charges" as well. I will be on the Conquest in cabin 1207, so will be in the same general area. I agree with sixgun8, it was probably waves slapping the hull. Did it go on every night after that first one? And how loud was it??? I'm starting to get concerned about being able to get any sleep in that cabin! :eek:

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My son was kinda disappointed because he was not heavy enough (@ 80#) to get to the end of all the zips. He had to ride with me on Zips #2, #3, and #4. Which was not bad but both of us would have preferred to ride separately. The 17-YO girl of the family we rode in David’s taxi with was also not heavy enough @ 100# so she ended up riding with her mother.



I want to do the Zip line... but I weigh 120lbs... would I be okay to do it? Because I don't want to ride with my friend...

BTW, you are doing an excellent job of reviewing your trip!! :D

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