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Another Legend Review - Honeymooning First Timers with Pics!

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Since I had done quite a bit of research online before the trip, I knew that Sunset House was only a mile from the tender port. Just like I’d thought hiking up 8 flights of stairs lugging our carry-ons was a good idea, I thought walking the mile from the port to SH with all our scuba gear would be a good idea. It was one of those, “It looked better on paper” ideas. Now, if you ever go walking out of town in Grand Cayman, you will encounter a lot of chickens and roosters. I don’t know why everyone has chickens in their yards, but they do. Also, cars drive on the opposite side of the road, so that would have been good to know… Anyway, after a brisk walk (all that gear is heavy!) we make it to SH. We went around to the dive shop, rented tanks and weights and jumped right on in! The lady at the dive shop gave us directions on how to get to the famous mermaid statue SH sunk as an artificial reef, as well as a small landing craft wreck, both easy to reach from the shore. The visibility underwater was around 70ft, which was great! I have an Olympus 770SW, plus I bought the underwater case that goes with it, so I was able to get some good pics underwater.















Apparently, we did not follow the directions the dive shop lady gave us, because we missed both the mermaid and the wreck. We did find a really really big anchor though, it came complete with a turtle.




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We moseyed back towards shore and sat at the bar at Sunset House for an hour to let our bodies ‘off-gas’ so we wouldn’t get the bends. No fart jokes please =P. While we were waiting, we met a nice couple from the Valor who were doing exactly what we were doing. They were smart and got a cab from the pier. After the hour, we got geared back up and hopped in for dive number 2. We got better directions (looked at a map) for this dive. Finally, we found what we were looking for!










A juvenile fish I found hiding in her hair.




DH said he was going to make it look like he was grabbing her caboose, but I conveniently missed that picture.





Me, channeling my inner mermaid.




Now there's something you don't see everyday.

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We visited with “Amphritrite” the mermaid for a few minutes before moving on. Pretty soon we came across the wreck of the Nicholson.







We saw our friends from the Valor found it too!







Two little shrimp I found inside a sponge on the wreck.



While exploring the wreck, we started to hear this high pitched noise. It sounded kind of like a mixer motor. We didn’t really think too much of it, even when it kept getting louder and louder. Then, I happened to look up and saw the Atlantis Submarine bearing down on my husband! He managed to swim out of the way, and I could almost hear him cursing underwater.









The submarine sat at the wreck for a little while, and while I took pics of the submarine, it’s occupants where taking pics of me. It was a neat experience, except for the near-death part with DH. We started to get low on air, so we had to head back to shore and end our dive experience in Grand Cayman. We met the couple from the Valor back on shore and we shared a cab back to the pier.

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I had wanted to stop for some rum and rum cake back in town, but we were dripping wet, as was all the gear we were carrying, so we just hopped a tender back to the Legend. After dumping our wet gear in the room, we all but ran up to Lido. We were starving!! After stuffing ourselves,we took a nap before our 6:15 reservations at The Golden Fleece supper club.





The Disney Magic in port with us.




The Liberty was also our neighbor for the day.



The supper club was really really great. However, if we hadn’t been celebrating our honeymoon, I would probably have stayed in the main dining room. The food in the supper club was better than the food in the main dining room, but that is like saying a 6 carat diamond is better than a 5 carat diamond, they are both big and beautiful. We got seated at a table for 2 by the window that overlooked the sun deck. The view of the ocean was pretty, but we could see everyone that walked by, including a jogger doing laps, and our CC friend jaimie1957. For our appetizers, DH got the sushi plate and I got the baked onion soup. DH said the sushi was pretty good, and I had never had baked onion soup before, so it probably would have been good if I’d liked it. Baked onion soup just doesn’t do it for me. Our waitress asked if I wanted another appetizer, but I declined, knowing I had a huge steak coming. For our main course, DH had the filet mignon, and I had the NY strip loin steak. The filet was 9 oz. and the strip steak was 13 oz. and they were both tender and juicy. DH finished his, I did not, and the waitress put the remains of mine in a doggie bag. We were both stuffed at this point, but we had to order dessert, so DH got the cheesecake and I got the chocolate medley. The desserts are where you can really see the difference between the dining room and the supper club. As well as being delicious, our desserts could have qualified as high art. I really wish I had taken pictures, but they really were beautiful, both in taste and in looks.



We walked around on deck a little bit to help ease the pressure on our stomachs. We considered going to the show for tonight, but we were pooped from getting up early and diving. We must be getting too old.


Our room steward knocked around 8:30, when we would normally have been at dinner, and asked if we needed anything. I asked for the capers and a towel animal. Adul, our room steward, smiled and came back a few minutes later with a towel animal I’d never seen before.





A turkey!!




Our towel animals becoming friends.

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Enjoying your review as we are looking forward to our Legend cruise. So it sounds like my husband and teen will be just fine with white shirts and ties on formal night. If that is the case it will save alot of packing and purchasing a suite or sport coat for my son, who would not wear it again.


Sounds like you had a lovely honeymoon. Congratulations!

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What a great review so far. We are leaving for our first cruise on August 16th on the Legend as well. Can't wait to read more. Your encounter with the Atlantis Sub reminds me of a dive in Cozumel, when all of a sudden the sun disappeared and upon looking up to the surface from 150-175 feet down we had a 25 foot Whale Shark swimming over us. Sure glad they eat krill!!! lol.

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Enjoying your review as we are looking forward to our Legend cruise. So it sounds like my husband and teen will be just fine with white shirts and ties on formal night. If that is the case it will save alot of packing and purchasing a suite or sport coat for my son, who would not wear it again.


Sounds like you had a lovely honeymoon. Congratulations!


Actually, they only need dress slacks and dress shirts the way I read it. I'll probably bring a jacket anyway. But eating with a tie on sucks, especially on vacation

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Wow, thank you so much for the replies and congratulations!


There are blow dryers in the room, they are just hidden in the top drawer of the vanity. It worked fine, but you have to constantly hold a button on the dryer or it shuts off. Kinda weird, but not hard to get used to. Also, it does not take up the single outlet plug, it is wired through the drawer (again, weird).


As far as dress in the dining room, every night is a range of everything. I personally could care less what everyone else is wearing; it doesn't change the way the food tastes, which was good/great. That said, I did feel a little 'dressed down' when I wore jeans on the first night. On elegant nights, both DH and our tablemate wore button down shirts with ties. On the gals, I saw quite a few prom dresses, slacks, cocktail dresses, skirts....like I said, quite a range. We did go to the supper club (more in review) and I felt fine in a nice sundress.


Thanks So Much - Great to get the info from someone who's been there.

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Congrats on your marriage! We are sailing on the Legend Oct. 4th, and have the same type of room (5181). I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your review. Please keep posting! :D


Thank you!





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Enjoying your review as we are looking forward to our Legend cruise. So it sounds like my husband and teen will be just fine with white shirts and ties on formal night. If that is the case it will save alot of packing and purchasing a suite or sport coat for my son, who would not wear it again.


Sounds like you had a lovely honeymoon. Congratulations!


DH just reminded me that he only wore a tie for the 1st formal night, and just a button down shirt for the 2nd. Our tablemate did the same (unplanned).


can you tell me the depth of the mermaid and the wreck. thanks




Amphritrite was about 55ft and the Nicholson was around 60ft. Our max depth was 63ft total dive time 37mins.




What a great review so far. We are leaving for our first cruise on August 16th on the Legend as well. Can't wait to read more. Your encounter with the Atlantis Sub reminds me of a dive in Cozumel, when all of a sudden the sun disappeared and upon looking up to the surface from 150-175 feet down we had a 25 foot Whale Shark swimming over us. Sure glad they eat krill!!! lol.


Wow, that sounds like it was amazing!! We unfortunately didn't see any whale sharks in Coz, but we did see a 12lb lobster...

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Amphritrite was about 55ft and the Nicholson was around 60ft. Our max depth was 63ft total dive time 37mins.




thanks for the info, we might have to check that out next time in grand cayman.


love the review and congrats on the marriage. good luck



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Day 4 – Cozumel


Today was another sleep-in day because we didn’t port into Cozumel until 10am. We set our alarm for 9am and ate a leisurely breakfast in Lido. Before we left on the cruise, we made reservations for a 2 tank boat dive with Scuba with Alison based on the recommendation from cdiver. He and his son were also going to be diving with Alison in Coz, so we made plans to meet on the ship and share a cab to the marina. So, after a couple phone calls, we met up with cdiver and his son and headed towards the taxis. Now, I don’t know how many of you have been to Cozumel, but the shopping center in the port is ridiculous! I mean, I guess it is nice that it is all gated for security reasons, but Cozumel did not seem like a real shady place. Belize on the other hand…..but I’ll go into more detail on that later. So, after what seemed like a mile through all the shops, we finally made it to the taxis. We found a taxi van and began negotiating the price to the marina when who should show up but ronrythm, another member of our roll call board! He also booked with Alison, so we were a merry party on the 5 min trip to the marina. Once at the marina, we easily spotted Alison’s boat, the ‘Maximus’. We must have been a little early, because Alison wasn’t there yet, but her assistants Orlando and Carlos got us all settled in. Alison arrived about 10 minutes later, and we were off! We stopped at Fiesta Americana and picked up 2 more divers, then motored out to Palancar reef.




Not even 2 minutes into our dive, we had our first large animal encounter!









This guy had to have been at least 12 lbs. He was huge!! And he was totally walking around on the reef like he owned the place, which he probably did. Some more shots from our first dive.




small crab








A very cool coral formation.

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More shots of Cozumel’s underwater attractions.




A pipefish




French Angel







My computer says my first dive reached 77 ft deep and we were underwater for 1 hour and 6 minutes. That was a long dive!! Back on the boat, Alison had a variety of cokes, water, and chocolate cake for us to enjoy. After an hour, we jumped back in for dive number 2 at Chakanab reef.










This turtle was really going at this one chunk of coral. It must have had something tasty on it because he kept using his front fins to manipulate it around.




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DH - in this case, Diving Husband...(cue bad joke cymbal)



Queen Angel



I’m not sure exactly what these are, but when you touched them, they would retreat back into their little tubes.




Cdiver's son with a Grey Angel (I think)




Juvenile spotted drum – they are hard to spot, I think Orlando found this one.




Large soft coral.



Our second dive reached 47 feet and was another 1 hour and 4 minutes. Nice long dives, but we were sad to be leaving. For our next vacation, we are trying to decide between Cozumel and Roatan for a dive vacation. They were both great diving!

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Congrats on your wedding we going on the Legend Aug. 9 for our second honeymoon, 20th anniversary ,and we can't wait he is taking his tux and I have a long gown from my dh wedding,hoping we can get some good pics.love reading reviews dh is a scuba diver not me he is diving in Belize and Roatan.

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We took a cab back to the pier and trudged our way back to the Legend, hungry and tired. We went back to the room and decided to order some room service BLT’s and cheesecake. It took about 5 minutes for our order to arrive, minus the cheesecake. Oops. We just called room service again and re-ordered the cheesecakes, no biggie. We went back up to the top deck to watch our departure from Cozumel.




Carnival Holiday with the Disney Magic waaaaaay off in the distance. I’m glad we didn’t have to use that pier….




Carnival Imagination parked right next to us.



After we left, DH and I went back to our room for our afternoon siesta.




For dinner, Carlos was glad to have us back. Our tablemates weren’t at the dining room the night before either, so he had an empty table. We chatted with our tablemates about their Isla Passion excursion – they had a blast, and we discovered we were on the same tour for the next day in Belize. For dinner, I had mushroom soup and veal while DH had 2 orders of fried shrimp and the veal as well. We both had the apple pie for dessert. The soup and the veal were both really good, the apple pie was un-memorable (meaning, if I hadn’t written down in my journal that I’d eaten it, I would not have remembered). Again, we did not make the show, sorry we are so lame.




We found a puppy waiting for us tonight.

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Loving your review. Congratulations on your wedding and many good wishes for a long happy marriage.


My dh and I are talking about a cruise next June with our daughter and her family. Our son-in-law and younger granddaughter are certified scuba divers so I am very interested in all your diving experiences and pictures. After you finish your review I will send them the link. I know they'll love it.


While they do the scuba thing the rest of us can enjoy hanging out at the beaches.


We loved the Legend when we were on it last November.

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Thank You for taking the time to share a review. I am looking forward to the rest.


Having never (and will never-too much of a scaredy cat) scuba dived before, I am interested in your photos. The coloring is so blue. Is that how it really looked or is that just how the photos turned out. Really great photography!

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