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Packing list for infant?


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Hi everyone. We are traveling in a few weeks on the Liberty of the Seas with our 8 month old. The thought of packing for her is a little bit overwhelming! Does anyone have a packing list for travel with an infant?


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I have a 13 month old - we are leaving this weekend!


I have one outfit and diaper in a gallon sized baggie for every day - (marked DAY on each bag) - and I have the night outfits in 2 different baggies - (you could put the night clothes in individual bags too) - and bring extra clothes for explosions ... (or plan on washing clothes if you need to..)


then the list of "stuff" needed for a baby - (pack more formula than you think you might need) - Diapers, snacks, toys - a friend said to bring extra wipes - disposable bibs


search the family boards for packing lists and infants

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I have a 13 month old - we are leaving this weekend!


I have one outfit and diaper in a gallon sized baggie for every day - (marked DAY on each bag) - and I have the night outfits in 2 different baggies - (you could put the night clothes in individual bags too) - and bring extra clothes for explosions ... (or plan on washing clothes if you need to..)


then the list of "stuff" needed for a baby - (pack more formula than you think you might need) - Diapers, snacks, toys - a friend said to bring extra wipes - disposable bibs


search the family boards for packing lists and infants


Great suggestion! It is so hard to even think about what I need for her for the week, the separate baggies are a great idea!

Enjoy your trip!!

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I have an infant pack list at home but Im at work, here is what I can remember



Rayshade canopy

baby bjorn

portable booster seat with tray (most dont bring this but we hate waiting to find a high chair and we just hang it from the stroller, we also drive to the port so its no issue)

7 diapers per day

1regular pk disposable wipes, 1 travel pk for diaper bag

swim diapers 5 (for beach ports)

disposable bibs

disposable spoons

baby cereal portioned out in ziploc snack bags

baby food (gerber in plastic containers)


bottle brush

travel size dish soap to wash bottles in sink

infant meds-tylenol, motrin, thermometer

sheet for pack n play

baby toys


any favorite blankets/toys

1outfit per day + 2 extras for spitups/spills, 1 dinner outfit per day

3 sets pjs


baby suntan lotion

7 disposable baby shampoo washcloths

blow-up bathtub (target/walmart duck)


Hope this helps

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I'm so glad you posted this! We leave at the end of Aug on a 14 night Alaska cruise with our then-15 month old son. Fortunately he is weaned from the bottle and eats regular food, but I keep trying to estimate over and over how many diapers per day he uses. I'm afraid I'm going to need a bag just for all the diapers! Seven per day is about what I was thinking. Obviously they sell diapers in Alaska too, but who wants to spend their time in port searching around town for diapers!


I wish we could bring his portable booster seat/tray! It's a life saver at home and I'm sure I would love it, but since we're flying I just won't have room for it.


The fun thing I got for him is a little tuxedo off Ebay. I know he won't use it again after this cruise, but I only paid about $25 and I should be able to sell it again afterwards. I just can't wait to see him all dressed up!


We just started looking for toys that will keep him occupied while seated, i.e. dinner and airplane. He's too young for coloring books and some of the other suggestions I've seen on the boards. So far we're thinking a small set of Duplos and maybe a little wood "tool" kit.

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I have an infant pack list at home but Im at work, here is what I can remember



Rayshade canopy

baby bjorn

portable booster seat with tray (most dont bring this but we hate waiting to find a high chair and we just hang it from the stroller, we also drive to the port so its no issue)

7 diapers per day

1regular pk disposable wipes, 1 travel pk for diaper bag

swim diapers 5 (for beach ports)

disposable bibs

disposable spoons

baby cereal portioned out in ziploc snack bags

baby food (gerber in plastic containers)


bottle brush

travel size dish soap to wash bottles in sink

infant meds-tylenol, motrin, thermometer

sheet for pack n play

baby toys


any favorite blankets/toys

1outfit per day + 2 extras for spitups/spills, 1 dinner outfit per day

3 sets pjs


baby suntan lotion

7 disposable baby shampoo washcloths

blow-up bathtub (target/walmart duck)


Hope this helps


This is a great list, exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much!!

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We just got back from 10 nights to Alaska. Thankfully we drove to the port so no worries about packing too much! LOL We ended up with one suitcase that was pretty much baby disposables (diapers, formula, etc) and came home with putting one empty suitcase inside another and packing it that way. I planned on doing at least one load of dark and one load of light clothes during our trip - didn't want to bring enough for our family of 5!!!! LOL So I did laundry on day 4 of our trip.


Playpen: We brought our own playpen as I wasn't sure what they would have for us and didn't want to trust that... But if we flew, I wouldn't bring it - just the sheets! (Bring 2 - our baby's diaper NEVER leaks at home, but guess what? One night she slept 14 hours and we had a very wet baby and playpen. Thankfully I had brought 2 and a waterproof pad). And a thought - one beautiful day my hubby brought the playpen up to the deck near the pool. We had a shady space and the baby had room to move around and play and she even took an hour and a half nap in there! lol There was another family with their playpen on deck as well.


Highchair: We skipped the portable highchair, but I did buy a fabric one from Target that fits over any regular chair and we ended up using it only once since we were always able to get a highchair very quickly (dining room and buffet and pizzaria).


Showers: We brought a tiny blow up pool for the shower and on deck - but never used it. Baby (10 mo) showered with myself or daddy - easy as can be - handing them off after clean for the other parent to dry and dress.


Baby Food: While our baby eats most foods, no problem, I knew that there would be waiting times or while in port, when she would like a fruit real quick. I checked with Princess and found that if I requested it in advance, they would provide me with Stage 1 or 2 foods and boxed cereal and juices. They emailed me a form to return to them with the Stage and types I wanted (fruit, veggies, etc.). I am sure other cruiselines do the same - so check to be sure! We had to get them from the dining room on our first dinner and ask for more if we needed it. (We didn't, she only used a few. But it was nice to have a tub of bananas to take off the ship for her or a thing of applesauce to eat while waiting for dinner to come. Much better than munching on all the bread she would have readily eaten!)


Formula: If you use formula, start keeping track now for how long a can of powdered formula lasts. I took a sharpie and marked the date on the lid when I opened a can and then I could see how long it lasted. I did this for several cans in a row to see how it averaged. Then I doubled bagged them in gallon ziplocs and packed them up. Don't forget to make sure you have enough for your whole first day packed in a carry-on cuz you never know how long it will take to get your luggage that first day.


Bottles: We use the Playtex ones with the disposable liners. So I took a few extra days worth of the liners and 5 bottles (in case some were lost!), a sponge, a little container of dish soap, and a shoebox sized rubbermaid to wash them in! (Couldn't stand the idea of washing them in the sink. lol) Packed a few in my carry on with the extra liners and we were ready to go.


Sippy Cups: Bring a few in case you lose one.


Diapers: Again, mark on your calendar when you open a new pack to see about how many you use on a typical/average day. Then pack a few more per day, just in case. My very "regular" baby had three yucky diapers a day a few different days - big change from the once a day at home! lol


Wipes: I ended up with more than I needed, but, hey, you can bring them home! We kept a refillable travel pack in the diaper bag and kept them full for meals and outings to carry around and the rest in a big ziploc in the cabin.


Sunscreen: As a child care provider, I highly recommend using any of the RUB FREE spray sunscreens!!!! They have many brands now (I prefer the Neutragena) that work great. Test out at home to make sure there is no reaction - my older daughter has gotten a slight rash from the Coppertone one. I also carry a face stick for their face/ears. Much easier to put on and keep out of their eyes. Again, Neutragena makes a great one - for babies even!


Stroller: I never leave home without one. She slept in it, rode in it, played in it. It came in handy!!


Baby Spoons: In the buffet they NEVER had normal sized spools - always the huge tablespoons. So the baby spoons came in handy!


I also packed my own baby soap - which is a good thing since after using the soap provided she had a slight rash. Changed to using her soap after the first shower.


Did I forget anything???


If you have any questions, please ask!!!


We had a wonderful time. Our baby is a very predictable, "schedule" baby which meant that I went to bed early with her most days. lol Which was nice.... Then hubby spent time doing things with the older kids (13 and 15).




Baby Packing List


_____ Jammies

_____ Swimsuits

_____ Swim Diapers

_____ Robe

_____ Sweater/Sweatshirt

_____ Outfits

_____ Dresses

_____ Formal Dresses

_____ Tights

_____ Socks

_____ Shoes

_____ Diapers

_____ Wipes


_____ Playpen

_____ 2 Sheets

_____ Blankets





_____ Cheerios

_____ Formula

_____ Sippy Cups

_____ Bottles

_____ Liners

_____ Rubbermaid Tub

_____ Dish Soap

_____ Soap

_____ Sunglasses

_____ Sunscreen

_____ Hats

_____ Shampoo

_____ Lotion

_____ Ziploc Bags

_____ Toothbrush/Paste

_____ Silverware Holders

_____ Disposable Bibs/Placemats

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Oh, yeah! Don't forget a few favorite toys and sneak in a few new ones too. We also bought a new board book in our first port. She loved it (was looking at it today) and makes a nice thing to bring home.


And also, if you don't already, get a cheap over the door shoe holder. This comes in so handy for all those little things to be tucked into and put away. We hang it on the inside of a closet door. And a foldable, pop up hamper - great for all those dirty clothes!!

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Thanks Jen. What a fantastic list and great suggestions. I wish we were driving to the port so I could overpack, but we have to fly. I already warned my husband he would have to pack less so we'd have room for the baby's stuff!

Did you find that you needed sweatshirts/sweaters for your daughter while you were on the ship?

What kind of stroller did you bring? My husband wants to bring our BOB b/c it is great on the beach, but I'm afraid it won't get through the hallways on the ship. We also have a Maclaren, I'm leaning towards that one. Any thoughts?

Thanks again! Hope you and your family enjoyed your trip :)

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Thanks Jen. What a fantastic list and great suggestions. I wish we were driving to the port so I could overpack, but we have to fly. I already warned my husband he would have to pack less so we'd have room for the baby's stuff!

Did you find that you needed sweatshirts/sweaters for your daughter while you were on the ship?

What kind of stroller did you bring? My husband wants to bring our BOB b/c it is great on the beach, but I'm afraid it won't get through the hallways on the ship. We also have a Maclaren, I'm leaning towards that one. Any thoughts?

Thanks again! Hope you and your family enjoyed your trip :)


while I have no experience with BOB and the beach - I would bring the smaller stroller - I think I read on here to pull the stroller backwards vs. pushing it. The Mac will be easier to use through the ship

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My baby has always been a WARM baby. She takes socks and shoes off (even Robeez) and her feet stay warm to the touch. Even in Alaska. lol I did carry a sweater/sweatshirt in her bag when she had short sleeves on, but she rarely wore one. If I was cool/cold, I would put it on her. I also kept a blanket in the stroller. We don't carry one around at home, but she slept in her stroller sometimes and that helped!


Take any stroller you want. Honestly, the wheelchairs and scooters are much wider/bigger than any stroller!!! We took our Chicco full-sized stroller. Reasoning: the seat lays FLAT which is perfect for sleeping or for her to have a little room to play. Otherwise, she was rarely down on the ground. She isn't walking yet (stands, walks around furniture, etc.) as I just couldn't handle the thought of her all over the floor. lol So it made it nice to have a little more space for her to move!!


One last comment, something we hadn't expected. When we went to check on our statement for the first portion of the cruise, we noticed they hadn't charged the daily tips for her. Strange since Princess' site says they do. So we made sure to personally tip the waiters that made a difference for her and the room steward on our own instead.



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Regarding the baby food, we ran into a situation where we requested fruit, veggies, and "meat" type foods. When we arrived, we were told they only had one kind of veggie and one kind of meat, so they sent up multiple bottles of the same thing. It happened to be a meat she didn't eat. We made due, as our DD would waffle between table food and baby food, but if your LO is solely on baby food, or is a bit of a picky eater I would recommend bringing your own. I know, it seems like a pain but (as others have noted) you end up with nice empty space for the return home!


Same issue with the cereal. All they had was Rice cereal.


I am going to respectfully disagree on the above stroller advice, which said to bring any size you want. I fully recommend having one that reclines. But we found it difficult to maneuver around the hallways, particularly around the cleaning carts, and had a hard time with storage in the stateroom (though we enjoy inside cabins...if you have a balcony to store it on, no issue). Given our experiences, we take a stroller that reclines, has a shade, but folds compactly.


As for sweaters, we always brought one to dinner for DD as I found the dining room to be chilly. We brought 2 little sweaters that coordinated with pretty much everything that she had...they were small and didn't take up much room.

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On the "baby food" issue, I forgot to note that in the form from Princess it states that they are able to puree ANY food that they have available on the menu or in the buffet, to just ask. So that would solve a meat problem. With my own baby, I wasn't too concerned with varieties as we were really just using the baby food to help fill the time while waiting for dinner or for a snack off the ship. With the abundance of bananas and other fruits and veggies available, it was easy enough to find fruits and veggies to serve her.


With the stroller, I own several and no way was I going to purchase yet another one to travel with. And my main requirement with any stroller is that it lay flat for naps!! LOL We were also in an inside cabin and left the stroller in front of our door of our inside cabin during the day when we were back at the cabin. After we got her ready for bed, hubby would fold up the stroller and carry it in - placing it between her playpen and the dresser where it fit nicely until morning when he would move it back out for me. A few times in the hallway with the cleaning carts it was a tight squeeze, but not impossible. Again, it is much narrower than a wheelchair and the cleaning carts could be moved if needed. Not a big enough deal to stress over and require purchasing an additional stroller if you don't already have a smaller one.

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Wow some great advice! We have traveled with our babies and I have a downloadable PDF of our packing list on my site. Of course you should customize to what you need but I have never gotten anywhere and realized that I was missing anything. I have gone both ways with the stroller, bringing the larger more comfortable one for an small baby or infant so that they can sleep and eat (if it has a tray) and have plenty of storage below for food, bottles, toys, etc. As they get older and don't stay in it as much, I switched to a smaller stroller. I thought that the inconvenience in the hallways was worth the fact that the baby could sleep in the dining room or during a show and be comfortable. Bring a sweater just to have, I FREEZE on the ships, especially after a day in the sun. Have a great time!

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What kind of stroller did you bring? My husband wants to bring our BOB b/c it is great on the beach, but I'm afraid it won't get through the hallways on the ship. We also have a Maclaren, I'm leaning towards that one. Any thoughts?

Thanks again! Hope you and your family enjoyed your trip :)


I would recommend the Maclaren... that's the stroller we've used for our cruises with the little ones... although, my littlest was 18 months on her first cruise.


The MacLaren folds nicely, it's easier for anyone to lug around, especially when getting in and out of taxis, and on the tenders (hate to have a full sized stroller folded up trying to get onto a "cattle-boat" tender)

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the tenders, they did not allow me to handle my own stroller. We took our baby out of it and folded it - one handed and simple - and left it on the side and after all the people were in, they put the stroller in for me and when we got to the pier, they also removed it and were trying to open it for me even.

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