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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Hi Everyone!

Welcome LaursRN.

Looks like we have another RN on this thread ;)


Misty- You might want to talk to your doctor about another meidcation for your head ache

that does not intefere with your BC. Many are out there.


Hope everyone is doing well. Looks like I need to get a new digital scale. Cause today I weighed 110 !!! This one is 10 years old and I think it got wet.


Have a good day everyone!


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This newbie is still here, I read the new posts last night, just didn't get a chance to post.


I am having trouble with the scheduling of UD's and DD's. My mom cooks supper for my family & my brother's family every Monday night, so I need Mondays to be UD's. This always leaves 2 UD's in a row. I am not sure if this is affecting my weight loss yet or not.


So far I lost .7 lb the first week and .7 the second week and the when I weighed Tuesday I gained .2 lbs. So frustrating. I feel like I am eating better and I am exercising every day with only a few missed days. I think I should have lost more than that, but I will continue. I guess if the weight doesn't start coming off soon, I may have to make some Mondays DD's so that I don't have 2 UD's in a row.


Today is a DD and I haven't had anything to eat since last night around 5:30 pm (Wednesday nights are busy, so no chance of eating after that time, unless I eat at 9:30 at night) Anyway, I am so hungry and trying to embrace the hunger and make it until at least 12:00. Only about 45 minutes left to go.


Wow, I didn't mean to type to much. I hope everyone's day is going well!

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Here's a question... I've been reading more about IF (intermittent fasting), which is basically what this is. Have any of you read about this? A lot of that info recommends doing a true 24-hour cycle instead of calendar days. For example, you would "switch" to eating or fasting at 6:00pm each evening. So today I might start at 6:00pm and eat normal until 6:00pm tomorrow. Then I would fast from then until 6:00pm the following day... and so on. The theory being that some believe it only takes 24 hours without food for your body to go into "starvation mode." The way we do it now, for example, is much longer than 24 hours. Today's an UD for me, so I'll stop eating this evening, let's call it 9:00pm. Even though we're eating 500 cals, we're essentially not eating all day tomorrow and then at our 24 hour mark, we still don't eat and go to sleep. Then we try to wait to eat later in the day, so let's say we eat again at noon that next day. That's a total of 39 hours with only 500 cals! Has anyone else read anything about this or have an opinion about it? I'm just wondering if this might be slowing me down. I'm tempted to try the 24 hour thing, but then either not eat at all on the DD part or limit cals on the UD part to say, 1500 cals or so. A couple of the blogs/articles I read about this also talk a lot about the psychological benefit of being able to eat at some point every day.


I don't know, just rambling... wondering if anyone has any input on that?



I think this quite interesting. I may try and read more about this. I know that on Wednesday when I have a UD, I will eat supper at 5:00 and then we are so busy that we are not back home until 9:00. Then once the kids are in bed it is pushing 9:30 and I don't really like eating that late. Then I try not to eat on my DD's until at least 12, so I am going a full 19 hours with nothing but water. And if I don't eat normally until 8:00 am the next day with the same 39 hours with only 500 calories. I may read more and try the actual 24 hour thing, which would mean around supper time tonight.


I don't count calories on my UD and I am not sure if I could completely fast for this whole day. My tummy is grumbling and so hungry right now. Of course it seems as soon as I eat something on a DD, I stay hungry and it is hard to make it very long with out eating something else. Is anyone else like that?

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Brandy ~ Maybe you could make Mondays medium days? Lots of people do that. Try not to eat much during the day; make your mom's meal your main meal, and try not to go overboard. I, too, gained weight one week. It was the second week, and some other people told me that it can take 3 weeks or so to activate the SIRT1 gene, so hang in there! As for being hungry on DDs after eating....yes. That's why I wait as long as possible to eat. I give myself permission to eat after 12 (noon) if I have to, but I'll try to put it off as long as possible. For me, it's easier to eat 1 or 2 decent-sized "meals" as opposed to snacking throughout the day. Dr. J recommends using shakes and stuff like that during the first few weeks, so I tried that. I would have a shake for breakfast, but then I'd be hungry again a couple hours later, so I'd have a protein bar for lunch. By the time suppertime rolled around, I didn't have enough calories left to have much at all. So now, I wait as long as possible and make sure I save enough calories for a satisfying supper.


Favorite DD staples for me include:


Morningstar Farms "chicken" (soy) patty dipped in ketchup (140 cal for patty + 20 for ketchup) for 160 cal.


2 scrambled eggs (scrambled in a non-stick skillet using only Pam spray... 140 cal) with 1 slice of Whitewheat toast (50 cal for the bread; 5 for the fat free Promise spread) for a total of 195 calories.


A toasted cheese sandwich (100 cal. for bread, 60 for cheese, and 35 for 1 Tbs Miracle Whip) for 195 cal.


17 Special K crackers (Italian Tomato and Herb flavor; 90 cal) with 1 wedge Lite Laughing Cow cheese (Swiss, 35 cal) for a total of 125 cal.


Low-fat Ball Park beef frank (100 cal) on 1 slice of Whitewheat bread (50) with a little mustard and ketchup (20) for a total of 170 cal.



When I get sick of those choices, I'm going to patty out 4 oz. of 93% lean hamburger meat (160 cal), grill, and serve with some ketchup for 180 cal.



Anyone else want to share their DD staples?

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welcome LaursRN. Glad to have you!:)


Brandy: many of us have noticed that the earlier you eat on a dd the sooner you feel the hunger. I agree that Tammy is onto something with the IF theory - I just think I am going through a muffled-brain time and can't figure out new stuff just yet so I'll wait and see it in action:D. Currently like you, I do 2 uds i n a row: my dds are tues, thurs, and sun.


Brain talk leads to migraine talk: went to the clinic yesterday for my weekly traction; decided to speak to a nurse first as I thought I may be having a stroke. (Had 2 in the 90"s) Long story short: not a stroke but a strange manifestation of migraine brought on by stress! Ordered home for 2 days of bedrest , advil and lorazepam - don't know how the boss will accept this as I missed 3 days for my sisters internment and to take care of mum til she passed. The half a day I missed for Mums funeral, I made up for by coming in early the next week. It sucks being this close to the bottom of the feeding chain - money buys choices.


Nora may I please have your old scale? I have a rich imagination and can see myself standing there tut, tutting and saying to myself: oh my dear, this simply won't do, you need chocolate cake! STAT! i threw that last bit in for all the nurses among us



Tammy, don't get the wrong idea about that 2 piece! All my bits and pieces are covered. Wouldn't want to blind anyone with my stretch marks! Forget what these suits are called (TANKS!!) but they just make it easier to use the facilities instead of having to yank everything down to pee - some of these on shore cubicles turn out to have quite low doors. No the only person who sees the belly is dh - and that's with his glasses off and the right lighting LMAO


Misty, I love the Biggest Loser! have taped it so when I am feeling better, we will work out to it. was so disappointed in last years win, really wanted that gutsy younger one (came in 2nd) to win who kept winning all the challenges. If it was about losing to a healthy wt instead of losing til you rivalled skeletor, she would have won - in mho


back to lorazepam and happy land for me. hope all are having a great day -lovely to see so many newbies pop up bringng their knowledge and energy to the group. adios, elizabeth

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Glad to know that I'm not the only one that stays hungry after eating the first meal. I was able to make it until 12:30 and then had a bowl of Progresso Soup for 60 calories and then a Laughing Cow Cheese wedge for 35 calories. So less than 100 calories for lunch and I still have right at 400 calories for a snack and then supper. I do chew a lot more gum (yeah, I count those calories too) on my dd's.


Elizabeth, those are my same DD's too. We did switch last week and instead of Friday and Saturday being UD's, we made Sunday & Monday UD's.


Misty, Thanks for sharing those food ideas for DD's. Mine feel like the same thing all the time.

here are a few that I eat:


Salad (approx 20 calories depending on veggies used) with Wishbone Salad Spritzers (15 calories for 10 sprays) for 35 calories total


Lots of soup (plenty are 60-100 calories per serving) I need to watch the sodium level though.


Pita Bread (60 calories) with a little low fat cheese (70 calories) for 130 calories total


English Muffin (100 calories) with Egg Beaters (30 calories) FF cheese (30 calories) 160 calories total


Cottage Cheese for 90 calories.


Mini Bags of 94% FF Popcorn for 100 calories.


I also really like the Slimfast Optima "crispy peanut caramel". It tastes like a candy bar and really does help control hunger. It has 120 calories though. Kinda high for a snack.


I like pickles and the sugar free jello is not too bad. I don't really care for artificial sugar, I don't drink any diet sodas, Crystal Light, etc. But I didn't taste any aftertaste to these and they were pretty good.


I have not tried any shakes. I am very sensitive to soy protein. I can taste even the smallest bit and it makes me sick. Not sure why, but most shakes and protein bars are out for me. Even the smell makes me feel like I'm getting sick. So I am trying to do this with real foods. It's hard though.


It is great to have some support here.

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I only have a quick minute.... I'll get caught up later, but thought our little family of ladies might get a kick out of this if you haven't seen it before.....





I am all packed and ready to get on the cruise ship. I've packed all my pretty dresses and make-up. I'm really excited.



We spent the entire day at sea. It was beautiful and we saw some whales and dolphins. What a wonderful vacation this has started to be. I met the Captain today and he seems like a very nice man.



I spent some time in the pool today. I also did some shuffle boarding and hit some golf balls off the deck. The Captain invited me to join him at his table for dinner. I felt honored and we had a wonderful time. He is a very attractive and attentive gentleman.



Went to the ship's casino ... did OK ... won about $80. The Captain

invited me to have the dinner with him in his state room. We had a luxurious meal completes with caviar and champagne. He asked me To stay the night but I declined. I told him there was no way I Could be unfaithful to my husband.



Went back to the pool today and got a little sunburned. I decided to go to the piano bar and spend the rest of the day inside. The Captain saw me and bought me a couple of drinks.

He really is a charming gentleman. He again asked me to visit him for the night and again I declined. He told me that if I didn't let him have his way with me he would sink the ship.

I was appalled.



I saved 1600 lives today. Twice.



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A girl has to do what a girl has to do! Loved that Tammy. Some times you have to take one for the team ;)


Hi everyone! Doing good here. I am not going to buy a new scale until next week. I need to stop being so obsessive about daily weighing. Elizabeth I loved seeing 110# Not since 7th grade and I was 5ft2


Steamed Broccoli and salad with the salad dressing you spritz on is good for DD's too


Have a good weekend all. Working at the nursing home again. I feel like I just left there.


Be good to you!


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I made it! I'm in Onederland! I only lost 0.8 lbs. this week, but I had 2 back to back UDs. I never lose well when I do that. Goodbye to the 200's! NEVER to be seen again!!!!!


Wow, we all went AWOL this weekend, huh? I had a wonderful lunch with my galpals on Saturday. Lunch with the girls is always so therapeutic!


How is everyone?


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

9/21 199.8

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YAY MISTY!!!!!!!!! Welcome to Onederland.... YOU ROCK!!!!! Whoohoo!!!!!!!


Looks like I've got some catching up to do!


Welcome LaursRN!


Nora~ I think we could work out a deal on that scale. I happen to need a new one and I haven't yet found ANY on the market that will tell me what I want to hear. :confused: :D I can't remember ever being 110!


And you're right... sometimes you've gotta take one for the team. I'm very caring and giving that way. :p No thank you cards yet. What's up with that??? LOL


BGsMOM (sorry I might have lost your name in the shuffle...) I have trouble with switching days, too. I think that might be part of my problem with not seeing results on this program. I always go out with friends after work on Wednesdays, so that has to be an UD and then it seems like there's always something else going on during the week. I'm very much an all-or-nothing type of gal, so medium days don't really work for me.


That being said.... I weighed in and gained back 2 lbs. :( I'm mad at myself and not the program, though. I'm not being consistent with when I'm eating or not eating sugar and flour and for my body, that seems to be the one and only key. And I drank more adult beverages than usual last Wednesday.


I think I'm gonna tweak things for myself.... I'll have to play around with it a little bit this week and see what I end up with. I'll definitely let you all know, though!


Elizabeth~ You crack me up! "...all my bits and pieces are covered..." LOL!!!! Sounds like you got the cursed stretch marks like me. I show my tummy to no one.... lights or not! LOL


I haven't watched the Biggest Loser before... sounds like you all think it's motivating, I'll have to DVR it!

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Tammy ~ I'm so sorry you gained 2 lbs! I don't understand that.... What tweaks are you thinking of trying?


My MIL decided to give this WOE another go this week. She finally realized that she probably wasn't staying under 500 calories on DDs. She made the mistake that so many of us have made in the past.... ASSUMING calories and totals. I thought something sounded fishy when she first told me that she was eating a Lean Cuisine meal, a protein bar, and a salad on most DDs... I know most LC meals have around 300 calories.... protein bars at least 150.... and what kind of salad dressing was she using? Was there any meat or cheese in that salad? But I didn't want to question her. However, over the weekend, she told me that she looked at the calorie count on those meals and that she didn't realize they had so many in them. Long story short, maybe now she'll see some progress.


I had a good DD yesterday, ending at around 450. I have high cholesterol so I'm supposed to limit my consumption of eggs, but I've found that 2 scrambled eggs with 1 slice of toast is a wonderfully filling meal on DDs! Doctors aren't sure if food with high cholesterol content is as important to watch as foods with high saturated fat anyway, so I'm going to continue with my eggs. I figure (hope) I'm lowering my cholesterol by losing weight.


I began working out again yesterday. I took a 2 1/2 week hiatus for some reason! Hopefully I'm back on track now! Only 9 weeks left until my cruise and I'd LOVE to lose 15 more lbs....


Have a great day!

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Misty~ I know, I was really frustrated. On my DDs, I am uber-precise with my cals and rarely get over 400, so I know that's not the problem. I think to make it work as designed, I'd have to make UDs into MDs and really watch things. That would make it so much like a regular diet, I think I would hate it.


SOOOOO.... I'm doing a total carb flush right now. I know myself well enough to know that even a little bit of "bad carbs" doesn't work for me. Once I get that all out of my system and get rid of those cravings (hopefully about a week) I'm going to try something more like the 24-hour rotation. I've been really good drinking lots of water, too. Next step: exercise more regularly.


You're on a great track to lose 15 more lbs before your cruise. Keep it up!

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okay i just wrote a wonderful witty informative post and lost the stupid thing by trying to look at the older entries during composition!! no time now to go into all but wanted to say cheers to misty for getting to onederland and hang in there to tammy and i still want your scale nora...there was other stuff too - great stuff, worthy of note and record...yadda yadda...hope all are doing well - keep your eyes on the prize...get back on the wagon...or horse...nose to the grindstone...shoulder to the wheel...and all other cliched platitudes that might fit



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I have had such a hard DD today!!! I've been hungry and thinking about food alllllll day! I hope that's a sign, as I've heard others say, that my body is about to drop a nice amount of weight this week! HOWEVER, I think it was due to the fact that we had leftover pizza in the refrigerator that I could smell everytime I opened the fridge door AND I made Harvest Pumpkin Apple Bread yesterday and the leftovers were on the kitchen counter.... I know, I'm a glutton for punishment! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to bake, and I'm so excited about Fall arriving and I just can't help myself....I MUST bake pumpkin stuff!!! It's 10:15 pm and I've somehow made it through the day with 495 calories. Whew, I'm glad tomorrow is UD! I've threatened my husband's life if he doesn't leave me one slice of that Pumpkin Bread in the morning! :)


I crapped out of exercise today, too. Gosh, sucky day. I'll do better tomorrow!!!


I was adding it up today, and I realized I have 31 weeks until my 30th birthday....I vow to make it the best one yet! I'm going to look FABULOUS for that party!

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Misty~ You made it through that tough DD and today's an UD. And an UD with yummy pumpkin bread. YAY!


Thanks for the encouragement, Elizabeth!


Good news.... I re-lost the 2 lbs that I gained, so I'm back on track. YAY ME! LOL


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178



In not-so-good news... my daughter is off the deep end and actually decided not to come home last night. AND refused to tell me where she was!!! And she's only 14!!! :eek: I know I've mentioned "issues" with her, but she's actually on probation (for being abusive to me) so not coming home was a MAJOR probation violation. I left a message for her probation officer last night and am thinking today might be stressful. To be completely honest, I'm a teency bit glad this happened, because I'm hoping that now they will truly do something about her behavior. She had gotten better for a while, but has gone right back to her old ways this last couple of weeks.


So please say a prayer or send some good karma my way. I fear I'm in for a very rough weekend at home. :(


All of that being said, as I get older, I've become more of an emotional eater. I've been chanting to myself this morning... "No matter what she does, I still deserve to be healthy. Food won't make me feel better" over and over.

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Misty- I had a hard dd yesterday too. I was so hungry all day and kept thinking about all the foods I couldn't have. I made it though, just barely under 500 calories. And of course today, now that I can have it, I don't really crave it anymore. Don't know what's up with that. :rolleyes:


Tammy, I am so sorry about what you are going through. :( That must be tough. I am not looking forward to the teenage years. My oldest is 8, so a few more years before we hit that. You are right- You deserve to be healthy, no matter what. As tough as it is, you can do it. Just take one day at a time. I will try to remember to keep both you and your dd in my prayers. Hopefully she will have a wake up call soon and get back on the right track for good.


Elizabeth, thanks for the encouraging words. I do need to remember to keep my eyes on the prize, especially on hard down days. ;)


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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HI Everyone!

Tammy- So sorry to hear of your troubles. We went through similar problems with my older stepson. He is now 27. We had him evaluated by a psychiatrist and he was put on Antidepressants which did help for awhile. He decided at 18 he was no longer going to take them. He got into trouble and making bad decisions. One year he got 2 DUIs and lost his license.

Had to finally throw him out of the house at 23. I know that sounds rough but he didn't want to work and slept all day and partied all night. He is ok now. still doing stupid things but that is his choice.


Misty- I love anything pumpkin.


Brandy- Sounds like you are hanging in there too. You will love cruising.


Elizabeth- You don't want the old scale. It weighed my son at 250! He is about 180.


Getting new scale tonight. Will let y'all know the results tomorrow!


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Hi Gang!

Got the new scale and boy am I happy. I am now 190.5! Down 6 # since I met you all

and down 30# from 2 years ago. I think the no wheat flour and surgar thing is really doing it for me.

Have a great rest of the weekend!


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Tammy ~ Yay on the loss....Boo on the daughter troubles. I didn't realize when you previously talked about a rebellious teen daugther that it was quite so serious. I figured typical mouthy, sassy, teen stuff.... I'm sorry things are so tough for you! I hope, for both of y'all's sakes, that she gets herself together soon! *hugs*


Nora ~ Woo-hoo on the loss! That's awesome! I'm so glad you've found something that's working for you! I admire both you and Tammy for eliminating/limiting sugar and flour.... I couldn't do it!


I have GOT to get my UDs under control. I'm not expecting a great loss on Tuesday when I weigh. I've gone hog-wild (literally) this week. Let's just have a little confession session here.... This week, I have eaten pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, chocolate ice cream, Mexican food (restaurant) and pizza (restaurant). Like I told my husband, I didn't eat like this BEFORE I was on a diet so why the heck am I doing it now??? I love to bake, so that's part of the problem. As for the other stuff, I need to get out of the mentality that UD means treat day. It doesn't; it means eat normally day....and "normal" people don't eat pies and breads and pizzas and enchiladas all the time! Well, now that I've said it out loud to my husband, I know I'll do better. He has a way of making me feel guilty when I eat something I'm not supposed to, so now that he knows I don't want to continue with the junk, he'll guilt me if I do. That's a good thing; evidently, I need it!


Okay, off topic question here.....something that's been on my mind for a couple of weeks. I want my nose pierced. I had it done when I was 15-16, but I had to take it out because I wasn't allowed to wear it to school or work. I'm not working now, so that's not an issue anymore. My question is, am I too old for that now (at 29)? I want just a teeny-weeny little diamond stud...nothing flashy.


How is everyone else? Brandy? Elizabeth?

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Misty- Go for the nose piercing. A little diamond or even colored stone is cool.


I hope by cruise time my belly is flatter and I am getting a belly button ring.On my last cruise saw many older women 50+ with them so no you are not too old. ;)

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I'm still here. Tonight we are not eating at my mom's, so this week and I guess next week too, will be the first time that we go the whole week without 2 UDs in a row. I am wondering how that will play out with losing weight.


I have been exercising every day and I am so proud of me for doing that. Before this diet, I rarely exercised. I'm only doing DVD type workouts, not going to the gym, but still way better than before.


Today is a DD and so far, it's not been too bad. This morning, I was hungry, but ignored the calling of food. I managed to make it until 1:00 and had a bowl of soup, which filled me up pretty quickly. My hardest time is between 3-5, for some reason, I get soooo hungry then. My soup was only 50 calories, so I still have a good bit of calories left, that I can probably have a decent snack this afternoon.:D


Nora & Misty- you both need to go for your piercings. Maybe it can be a weightloss reward. :)


Nora, good job on the weight loss. We need a new scale too. Right now it will show somewhere between 30-40 lbs for me. I know that isn't right. We have the Wii Fit and right now I use it to weigh myself. I have only lost 4 lbs since I started (Sept 1), so not terrible, but was hoping for more. :p


Misty, there have been UDs, where I am just like you. I treat it like a Treat Day instead of a Normal Day. I have been working on choosing healthier items, and not eat Fast Food or junk food or sweets like I sometimes do. It's hard, because I know the next day will have hardly any food, so it makes me want to choose to eat yummy over healthy.:o


Hope everyone has a great afternoon. :D

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Hi ladies! Sorry to be AWOL for a few days. To say I had a rough weekend would be an understatement. DD didn't come home again Friday night and I finally found her on Saturday. :eek: She was not happy. And not nice. :mad:


It did prompt me to do lots more research, though, and I'm thoroughly convinced that she has Borderline Personality Disorder. I know you're not supposed to self-diagnose but there's a list that they use to diagnose. If 5 or more from the list apply to you, that's the main way they diagnose. She has ALL of them. And just to make sure I was being objective, when she was in a good mood on Sunday I had her read it... she agreed! She has an appointment with her psychiatrist next week and I went to Barnes & Noble today at lunch and bought 3 books about it. One is specifically about BPD in adolescents and the other 2 are designed for people that live with and care for a BPD person. I've had my suspicions before, but never connected all the dots.


The very good thing is that all of a sudden she's very open to further treatment. And we have a very supportive family.



Moving on to much better stuff.....


Misty~ While I was at B&N, they had a magnet that I almost bought. It said, "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" I LOVE THAT! Go for the piercing! ~~~~ And I definitely understand the UD/Treat Day thing. I think I struggled with that. That's why I can't allow myself carbs. One piece of your pumpkin treats and I'd be bathing in it!!! LOL It's good that you like your hubby keeping you in check, too... and that he'll do it.


Nora~ Great job on the weight loss! And just like Misty, I say go for it with the piercing! If I could afford surgery to get rid of my stretch marks I'd do it in a heartbeat! ~~~~ I don't think that sounds rough about having to make your stepson move out. I'm kind of old-school about that and have told Olivia many many times that she can stay at home only as long as she's going to school or working and SAVING toward a place AND and long as she's respectful to me and the house. Our "joke" is that I'm going to bring her suitcase to her graduation. :D


Brandy~ I agree that you're going to LOVE cruising! And GREAT JOB with the exercising. That's awesome!


Break's over, I've gotta run. Thanks for letting me vent and for offering your kind words. It does mean a lot! And I'm happy to report that I haven't "cheated" through all of this stress. YAY!

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