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U.S. State Department Warning on Israel Travel


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Today the U.S. State Department posted an updated travel warning for Israel. While the most serious issues are in the Gaza Strip, there are cautions about travel in areas where Celebrity and other excursions go. You may read the warning on http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_922.html.


Just a heads up. It may be prudent to exercise some caution.



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Today the U.S. State Department posted an updated travel warning for Israel. While the most serious issues are in the Gaza Strip, there are cautions about travel in areas where Celebrity and other excursions go. You may read the warning on http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_922.html.


Just a heads up. It may be prudent to exercise some caution.




There is ALWAYS a travel warning for Israel. Nothing new. The country lives in a constant state of warnings and watches.


I am currently in the Middle East on business (actually, Baghdad). Yes, it is prudent to exercise caution NO MATTER WHERE in the world you travel. Westerners are targets from terrorists all over the World. You are NOT in Kansas anymore, Toto. But I feel far safer in the Mid East from "normal" criminal activity from thieves/muggers than most places in the world. A terrorist attack can happen anyplace in the world Westerners/Israelis congregate. You are also FAR safer staying away from LARGE groups of Westerners. Hotels and restaurants frequented by Westerners are far more a target than a 2 couples eating at a local restaurant.

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....... You are also FAR safer staying away from LARGE groups of Westerners. Hotels and restaurants frequented by Westerners are far more a target than a 2 couples eating at a local restaurant.


Does that include Celebrity's shore excursions?

Now you got me thinking about hiring a private tour guide...... I was thinking " safety by numbers" initially

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Israel is VERY protective of its tourists. If a particular area is considered unsafe, then tourists (especially in tour buses) will be kept away from that area, and directed to another area instead.


I have to disagree with GREATAM about being safer away from groups of westerners. That may be true in other countries, but in Israel it's Israelis who are targeted, not tourists. Thankfully it's been a while since we've suffered from suicide bombers, but when they attack, it's our cafes, pizza shops, nightclubs, and ice cream parlors that they target. I'm pretty sure we've never had an attack of a tourist bus or hotel frequented by foreign tourists that has been attacked by a suicide bomber. That's partly because of how we cherish and protect our tourists, but it's mostly because the goal of a suicide bomber is to kill ISRAELIS.


During the second Lebanon war a couple of years ago, when the north and Haifa were under fire, the Jerusalem area was filled with tourists, many of whom had been redirected from the north.


If you are with an organized tour, just ask the guide and/or bus driver for advice. If you are touring on your own, you can ask at the hotel's front desk if they recommend you avoid a particular area. (BTW, it's the rare tour bus that doesn't have an armed guard; if you hire a private guide, he will likely be carrying a firearm as well.)


If alerts are high then you might be advised to stay away from areas where there are large gatherings, esp in downtown Jerusalem. But, we were there the other night and the area was filled with both tourists and Israelis. Jerusalem runs a series of festivals downtown at night in August, so the place is hopping, with lots to see, do, and taste!


If alerts are up in the country, you might notice more police and army about, and more security checks, but realize that we are always at alert here, with bags and cars being checked at every parking lot and mall entrance, and at just about every restaurant and supermarket as well. You will also always see armed soldiers everywhere, but many of them are our young men and women traveling to/from home to their bases.


One thing I want to mention, so that if you experience it you won't be frightened, as it can be extremely frightening: Israel has been running a series of home front drills over the past couple of months. They involve some army exercises, some attack and rescue scenarios, and the thing I most want to 'warn' you about: air raid siren drills.


The exercises can be scary if you see them, and various scenarios can sometimes cause a traffic delay, but the air raid sirens, especially if you didn't know they were scheduled, may put you in a moment or two of panic. There are always 'heads ups' in the newspapers and on the radio, so your guides will know about them, but if you are traveling alone you may be taken unawares. They usually take place between 10AM-noon, and I think they may be finished for the summer (we had one a week or so ago), but I wanted to mention it just in case. The sirens are VERY loud. If you hear sirens, then look around you and see what other Israelis are doing- if they pause for a moment, or just keep doing what they were doing, then it's just a drill.


On a lighter note, Israelis are so protective of our tourists that if you are walking around or on a bus, and look like you have gotten too much sun, don't be surprised if someone presses a bottle of water in your hand and insists you drink. My husband and I have done that, and we've even been known to give a hat, scarf, or sunscreen to a tourist who is walking around without sun protection. Walking down the street here can sometimes feel like you are surrounded by concerned grandmothers :)

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Look folks the best way to beat these murders is to go about your daily routine and keep your eyes and ears open.



Israel does have a problem but so do other countries that cruise ships visit - Spain at the minute is having a problem with ETA - Egypt has a problem with Terrorists same goes for India and of-course here in the UK we've had problems.



Their whole idea is to scare us - but remember united we stand !!






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Ruth, aka "Happy Trailer", Thanks for the response. It is great to hear from a native, who can provide a valuable perspective on how it really is. Sometimes the official government warnings just scare the tourist, rather than make them aware of their surroundings. Your response goes a long way to make us more comfortable in touring your great land! Bob

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Just a word of warning in the UK if the government issues a specific warning ( say don't visit an area or country ) and you visit and you're caught up in something your travel insurance won't cover you.







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Ruth, aka "Happy Trailer", Thanks for the response. It is great to hear from a native, who can provide a valuable perspective on how it really is. Sometimes the official government warnings just scare the tourist, rather than make them aware of their surroundings. Your response goes a long way to make us more comfortable in touring your great land! Bob


My pleasure, Bob- I'm glad to be of help :).


I also have a thread running on these boards, where you are welcome to post any questions about Israel, and travel in Israel. I try to respond to each post within a day or two. You can find the thread here:



BTW- I've re-read that State Dept warning a few times, and there really doesn't seem to be anything new in it. Even the main routes to the Dead Sea, and from the Dead Sea to the Galilee are mentioned as being OK for travel. As to everything else in the warning, I think I pretty much addressed it all in my original post, but if anyone has any further or specific questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

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You should always use caution in any of the Middle East Countries as greatam noted.


Also if there was a major concern about safety in the end the ships insurance company would not allow the ship to dock there.


There are often warnings. You will find that where the ships dock in Israel are very secured and more than likely the tours are not going into areas that are the ones that are in the current warnings.



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Does that include Celebrity's shore excursions?

Now you got me thinking about hiring a private tour guide...... I was thinking " safety by numbers" initially


You will be fine on a Celebrity shore excursion.


To clarify my previous post, Western tourists often book hotels, go to restaurants, go to clubs, shops, etc that are frequented by other Western travelers. And because of the density of Western travelers, those very places become high profile targets for terrorists. The Bali nightclub bombings, the recent bombing at a VERY westernized 5* hotel in Peshawar Pakistan, the recent attempted terrorist attack on a US military base in Kuwait and a hotel in downtown Kuwait City that is heavily favored by US Military brass and business people doing business on the base are all examples of "density" of Westerners which makes such places attractive terrorist targets.


I travel to some rather spooky places in pursuit of my business. I make it a point to stay away from places where there is a large percentage of Westerners simply because I feel safer at smaller, "local" type places. The backpackers are a great source of info-they can't afford the gourmet dining/high profile places Westerners go to. So they find a place where they feel comfortable with a good mix of locals. I personally feel safer in those type of places AWAY from large groups of Westerners.

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You will be fine on a Celebrity shore excursion.


To clarify my previous post, Western tourists often book hotels, go to restaurants, go to clubs, shops, etc that are frequented by other Western travelers. And because of the density of Western travelers, those very places become high profile targets for terrorists. The Bali nightclub bombings, the recent bombing at a VERY westernized 5* hotel in Peshawar Pakistan, the recent attempted terrorist attack on a US military base in Kuwait and a hotel in downtown Kuwait City that is heavily favored by US Military brass and business people doing business on the base are all examples of "density" of Westerners which makes such places attractive terrorist targets.


I travel to some rather spooky places in pursuit of my business. I make it a point to stay away from places where there is a large percentage of Westerners simply because I feel safer at smaller, "local" type places. The backpackers are a great source of info-they can't afford the gourmet dining/high profile places Westerners go to. So they find a place where they feel comfortable with a good mix of locals. I personally feel safer in those type of places AWAY from large groups of Westerners.



GREATAM, I'm sure that you are a terrific source of knowledgeable information for many parts of the world, and I'm sure that many on these boards admire your extensive business travels and are happy when you offer advice, but with all due respect, you are absolutely giving out misinformation on this topic in regards to safety in Israel.


Tourists aren't under attack nor are they the targets of attack here in Israel, as they are in other parts of the world. ISRAELIS are the targets here. If anything, the suicide bombers want to avoid killing 'westerners' (which, btw, is really not the most appropriate term when talking about tourists in Israel, as Israel is considered a westernized country)- it would be both bad politics and bad PR for them, and they would risk losing 'western' subsidies and funding.


I've been living in Israel for 10 years, and visited regularly for many years before I moved here. As I discussed in my previous post, tourists have never been the targets of terror attacks in Israel. Tourists are safe here.

And thankfully, lately, even Israelis are, too.


I personally would appreciate it if you wouldn't 'lump' Israel in with other places you have visited or done business in. Israel is a 'westernized' country, and Israelis do not make the distinctions between themselves and 'westerners' that the people in other countries you've experienced tend to make. Again, I say this respect- but I am finding your posts frustrating and insulting in their misinformation and in how they are giving misleading and even possibly dangerous information to those who are planning to visit Israel. I am totally exasperated and slightly furious that you seem to be comparing situations like the Bali bombings and others that you mention to the situation in Israel.


I would be happy to host you the next time you are in Israel, in the hopes of showing what Israel is all about and what the true and real situation is here.


All the best,

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GREATAM, I'm sure that you are a terrific source of knowledgeable information for many parts of the world, and I'm sure that many on these boards admire your extensive business travels and are happy when you offer advice, but with all due respect, you are absolutely giving out misinformation on this topic in regards to safety in Israel.


All the best,


Where have I mentioned Israel except about the travel warning which is ALWAYS posted on the US State Dept website, as is the repeated warnings for many other countries of the world???


Most ships that stop in Israel also stop in other parts of the Mid East. Israel is much more security conscious and protects it's citizens as well as tourist more than most of the surrounding countries. A LOT of the Med/MidEast cruises stop in Turkey and Egypt, as well as Israel. And in those countries (and others), Westerners are targets, no matter what you say.


I am not giving out misinformation and not once have I mentioned Israel other than the repeatedly posted State Dept warning about Israel. Kuwait, Bali, Pakistan, other MidEast countries (and even European countries)- not Israel.

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Where have I mentioned Israel except about the travel warning which is ALWAYS posted on the US State Dept website, as is the repeated warnings for many other countries of the world???


Most ships that stop in Israel also stop in other parts of the Mid East. Israel is much more security conscious and protects it's citizens as well as tourist more than most of the surrounding countries. A LOT of the Med/MidEast cruises stop in Turkey and Egypt, as well as Israel. And in those countries (and others), Westerners are targets, no matter what you say.


I am not giving out misinformation and not once have I mentioned Israel other than the repeatedly posted State Dept warning about Israel. Kuwait, Bali, Pakistan, other MidEast countries (and even European countries)- not Israel.



Since the title of this thread is 'U.S. State Department Warning on Israel Travel,' it's pretty logical to assume that those checking the thread are looking for info on traveling to Israel, and that they will assume that any info posted here is posted as info on Israel.


I don't know why you would feel a need to post info about other places on this thread.


In the context of this thread, your statement that "You are also FAR safer staying away from LARGE groups of Westerners. Hotels and restaurants frequented by Westerners are far more a target than a 2 couples eating at a local restaurant," could be easily interpreted as including Israel. To the CC member who is looking for info on Israel, and who is perhaps a bit nervous about visiting here, especially after being informed about an updated State Department warning, why else would you be making that statement on this thread if you didn't think it also applied to Israel?


I'm not here to fight. But I strongly felt that your posting the info you did on this particular thread implied that you associated it with the situation in Israel. Again, why else would you post it on this thread?


My suggestion: let's drop this and chalk it up to a misunderstanding and /or misinterpretation.


Just as long as everyone is clear that tourists are safe in Israel, and need not be concerned with nor be fearful of congregating in 'western' groups.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HappyTrailer, I appreciate your input into these threads. You are giving an inside perspective.

I am less nervous about visiting Israel vs Egypt. I feel confident that the Israeli govt is very keen on security and protection of visitors. Whereas Egypt I feel less confident.

Quite frankly I often feel leery pulling into any port cruising on an American owned ship.

I have watched the security in some of these ports..... and there isn't any.

I remember sailing out of Florida after 9/11. The ship was in constant watch, then compare those sailings to say Istanbul, or Athens. They actually can be sitting ducks.

I am looking forward to Israel. Tell me about the Masada!! Is it worth the trek??

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HappyTrailer, I appreciate your input into these threads. You are giving an inside perspective.

I am less nervous about visiting Israel vs Egypt. I feel confident that the Israeli govt is very keen on security and protection of visitors. Whereas Egypt I feel less confident.

Quite frankly I often feel leery pulling into any port cruising on an American owned ship.

I have watched the security in some of these ports..... and there isn't any.

I remember sailing out of Florida after 9/11. The ship was in constant watch, then compare those sailings to say Istanbul, or Athens. They actually can be sitting ducks.


Hope you don't mind a fairly long, possibly rambling answer :eek::


My husband travels fairly regularly to Port Said, and occasionally to Alexandria, with an overnight in Cairo along the way to both. He arrives by air from Tel Aviv, and within Egypt travels by train or private driver. He's been to the pyramids, and been given a tour of Alexandria; in Port Said he'll walk a block or two from his hotel to a grocery store. He's always felt reasonably safe (but he is cautious when walking around in Port Said), and he's never felt anything but welcome in the places where he does business.


In the past few months, there have been reports of Egypt arresting Palestinian terrorists in Port Said who were planning to attack cruise ships, but they were caught- while Egypt's security info and actions may not be up to Israel's level, they have been learning the hard way that they need to be alert and proactive, as they are becoming targeted by Hamas and the like.


Every now and then, Israel issues very stern warnings to its citizens not to travel into Egypt. These usually apply to Sinai, but sometimes encompass all of Egypt. These warnings usually last about 2 weeks, and during that time there are many Israelis who ignore them.


On his first visit to Egypt a couple of years ago, my husband came home telling me that he felt it was too dangerous for me to go with him on his next trip. After his trip this past March, when he went to the pyramids for the first time, he told me that I absolutely MUST go, and now I'm just waiting for the weather to cool. I'm looking at a Nile safari cruise, and my husband is enthusiastically encouraging me to make my plans (although he's also hoping that I'll make different plans, so that I'll join him while he's on a business trip, and then we'll go to Luxor together- seems he's got the good type of 'mummy bug' ;)).


I can't wait to go to Egypt. But, I will check the security alerts before I go, and if necessary, postpone my trip- mainly so that my DH can be at ease. Then again, that's an easy thing for me to do- Cairo is only an hour's flight from Tel Aviv, so I can be flexible.


Rambling and long, but the essence is: yes, Israel is very protective of its citizens, and the daily security here is fairly intense. But, except for times when Israel issues a very stern warning against it, I wouldn't hesitate to visit Egypt.



I am looking forward to Israel. Tell me about the Masada!! Is it worth the trek??


I'm going to refer you to a thread I have running about visiting Israel. It's only a few pages long at the moment, and I know that there's been a couple of postings about Masada; you should be able to easily find them. If you have any more questions, please post them there, and I'll be happy to answer :)


Here's the link to the thread:





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Have you got any great suggestions for private tour guides from Ashdod and Haifa?

And a link to Israels equivalent to the US State Dept travel warning site? I can then throw it into the mix of my country, your country and the US..... and keep an eye on things.




Well, I have dual citizenship - I moved to Israel from the US 10 years ago, so my countries are Israel and the US. I pay taxes and am eligible to vote in both countries, and travel with both passports :)


What is your country? Your profile doesn't list it, and your photo is 'elusive' ;)


Sorry, but I don't do tour guide recommendations- I'm not familiar with any here, and if I did, recommending them would be against the CC board regulations.


But, I know there are threads on this forum about tour guides in both cities, so my suggestion is to take a look around. Also, please check the thread I have up on visiting Israel (I posted the link in my earlier response)- it may only be a few pages, but it's filled with info and answers to others' questions that are most likely the same of at least some of your own, and I'm always happy to answer further questions there :)


I'll keep my eye for your questions on the other thread!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Have you got any great suggestions for private tour guides from Ashdod and Haifa?

And a link to Israels equivalent to the US State Dept travel warning site? I can then throw it into the mix of my country, your country and the US..... and keep an eye on things.


We just returned yesterday from a 13 day cruise on Celebrity Equinox that included 2 days in Israel and I feel obligated to single out with high praise for our tour guide that we used on our first day from Haifa. His name is Eitan Shomron (http://www.holot-midbar.co.il/index.php?sid=631&lang=en&act=page&id=38220) and I normally do not post about our tour guides unless they were really exceptional. In addition to his being extremely knowledgeable, personable and well spoken in English and just a terrific guide, he went way beyond his duties and anything we expected and by his actions we avoided a possible disaster for our 2nd day from Ashdod, Israel.


Without going into every little detail, we prearranged by phone for a taxi van for the 5 of us for the day to go from Ashdod to Jerusalem and back and confirmed everything with the taxi driver before we left for the cruise on August 30. (We did not need a tour guide for the 2nd day since we were going to Yad Vashem and on the Western Wall Tunnel tour where a tour guide is already provided.) As we did not have a usable cell phone in Israel, we did not plan on calling the taxi driver to reconfirm and just expected to meet him in the port in Ashdod as arranged.


Eitan asked about our plans for our 2nd day in Israel and insisted that he call the driver to make sure everything was set for Ashdod. Sure enough, after a short conversation in Hebrew with the driver, Eitan told us that the driver did not have the van available for us. He then made several additional phone calls and arranged for a driver for the day for the 5 of us in Ashdod (for the same cost). He also said that if he did not find anyone to drive us, he would take us even though he had other personal plans that he would have had to cancel.


If not for Eitan, we would have waited for quite a while for our driver in the Ashdod port and then we would have had to make other arrangements after realizing that our driver was a no-show. He saved us a lot of time and trouble and we avoided unnecessary aggravation and hassles due to his kind and considerate actions. He also called the driver the next day to speak to us during the drive from Ashdod to Jerusalem and make sure that everything was OK and that we were on our way as planned.


Aside from recommending Eitan Shomron for being a great tour guide, he is more importantly an exemplary human being.

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