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The 8-Day WHILRWIND Mystery Tour on the 8/15 Freedom. A review. With pics!


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Awesome review so far. I love your storytelling ability! It's like I was with you! :)


Thank you for posting your review. Your writing style is fantastic! Love the pictures!


What a wonderful review. And to parrot everyone else' date=' CUTE KIDS.[/quote']


Thanks. Thanks. And thanks!



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I like straw markets. I'm still using a basket I got in Dominica in 1993.


Thanks for proudly supporting straw markets! Aren't they fun?


Celebrat -

I am loving your review!! We are sailing the Freedom in 18 days. YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!! We are scheduled for the same itin but as you know, Mother Nature is in control. Will look forward for the rest to come!!


Oh....can I come with you? Hope you get to see Antigua!


I remember seeing you guys on the boat. My kid (Colby that is 5 years old) was the only one on board that I saw sporting a mowhawk.


Hmmm....I don't recall seeing any mohawked kids. Hopefully the fact that you saw us, but we didn't see you doesn't mean that we were doing something silly and embarassing, causing us to be looked at by everyone...Did you have fun on the cruise?

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wow - Samantha Brown has some competition! If they ever need a replacement for her on their travel shows, I am betting you could fill her shoes!


Great review, and I am looking forward to more - more - more! I am sailing on the Freedom in less than 3 weeks, and we are so ready to go!


Seriously!?! I would soooooo take Samantha's job in a heartbeat. Thanks for the kind words.


I believe my daughter and I sailed with you on the Legend in 2007. You were part of our Roll Call, but we never did meet. I am sailing with a group from the Legend from 2007, we all went on the Glory last year and now on the Freedom on Sept. 12th 2009. I am thoroughly enjoying your review. Can't wait for more. You have a lovely family.


Hi Sue--good to see you again. I think I did a review of that Legend cruise, but it was one of the first reviews I ever attempted, and wasn't nearly as detailed.


Wonderful job and a fabulous attitude. I can't understand why people get upset that a ship has to sail around a storm. I would much prefer that to going into a hurricane. But, I am like you, an over planner. I would not know what to do w/ switched ports. Looking forward to the rest.


Thanks--glad you see my side of needing to know where to go!



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Celebrat, great review. In answer to your jelly fiasco (i.e. no jelly) A ship, much like a large resort hotel has a central stores area where they store all of the food, beverages etc they need. On a ship it towards the bottom of the ship. Each day they make a "grocery list" for things a particular galley will need for the day (for a ship probably twice or three times a day, for each meal). They then send people to get all of the items on the list. I used to this at a resort and infact I told my fellow workers that "I am going grocery shopping" when I did this


Probably what happened is they forgot to put jelly on the list for that meal time.


That totally makes sense--in hindsight. At the time though, it was quite the comical situation! Thanks for sharing your insight.


I am really enjoying your review and what a beautiful family!!! ;) We are sailing on the Freedom in November, but it is the 6 day Western. I'm so excited!!! :D


How lucky! Have fun!

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We are booked with sister ship Carnival Liberty in January and one of our cabins is 1237. Glad to hear that you liked the location. I have been on the Carnival Glory a few years ago, and I can't seem to remember this secret 2nd floor buffet seating? Was it actually in the fish and chips place, or behind it? We have a large family group and getting any seats close together is usually near impossible. Please let me in on the secret. I promise not to tell anyone.


Loved the review.




OK--here you go, but you have to lean really close as I don't want to say this real loud. Ready?


(In a whisper) The seating area is all the way in the back of the buffet, as far back as you can go before going outside. Take the stairs UP and you will find another empty seating area, and the Fish/Chips. Think back to the Glory--all the way in the back of the buffet was a center small buffet table. The Freedom had dessert--but I can't remember what the GLory had. That little buffet tabel is flanked by two staircases (that go to the secret area). Also, when standing by that little buffet table and looking UP, you will see a glass ceiling with a view of the fantail. The glassed-in area is surrounded by the upstairs seating area.


Don't tell anyone! Pinky swear?


Love your review and style! Kids are adorable. Your daughter is a little ham!! Precious!


Thanks! The kids are tired of being the subject of thousands of pics, so will often make funny/model faces.


We had the same experience on the Liberty... There were far less people on the upper part of the dining area...


See--you know the secret...



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Loving your review. We took our whole family on the Conquest over New Years out of Galveston. Our two granddaughters, ages 2 & 7 were a hit everywhere on the ship. Dinner for them everynight consisted of 7 yro cheesburger w/ fries and 2 yro pizza with fries. 7 yro did try a soup every night and 2 yro would eat some steak from anyone's plate. Your kids are adorable and looking like they are having a blast!!! Your review brings back memories.


Alright! So good to hear about other kids who eat the same thing every night while on a cruise. Phew!



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I love your review!!


Loving the photos with the kids:) We didn't cruise with the kids until we moved to the southern portion of the states. We did a lot of fantastic NW national park visits that many families never have the opportunity to visit, so it's all a trade off...do as the Romans do when in Rome.....


Since we moved south and started cruising, we just love it and find it to be a great alternative to our KOA lifestyle in the Northwest :) (sold the RV) Our kids now love to cruise ...and they are much older, but we still love family time!




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Great review and great pics! My husband and I were on this cruise too, and it was by far the best cruise I've taken yet...my 4th. Great fun:)! Glad your kids had such a great time!! Keep the pics and reviews coming please; love your writing!

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We awoke at a decent hour, and raced up to our secret deck 10 buffet location. Same breakfast, same table. Life is good.


I can’t help but notice, as we walk across the Lido pool area toward the buffet, that the chair hogs do not seem to be on the cruise. This is a pic, taken at approximately 9:30am, and lots of chairs to be had!




Perusing the Capers for the day, we decide that we will partake in a few of the fun activities together, then send the kids off to Camp for an hour or so. First up, the Beanbag Toss. Now, I had read reviews from other cruisers on other Carnival ships, exclaiming that the Beanbag Toss was lots of fun. A great team competition, etc. So, the 4 of us arrive in the Lobby, deck 3, to find the beanbag targets set-up, and a small pile of beanbags. It’s not yet quite 10am (or whatever time it was supposed to start) so we take a seat nearby. One of the Social Staff Members is standing nearby, looking at her watch, glancing up and down the staircase as if she’s looking for someone. Thinking she’s waiting for someone else to assist, or bring the “gold plastic-coated ships-on-a-stick”, we pay her no mind. After about 10 minutes, one of the other male guests nearby picks up the beanbags and begins to toss them into the nearby targets. “Hey—no fair! You’re getting a leg up on us!” we shout.


He tosses, and tosses, and the Social Girl stands, and looks, and checks her watch. Finally, 15 minutes after the designated start time I walk over to her and ask, “Is the beanbag thing starting soon?”


She looks confused and responds, “It has started.”




She went on to explain that there wasn’t a formal game tied to this activity. Rather, it was just an opportunity for us to casually throw beanbags around.


Huh? This is so not fun—especially when there is no prize involved. So we left, disappointed that the beanbag activity wouldn’t be living up to the greatness that other people had described.


Moving on, we all headed our separate ways. That’s what is so great about cruise ships. Lots to do! DH went to relax by the pool, while I hit Scattergories , and the kids went to Camp to participate in a scavenger hunt (DS), the ship-drawing contest, and paper wars. All very interesting in the world of a kid. Especially since they both came back later proudly bearing ribbons and medals from each having won their ship-drawing competition.




Scattergories was fun. Like the land-based game, you had to think of words that began with specific letters. However, while at sea, we were only allowed to guess ONE word for each category. And, if someone else also guessed that same word, you cancelled each other out. It was hard to think of words, besides the obvious, once you heard a letter. Quick—name a zoo animal that begins with “M” that isn’t monkey. See? It’s hard!


I didn’t win.


Since I was alone wandering the ship, I stopped by the Future Booking desk, to ask about the infamous $100 booking certificate. The 3 CCL agents working the desk were REAL CCL travel agents. People you would talk to on the phone when you book a cruise, And they were pushing a hard sell on booking a cruise. I resisted, but was definitely interested in a certificate. Although I didn’t purchase one on the spot (needed to chat w/DH) I did end up going back later in the week and buying one. And then again on the next-to-last day to buy another. EEEEE! Here’s my rationale—the Future Booking desk is only available on the Conquest class ships, and who knew what ship we would travel on next? They were not even sure if there would be a Future Cruise desk on the new Carnival Dream, which is one of the cruises we are looking at.


Since I still had “alone” time to kill before needing to pick up the kids, I browsed through the stores. The usual fare was available. I did buy a watch, because, as per usual, I forgot my watch at home. A $10 Bijoux Terner special, to add to the 5 others at home…. A quick stop through the photo gallery to look at the Bahamas pics. It was halfway decent pic, so I bought it. I am the picture taker in the family (hence the review), so it’s rare to find a pic of me. So, I have to get them when I can.


A quick note about the Photo Gallery. The pictures are currently labeled by price category: Gold, Silver Platinum, etc… and each label corresponds to different price, ranging from $7.99 up. So, it’s very easy to quickly check how much something costs, They were also offering photo specials throughout the week. Things like: get a photo album for $3 with XYZ photo, or purchase a formal 8x10 for $21.99 and then you can add on reprint of a smaller size for $9.99. We took advantage of that specific special for the best-ever portrait of the kids. Also, even though it was only the 2nd day of the cruise, the embarkation photos had already been moved to anew section, So, those that had been trying to "hide” photos to look at later were foiled!


My last stop of the morning was BINGO. It was advertised as $10 BINGO, but I neglected to read the fine print and forgot that the really cheap BINGO is usually just one game, UGH! I didn’t win that one game, and made a promise to only play the MULTIPLE games in the future.

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For lunch, the buffet was being advertised as Mexican (it wasn’t—another Caper typo), so we decided to be adventurous and eat in the Posh Dining Room. And an adventure it was---trying to find the dining room at least. That hidden back stairwell is hard to find!


We sat at an awesome window table, with a group of 4 adults, and had a nice lunch.




The kids tried out the pizza, which arrived with huge air bubbles (BONUS in the kids world!)




I am not usually a food picture-taker, but just had to snap a picture of this Mandarin Beef Salad, which looked so pretty and delicate. And, it tasted so good, I would definitely put it up there among my favorite Carnival food dishes. Honest! It was that good.




Although the day had started out brilliantly sunny, the weather had taken a turn for the worse, and was intermittently rainy. I hoped we weren’t sailing directly into Tropical Storm Bill, or Claudette, or whomever was out there. So, pool time was questionable for us today.


In keeping with a daily “view from our windowseat” picture, here is what the bad weather looked like that afternoon.




We headed to the arcade for a few games of air hockey. NOTE—at the arcade, you must use tokens, which are available for purchase via Sign/Sail in $5 increments. We quickly and easily spent the $5, but it was fun.



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DD and I then went to “Majority Rules”, which was a trivia type game. There were a series of 16 questions, and you had to chose what the majority of the population would choose, For example: “Would you rather win a prize of meeting your favorite celebrity, or $1000? " According to DD, she would choose $1000, because that would mean she is RICH! My DD kept advising me with her unique 6-year-old perspective,, and choosing opposite answers. Amazingly she BEAT me, but did not win the game. Here is proof of her victory over me.




Oh well. It was a neat game. We then stayed on for Fact/Fiction. Keeping on our losing streak, we lost again. Oh well…. While at sitting at the bar for these two game-show quiz sessions, I snapped this picture. No explanation other than I just thought it was neat.




DD and I headed up to the pool to join DS and DH, who were swimming. As soon as we arrived, we sailed into lightning and thunder. I jumped up and yelled for the kids to “GET OUT OF THE POOL!” Somehow, no one else was alarmed, or asked their kids to leave. The pools weren’t shut down either. But that storm was definitely upon us. The kids found it hard to wait for the storm to pass, as evidenced by the wistful look of DS’s face.




While waiting for the storm to pass, I checked at the bar for the DOD, and was dismayed to see it was GOOMBAY SMASH, again, for the 2nd day in a row. When I asked the bartender when/if the drinks would change out, he explained there had been a mishap with the info due to the itinerary change, and they accidentally had to use the same drink twice in a row. It was almost like the JELLY FIASCO!


Eventually, it was safe to swim again , even though it was still raining. Want to know what it looks like to swim in the rain while on a cruise…look below:




Dinner was dinner. It was the first formal night, so we dressed in our semi-formal finery. We have been on so many cruises that we are long past dressing up in our formal finery. Semi-formal seems to work just fine for us.



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There were Mardi Gras beads on the table, to tie in with the “Big Easy” show theme. Being good cruisers, we picked them up and wore them for a while.




To help fill the time waiting for the food, DH and DS tried their hand at playing a rousing game of DOTS.




On our way out of the Dining Room, we walked through the lobby and spied this poster, and couldn’t resist taking a pic. Two storms, two different paths, one little cruise ship....CRAZY!!!! And we were in the midst of it!




DH and DS then went back to the pool area to watch the movie poolside, while DD and I went to “The Big Easy” show. It was OK, with the highlight being this oversized dress that made DD gasp.




Another towel animal greeted us back at the cabin, and we bid adieu to a relaxing day at sea. I checked the Caper one last time before retiring, and confirmed that we needed to set our clock back on hour tonight. Alright! An extra hour of sleep!




(Clearly, not thinking correctly. Had DS kiss the towel animal frog, when we all know it the GIRL who should kiss the frog. Duh!)

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Love, love, love this review! It is by far, one of my favorites I have ever read!




Great review and great pics! My husband and I were on this cruise too, and it was by far the best cruise I've taken yet...my 4th. Great fun:)! Glad your kids had such a great time!! Keep the pics and reviews coming please; love your writing!


Agreed! It definitely ranks among the best we've taken too. Not sure why exactly...the great Cruise Director, our fabulous window seat/cabin, the extra 8th day, the funny re-route dilemma....It was all good!


What a great review! Keep them coming!


Thanks so much--although this is all I have to post for today. So tune in again tomorrow folks!



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Great review!! I am also a compulsive, I mean thorough planner. :rolleyes: I had a notebook with info and different excursion options for each port of our Disney cruise. DH just laughed at me, or as he said with me?!?!?!:o


We should start a new group..."The Society of the Compulsive Planners". I'll start working on our by-laws, contingent plans, variety or meeting places, what to do once we arrive there, membership options, options when traveling with our many notebooks and maps, etc, etc, etc.........:D

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On our way out of the Dining Room, we walked through the lobby and spied this poster, and couldn’t resist taking a pic. Two storms, two different paths, one little cruise ship....CRAZY!!!! And we were in the midst of it!





Your DD's face is priceless! She seems to be a 'little ham' from other pics I've seen. Has she had acting classes? She's adorable...:D

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As a self-noted OCP (Overly Compulsive Planner), I would have been right there with you on that ride on the crazy train about not knowing which port, how long, what day....


I sounds like the extra hours at each port was a nice exchange for missing one port. Happy it all worked out for you - and I am enjoying your review!


All in all, you seemto have the same attitude I do...at the end of the day while I may not know where I will be tomorrow - I am at least on a cruise ship...with someone else preparing my meals, making my beds, and serving me drink!

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I am loving this review! Everyone's so right about your kids! They've got to be in movies, on stage or something!!! :D I have three boys and always wanted a daughter! MY PLANS include at least one grand-daughter! LOL :D We'll see if MY plans coincide with His plans! :p


Makes me wish I had discovered cruising when my three boys were younger! I'm trying to find a cruise that won't break the bank for all of us to go on when my oldest graduates from high school this coming spring! :eek: The cruiselines certainly know how to take advantage of the school schedule, huh? Business is busines....can't fault them for that.


Anyway, great review and beautiful fam!

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Celebrat - thanks for posting this review! We sail on Freedom on 10/10, and are hopeful that we will be doing the entire 8 days as advertised. If not, then we'll be happy with whatever ports we visit!


We don't have kids, but yours look like they were having a blast on board.


Keep up the good work - can't wait to read more about your adventures!

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Hilarious review, the pics are great and kids adorable. I can only imagine what you were going through, before knowing what the itinerary was going to be...I myself am a bit of an OCD "planner" and KNOW I would have been driving everyone crazy until I had heard what the finalized itinerary was, LOL.


My kids are simliar in age to yours, so I had a special appreciation for them, along with the pictures making me become even MORE impatient cruise--to see my own kids sitting in the window during our cruise. :D


And I think the "Kid Nation" thing is HILARIOUS...sounds like something I'd do.

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