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The 8-Day WHILRWIND Mystery Tour on the 8/15 Freedom. A review. With pics!


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Thank you for such wonderful reviews, I have read your other ones and I have enjoyed them also, and really want to go to Malta.


I do have a question for you regarding trying other cruise lines, and if your kids enjoy them all? My husband does not like to travel so I have taken my girls 6 and 8 on 2 DCL cruises alone and they have been perfect vacations.


I am now thinking that I should try other cruise lines, but when you travel alone with kids you don't want to be stuck on a ship that is not a good match for your kids. I know my oldest would be happy on any ship with a kids club and ice cream, but my youngest spends hours on DCL tracking down the characters and I worry that it would be hard to replace that on another cruise ship. I am doing an RCCL solo in November to get a feel of other cruise lines, but do you find that most cruise lines have lots of family activities, besides the kids clubs?


Looking forward to the rest of your trip .


Thanks again for taking the time to share.


Just saw your post, even though I said Good Night already. So---one last post from me...


Malta was amazing. I do hope you get to go someday.


We are a cruising family. I have been cruising since I was 16, and this Freedom cruise was my 30th:eek:. The kids have been cruising since they were infants, and have each racked up 13 and 15 cruises, respectively. For us, a cruise is the best way to go b/c it is all-inclusive, hassle-free, and easy access since we live in FLORIDA. As a family, we have traveled on Disney, NCL, Carnival, Costa, and MSC. They each offer a different experience. DH and I are not picky cruisers, and enjoy every ship we're on. We've managed to pass that same mindset in to our kids as well. For instance, we have taken several cruises with Costa and MSC, both of which tend to get "bashed" here on cruisecritic.


But--both offer KIDS SAIL FREE deals that we just can't pass up! If you read my MSC review, you will see that we thought it was a little quirky, but still FUN. Their kids club was lacking, but we filled the kids time with other activities. Costa is a subsidiary of Carnival, and at times, EXACTLY like Carnival. Same type of kids club, activities, etc. Disney rocks, as you know. NCL is also fun, with a well-organized kids program. I hear great things about RCCL's kids program, but haven't been on one of their ships lately to be able to experience it firsthand. I cruised RCCL pre-kids, as well as Princess and Celebrity too.


So, not sure if this is helping you at all. Obviously, you are branching out with your kids by trying other cruise lines. Keep doing that, but hopefully with an OPEN MIND, knowing that they are not all going to be like Disney, but will have their own unique high points.



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Wow...I really do enjoy your reviews...I went back and read your other two


Celebrat...IMHO you should consider a career as a travel writer/blogger

maybe get a show on Travel Channel with your kids :) They are so cute and have so much personality


Really , have you ever considered letting them model?? They have so much spunk, I really love when they make those cute faces for the camera LOL


thanks for the review, I am looking forward to the next installment

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this review and hope to find more when I get back in later. Your children is absolutely gorgeous and your daughter is a natural born actress. Her expressions in some of those pics are just priceless. You make me want to sail Freedom.

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Good morning everyone! Just popping in to say THANKS to all of you who have posted such nice comments. I'm so glad you are enjoying reading about the adventures we had on the cruise.


mamaparrot--glad you got a laugh out of DH and the jeans story. And am excited to hear that I am not alone with my travel "dumb" spouse! As frustrating as they are at times, you can only look back at those moments and laugh. Right?


Off to go throw a load of laundry in, and work on the next "chapter" of the review: St. Thomas.



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Celebrat...IMHO you should consider a career as a travel writer/blogger

maybe get a show on Travel Channel with your kids :) They are so cute and have so much personality



Actually having a travel show with kids would be a great idea for the Travel Channel! Celebrat...you should send them this review...who knows where it might lead! Your kids would be a hoot to watch on TV! :)


But then again you sure don't want to end up like Jon & Kate Plus 8!...:eek:

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:sigh: Brings back memories of my last cruise... thank you! We enjoyed walking around San Juan and did the walk to the fort along the ocean wall... we did cartwheels on that huge area in front of the castle :) All those feral cats EVERYWHERE!! I love the silliness your whole family seems to enjoy and it reminds me of how I am with my kids... we are still our own favorite vacation buddies, even though mine are now 23 and 20 and we still try to go to Disneyworld every year...the way you are raising your kids will pay off in HUGE dividends when they are older... can't imagine them ever "grumbling" about "having" to go on family vacations when they are teens...a little off subject but reading your review has made me reflect on things and I am extremely proud and pleased that my kids still love hanging out with Mom and they always will... I can't believe your kids have done so many cruises already!! I won't even say "I hope they appreciate how lucky they are" because I can see they do and they will when they get older!!

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Back onboard the Freedom, we meet up with the guys and head to our secret 2nd floor table in the buffet for lunch. Same table, still no one around! DH checks out the Fish-n-Chips. It’s too much fish to eat in one sitting!





I had to laugh at this one. When we were on the Freedom in July my DS(15) came back from the fish and chips station many times for lunch with 3 of these:eek: He is 6'4" and 150 so I guess it didn't hurt him to eat them all.

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Wonderful review and great pictures. Brought back many great memories from our cruise last month. I am ready to go again. I am looking at Glory out NY next year for the next one. I think I have everyone talked into it. Just need to make sure DH can get the time off now that we found a week that works for us. Your review just made me want to go now.

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Actually having a travel show with kids would be a great idea for the Travel Channel! Celebrat...you should send them this review...who knows where it might lead! Your kids would be a hoot to watch on TV! :)


But then again you sure don't want to end up like Jon & Kate Plus 8!...:eek:


Oh...I don't know. It's all fun and games to do this without any pressure. If I was paid, would I still enjoy it? Nah...


And, as cute as the kids are, they do often get to the point where they demand, "NO MORE PICTURES MOM!!!!! Don't you have enough?"



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:sigh: Brings back memories of my last cruise... thank you! We enjoyed walking around San Juan and did the walk to the fort along the ocean wall... we did cartwheels on that huge area in front of the castle :) All those feral cats EVERYWHERE!! I love the silliness your whole family seems to enjoy and it reminds me of how I am with my kids... we are still our own favorite vacation buddies, even though mine are now 23 and 20 and we still try to go to Disneyworld every year...the way you are raising your kids will pay off in HUGE dividends when they are older... can't imagine them ever "grumbling" about "having" to go on family vacations when they are teens...a little off subject but reading your review has made me reflect on things and I am extremely proud and pleased that my kids still love hanging out with Mom and they always will... I can't believe your kids have done so many cruises already!! I won't even say "I hope they appreciate how lucky they are" because I can see they do and they will when they get older!!


How sweet. Glad you family still LOVES traveling with you. It's funny, I asked DS the other that if he would ever take ME on a cruise when he "grows up." His response, "What? NO! You'll still be taking me, right?'


My parents often accompany us on our trips as well. So, as an adult child, I enjoy traveling with them. Now, if they would only still pay my way....



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I can't wait to see if your St. Thomas stop involved a trip to K-Mart. :D


Jeans anyone...?


I had to laugh at this one. When we were on the Freedom in July my DS(15) came back from the fish and chips station many times for lunch with 3 of these:eek: He is 6'4" and 150 so I guess it didn't hurt him to eat them all.


WOW--your son is tall and skinny. MY DH, not-so-much. He sure did love the Fish-n-Chips though...


Wonderful review and great pictures. Brought back many great memories from our cruise last month. I am ready to go again. I am looking at Glory out NY next year for the next one. I think I have everyone talked into it. Just need to make sure DH can get the time off now that we found a week that works for us. Your review just made me want to go now.


Totally go book it while the feeling is fresh! We took the Glory a few years ago, and had a great time. It's funny, the Glory is actually the ship that turned us back on to Carnival.



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The wondrous thing about a cruise is that at times, you travel without even knowing it. We fell asleep last night while the ship was in San Juan, and woke up docked in St. Thomas. AMAZING! It was as if the scenery outside the window had been replaced overnight; much like you would change the scenery between acts of a play. This one would be called, “If It’s Wednesday, It Must Be St. Thomas”. (Those of you who are “old” movie fans will recognize the significance of the title.)


St. Thomas is one of my favorite ports. There’s just something about the harbor being so picturesque, the way that it is tucked into the island, and framed with cruise ships, yachts, and buildings that are scattered across the hillside. DH and I actually got married in St. Thomas, which is another reason it holds special meaning for us.


Our private buffet breakfast table looks out onto a breath-taking view of our favorite port.




We have a large framed drawing of Charlotte Amalie hanging in our kitchen. DS impresses me by recognizing the fact that we are actually visiting the place that is in that picture. Who knew that he noticed things like that?


We have a very long day in St. Thomas day, with a 7am-6pm port time. After breakfast at our “regular” table in the buffet, DD and I head ashore to get in some shopping time. DH and DS opt to stay onboard because 1) they HATE shopping and 2) there are no other ridiculous items that DH has forgotten that he needs to shop for!


There are several opportunities for shopping in St. Thomas. You may go “old school” and travel to downtown Havensight for a tried-and-true authentic St. Thomas shopping experience, or you can shop at the relatively new outdoor mall that has opened on the pier. Either way, you have to walk through the pier-side mall to get anywhere.




Being serious cruisers and shoppers, we opt for the authentic downtown experience. There are an abundance of open-air taxis available at the pier. These taxis, if you can call them that, are more like safari jeeps, complete with canvas canopies and rows of seats. If you are traveling with children, you should know that a car seat is not usable because there are no seatbelts at all, anywhere, in the back of the jeep. So, you need to be sure to either hold your child, or have them sit towards the inside of a row.


The taxi ride is very quick, and quite honestly, those who are gluttons for punishment (I mean, outdoorsy types) can walk to downtown Havensight from the pier. It is probably a good 30-minute walk, while the taxi is a 5-minute drive.


The taxi will drop you off near the outdoor tent marketplace area, adjacent to the Post Office.




From there, all you need to do is walk down the main shopping street, which starts in front of the Post Office and shop to your heart’s content. There are easily over 100+ stores on this street, selling everything from t-shirts, to jewelry, to alcohol, to linens, to handicrafts.




I smile when I discover that the store where we purchased that drawing of Charlotte Amalie (the one hanging in our kitchen) is still there. Great store! I look longingly at all the beautiful Caribbean art displayed within the store, but have a "back-to-Earth" moment when I remember that there are still several other unframed pieces of artwork in our closet at home. No sense in buying more to "display in the closet!



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I smile when I discover that the store where we purchased that drawing of Charlotte Amalie (the one hanging in our kitchen) is still there. Great store! I look longingly at all the beautiful Caribbean art displayed within the store, but have a "back-to-Earth" moment when I remember that there are still several other unframed pieces of artwork in our closet at home. No sense in buying more to "display in the closet!


LOL....I can relate to that!!! My friend PAINTED me a picture of each port we visited in March, and I just now found a way to frame those!

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It’s a bit overwhelming and after awhile, it all starts to run together. As if that’s not enough, there are hidden alleys jutting off from the main street, that are also chock-full of OTHER stores.




It’s a good thing DD and I like shopping!


Our plan for the morning was to pick up thank-you gifts for the parents and the neighbors, who are checking our mail and taking care of the house while we are away. DH also wants a t-shirt, while I am looking for new pearl earrings, and DD wants a cute girly-necklace.




Amazingly, we are able to knock-out all those items on our “grocery” list in a little less than two hours!


There are three quirky things about the stores in downtown Havensight. 1) All of the jewelry stores have barkers.. These are usually men who are standing right outside the store that will announce, “Special deal. 60% off all tanzanite. Right in here.” As you walk further and further down the street, the deals get more-and-more outrageous. One guy was announcing 80% off diamonds. 2) None of the prices in the jewelry stores are set. If you ask how much something costs, the jeweler will pull it out of the case and say, “Real 24 K gold, $199”. But, will then whip out their calculator, push a few buttons, and say, “But we can give it to you for $110.” It’s not so much like bartering, per say. But, I just don’t understand why they don’t put the “special price” on the jewelry to begin with, as no one has ever just stated the original price without adding the extra, “For you, it’s $XXX.” Weird. But, hey. If I must take then discount, then sure thing! 3) There are many duplicate stores, some that are merely doors down from one another. Why not just combine the two stores into one bigger store? Do they think we don’t notice that Diamonds International is on the middle and end of the block?


I ended up buying pearl earrings from a store called “Ballerina Jewelers.” The jeweler pulled some earrings out of the case, but I wrinkled my nose and said, “No, those are too small.” He said, “Hold on, I have more.” Then, he ran out of the front door of the store. I was so confused. He came back 5 minutes later with slightly larger pair, which were perfect. Where did he go? He had actually run down to the OTHER “Ballerina Jeweler” store, which was 4 storefronts down the street, to pull the bigger earrings from their stock.


It’s an odd way of doing business. At the very least, they should change the names of duplicate stores, as I find myself NOT going in the 2nd store with the same name because I assume it has the same stuff as the other store.


Anyway….If I was in charge of St. Thomas, that’s what I’d do! NOTE TO SELF: Retire to St. Thomas; open up 5 stores on that main street under 5 different names. Make a cool million. Check!


DD walks away with the best loot of the day, by having purchased 3 different flip-flop necklaces. It’s all the rage these days in the Caribbean, to sell necklaces with small flip-flops pendants on them, in a variety of different colors. The deals were so good, that we just HAD to purchase 2 for $10 in one store, then another for $5.99 in a different store. Since DD is 6, these are exactly the type of jewelry that she needs. Not too expensive, so it’s OK if she loses it. But just shiny enough, and silver enough, to look “real” and fancy to her 6-year old friends.




With our 2 hour shopping tour complete, we flag down another open-air taxi and head back to the ship. Outside the ship, we are excited to spend a few moments finding our window from the outside of the ship. And, take the obligatory photo. It’s a little intimidating to see how close we are to the front of the ship, and how near we are to the water line.




Back on-board the ship, we head up to deck 9 to find DH and DS, and proudly show off our purchases. They could care less. We ask what they had done all morning, and they shared that they hadn’t done anything. Just sat around by the pool and played video games on the iPhone and Nintendo DS. Really? That just shows the stark difference between the two sexes in our family. I feel the need to GO OUT and experience all the ports we stop at, while they wouldn’t even care if they didn’t even get off the ship. Silly boys!


For lunch, we eat again at our secret upstairs table. For once, I just can’t find anything to eat at the buffet. Nothing strikes my fancy. So, I do something that I have never, ever done. I got a hamburger from the Grill. I know, I know. You are all thinking, “Right…. she’s lying.” But, I am one of those people who just loves to eat the unique cruise food, sautéed potatoes, and braised veggies, and all of that. I steer clear of “normal” food you can get shoreside.


But, today is the day for a hamburger and fries. With cheese sauce. Pure junk food. Here’s a pic to prove it. I must admit, it was good, and really hit the spot.



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After lunch, since we still had a long time in port at St. Thomas, we had plans to visit the beach in an adventurous way. To clarify, we have been on many, many cruises, and thus have taken many, many shore excursions. Our goal this trip was to do things on our own, somewhat off the beaten path and cheap. No organized tours for us!


After having spent a lot of time here on the cruisecritic forum, I was armed with information on how take a local bus to Sapphire Beach. So, that was our goal. DH was somewhat skeptical. But then again, he does absolutely no research at all about anything on the trip, so has no idea about some of the details. So, after explaining that the taxi would cost $10 pp ($40 for our family) EACH WAY, while the bus cost $2 pp ($8 for our family), he quickly warned up to the idea of “roughing it” via the bus.


So, off we went! To catch the bus, we needed to walk to the Kmart, which was apparently outside and to the LEFT of the pier, a mere 3 blocks away. After leaving the confines of the pier (it is a gated area), we crossed the street and turned left. We walked past the Skyway to Mountain Top, and down to where the street curves. I looked over and saw that Kmart was off in the distance, through a construction site and past a local grocery store. Just before we reached Kmart, we saw a road pullover, and bus stop sign. Success! For reference, the walk had taken about 20 minutes, and was not 3 blocks. DH made sure to remind me of that fact.


In response, I made sure to remind DH of the fact that we would be passing by Kmart, so if he needed any other ridiculous non-tourist-household items, he should take a moment and shop. Perhaps a new button down shirt to go with those jeans?


Here’s a quick pic to show the bus stop and ship (in the background) and the greater-than-3-blocks distance. For reference, the Kmart is directly across the street from this sign.




At the bus stop we stood patiently, waiting for the bus. Although, we weren’t quite sure what it looked like. A local citizen walked by, noticed that we were tourists. What gave us away? DD’s sparkly Hello Kitty bathing suit, or DH’s Homer Simpson T?




The local told us that the buses are actually red open-air safari vehicles, but to make sure that we confirm before getting on them that they are buses, not taxis, because taxi drivers have been known to be sneaky. The local also told us that we were standing at the wrong stop to get to Sapphire, and redirected us up to the stop that was near the McDonalds, further up the street. UGH!


So we trudge up the street to McDonalds, and don’t see a bus stop sign anywhere. So, we crossed the street, and I go into the nearby Banco Popular to ask for directions. The bank security guard kindly informs us that the stop is behind the bank, up near the hospital. OK….


We keep walking, around to the back of the building, across the street, and discover a bus shelter. Hurray! The first bus that pulls up is actually a BUS, with West End on its header. I ask the driver if he stops at Sapphire Beach, and he says, “No, you need the East End/Red Hook bus.” By this point, I am starting to get worried that we will never find the right bus or safari or whatever.


A few minutes later, a red safari vehicle pulls up and it IS going to Sapphire. Yahoo! We get on the bus, which is filled with locals, and sit in the front row. We can just feel everyone staring at us, with our beach bags, Carnival towels, and flip-flops. The locals, on the other hand, were dressed in the work clothes, carrying purses and cel phones. It was a little awkward.




After getting on the taxi, our next worry was figuring out how and where to get off. The nice Local back at Kmart had told to get off just after we saw the Westin Resort. OK….


We drove through town, past the local Office Max and another Kmart. We were getting quite the island tour, and saw many interesting things.






The other local riders would push the doorbell button that was wired into the jeep canopy top, to let the driver know they wanted to get off. At times, even when we were stopped at streetlights, other locals would jump onto the bus. It was a little disconcerting.

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I smile when I discover that the store where we purchased that drawing of Charlotte Amalie (the one hanging in our kitchen) is still there. Great store! I look longingly at all the beautiful Caribbean art displayed within the store, but have a "back-to-Earth" moment when I remember that there are still several other unframed pieces of artwork in our closet at home. No sense in buying more to "display in the closet!


LOL....I can relate to that!!! My friend PAINTED me a picture of each port we visited in March, and I just now found a way to frame those!


Glad you can relate! How awesome is your friend for painting those pics for you. What a neat one-of-a-kind souvenir from your trip!

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After riding for about 20 minutes, and entering an area that was clearly the resort side of the island, the local woman sitting next to me leaned over and said, “For Sapphire Beach, push the button now.” So, I did. The bus stopped, and we jumped off. But, the driver said, “Hey, aren’t you going to Sapphire? It’s not here. It’s at the next stop.”




So we clumsily got back onto the safari/bus/jeep, and sat back down, knowing that everyone in the bus was glaring at as FOR SURE for being tourists and not knowing where we are going.


A few short minutes later, the bus pulls over to the side of the road, in front of a sign marked “Sapphire Beach Resort,” so we jump off again.




We pay the driver (NOTE—you pay AFTER you get off, which is odd), yell “GOODBYE and THANKS” to the driver, and breathe a huge sigh of relief that we had made it!


Now what? We were standing at the side of the road, by the sign, at the top of a long, steep road that curved down into the resort. Are we supposed to walk down the road? What do we say at the security gate? OH, this was so confusing!




It was a long walk down that hill, but at least it was downhill. We joked that coming back up the hill later was going to be dreadful! At the security gate, we wave to the guard, who opened the gate and lets us walk in. No questions asked. DS is amazed that we weren’t stopped. So I tell them that, “Sometimes, if you just look like you know where you’re going, you won’t get stopped.”


At the resort, we chose the marked path that says “To Beach.” DH mutters, “I hope this long trek is worth it.” A few seconds later we see the beach, and are awestruck. It is a tropical paradise! For real! The beach curves around, and is flanked by palm trees that are swaying in the breeze. The water is several shaded of electric blue. And best of all, there aren’t a lot of people in sight!




I say a silent prayer to the Travel Gods, thanking them for making everything work out during the long trip to get to the beach, and for making the beach so beautiful as I would’ve never heard the end of it had the beach been a let-down. Phew!




NOTE—I spent a lot of time researching beaches in St. Thomas on the cruisecritic boards, and had come across conflicting information about Sapphire Beach, and the fact that some people thought is was less-than-desirable. I am not sure what they experienced, but can say, without a doubt, that the Sapphire we visited was FABULOUS!!! And free.


We plunked out belonging down underneath the shade of a nearby tree. Chairs cost $7 rent, but somehow DH manages to snag one that has been abandoned. Nice! There is also a beachside rental desk, where you can rent fins, flippers, rafts, etc.



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The beach is a little rocky, but once you got out past the rocks, the sand was a smooth as silk under your toes.






DS was in 9-year-old-boy-rock throwing-heaven, and spends most of his time on the beach finding rocks for his collection. The rejects get thrown back into the water.




Despite having heard that the vendors at the beach are distracting, during our 2.5 hour visit to Sapphire, we encountered just 2 of those vendors. With a polite, “No thanks” they walked away, and didn’t hassle you at all.




We had also heard that iguanas are prevalent at Sapphire. True to fact, shortly after arriving we saw several iguanas, one of which ran up into this palm tree to hang out.




The iguanas were not aggressive at all. Food for the birds and iguanas is sold at the snorkel desk for $20 a bag. Unfortunately, we didn’t see that until we were leaving the resort.



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After a relaxing afternoon at Sapphire, we began the long trip back to the ship. First up, was the loooooong walk back up that steep hill. As predicted it wasn’t as fun walking up as it was walking down.




DD, who at times can be a Drama Queen, predictably had a "woe is me" moment at the bottom of the hill. Apparently, just the thought of walking back up was too much for her to bear.




We all did make it up that darn hill, after several rest stops along the way.




At the top of the hill, we noticed that there was a bus stop sign on the opposite side of the street. However, there was no formal sidewalk or concrete to stand in. You had to stand in the grass and weeds. All part of the adventure, though!



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