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The 8-Day WHILRWIND Mystery Tour on the 8/15 Freedom. A review. With pics!


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We weren’t sure how to catch the bus going back, and didn’t know which direction we needed to catch it in. Logistically, it would seem that we should catch bus going in the opposite direction in order to get back to the ship.




After standing for 5 minutes, a red safari jeep pulled up, going the same direction as when we had arrived at the resort. A quick conference with the driver to confirm that it was a bus, and that it did indeed make it’s way back to Havensight.


The bus was filled with locals, so again we couldn’t help but feeling like dumb tourists, with our bags, swimsuits, and sand-covered legs. UGH!


Since the bus was driving in the same direction as the earlier bus, we were a little apprehensive as to how long it would take to get to the ship. Was this bus going to travel all the way around the island? It did, somewhat. But, when we pulled into that same Office Max, we realized we were then traveling in the opposite direction we had driven earlier in the day.


Very confusing!


Again, we were treated to some interesting island sights.






It was much easier for us to know where to get off once we arrived at Havensight, because everything was familiar. We hit the doorbell button when we saw the Banco Popular, and are let off on the street corner diagonally across from Kmart. As the bus drove away, we watched as it drove down the street, and then stopped at that original bus stop near Kmart that we had been re-routed from earlier. So, I think, but am not sure, that had we caught the bus at the first Kmart stop, then we could’ve traveled to Sapphire, but it would’ve taken longer as the bus runs in a continual loop?


I don’t know. All I do know, is that we successfully navigated the bus, and in lieu of paying $80 in taxi fares to get to Sapphire, we only paid $16 in bus fare. Score one for us!


We slowly walked the non-3 blocks back to the pier, and navigated our way through the pier-side shopping area. Although we did not shop, we did stop at the ATM, where the fee was only $2 to withdraw money (deal!!), and stop at liquor store to buy huge bottles of PowerAde for the kids.




Since it was 4:45pm, and everyone needed to be back onboard by 5:30pm, there was a really long line to get back on the ship. YIKES! After waiting about 20 minutes, and finally making our way up to the card check/x-ray, we couldn’t help but swear under our breath when the woman in front of us held up the line while she dug through her bag to find her card. Could she not have used the 20 minutes while she as waiting in line to find her card. REALLY!




Back on board, we rush to get ready for our 6pm dinner. While I am waiting for my turn in the shower, I take a few moment to hang out in thw windowseat of our cabin, and work on the review. My family laughs at me, but ohhhhhh, I take this seriously!



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Your review is absolutely amazing! Like some of the other posters said, I feel like I'm there with you. Your children are so adorable! Thank you for so many details, we will be on this cruise with this same itinerary in January and I cannot wait! :)

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A quick mandatory (Says who? Says me!) family photo out on the deck, in front of our favorite harbor. DH is wearing his "souvenir" jeans.




Through our tableside window, we are able to watch the sailaway from St. Thomas. BYE-BYE St. Thomas. Until next time. Sigh….




So, not being able to let go of St. Thomas so quickly, I dash away from the dinner table with camera in hand to run outside for one….last…shot.




And managed to catch this cool pic on the way back to the dining room.




Dessert choices at dinner were “meh”, so we decide to throw all caution to the wind and visit the for-fee bakery on Deck 5. The kids and I split a piece of chocolate cake that was bigger than their heads. It was decadent. DH tries out an enormous chocolate chip cookie, and declares it lip-smackin’ good.




After-dinner activities for the kids include several hours at Camp. DH and I have an evening to ourselves, and decide to grab 2 lounge chairs and watch the poolside movie. There is nothing like reclining in that lounge chair, with the starry sky as your ceiling, and the whale tail funnel as the backdrop, watching a movie. Even if it is “Twilight” which is a teen-chick-flick.


Surprisingly, it was better than we expected, and we are now proud to be able to know what all the hype about Robert Pattinson is about. He IS dreamy…! (My opinion, not DH's...!)


With time left to spare, DH and I stroll through the casino. We are not gamblers, so just for kicks, DH takes $1 and inserts it into a $.02 slot machine. After a few clicks of the spin button we are laughing like crazy when the machine decides we’ve “HIT” and pays us $16. (Which would be 800 credit "beeps" in a $.02 machine!!!) The woman at the machine next to us gives us an angry glare, as she has clearly been working all night to “HIT” as well. We have no idea why we’ve won, as there as so many winning combinations and ours is not the straight cherry-cherry-cherry variety.


With our newfound riches, we retire to the cabin and close out another day in paradise.

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OK...that does it, for now. I have lost track of time, and it is somehow 1:30. My family is going to wonder what I've done with my day off, when they come home and see the laundry still piled on the floor, and the dirty dishes in the sink.


So...have to stay out of trouble, for now. I'll be back tonight though, with more!


Happy reading, and enjoy your afternoon!



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OK, so I'm embarassed to admit I'm kind of bummed to see the review come to a conclusion. I'm also embarassed to admit I was almost having a damn anxiety attack reading your tales of woe about navigating the bus route...you are much braver than I.


Cool shots of you in the window writing your review and the one of all the sailboats in the harbor in St. Thomas.


Thanks so much for taking the time to bang all this out for all of us.

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OK, so I'm embarassed to admit I'm kind of bummed to see the review come to a conclusion. I'm also embarassed to admit I was almost having a damn anxiety attack reading your tales of woe about navigating the bus route...you are much braver than I.


Cool shots of you in the window writing your review and the one of all the sailboats in the harbor in St. Thomas.


Thanks so much for taking the time to bang all this out for all of us.


Don't misunderstand, I am just done for the morning. Off to go pick up the kids, take them to swim practice, cook dinner, THEN find more time to post some more. I still have to write all about Tortola, Two Days at Sea, and going home. Lots more to come, for sure!



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Thanks for taking the time to post on your day off! I can sit on these boards for hours reading reviews like yours, then I find myself on the Carnival site looking for last minute cruise deals! ;)


Me too! Remember, I have those two $100 certificates as well, just burning a hole in my pocket. I think I've checked the Carnival site 4 times already since getting off the ship last week, to look for the "perfect" KID NATION cruise to take next summer.



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Surprisingly, it was better than we expected, and we are now proud to be able to know what all the hype about Robert Pattinson is about. He IS dreamy…! (My opinion, not DH's...!)


Love your review.


Oh, BTW, just wait until "New Moon" comes out. Half clothed young men with GREAT bods playing wolves. I may be over 40 and married, but I am not dead yet.

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Don't misunderstand, I am just done for the morning. Off to go pick up the kids, take them to swim practice, cook dinner, THEN find more time to post some more. I still have to write all about Tortola, Two Days at Sea, and going home. Lots more to come, for sure!




I am love love loving your review and looking forward to the rest. Work has been h-e-double hockey sticks this week and your review has been an awesome escape.


I've also read your MSC review and an now off to read your GEM review.


You really do have a gift with cruise reviews and I'm happy to be on the receiving end. :D

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My apologies--I am not going to be able to post tonight. I have Tortola mostly done, but the kids and DH are tying up the computer, claiming that I've had time "all day" to play on the computer.




I may have to get up early to sneak in some time.


A preview though--there are 69 pics to share from Tortola. It was the most picture-filled day of the cruise. Are you up for it?


Tune in tomorrow...



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A preview though--there are 69 pics to share from Tortola. It was the most picture-filled day of the cruise. Are you up for it?


Tune in tomorrow...




I can't wait!! We'll be om Tortola in about 2 1/2 weeks!! (I'm hoping you went to The Baths with Patouche!) If you didn't, I know I'll love your review anyway! :)

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My apologies--I am not going to be able to post tonight. I have Tortola mostly done, but the kids and DH are tying up the computer, claiming that I've had time "all day" to play on the computer.




I may have to get up early to sneak in some time.


A preview though--there are 69 pics to share from Tortola. It was the most picture-filled day of the cruise. Are you up for it?


Tune in tomorrow...




Apologies? After all of these great reviews and pics....I think you deserve a "pass"....icon7.gif. Thanks for all of the great info!

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OK...that does it, for now. I have lost track of time, and it is somehow 1:30. My family is going to wonder what I've done with my day off, when they come home and see the laundry still piled on the floor, and the dirty dishes in the sink.


So...have to stay out of trouble, for now. I'll be back tonight though, with more!


Happy reading, and enjoy your afternoon!



Forget the dishes, laundry, dinner, and the kids.... well, maybe not the kids. They are actually very adorable. But.... we want more of this wonderful review. It's funny. I try my best to wait until I think a review has time to be finished before I start reading because I hate to have to wait. Yep. Impatience, thy name is Lorrie. So..... hurry and finish.

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I think this photo is just awesome. With all the crosses, the castle, the beach and the sea - this is a very cool picture. I like so many are enjoying your review and the pictures are great! Thanks for taking the time to share.

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Thank you for the great review. I am really enjoying seeing some of the great sights again. Love the pics at El Morro, we too, took lots of great pics there. Beautiful place! We will definitely have to go to Sapphire Beach next time we are in St.Thomas. Looking forward to Tortola. Thanks again!!

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I know that you still have more to post - but I hope you know that you are providing such enjoyment for all that read your reviews. I read where someone posted a suggestion for you to put all of this in a book, which I think is a great idea. Even if you do not actually go and publish it, it would be great for your family to have.


And since we all know that those two $100 certificates can burn for only so long - be sure to post when you guys are cruising again so we can all look for your next cruise review!


I am sailing on the Freedom 9/12 with an absolutely terrific Roll Call who is having so much fun online that we have decided to plan another cruise on the Dream in 2011...and most of us haven't even met yet!


You have a gift, and I thank you for sharing it with all of us!

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And then, there is yet another day in paradise….if you can believe it. We arrive in Tortola and are docked by 7am. When I peek out the window shortly thereafter, I am amazed that already there are some guests that have gotten off the ship. WOW! They’re even more go-getter than I!


I am also amazed that once again, like in San Juan and St. Thomas, we are the only ship in port. Has Hurricane Bill swallowed up all the other ships? It’s a bit eerie.


Since we have a long trip planned for the day, I roust everyone out of bed at 7:30am. DH and the kids are none-too-happy about the early morning wake-up call from Mom. But, we are on a schedule. A very tight schedule. 5 minutes to get dressed in swimsuits and cover ups, then we dash upstairs to the aft buffet, secret table. OK, I dash while they begrudgingly follow saying, “Slow down!”


Not even enough time to enjoy the view from our secret buffet 2nd floor table. The kids are grumpy, and dictate “No pics Mom!”




A quick power breakfast, and we are then off the ship by 8:15am to walk over to the ferry dock. Our goal is to catch the 9am Speedy’s ferry to Virgin Gorda to visit the Baths.


As we disembark, I am a little impatient at the “line” to get off the ship, especially since there are a few (yes, more than 1) people that start to put their items through the shut-down x-ray machine on the way out. HELLO?!?!?! Your bags get screened on the way in, not out!


Immediately outside the gangway of the ship, a Speedy’s ferry is anchored. It is there to pick up the Carnival passengers who have booked the Baths shore excursion through the ship, at a cost of more than twice what we will pay to visit the Baths. HeHe! We chat with the ferry captain to confirm that the “regular” Speedy’s ferry is within walking distance, and is still on schedule for 9am.


According to the map from the ship, it seems as if the walk to the ferry dock is about 3 blocks. “Yeah right!” say DH. In my defense, it’s a rudimentary map. The walk takes us through the port area (it too is gated) off to the right, and over approximately 5 blocks. Along the way, we see several jeep/bus drivers hawking tours of the island. I can vouch that it is a good deal, and adequate tour, as last time we were here we had no plans and so impulsively went along with one of those pier-side tours.


Anyway, I digress. Our goal today was to head over to Virgin Gorda to see the Baths.


It is easy to find the ferry office building, because it is flanked by the Speedy’s boat (double-decker ferry) and there are quite a few people assembled there in a line for tickets. Oh no! I worry for a brief moment, that the boat will be sold-out, and we will have to wait for the next ferry, which doesn’t leave until 10:30am.




We take our place in line, and chat with the two men behind us, asking if they too were going to the Baths. They were! Good, we are validated that we are in the right place. The two men share that they were staying on Tortola for a land-based vacation for a week, and were very alarmed by the onslaught of passengers that arrived this morning from Carnival. On previous days, the ferry to the out islands had been less-than-full, and it was clear that today’s ferry would be at maximum capacity. For just a moment, I am made to feel as if I’m intruding on “their” private island vacation, so say to them “Not to worry. We are only here for the day, and will be out of your hair by 5pm today.”


The kids are still grumpy, and refuse to be photogenic.




The queue line moves quickly, and soon it is our turn to purchase tickets at the window. There are several options to choose from: just the ferry, or ferry plus taxi to the Baths (for an extra $5), or ferry plus taxi plus drink at the local Baths bar. We choose ferry plus taxi, and the total for all 4 of us comes to $132. Ouch! But, it is still far, far less than the $80+ per person being charged by the cruiseline.




Once onboard the ferry, we snag prime, shaded, top-deck seats. The “below” seats on the first deck are fully enclosed, and I worry that I would get seasick down there. Not that it matters, because the top deck makes me seasick too.




It’s a 30 minute ride, and my equilibrium is thrown off by the fact that there is a large plate-glass window immediately in front of our seats, and when looking at the window, the reflection makes it seem as if you are traveling backwards. Then, when you look away from the window, your brain recognizes you are traveling forward. (OK—it’s making me a little quesy just typing about it.) About 15 minutes into the 30 minute trip, I realize I should do nothing but sit sideways, and peer off into the distance. UGH…



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