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  1. This goes against letters sent to individuals from the CAA which state P&O aren’t responsible. P&O has an obligation for safety purposes to contract for food and water given the flight length.
  2. https://www.pocruises.com/accessibility/life-onboard This covers walking sticks.
  3. Yes, there is a corridor exit to the port (left) side of the Keel & Cow. This leads to the promenade, the forward lifts and all 8xxx cabins. There is three of four steps to go up, and also a slope.
  4. Sorry for your troubles. It’s not acceptable. Re points 1 and 2. It’s not too late. I suggest ringing again and hoping you get a more experienced member of staff. If not, ask your cabin steward for the steriliser and cot. I’d be surprised if that many babies are on board that they have run out. Baby food is ordered from room service as you need it, although they should take an advance order. As for arrival times, the official line is arrive at the time of the latest cabin. Linked bookings don’t get influence in boarding times - it’s done by deck/loyalty status. In my experience if you put the earlier boarding passes in too, you’ll be let through as a group.
  5. I personally am sorry that so many are affected. P&O are in the same boat as passengers - they want money back for what wasn’t delivered in the same way passengers want their delay compensation. If the numbers of people wanting to take their first cruise with P&O is true, then this won’t dent their profile. Compared to the ferry fussco, it won’t be a scrape. Any passenger list will be replaced with a new one. Its harsh but it’s the business reality. That said, P&O should have played the heart and minds game better.
  6. To be brutally clear here: In law, P&O’s responsibility and liability extended to transporting the passengers from one U.K. airport to the Caribbean and back. That happened. The contract was substantively fulfilled. There are reams of legal case law on this point. Even BA has been to court on this point. Everything else is a nice to have. The delay is down to Maleth. Tui pay out when it happens, why should P&O have expected Maleth to not do so. It’s because Maleth don’t have the cash. Yes, I do. The alternative was run to two big ships at significantly reduced capacity. Charter contracts are agreed years in advance. The current short termisum has been because of two things - Thomas Cook stopped operating in September 2019 and Covid. When Thomas Cook stopped operating, Virgin, BA and others stepped in to help using spare capacity in their fleets for the 2019/20 season. Covid hit and wiped out the 2020/21 season at which time, Virgin, BA and others retired a lot of aircraft. For the 2021/22 season there was limited fly-cruise operations with just Tui being needed due to Covid capacity reductions. BA and Virgin assisted as necessary as their networks were not back to capacity. For the 2022/23 season, back to capacity with Arvia joining in January 2023. Tui, Virgin and to a degree BA were contracted. By the 2023/24 season, Virgin and BA were needing all their planes for their own flights. Tui was maxed out. No major operator was in a position to planes. Bear in mind that masses of pilots and cabin crew had been laid off and even some Charter companies had gone bust. Maleth was the only option to cancelling thousands of people’s holidays. Due diligence will have been done. Safety and financial tick. But this was a new operator waiting for planes to arrive when the contract was signed. Most of Maleth’s passenger planes were delivered in the six months leading up to the start of the contract.
  7. In which case likely a mistake. Contact the call centre and they can investigate.
  8. With P&O they don’t cancel the authorisations, they allow them to lapse at 28 days. They could but they don’t. It annoys me.
  9. I’ve come back to this tonight as I know a lot of people feel let down. I hope the recent statement, which I personally believe is true based on my own interactions, shows that P&O were as caught out by Maleth as the passengers were. The worldwide shortage of charter planes and crew led P&O to Maleth but it’s now clear that Maleth were not capable of fulfilling the contract that they entered into. I’ve always said that the delay compensation is due direct from the airline and the CAA agree. All said, P&O did a bad job of managing Maleth. When incidents occurred, P&Os contract staff fled the scene. Maleth ground crew never existed in the first place. For most flights, the delay compensation is enough. £520 for a delay over 4 hrs more than compensates for a lost evening on board. Odd exceptions on those flights should be looked at. I would however like to see some FCC compensation for certain flights such as the ones where passengers spent 8 hours effectively locked in the Antigua departure lounge with no food/drink facilities.
  10. There is a blanket, a cap, a hoodie. All kids club The Reef branded. those are the ones that I recall from memory.
  11. Exit past the Keel & Cow, up the few steps/slope and you arrive in the forward lift lobby. From here you can exit into the cabin corridors for your rooms.
  12. There is no reason for P&O not to have required food and drink service as they do it with Tui. I said months ago there had been a breech of contract by Maleth not providing the required services. Essentially, P&O have refused to pay for what wasn’t delivered, and believe they are due monies back. Remember that these planes, whilst old, were new to Maleth. To me it suggests P&O entered into a contract for a plane with IFE but then Maleth acquired/received planes without or did not have time/money to refurbish them. I also suspect that P&O were expecting the planes with the premium cabin but in August 2023, found out they weren’t getting those particular planes. But other posters on here are correct, it appears that if Maleth aren’t paid in full by P&O then they don’t have the funds to compensate passengers. The escrow argument is daft. P&O put money in which is paid out as compensation. P&O win legal tussle and turn to escrow to get their money back and it’s empty. At least Maleth now acknowledge that it’s their responsibility to do so.
  13. There is. When you consider that over 95% of P&O cruisers are British and the average age is around 41, it won’t surprise that they are firmly targeting British multi-generational families. Advertising has been targeted towards 25-55 on basis that 55-75 are more likely to already know P&O and it’s not them that need enticing in.
  14. But the regulation cost in Oz/NZ not so high.
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