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Posts posted by hdowney

  1. Hey cruise friends I have a question for you. I have just been perusing videos on YouTube of Interior and Promenade staterooms on the Indy and I have an observance/question?


    It looks to me that both the interior and the promenade rooms have pretty much the same amenties (barring the promenade window obviously, and the promenade rooms seem to have two couches). However, to me it seems that the promenade room is so much more squishy. As in they have squished in the amenities and it doesn't seem to have as much maneuverability and room as a standard interior stateroom.


    Would those of you who have cruised on her concur with this?





  2. Yup I have had comments like 'you must be rich' or 'it's well for some'. Like it costs a damn fortune to cruise. It really doesn't, it costs what you want it to cost. (mind these same people said the same about my recent land based vacation to Paris, some of these were co-workers, with the must be rich comment - eh no, can you not see me working every ounce of overtime there is to put money towards this holiday!!!).


    Also heard the 'for old people' one, and the 'boring' comments.


    Then there are people who only seem to hear the 'horror stories'/disasters/accidents and assume that this happens all the time and cruising is inherently dangerous - I remind them that they are more likely to be hit by a car crossing the road, so don't forget to wear clean pants!!!!!


    I find it most hilarious though when people say it must be boring, same old crap food day in day out etc, and then they go on about the fantastic holiday they have booked at an all-inclusive resort that basically serves up the same crap every day!!!!!


    You stick to your holiday, and I'll go enjoy mine. I am not sure I'd want you to come along anyway!

  3. We always take insurance from NCL, and the cost is $58- for 2 people. Don't know where they even got those numbers!!

    Safe sailing


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    The OP mentioned they had to ring in order to book an accessible cabin, so perhaps the insurance price differential may be something to do with pre-existing conditions of one or more of the pax in the cabin?

  4. Ok so I know that Irish and UK citizens need an 'FMM' when visiting Mexico (when exiting specifically). According to both the Irish and U.K. Department of Foreign Affairs websites this is usually obtained on board flights into Mexico or from somewhere in country right before you leave. My question is this:


    Do cruise lines have said forms? Can you obtain them from your cruise line in order to provide them when exiting Mexico? Do you even require them (again Irish and U.K. Citizens) when just visiting Mexico for the day as part of a cruise trip?


    If anyone has any insight on this I'd appreciate the input.


    Sailing CCL if this helps.





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  5. I'm in two minds as well. On one hand the drink package gives you access to a wealth of drinks besides alcoholic ones - most of which you'd have to PAYG if you didn't have the pack, so that's a major plus. On the other hand though, there is the 15 alcoholic drinks per 24hrs limit. I question wether or not this is going to work for me (I sound like an alco!!!). I would drink a few with dinner easy, and 1 or 2 with lunch depending on when and where and what etc. Then there is poolside drinks and entertainment/casino drinks etc. So I guess I am trying to work out when I'd want alcohol and when soda/water/lemonade/ice tea/virgin cocktails would work etc!

  6. I take Humalog, Lantus, and Victoza.


    Unused insulin needs to be refrigerated.

    According to the Lantus box, once open it can be kept at room temperature, but must be used within 28 days. There is a place on the box to note when you first used it.


    I travel alot for business and have been using these Frio Insulin Cooling Pouches for about 7 years. They are activated with water and you do not need to bring any ice or coolers.


    Even though I note on my reservation I need a sharps container, I always have to ask for one, no problem.




    Please feel free to tell me it's none of my business, but I was curious what the Victoza insulin is specifically for? I ask as my mother uses both the Humalog and Lantus so am used to them, but never came accross this one before.


    We don't sail until October next year on NCL, but I have already filled out the medical forms and ordered a sharps container for the cabin. I don't think it'l be a problem. My mother also carries a letter from her doc explaining what they are and why she has them. She has it in English but I am thinking I might possibly get a couple in some major other languages to, am thinking French, Spanish and Italian. Just to make things easier if there is a language barrier.

  7. (disclaimer - i have not yet been on a cruise)


    So from what I have learned the art auctions are not worth the canvas they are painted on. But you can see that from above posters so you don't need me bleating on again.


    My two extra pennies. You could go for the glass (or hopefully more!) of free sparkly fizz and just for a browse/window shop. It might give you some ideas for when you get home for something you'd like to look into.


    Then there is if you see a piece you like. Make sure you really like it, don't care as to the provenance/cost/etc, you want it and you are prepared to pay for it. It is your kinda thing, it will look nice in your living room/over the bed etc. You are buying it purely because it is pretty and you want it. Then why not, it'd be the same if you saw something in a store.


    Basically it is not an art auction in the same way gallery auctions on land are. It is pretty much a profiteering exercise for the cruise line and assorted others.


    Go into it with your eyes open, wits about you and expectations on the right level and see how it pans out.

  8. Thank you both for your input. Very informative. I like the sound of the RAW quite a bit. Perhaps not on every shot - certainly in the beginning - but on those KEY shots, very much so.


    On more reflection I do have to agree with you peety3, the fish-eye lens isn't all it's cracked up to be. I do believe with the TG-4 it does give the option to add on other lenses (beside the fish-eye) such as a true wide angle. Open to correction here though. The thing with the TG-870 is there is no add-on option for lenses, it just has the little front lens. The flip screen being one of the trade offs I suppose but if that's the main differential between them (they do seem to be equally waterproof, shockproof, crushproof, cold proof etc) then I am leaning more towards the TG-4. Not much of a selfie person myself!

  9. Hi all


    Looking into getting a waterproof camera for both my land based and sea based trips. It will compliment my little canon point and shoot, which I will have as my back-up camera. Looking for one that has various different modes for varying situations. So. I have it narrowed down to two and was hoping the fine people of CC could help.


    So camera A, is the Olympus Tough TG-4. I love the look of this little camera, the settings on it (although could someone please explain the RAW setting to me a bit more, little confused :o) and I LOVE the fact that I can get the likes of a Fish-eye lens for it.


    Camera B, is the Olympus Stylus Tough TG-870. This camera looks different, lens off too the side, no option for adding lenses, but it does have the flip LCD making taking 'selfies' etc much easier.



    So CC people. HEEEEELP :D

  10. That seriously sounds like a rip-off price. I'd say it's in the 10-15 euro range, and the possibility you'd have to pay the tunnel toll if the driver goes through there. but that's it. No way is it nearly 80 odd euro for a taxi

  11. I'd be careful with this. So many people say they're allergic or intolerant to things just because of distaste or other reasons, that servers start to not take legitimate allergy issues as seriously. Every server I know has a story about the "lactose intolerant" person who had no problems drinking milk, or the "allergic to tomatoes" person who wanted the tomato left off the salad but had no problem with their pasta and marinara sauce. :rolleyes:


    For the sake of people who do have dangerous allergic reactions to some foods, I think it's a good practice to not fake an allergy just because of a distaste for a particular item.


    Many people have food allergies that will cause migraines (DW) or even death. Hate when people do things like this.



    This times 1000. I am lactose intolerant but to a point which is annoying. My body handles it differently on a day by day case by case basis. Some days I can have more than others. I have to be very careful and check how much is used in certain dishes. I could be VERY ill if I overdo it.


    I know it's not the OPs fault but their friend sounds a right cow. It's obvious she KNOWS what she is doing when she doesn't bother reading a menu doesn't 'remember' EVERY TIME and then sends back food. It's rude and wasteful and she'd get short shrift from me

  12. Really? You sit next to a pool...which is obviously full of water...when there are kids around and would ask people not to splash? If you don't want to risk getting wet, why sit so close to the pool? There are other places in the sun (or that adult pool).


    It's just like people who purchase a home in the flight path of a major airport then go on television complaining about the planes taking off and landing. HELLO!


    No I am not talking about normal splashing etc. I am more talking about if it becomes a deliberate game of trying to splash people. And I was just using it as an example more of the way to speak to a child without being nasty, but getting the point across.

  13. Not sure what you mean by interfere. My kids and now grand kids were/are brought up to be respectful of people, places and surroundings. However, if by chance they should do something that is not right having some stranger yelling at them is not acceptable either. You may have misread the situation and be jumping into something you know nothing about.


    I was once on a cruise where my then 8 YO son was about 20 feet ahead of us. He rounded the corner and pushed the elevator button. Immediately an older "gentlemen" started yelling at him about playing on the elevators etc. We heard it all since we were right behind him. Now, you have to realize, the kid is allowed to use the elevator to go up flights. There is no requirement for kids to only take the stairs.


    When I confronted him about yelling at my son he started on me about allowing my kid to play on the elevator. Remember ALL he did was push the button and stand there waiting for us. I pointed out that we were just a few steps behind him and planned on using the elevator and to back off. He told me he was going to report my horrible child to the Captain. I said, go ahead. I'll be reporting an nasty old man at the same time. Shut him right up.



    I would take 'interfere' to mean politely but somewhat obviously 'firm' (for want of a different word), say something to the child. Take as a completely plucked out of the ether example - a child constantly splashing in the pool and it getting people sitting on loungers (no idea if this can/could/does happen). After it happening a few times and no obvious parental interference I would be inclined to politely but firmly ask that they be careful when splashing near the edge of the pool as they are getting the people sitting there rather wet.

  14. Agreed. The servers are allowing people to order multiple appetizers and deserts. Actually, in the past, when we go to La Cuccina, we have ordered an entree with a "side" risotto (since we don't care for the polenta). Probably about 1/2 the time, the servers bring out a entree risotto. And we eat it :p Last fall, we were in Le Bistro and ordered a butter poached lobster,,,, and the server said "you need some "turf" with that "surf"",,, and brought out an entree filet. And we, once again, ate it :D



    They sound like my kind of servers :)

  15. Hi.... I would call NCL directly to inquire about Pride of America and the UBP... according to the UBP FAQ, the PoA does not offer it.




    If it is, typically everyone in the stateroom over 21 must also purchase the UBP (there is a Young Adult Waiver Form for passengers over 18 to consume beer or wine but I do not know if they have to buy the UBP)


    The young adult waiver means that with parental permission they can buy wines and beers. However NO ONE under 21 is permitted to have the UBP

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