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Everything posted by jbrinkm

  1. Very similar happened to us - my husband needed it for work and we added on additional lines for the rest of us, but I made the mistake of putting it in his name (when I'm the planner in the family). He did something when he first got on that bypassed setting up the account and then when he tried to intentionally do it later, it wouldn't work and we had to get a lot of extra help from one of the tech people. Once the account was working, then we didn't have problems with it (well, not big problems at least...).
  2. Theoretically, find a set of connecting rooms nearby on your floor and when looking at the doors from the hall, the "right will be right" - as in the door on the right will have the bed away from the closet/bathroom (what many prefer, by the balcony in balcony rooms) and the door on the left will have the bed next to the closet/bathroom. Then count alternating rooms for each. Just make sure the ones between are regular rooms and nothing special so it doesn't mess up the pattern.
  3. It seems that the taxis in Cozumel are pushing San Francisco Beach Club (Playa San Francisco) in place of Paradise Beach, in sometimes underhanded ways. We experienced this in April and I've seen other reports since then. If you don't have an AI reservation ahead of time for Paradise Beach, I strongly encourage anyone trying to go there to call ahead and confirm that they have space for PAYG. If they say yes - don't let your taxi take you anywhere else. It sounds to me like they may be getting a kickback for anyone they bring to San Francisco Club. I've also seen Paradise Beach put on their website when they are sold out so if you can see that ahead of time, just make alternate plans BEFORE you get into a taxi.
  4. They tried to pull this scam on us in April when we were in Cozumel. I think San Francisco Beach Club must give them a kickback for anyone they bring! If you scroll down in my short trip report from our cruise, you can see the description of what happened to us in our first taxi in the Cozumel section: Please, anyone interested in doing Paradise Beach, just call them in the morning to ask if they have room for PAYG that day. I believe they also put on their website when they are sold out. @Cruise till you drop did they tell you about the other place before you got into the cab? Or was it just the taxi driver once you were on your way?
  5. When we were there in April, only the one on the left side was open - the other "exits" were blocked off. We had to wind our way through the whole port to get out. It's bigger than it appears from this picture if you haven't done it before - and that is after a long walk down the long pier.
  6. I won't link it here because it is behind a paywall (although everyone should be able to see a few free articles each month if you want to go find it yourself!) In National Geographic this month - Title: Can science solve the seaweed problem on Mexican beaches? A macroalgae called sargassum is spoiling coastlines from Cancún to Tulum. Here’s how researchers and resorts are combating the noxious bloom. The article explains what it is, how much of a problem it is for the tourist industry in Mexico, and points out how much it is costing resorts to try to manage it. The Mexican Navy has been enlisted to help with it! Paragraph explaining cause for increase: "For now, according to scientists, the only way to stop the sargassum would need to begin upstream, says Rodríguez-Martínez. “Countries need to reduce the nutrients dumped into the sea and take actions to mitigate climate change.” But with Brazil continuing to convert rainforests into fertilizer-demanding farms, the blooms may be here to stay." The article goes on to share some research projects that are ongoing that could use the sargassum for some beneficial purpose, like fertilizer, as a substitute for plastic to make certain items, or soap.
  7. If the easy goes to the same place as the accessible option, it may be Daniel Johnsons. I read a trip report by someone on here who did the accessible one and mentioned that was where they went.
  8. I found two pics that sort of show how it can feel cramped (not my pics). The one looking out into the water felt more representative of my day there - you can see how little open sand exists between the seats and the water. I think maybe we also had some low tide during our visit, if that is a thing, because we saw more sandbars out in the water and felt like we couldn't just go "out" and enjoy the water easily. The people kayaking were taking them out a water channel to our right as we were looking at the water. The picture that is looking in towards the building just shows the maximum space for the club. To our right and to our left were other places with their own chairs and their own stuff - so we couldn't spread out to the sides.
  9. Vanda pharmaceuticals is testing a new motion sickness medication if anyone is interested (I don't work for them, have any connection to them, or work in the industry - I'm a teacher! I made note for a friend who experiences motion sickness...). Website my motion study dot com
  10. I booked an excursion on viator that is ATV + paintball (I'm traveling with my teens). It says to meet at Eco-Park Cuzam (I've also seen spelled Ecoparque Cuzam). This excursion is operated by a company called Cozumel Fun Excursions. Also listed on the map in the exact same spot is Mayan Extreme Park. I'm wondering if anyone can give me insight into this strange assortment. Are Eco Park Cuzam and Maya Extreme Park the same thing? I'm also wondering why this is operated by an independent company (Cozumel Fun Excursions) - are they the operators of the park? I know the park itself has a few additional things that we aren't going to do - zipline and some horses, among others. My best guess is that Cozumel Fun Excursions supplies the ATVs and the leader/instructor and part of our fee gives us access/admission to the park (or parks?) to do the activities? Has anyone done this excursion, or visited Eco Park/Ecoparque or Mayan Extreme Park , or done any excursion with Cozumel Fun Excursions that can give me some insight? I have seen some negative reviews of Cozumel Fun Excursions with regards to their jeeps, so I think they both rent jeeps and run these ATV outings, perhaps some other outings as well. The ATV reviews are stellar so I'm not too worried about the jeep comments. Would love any info/insight into this activity!
  11. How bad is it? And how long does it take to get there? Also saw that some work was done on it? Anyone there recently that noticed a difference?
  12. When we saw it in April, the performer who played the daughter had a very nasally, whiny-sounding voice. I think that may be why I didn't enjoy it as much as other cruisers seem to. I assume the performer that played the daughter in your performance didn't sound like that?
  13. I don't know the answer to cost or closest dive shop or if they'll pick you up. I do know that there are quite a few dive shops along the Malecon which is not far (relatively). The pier and port area in Maya Chan is big. You have to walk down the very long pier and then wind all the way through the port in order to reach the outside to meet anyone. If you can't find a dive shop to meet you there, that is where you would grab a taxi for $4pp (I've also seen reports of $8 minimum if you are alone). Then a very quick (5 min?) ride to shops along the Malecon. You'll do most of the transportation by just walking and then get overcharged in a taxi for the last little bit.
  14. I'm editing this as Cabana Beach has changed their pricing. The Chankanaab fee is no longer optional. It is build into what they are calling an "individual access fee" (they state that this fee includes the wristband for the park). Each Cabana is $95 with a minimum of at least one person, and the individual access fee is $15pp, so the pre-total when you go to check out comes up $110 automatically. Then you add another $15 (required now, not optional) for each additional person - up to 6 total.
  15. I use cruisemapper. Put in Port name, click, go to schedule, click your month and then find your day.
  16. We used Roatan Getaway Tours and loved them (I'm also having deja vu - did I answer this for you somewhere else?). They were responsive, easy to find/on time and friendly. We did the tour you can find on Viator. The snorkeling is for beginners so may be a little boring for those more experienced. They go to AJ's for the animal experience and then do the snorkeling near the French Key areas, south on the island. The water is WARM and clear and they have fantastic snorkeling gear. But very shallow and not many fish at that location, mostly spiny lobsters and conch - animals, not just shells. We loved our experience so much with them that we booked again for our upcoming cruise, but direct with them this time. (I liked having the protections of Viator for the first time, but now I trust the company). We're doing an all day tour with them in April with a three reef snorkel, AJs again, the zipline and the chocolate factory. $120pp including all admission fees (zipline & AJs).
  17. What many are complaining about is that with the new menus, there have been some reports that no alterations or substitutions are allowed any more. That the point of the new menus is to simplicy in order speed things up which means no customization. Of course there is no way to customize a cruise ship menu to accommodate everyone's personal choices but the biggest complaint of vegetarians is that there may be nights when we don't even have 1 good option (yes, there is a vegan choice but there should also be a vegetarian choice for all the reasons already listed above). Our biggest complaint is that they are lumping vegan and vegetarian together and they are two very different eating lifestyles. And I will say that the ships did a decent job before of accommodating personal choices - it's just that now they are eliminating it. I don't know if anyone said this - but it seems to me like they are using these menus to respond to the problems they have with My Time Dining. Get the early diners out faster so more tables open up sooner for MTD?
  18. The vegan options are often lacking in nutritional content that vegetarians tend to rely on - I think that is the biggest problem with this menu for vegetarians. (This point was also made in the other thread linked above). So while vegans have adjusted themselves to a diet without eggs, dairy, etc., not all vegetarians are prepared to or comfortable with losing that protein content. It also seems like in many dishes, they've also gone back to the old trope of substituting mushroom for meat. As someone who hates mushrooms, this would not work for me at all.
  19. There were a lot of people when I was there, but I wouldn't say packed. It is more that each "club" along the Malecon has only it's designated water square in front of it, and since the buildings are shoulder to shoulder, there isn't space between. I would think it would be difficult to find enough space to build sandcastles and bury each other without someone walking over you. There were people in the water just hanging out/floating, but that made it difficult for the few that also wanted to paddle board (and vice versa). I'm posting a picture but it really isn't the best for showing (I wish I had gotten a better pic from down below but we only took them from the rooftop). You can kind of see that the width of our space isn't that wide, and then you also can't go out into the ocean super far either because of the sand bars. There was a little sand space between the chairs and the water but not much. Some of the clubs seemed less crowded but I don't know anything about them - did they have a high cover charge for AI, was the food bad, etc... Jaime's gets very good reviews which may be why it was crowded the day I was there. I'd say at least 50 people when their max was supposed to be 35. That may have also been why service was slow and seating was uneven - they may have added makeshift chairs. It WAS a spring break cruise, the week before Easter. I also think I would have enjoyed the experience more if I hadn't been paying $50pp. I was expecting something like Paradise Beach on Cozumel for $50 in Costa Maya. That is part of why I keep explaining my experience, because my expectations were too high ahead of time. If I just paid for a meal and a few drinks, let's say $20-30 or so pp (teens no alcoholic drinks), hung out on the beach a little and headed back to the ship, I wouldn't have had as much of an issue. I think you can find what you're looking for but you'll have to go out of town. Maya Chan is a bit pricier but I think would be open in May - seems like a lot more space there (that is what we're trying in April for the first time). I'm hearing good buzz about a place called Hayhu but don't know much about it. The stuff you want seems to be available, just at a higher cost. OR, the ship can be kind of awesome on port days. Maybe you can do your activities at your other port stops and enjoy lower crowds on the ship during the Costa Maya stop. I see you have Cozumel, do you also have Roatan? We did Roatan for the first time last year and were blown away - such a beautiful island with so much to do there. We did animals and snorkeling but I'm sure there are some great beaches. And Cozumel has some great beaches as well. And yes, cabs are $4pp to just go 5 minutes down the Malecon. It's honestly a rip off. If your family takes 2 taxis, you'll pay $28 each way. And that's after you walk half the distance yourself just winding around to get out of the port. We paid the same in Costa Maya (family of 4) as we did in Cozumel, to go 1/4 the distance. I'm sure we here on the boards can find you some good things to do at your port stops though! Just keep asking!
  20. The food was good at Paradise Beach! My 12 & 15 year old really loved the inflatables and there were younger kids also having a great time out there. Paradise Beach also has a pool. However, the sandy beaches with inflatables for the kids tend to not have the best snorkeling from shore. There's better snorkeling up by Chankanaab/Money Bar where the shore is rocky and the water colder. If you have another port stop (Roatan?) maybe save your snorkeling for there? I can't speak to whether you can get a boat trip out from Paradise Beach for snorkeling.
  21. There's a monopoly skating show that gets mixed reviews. Professional-ish skaters doing stuff along with a loose story line. That is what you need reservations for (or not, may be stand by availability). I don't know about any games at the rink. They did have some ice skating sessions available when we were on. First come, first serve. Check the daily schedule. My teens went. You need long pants.
  22. We were at both Paradise Beach and Cabana Beach (adjacent to Chankanaab with some type of arrangement-partnership) in April. I think 6 ships in port, if I remember correctly. We were able to do Paradise Beach first thing in the morning PAYG but many have been reporting that the PAYG option is going away, or at least very limited now. They're moving towards an all AI model now, it seems, which is fine if you want to spend your whole day there. The sandy beaches tend to be in a part of the island where the off-shore snorkeling is not as good. The snorkeling part of the island nearest the cruise ports is better on the rocky West side, further north, near Money Bar and Chankanaab. But you have a catamaran, so probably don't need more snorkeling, I'm guessing. Since it will only be a half day, Paradise Beach may not work out well for you but I don't have an alternative recommendation for a PAYG. You will most likely want a PAYG option. You also didn't mention if you have kids, but Pardise Beach is popular with families because of the inflatables. It is beautiful there and the food was excellent, but was definitely getting crowded when we were heading out, so maybe not very relaxing. I didn't go in the water at Paradise Beach, but my teens did, and water seemed warm enough. I felt it on my toes and that was definitely warmer than what we had at Cabana Beach in the afternoon. When we snorkeled off Cabana Beach in the afternoon, it was the hottest part of the day and that cold water felt pretty good. The last time we were in Cozumel we also did a snorkel trip from boat and the water was pretty cold then too. The air was also chilly/cloudy that day, so we were all pretty cold. They warned us ahead of time to bring a jacket or windbreaker along.
  23. If you have active/busy-type kids/teens, anything along the Malecon may be a challenge because space is tight. My 12 year old son was trying to paddleboard last year and could only go 1-2 strokes forward without running out of space (so he wouldn't bump into people or the edge of the allotted water square in front of us). We're going to try Maya Chan this year simply for more space available around us (and more to do...). I REALLY wish they would reopen the water park. That place was amazing. Or that Royal would buy it, as I saw suggested on another post, to get it up and running again.
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