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Posts posted by ORV

  1. Thank You and I agree with Celebrity notifying the people who have purchased the product and what it will contain. An honest mistake was made, rectified it asap.


    Yet the description still states;


    "Participants receive a set of Riedel stemware to take or ship home (shipping not included)."


    This is from My reservations, just before you push the button to purchase.

  2. My web page still has two different prices. When just looking at the site, you see prices starting at $82.00. When you go to order, it states pricing starts at $15.00. I have no completed an order in full since I want to know what we will receive when we get on the ship.


    Thanks, but I was actually wondering about the lady that says the website has been fixed. Obviously not if mine and yours still states $15, unless of course that is correct for certain sailings.


    Mine said $15 before and says $15 now. The funny thing is on my Reservations Summary page it shows 0 packages purchased, where a couple of days ago it showed 2. When you click on the Beverages Packages Summary it shows the 2 purchased Riedel Workshops being purchased, and the information still says you get the glasses.


    One thing that you will notice here is that Celebrity's customer service reps frequently give you wrong information, so it's not at all a good idea to take their word as gospel.

  3. One thing to note though, just because a store is on the ship approved list doesn't mean it's bad. I just don't use that as a prerequisite as to where I shop when on vacation.


    I use my own judgement. On our last cruise we were in some jewelry store and inquired as to the size of a diamond which I knew was in the 20 point to 35 point range. The sales girl said they didn't have them marked and asked her supervisor. I was told by him it was a 1/2 carat. when I questioned that he said well maybe it's not that large. I turned to my wife and said, "I'm not comfortable shopping here, let's go." Any major purchase you are going to make it's important to be pre informed.

  4. Wonderful review Steve, I really enjoyed it and your attitude towards cruising. But now I can cancel our upcoming cruise this fall of the Panama Canal on the Infinity and book something else as I feel I've already been on it thanks to your in depth review.........nah, not really, it just makes me look more forward to our next cruise.


    Thanks again for the time you took doing this.

  5. I noticed that several gentlemen had jeans on in the evenings in the lounges....was this the norm? Were jeans prevalent in the MDR? DH always tries to dress within the recommended code and on casual nites, he wears kackis (sp) like dockers. We never go back and change after dinner since we eat late seating all the time. BTW, absolutely love you review.


    Well jeans are now allowed in the MDR on all but formal nights so it shouldn't be any kind of issue, BUTlet's not let this excellent thread turn into a dress code discussion please!

  6. Tetaf,


    As a member of a large group this past fall I'd say that Terpnut gave you excellent advice. We had 2 vans 3 times in different cities and did them all with Rome In Limo.


    I'd say the best way to judge a person's commitment to the tour would be their involvement on the roll call, how quick they answer emails and their desire/reluctance to prepay you or give you a deposit. On our tours pretty much everyone was willing to send me money in advance, and because of that no one had to and everyone showed up.


    If you have doubts I would try to get a substantial deposit from the other members of your party and only be willing to refund it if someone fills their spot.


    PS, go back and read Terpnut's response to your question.


    Have fun, it's a great time.

  7. We did have Laura in Florence & Nicola in Rome and well as Mauro. We had 16 in Rome & The Amalfi area. We also had Raphaelle & Giovanni for that day. What I was confused about was you mentioning Naples as we tendered at Amalfi.

  8. Just back from our cruise, and we used RIL in Rome, Florence and Naples, and I can't say enough good things how what a great job they did. Looking back, I'm amazed at how much we were able to see!


    Our drivers were Laura in Florence, Nicola in Rome, and Raphaelle in Naples. We also opted to have RIL book tour guides for us at the Vatican and Pompeii. Sarah (Vatican) and Antonella (Pompeii) were fabulous.


    Were you in our group?

  9. I've rewritten my response/question about this post several times trying to figure out how to ask it without sounding critical or snarky. I truly am interesting in understanding this, as it is so different from my way of touring. I know it appeals to many, so clearly I'm missing something.


    I guess what I'm not understanding is the value equation - I can't wrap my head around what is good about seeing more than you can remember. If you're doing so much that you know you won't be able to take it all in or remember it, why is it important to do it? Is it a greater value to know that you've been there and done it, even if you don't remember it?


    On the flip side, I know that my way of travel drives other people nuts (several of those people are related to me, by the way :rolleyes:, which is why it would be helpful if I could develop some appreciation for the value of the "see it all" approach.) I tend to be at least as interested in the process of getting from place to place as I am in the destinations themselves, which I can attest bores the pants off others.


    Well, a big part of it is my manner of expression. What I meant is that I could tell you what all we saw but I'm sure I would forget the names of some of the places. It doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the statues we saw in the Vatican musuem even though I can't remember the names of them.


    As noted I feel like some of the things could have been passed by to concentrate more on some other things. Of course what is important to you might be different for me or someone else.


    As an example I have no idea what the name of this is or who the creator is, but it was one of my favorite pieces of art at the Vatican;




  10. We arranged 3 tours with RIL(you get a nice discount when you do multiple tours) with others from our roll call. The communications were always answered quickly and professionally. We had 3 different people making the arrangements for different cities and there was no problem cross referencing us to get the discount.


    Our first trip was with Laura from the port of Livorno to Pisa and then Florence. She was very enthusiastic, informative and professional. She made the day a pleasure. We saw everything we wanted and she made sure to take us to a gelato stand in Florence away from the "tourist section" where the gelato was better and reasonably priced. I would recommend her as a driver for anyone in this port. She sure likes to talk. We had a group of 8 this day and went to the musuem with the David statue and didn't have to wait in line at all. The van was super clean and comfortable.


    Our next trip was in Rome with a group of 16 with Nicolai and Mauro for drivers. As the Colisseum was closed until 1pm that day we had to do a bit of rearranging. We saw many, many things in Rome that day, far too many to remember. We did a tour of the Vatican musuem with a guide and the Sistine Chapel. After this part of our group went back to the Colisseum and the rest of us did other things. The driver for the group that went back to the Colisseum got tickets while we were in the Vatican so there would not be a wait when they went back.


    At no time did any of us feel any pressure to eat at any places recommended by the drivers. Lunch was our choice, as we were in a hurry to see a lot of things we just grabbed a quick bite.


    The best advice I could give for a tour in Rome is to edit out a couple of places so you could spend more time in The Sistine Chapel and St Peter's. We would have liked a little more time there. This is advice I had read here that we didn't heed but I wish we had. Rome wasn't built in a day and you sure can't see it all in a day. One thing about the tour company is that they have access to parking spots that get you close to the things you want to see. Otherwise you would have to do a lot more walking.


    Our third tour was from Amalfi to Pompeii, Positano and a drive of the Amalfi coast. There were 16 of us on this tour also. We had a guide in Pompeii that was full of information. Our driver was Giovanni who was enjoyable. One of our favorite lines of his was, "We go over here, I show you everything" We had lunch at La Tagliata which is very high up on a hill overlooking the sea at Positano. Absolutely fantastic. This was not recommended by them but was our request due to posts we had seen here about it. Family style food, all you wanted with a party going on the whole time we were there. The only complaint that a couple in our party had was that we didn't have a meat course. It would have been nice but I'm not sure we had room for it. They had a great house wine and limoncello included.


    At all of our stops the driver was waiting for us with a sign with our name on it. All of the vans were comfortable and the drivers professional & courteous. There were no issues with being back on time. They do this everyday and definitely keep you on schedule. The cost was less than it would have been to book larger, shorter tours from the ship. It is definitely a win win.


    If we make it back to that part of the world we will definitely use Rome In Limo for tours again. Thanks for 3 memorable days.


    Here's a shot from the restaurant in Positano



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