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Posts posted by monkeybone

  1. I think it would be rare you would be "told" to sit in CAS area. Actually, I think only the check in is special, seating is open.


    But for checkin, they are not going to tell you, you usually have to tell them.


    On the BA in June we were escorted over to the CAS seating area after check in.


    Boarded after suite guest. I hope that it is still the same in two weeks.

  2. I'm pretty new to ncl been on 2 cruises on breakaway. This past cruise last week grace the casino manager said have a nice dinner I was like huh? I had made reservations at Tepanyaki when I got to the restaurant to check in they said the casino is picking up dinner for me and DH and a bottle of wine. I also received strawberrys in my cabin. I'm a mediocre player. Next May I will make hot level I'm 350 pts away. Will they up my status when I make the next level during the cruise? I'm sure hot level doesn't really have any perks. Grace was really nice though she always new my name and was very pleasant.


    The casino staff and drink servers on the BA in June were excellent. I had Clarissa come over every time I hit a new tier I went from lucky to hot to golden on that cruise, Because I had to start over. They will give you your new tier card and 5000 points.

  3. I played a lot of different slots but not VP. I saw only 2 people hit a jackpot ( both approx. $1,000) all week and one was a quarter machine and the other was a dollar machine. I play mostly pennies but did try quarters and dollars when the pennies weren't hitting. I hope that NCL loosens up the slots before your NYE cruise.


    That sounds so bad! I have had a trip like that on the Epic never sailed her again.


    My last Gem one night cruise was bad too I never hit a thing, nothing to keep me playing like you said just kept making a deposit my right arm started hurting from putting the money in UGH.


    I hope they loosen up too. I do like the casino on the BA, my last trip in June I hit jackpots to keep me playing. I still lost but had a great time. So for me it was a great trip. I will let you know when I return Full report!


    If its still that bad I will be booking RCCL after the 2 night cruise I already booked in January.

  4. I was on the breakaway this past week. I had a BB balcony on deck 8 my son had a mini on deck 10. His cabin did seem a bit larger than mine not much but a bit. The bathroom was noticbly larger and better. I will book a mini next trip. Shower looked amazing.



    The M6 mini's are the best on deck 8 close walk to everything and a large balcony.

  5. Just curious about what they said about the Breakaway. We went on the Epic in the fall of their first season and I remember hearing lots of negatives about it, especially the bathrooms. Freestyle cruising is not for everyone and these cabins/balconies are small but I'm really looking forward to our cruise on the Breakaway next month. The negatives I've read about are valid points but nothing that will bother my dh & I. We like traditional cruising but we also like freestyle. I think there's pros & cons to different ships & cruise lines but we know what's a deal breaker for us. For me it's worth it to try something different but that's not for everyone.


    You can read member reviews on this site. Most complaints are the same:


    Small pools

    Too many people for the common spaces

    Poor food or Luke warm food

    Small balconies

    Slow service

    Bad service

  6. I saw your post before my cruise last week on the Breakaway and I didn't respond because on my previous 2 cruises on the Breakaway in March and October, I had a different experience than you did. I didn't ultimately win, but had plenty of play time on the slots for my money and didn't blow my entire budget. However, the cruise last week was just as you described. Each hundred dollar bill went poof....gone. Again and again and again. I brought a sizable amount with me and barely lasted to the last day!!! I have a CTN booked on the Breakaway in January and I'm wincing at the thought of it.


    That sucks........ I'm going NYE, I hope it's not that bad.


    What did you play? did you see others win? did you play VP?

  7. Wife and I are just off the Breakaway. Had a great time.


    I got selected for Deal or No Deal and won $463 in the atrium.


    Down to the final 2 cases that were $30 and $1,000 and I took the deal based on a louder audience reaction to my asking if I should take it or not. Incredible experience.


    Thats great! Congrats....it must have been so much fun :)

  8. I never seem to book during a sale. Is the 10% sale one of those things where they bump the prices up the day before? I have a future cruises cert burning a hole in my pocket...lol


    I would wait if I was you.... I always miss the good sales too:eek:


    This time I'm looking for June or August on the Getaway. I'm going to get a few future cruise certificates on my upcoming NYE BA cruise.


    I know it's hard to wait.

  9. I hesitate to blame anyone, as I am probably considered an NCL "cheerleader". Not saying, just wondering.


    We sailed on the 10/24 Dawn cruise to Bermuda. As usual, we booked the thermal spa. I didn't think too much about it when a fellow cruiser responded to my review, saying he had been in the spa and developed an eye infection post-cruise. He was questioning if anyone else had similar problems.


    Well, I have developed a serious ear infection the past several weeks. Both ears developed inflamation and swelling plus fluid buildup. I have been on two rounds of antibiotic and predisone. Now, my doc says the culture he took a week and half ago came back showing yeast, staph and something else. Another round of medication.


    P.S.: That was the only water I was in.


    UGH! So sorry to hear that....You're making me worry about using the spa on my upcoming BA cruise. I guess it's always a risk.


    Hope you feel better.

  10. Hi there-


    Does anyone know if they can manually enter your credit card info at check in..


    My card isn't swiping and I don't think I'll get a replacement in time before I cruise..


    I can always just use cash - I just want to be prepared!


    I'm sure they could. That happened to me last week at the store......I just use a piece of paper of plastic bag on it, then they swiped it no problem :)


    Google it....might work for you if for some resin the can't put it in manually.

  11. Can they run the casino while they are in port like this?


    I always thought that they could not and need to be in international water to run the casino. If they are in Nassau 16h earlier than planned does that mean the casino is closed for such a long time?


    Maybe the rules have changed and they can open the casino while in ports... I don't no.


    Thats a good question.

  12. You need to do it thru the casino host. You will get 2 day passes. The spa is very nice. We were on last week and we had a spa balcony and went to the spa almost everyday. Very relaxing specially with the no so good weather we had.


    Thanks. Can't wait! Will they be able to do it as soon as we board the ship?

    I worried they will sell out.


    I would like to book the diner and get the two days ASAP It's the NYE cruise :eek:

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