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Posts posted by HLR

  1. 3 hours ago, DragonOfTheSeas said:

    Well here we are on the last day of the first cruise.  This was the morning sunrise.  We have had smooth seas and sunshine everyday.  If it has rained it was overnight and I never saw it.  I hope our luck holds up. 


    What time do you need to get up to see the sunrise? I'll be on the April 18th sailing. If they print "Sunrise at...." in the daily how much earlier should you get out there?



  2. 2 hours ago, DragonOfTheSeas said:

    Sorry I was radio silent yesterday. I was a little under the weather. No worries it was not norovirus. I didn't have any of those symptoms. Today I just have a little cough.


     I'll try to make up for it by posting a lot of pictures of Nassau today. I agree Nassau is my least favorite port.  The fact that we're here for two days I consider a waste too. it's warm and it's sunny. . . .as someone said in the main dining room yesterday we are living the dream. :)


     Have you been to the Ardrasta Zoo & Gardens? It is a short ride on the Jitney or a cab. Small zoo, but the birds walking around free are quite impressive as is the Flamingo show. They have some big cats too...

  3. 7 hours ago, Merion_Mom said:


    It depends on how many people they expect.  They try to accommodate all at one table, but if there are too many people, they do it differently.


    You board on Thursday and Seder is Friday night, so they won't have much time to ascertain how many will want to attend.  But you can inquire at Guest Services when you board.


    Will do! If nothing else...it should be an interesting evening. I guess I should dig out my "Maxwell House"  [okay...anyone get that?] Haggadah. [Haggadah = Passover Seder prayer book]



    • Like 1
  4. Hi All!


    I'm curious about Passover on RCL. I have never been on a ship for this Jewish holiday. I am not religious, but this will be a first that I am not either with family or more recently cooking for another family. I will be on Grandeur in a few weeks.


    I heard rumor that they cordon off a part of the Buffet? That would be really weird! As it should be one long table....unless they arrange all the tables into one big table?


    What can people tell me? 



  5. 49 minutes ago, rimmit said:

    We were on the 12 night Easter Grandeur sailing last year as well.  


    Loved that they they handed out chocolate everywhere.  The egg hunt was terribly organized though.  Having the egg hunt in the Main theater and letting kids pick up the eggs as they entered the theater rather than letting all the kids into the theater and then letting them all start at the same time was terribly disappointing for the kids.   If you were not one of the first 20 kids in the theater you did not get any eggs as they were all gone by the time you finally got in.


    That sounds so weird! They should like do it in the Mini Golf course or something.... And what of Passover? I'm afraid if I go to the dinner I will end up leading it. I'm not religious, but I know the important prayers and passages of the service in Hebrew. I kinda want to go in honor of my [late] parents...but I don't know.



  6. 12 hours ago, Wildcatfish said:


    … and the crew talks about how the earth is flat, and hopefully we don't sail off the edge! 🙂


    Grandeur is a great ship and I'm very much looking forward to our cruise next month.


    There we go! THIS is the kind of response I was trying to elicit from my post. But you forgot about Sea Monsters in the Bermuda Triangle. 


    I am looking forward to a relaxing cruise...and even though this sailing on the 18th encompasses Passover, Easter AND Spring Break in Baltimore...it should still be quieter than the Bells and Whistles ships..aye?



  7. On 2/27/2019 at 11:15 PM, Merion_Mom said:

    Grandeur does not have interactive TV - you can't "do" anything on your TV except watch it.


    So....on Grandeur there is no interactive TV OR phone app...you actually have to go to guest services to get a print out and check your bill? 


    Are there Kiosks to check your bill? I am sailing on her on April 18th 2019.



  8. 1 hour ago, tennislvr8 said:

    I got the bid offer Tuesday 2/12 and the email saying it was accepted Friday 2/15, for the April 13 sailing on Anthem of the seas. We bid aggressively, husband really wanted the room. The minimum bid was $850 we bid $1250 each person. 


    How does that math work? You said in post #8 "We were in a family Jr suite and bid $2500 total, an extra $250 total on the minimum bid for a sky loft suite.But then you say above the minimum bid was $850 which is only $1700.


    $2500 [2 x $1250 pp] minus $1700 [2 x $850 pp minimum bid] = $800 extra above the minimum bid.


    The math says you bid $400 per person over the minimum bid...right?.....not $250... ?????


    Am I missing something?

  9. 1 hour ago, Beamafar said:


    Bear in mind that a lot of Europeans who are regular MSC cruisers are looking forward to a new itinerary in this region so will be just as eager to book as Americans looking for an MSC cruise out of New York.




    That's good! The mix should be great!

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, SquishTheWhale said:


    Cirque is chargeable, either for a cocktail and the show or a meal and the show. Its cheaper to book online in advance. When you get on board you need to go to the cirque box office as soon as it opens to get allocated a day and time for the show. The other shows in the theatre are free


    In other posts it has been suggested to get the Cocktail and Show ticket....as you've already paid for your meals in your cruise ticket BUT the seating is better and closer to the stage.

  11. Hello!


    I too am on the October 8th 2019 cruise. When reading the "bad" reviews....it is mostly people complaining about two things: The other passengers and small portions in the dinning room.


    Obviously the demographic leaving out of NYC is going to be closer to that of your regular sailing out of NYC demographic...right? And certainly not like an Italian cruise line sailing out of Italy...right? I do hope there will be more Europeans aboard!


    One reviewer complained that there were only about 1% Americans on their European sailing...then complained that there were announcements in many other languages. Do American lines in America make announcements for the European guests? Or ANY other foreign guests? Not usually.


    Americans think the food portions are smaller...well what a surprise! You go to a diner in the US and order a meal and you are given an exorbitant amount of food on your plate and a lot goes in the trash. If you are still hungry order more. This is not rocket science.


    I find many of the negative reviews [but not all mind you] are not only off base, but hastily put together and not proof read to boot.









  12. I have parked numerous times there and don't know what "staff" people are talking about. There is a ticket machine at the entrance like a regular parking garage and ATM type payment machines before you return to your car for payment on exit. But DO call and find out.... The only staff I recall were guys saying "go pay at the machine over there"...they were very nice...

  13. 20 minutes ago, kevinrobedm said:

    The elevators were not exclusive to just YC.  When anyone walks up to the elevator and selects their floor, if that one YC car is not being used by YC guests, it will be used for other guests. If a YC guest then calls the elevator, it will come to the floor the YC guest is on regardless of who was in the elevator currently.  You could tell the people in the elevator already were confused/surprised at what was going on.


    A good idea but I don't think it was implemented as well as it should be.  They should either designate the elevator for just YC (which would not fully utilize it if there are not alot of YC guests using it) or somehow let the current occupants know what is going on (but that could be prolematic as well).


    I think that is stupid! That's like getting on a bus and then they don't stop at your stop cause someone more important got on and you are s#%^^#d. What an inconvenience. 


    And now we have hijacked a thread so I will say no more!

  14. 2 minutes ago, kevinrobedm said:

    The express is only on the elevators marked as "Yacht Club".  It really does freak the other people out if they are already in the elevator.  It came to our floor and the doors opened and they people were surprised that they were not on the floor they picked.  We got in and the elevator when to the floor we picked, the others got off on that floor with us as they thought there was something wrong with the elevator.


    Huh? Well, how did "the other people" get on there if they are not YC? So if someone from the YC club orders up the elevator it ignores other people's choices and skips their floors? S'plain Lucy?

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