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Posts posted by MrMike45

  1. This might be a stupid question....if your bid is accepted and you upgrade to a higher category, I fully understand you do not get the perks associated with that category (i.e. $500 OBC for a haven room). But you don't lose the perks you already had booked right? We have the WiFi and Drink package with our balcony room and some small OBC. Want to make sure those will remain if our bid is accepted

  2. Ok a lot of options here. Admittedly, as you might have gathered, contacting home has never been a major priority for us. We don't have kids. And like I said, email and Facebook always worked fine for contacting family or friends. As for work and the such, the cruise was always our escape and a minor disconnect from the real world.

    We're having work done in the house and the contractor is a family friend's company. Since part of the work involves our bathroom being redone, the week we are in Bermuda was a good time to schedule it. And being a family friend for years, were ok with leaving the keys with him. Probably unsmart, but that's another issue.

    However calling home to make sure stuff is ok, make calls on things, etc will be needed.

    The iconcerige and Skype seem like the best bets based on all your recommendations. I don't mind paying a few bucks per call. But at 7.99 a min, $30-40 per call would get expensive. And sprint sucks. Cannot not recommend them more. The only reason I haven't already switched to Verizon is because I'm waiting for the new iPhone to come out in sept.

    Anyway, just a few other questions.

    For either the Skype app or the ncl iconcerige...do they work in airplane mode while connected to the ships wifi? And does the person I'm calling need the app as well?


    Thanks all for the suggestions. Very much appreciated. And I'm sorry if I butchered this post. Typing on my phone while watching the hockey game

  3. OP, would you mind sharing what kind/type of phone are you using (nobody is going to "hack" into your device for disclosing that info on CC) on the Sprint network ? Is it an iPhone (6, or 7, etc.) or an Android, like a Samsung or LG ??


    You will be docked in Bermuda for 2.5 days so for you to call home a few times EACH day while away, you will need a plan ON the ship and OFF on the islands. From your profile, you've been to BDA 4 times before - what did you do previously? You've sailed NCL ships plenty of times too ?


    I have a iPhone 7+. And yes we have been to Bermuda many times and on the Breakaway many times. Truthfully though, I have never had a situation like this before. We usually get the wifi and drink package. So I have always been able to hop on my iPad and email or Facebook message to keep in touch back home. I think I've made 1 call from the ship in all the cruises we've taken

  4. Just an update...was on the phone with Sprint for over 30 mins. They have this new global roaming plan inwhich Bermuda is included. But there is a fine print item in that cruise ships are not. Need to be 100 feet from the ship for those rates.


    Off the ship - for $25 flat fee

    Unlimited 2G data (slow but ok)

    Unlimited text

    Voice calls at $0.20 cents per minute.


    After the fine print...while on the cruise ship, same $25 flat fee plus

    Data is $0.99 per mb

    Text is $0.30 for text sent / $0.15 for text received

    Voice is $2.99/per min


    So I asked the guy, I don't need the data or text. I put airplane mode on my phone. How can I just make a call?


    "Well, you can't. You need to turn off airplane mode"


    Won't that result in a ton of email and data streaming in and any text messages that were sent to me?


    "Yes it would"


    So this plan would cost me hundreds of dollars realistically if I made 10 mins of calls a day and needed to turn on my phone/turn off airplane mode to do so


    "It seems that way"

  5. the cheapest and easiest thing to do is use either the ship wifi or the wifi at port and use a service like google hangout, facebook messager , skype and few other apps that do voice calling


    i have hangout on my phone and it works perfect


    Thanks Shof for the quick reply. Unfortunately, this is a project we are having done on our house, so I don't think asking the contractor or one of the workers to download Skype or hop on Google hangouts would work. Agreed, that is by far the cheapest and easiest option (especially with 250 mins of wifi), but I need an old fashioned way to make a phone call for this one.

  6. Without going into a lot of details, I am looking at options for being able to call home to "check-in" a few times a day from a cruise to Bermuda (leaving from NY).

    - Obviously option #1 is getting a global plan with our cell phone carrier. But in talking with Sprint customer service, it doesn't really seem like just getting a global voice plan is an option. It's a global plan which includes data and text. We chose the 250 internet mins as one of our perks, so don't need data. And don't plan on texting at all. Again, this is more so quick 4-5 min calls once or twice a day to check in on something.

    - Option #2 is calling from the ship. I don't remember exactly, but I think it's something like $4 a min to call home from the ship, which is insanity.

    - Option #3 is the reason for my post and need some clarity on if anyone can advise. Would a calling card work from the ship? Can you dial an 800 number for free from your stateroom, or does that still cost $4 per min? And if you can dial an 800 number, would the calling card be accepted from sea (those calling cards are usually based on where you are calling from and where you are calling to).


    Option 3 would be the most ideal, and cheapest, if it's possible. If anyone has used a calling card before or can confirm if it does or doesn't work, that would be much appreciated.


    Thanks, Mike

  7. I literally work across the street from the Novotel (can see if from my office window). Depending on the day (weekday vs. weekend), would be about anywhere from a 10 min to 30 min cab ride. And no need to Uber it. Doorman will hail a yellow cab for you whenever you want and load your bags.

  8. Worst of the weather might be Sunday night into Monday and so on. A day ago, waiting might have made sense. If they intend to cruise they have to leave around on time or a slight delay, but it seems like earlier might be better.


    Looks like a very rocky start but once you get past it, smooth sailing.


    But if they decide to wait, they'd probably have to delay until Monday night or Tuesday maybe. Not sure they'd wanna do that.


    I'm a little surprised they haven't had any word one way or the other being its only a few days out and people will have started making their way to NY by now.


    As I've said, its my first cruise, so its gonna be an experience one way or another. I've been looking forward to it for months, so as long as they don't cancel altogether, ill deal with whatever the waves throw at us.


    Obviously passenger and crew (and ship itself) safety is #1 concern for NCL. But that being said...a delay of a day or 2 would result in refunds for 4000 some odd passengers PLUS a day or 2 of lost revenue in the bars, specialty dining, casino, etc.


    We are leaving Sunday. It will be rocky. The route might be altered from the usual one, but we'll be out at sea

  9. Hopefully- you are all comfortable and you can enjoy the final days of your vacation. I am on the Breakaway Sunday and my travel agent thinks they may delay our cruise for a day or two. She has no confirmed knowledge of this but she has seen it happen before. Honestly- I hope so- I do fully understand what can happen this time of year on any cruise . That being said I am not good with rocky seas so I have purchased every seasickness remedy known to man :) Anyhow- current Breakaway passengers stay safe and please keep us posted on how your journey progresses.


    Am on the cruise leaving Sunday. They won't delay for a day or 2...that would require massive refunds. They might delay for a few hours. But every report now seems to show it really close to the coast come Sunday. We might head a little more out to sea before turning South. Probably very rocky Sunday and Monday, but after that should be ok.

  10. We are considering buying the 2 Cruisenext certificates on our cruise this weekend.


    Quick question for you all.....


    We have pre-purchased $1000 in refundable OBC. Not sure if we'll use it or not, but since it is refundable we went ahead and got it (its at a preferable exchange rate since we are Canadian).


    If we buy the 2 Cruisenext certificate for $500 using our refundable OBC and THEN subsequently the $250 OBC "refund" is applied to our account - is this $250 now considered refundable or non-refundable OBC (ie. do we have to absolutely spend it onboard or can it be refunded)?


    Sorry, not 100% sure of this and don't want to steer you wrong. Someone else responded so hopefully they have actually done this before and are correct. Would hate for you to lose $250 for refundable vs nonrefundable lingo

  11. Who left out the words, the OP or the person who wrote the ad? Why do the missing words have to be "at normal price" (i.e. full price with no OBC) and not "as you would normally" (i.e. with the standard OBC deal)?

    Because NCL's promos are often combinable. The ad did not say either way, and that was the whole point: to make people think that maybe there was an additional deal being offered. You have to go visit the CruiseNext desk to find out that it's in fact the same deal that you already knew about, but then the consultant has you there and they can try to sell you stuff.


    So I agree with the OP that the ad was open to misinterpretation (I do not agree that it was a bait and switch, or that it was worth writing to the hotel director about, etc.). It is typical of the way this product is marketed on board. The whole program is designed to confuse people (and it is very effective, if you look at the number of threads here where people are confused about how it works). They could just say you get a deposit worth $250 but you only pay $150. Or two deposits worth $500 but you only pay $250. That's how we always explain it here on CC. But you will never hear that on board. What you will hear from the CruiseNext consultant is "We have an exciting new offer, for a limited time only, if you put down a deposit on your next cruise for $250, we'll give you $100 of free spending money for you to use on jewelry and spa treatments right away, on this cruise!"


    No one left out the words...it is implied. Anyone who doesn't understand this is simply being naive or wanting EVEN MORE discount. Let's try this again.


    One certificate costs $250 at normal price (100% of cost)

    2nd certificate costs $250 at normal price (100% of cost)


    You go to the desk...you buy 2 certificates at $500 total (200% of cost of 1 certificate). They charge your OBC $500


    Immediately, they they say here is your rebate and credit your OBC $250 (100% cost of 1 certificate).


    The end result is your OBC credit is net charged $250 (the 100% cost of 1 certificate) and you walk away with 2 certificates (200%)


    You BOUGHT 1 (at $250 / 100%) and GOT 2 (worth $500 / 200%)



    What you, and anyone who is confused is trying to say is that you want to buy 1 certificate...a $250 value, but rather than pay full price, you want to pay only $150 (60% of that cost) and get $100 OBC.


    In addition to that...you then want a 2nd certificate for free because that's what the add says.


    You are trying to combine 2 offers. If you take the 1st certificate and pay only 60% of it, you get OBC...but you can't then get a whole other certificate for free.


    If you buy 2...NCL will credit you for one. And that is the buy 1 get 1 free.


    Getting 2 certificates for $150 net amount spent is NOT buy one get one free. It is buy one at 40% off AND get 1 free. That is NOT the offer


    I can't believe I spent the time explaining this again. People really do want anything and everything free in this world. And even when it is common sense that they are wrong...then they say it's a scam, bait and switch.

  12. I appreciate everyone's take on the situation and the dialogue... I understand and respect that there is always a second way to look and read into things.. I read the T&Cs fully and the promotion was buy ONE free get another ONE free.... no where did the T&Cs say "you are actually going to buy TWO and get a credit for the other" .. this is where I think the disconnect is because if you buy four and get a credit of $500 you are mathematically getting 2 for 1.... but the ad specifically said "buy ONE $250 reward and get another free" (no gray area there)


    and as far as being ridiculous to think this was a "fire sale" on cruise rewards... what the heck do you think a 2 for 1 sale is?? or comped rooms through CAS?? or offering OBC for booking rooms?? or getting DSC promo?? etc.... it's all marketing money to get people back on the ship for more revenue so why wouldn't I take a sale of this kind at face value


    Heck, NCL just realized that they should raise the price of Vibe cabanas because the old deal actually was so pro-customer.... so corporations do make bad promos.


    I still bought the one and will go in November.... I just felt that the wording should have been very clear and if you read the enclosed T&Cs, it still refers to buy ONE... this one sentence would have covered it for me: "must by a minimum of TWO $250 certificates to qualify 2 for 1"


    It is buy one get one free though...you're not understanding because you're leaving out the words (at normal price)


    One at normal price = $250 (net -250 charged to onboard account)

    2nd at normal price = $250 (net -500 charged to onboard account)

    Immediate OBC credit = $250 (net -250 charged to onboard account)


    So when the transaction is completed...you have spent $250 (1 at normal price) and walked away with 2 certificates (total of $500 worth of merchandise). Buy ONE get ONE FREE (or spend 250 for 500 in items)


    What you wanted is buy one (at 250 less 100 OBC so 150 total) AND get another one for 250 free). That is buy one at 60% get 1 plus 40% of another one free. not the promo or offer

  13. I've come to the conclusion that any cruise is what each person makes of it. I am not knocking the OP is unhappy, but amazing to find the drastic ends of the spectrum in reviews on this particular cruise. I just so happen to be reading them all since I'll be on the Gem next week.


    Half the people had an amazing cruise. Were disappointed in missing a port but understood the reasoning. Made the best of the sea day. Thought NCL did a great job cleaning. Loved the food. Etc


    Other half were like this review...worst...cruise...ever


    Such drastically different experiences, on the same cruise...has to be the individuals

  14. Kingmaker (or anyone else who was on this cruise)...by any chance did you save the Dailies you can post?


    Or atleast, can you tell what the entertainment is? We were on the Gem on this same 10 day in October. Leave again next week on the same cruise. Wondering if the same entertainment (Jeff Harms, some terrible magic act, and Tang Fu or something comedian/juggler).

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