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Posts posted by gramwold

  1. Hi all.  Update  on Discovery 2, i have just noticed on Marella web page that D2 will finish sailing the med on 28th November  24  and start roundtrip sailings from Gran Canaria  on 2nd December and Tenerife on 3rd December for the winter. it will basically do the same sailings as Explorer but on different days. At the 24th March 25 it makes its way back to Cyprus  on a 9/8 day sail.

  2. hi Rod, we left the ship at Marmaris  2 weeks ago after a repositioning  cruise. we were taken to the Airport at 9.30 AM i cant see why you cant get on the ship then but maybe the staff who would check you in are busy elsewhere at that time. The cabin would only be  available early afternoon.

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  3. I agree its bad management, i was not aware of Discovery   being up for sail is it the rumour mill getting out of control or is it a fact.  we are very sad if true, we love the Discovery Ships and rate them both well above  any of the others in the fleet.

  4. Yes the 25 night is still there and that has come down in price a lot. i think the one cancelled was a 14 or 16 night  cruise at almost the same date  as ours, so it would have been easier for people to transfer to that if people have work/holiday time to juggle. Maybe someone who is affected by this cancellation can comment when they receive the options from tui.

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  5. I have thought for a while now that the cruise on discovery 2 through the Red Sea  would be cancelled. we are booked on the 18 night discovery repo cruise Barbados to Turkey  on the 18th of April and i see that it has been removed from Tui web page for sale. It leads me to think that it may be being held back for people who may want to transfer to it from the Suez Canal cruise.  i will watch the Discovery 2 ship to see if it will sail all the way around Southern Africa without any passengers.

  6. Hi all up date. my phone is a few years old so wont support  E simm.  I have just submitted my Singapore arrival card  as we fly out Thursday and land Singapore Friday morning. you are aloud to fill it in a little early as Singapore is 8 hours ahead. I did it on my phone for us both as a group.  I scanned our passports rather than fill it all in. i got confirmation e mail right away with a D E  number for each person. i screenshotted  these and wrote the numbers down and obviously will keep the  e mail. It took me longer than most because i am a tech dinosaur. As above has said TUI is not down as Airline  so put   cargo/other and you can type in TUI  and TOM number. its a massive scroll down to put in previous airport  ie  Manchester   and a more massive scroll down to get to  Manchester England  for where you live, we dont live there but it was the nearest on the list, you will see.  When it came to  address/ hotel in Singapore  i put  other and i put day trip as opposed to transit as we will leave the port that night, sorry dont know which was right but it has been accepted. Next destination i put Phuket which was on the list.  When in  Penang or KL i will have to do it again when in shopping mall   to re enter Singapore and again the following week when i can get internet.  It looks the same  for  the 3 visits in  Malaysia, why cant cruise ships do it  as a block. oh and  3  yes or no health questions to tick. 

        If i missed anything  give us a nudge.  

                    good luck all 



  7. If we all have to fill in the Malaysian arrival card   3 days before we dock in  Langkawi which will be CHRISTMAS DAY, we will have to fill it in on Saturday  23rd  December (sea day).   no one will have internet  so Tui will have to do that.   will we have to do the same  for Penang and Port Klang. It looks like we have to do the Singapore  card  3 times also,   sounds a complete nightmare to me. 

  8. hi,  we went at Christmas and new year last year on Marella Discovery in  the Caribbean, it was fantastic. We watched from deck 5 of the atrium looking down to the stage on deck 4 as Father Christmas and his Elves gave out presents to the kids and sang carols, there was a service in the theatre also.  I would say maybe 100 kids or so, nowhere near as many as you get in the med in summer months.  The  children were not a problem.  The ship was decked out in all areas with decorations and a huge tree in the atrium, everyone looked to be having a wonderful time. we had such a magical experience we are doing it again on Discovery 2 IN the Far East.



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  9. Hi Kirsty,  I have looked on the government web page for travel to Singapore and it does look like we will need  a SG arrival card.  it must be same as Barbados one we had to do online 3 days before and if so Tui  will prompt you to do it, however i will ring my local Tui shop to confirm and ask about the return to Singapore  a week later.

    happy cruising.


  10. Hi

    There is a Canadian couple who have  U tube vids of how to do it for North  American people.

    cruising canucks Marella  Discovery, this takes you to the blogs they did everyday also they have a blog when they got back home and it explains what to do in detail. As has been said above it is possible to book cruise only from Barbados or Jamaica and get your flights separate.

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