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rusty nut

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Posts posted by rusty nut

  1. DW and I decided to have breakfast in the MD. I wanted the buffet and my Wife chose table service. At the buffet, I went down the line, choosing my options. First, bacon. Next, potatoes. I stepped over to the scrambled eggs, lifted the lid and went for the serving spoon, but before I could grab it, some $&@&& woman grabbed it, almost stepped on my feet, and began filling her plate, while I’m still holding the lid. No “excuse me” or “thank you”, just complete inconsideration, rude and disrespectful. I almost lost it. I got back to the table and my wife asked me why my ears were so red. I told her the story.



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  2. Don't like the terms, don't sign them, simple as that. If that means doing a different vacation, then so be it.


    One way or the other, somebody has to pay for it, and if you think any losses to a company that sails at near full capacity all the time are just eaten by the shareholders, you are crazy. Either they raise prices on all sailings to pay for insurance, or they raise prices on all sailings to self insurance, or they have the people that choose to sail at a time known to have potential issues take their own risk (either through insurance, or through self insuring).


    Companies are not in business to be nice to anybody, or help out people. They are their to make money for their owners (whether that is shareholders, or privately held). Handing out refunds or free cruises would happen for one reason - it would make them more money in the long run (either through good press, returning passengers, or word of mouth), and is all a calculation based on what will make them the most money. I am not saying they made the right call, but I am not a decision maker at the company and don't have all the info. I am not a shareholder, and have no say either way.


    If this situation ends up making them loose so many customers that they no longer sail at near full capacity, then they may act differently next time. In this case, it seems most cruise lines were fairly comparable, but their are people pissed at whichever line they had a bad experience on, and that is their right to vote with their dollars. The problem with this, is it sounds like just as many people are pissed at other lines, so in the end, it will probably be a minor blip either way, since some may switch to another line, while that other line will have people that switch to another line as well.

    You are absolutely, 100% right. If you don't like the terms of the contract, don't sign it, and vacation somewhere else. That doesn't change the fact that RCI's contract stinks. It favors RCI, not the passenger. If you've read the contract it's clear that it's designed to "screw" the passenger. The letter of the law, being what it is, there is still a thing called customer service. Personally, I would be upset if my cruise was cancelled and was not offered a refund if I were unable to sail in the future. I think Royal Caribbean should, at the very minimum, try to make the customer happy with future cruise incentives, whatever they may be. If a fully paid passenger is unable to partake in RCI's future cruise incentives, a full refund should be offered.

  3. Anybody can say that RCI should just refund all money because they are not comfortable cruising, and that the company should just eat it. In the end, they are a business, and that business is to make money selling cruise fares and the related costs along with that. They are not in the business of mitigating risk for individuals, that is the insurance industry.


    Some are saying that RCI should carry insurance to cover their losses, but that insurance does cost money, and would then have to be passed on to all cruisers, so it is really not any different that the above saying they should just eat the cost of the cruise.

    There are many, may businesses that suffer business losses during and after a natural disaster. It's the nature of the beast. Those businesses suck it up or have business loss insurance. What makes RCI so special and or exempt from these losses? It's RCI profiting from your loss. Is it in their contract? yes. Is it fair? Absolutely not.

  4. Too many posts on CC "bragging" about how many deposits some people made for years in advance with no intention of following through that denied cabins for others who really wanted to sail. If you wanted a particular sail date and no cabin in the category you were seeking was available, you either moved on to a different date or went with another cruise line. As long as cruisers had no real investment at stake, they just booked as many sail dates as they could just as a "place holder" knowing full well they were never going to use them. It took RCCL awhile to figure out that these "reserved" dates conflicted with each other and that so many of them were cancelled once it came to final payment date by repeat reservers. :(


    Glad the new policy is in effect.



    Agreed. So can they at least bring back 24hr hold?

  5. It's not about the billions of dollars that RC already makes. It's about the fact that RCI is a public corporation with shareholders. That means that profits must be ever increasing. There's only two ways to do that.

    1. Increase revenue (raise prices)

    2. reduce costs

    Since RCI's profits will forever be increasing, things are going to get worse. In ten years, the only thing that will be included in your cruise fair is the Windjammer Cafe. Can you imagine an up-charge for the MDR? It's coming.

  6. Other than in Cuba itself, I agree that the only place you can be sure to get authentic cuban-made cigars in the caribbean is in the official Cuban-government sanctioned La Casa del Habano stores. They are very expensive there and you will need to judge if they are worth it.

    Even in Cuba, if you're a tourist on a cruise, you'll be bringing back fakes. There is really no way to "guarantee" genuine Cuban cigars unless you have family there that works at the factory. Although, your chances are certainly better than Jamaica or Cozumel.

  7. I have found that the discounts are generally on the first two days of the cruise. Also, don't forget that if you find a price lower at a port, take a pic, and RCL will match it. Typically speaking, I have found that w/ the 10% discount, it isn't easy to find a lower price. I also believe they have the sale early as they recognize that many cruisers will buy duty free liquor. They want the cruiser's money before the ports get it!

    I've gone into the liquor stores on Oasis and Allure and simply asked for the 10% discount. No matter the day, they will usually do it.

  8. Yes, did Wonderland on Harmony in Jan. It was very, very good, but also, very, very different. prepare to be surprised. The tempura shrimp was amazing as was the beef short rib and the pork belly. I had something, I thing it was the garden salad, that had duck pate in it. That was the only thing I didn't care for. The rest of the salad was fantastic.

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