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Posts posted by jeda4137

  1. 2 hours ago, cruisingrob21 said:

    here's a close up photo I took a while back of the near sister Zuiderdam.  Those VH cabins are circled in green.  I think the main difference is that on the NA, there is a partition to help block the wind looking out onto the bow for 4001 and 4002.  So as you can see, its basically the same room as others, but with a slightly angled (thus, smaller) verandah.




    and here is a photo a bit further away and from a different perspective of the Eurodam, which is almost identical to the NA.  Same cabins circled in green and you can see the wind screen.




  2. These 4 cabins are at the very front of the ship. Has anyone here ever stayed in one of these and if so how did it go? 

    I know the balcony will be steel and not plexiglas.  Guessing there would also be more wind when cruising  I am thinking there  would be abit more motion and then also above the theater.

    Anything else unusual about them. It would be a guarantee and would hope for an upgrade , but I know cannot count  on that. Probably would just have to make the best of it if we do book one of those. 

    Would love some input. Thanks !


  3. Thanks  for the answer.  Will have to keep looking for some thing along that line. . Even 30 days stability  would be good. ! 

    As we get older it is like playing Wac- A Mole at the carnival. As soon as one solves one issue , another pops up !! 

  4. On 4/26/2024 at 6:07 PM, gnome12 said:

    I just checked my documentation. The limit was the same as the base policy; $10,000,000. Here is the actual policy provision (sorry for the messy layout - I didn't want to play with it):


    Unstable Pre-existing Medical Condition Coverage
    This Optional Coverage can be purchased as an endorsement to an Emergency
    Medical Insurance Worldwide or Worldwide Excluding USA plan.
    Maximum limit − Up to the Policy limit
    This coverage does not increase the maximum limits of the Emergency Medical Insurance
    plan stated in the Policy.
    When this Optional Coverage is purchased, we will pay for the reasonable and customary
    charges for medical and related expenses up to the coverage limit for an acute, sudden
    and unexpected emergency medical condition incurred as a result of your pre-existing
    medical conditions that were not stable and existed on or before the date of departure.
    The charges must result from an emergency that first occurs after coverage commences
    (including after any applicable waiting period) and while you are travelling outside your
    province/territory of residence.
    Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions specified in the section entitled
    Emergency Medical Insurance, except for the wording under the sub-heading Pre-existing
    Medical Condition Stability Exclusion and is also subject to the exclusion described below.
    In addition to the Emergency Medical Insurance exclusions and to the General Exclusions
    shown on page 47, we will not be liable to provide coverage or services, or to pay claims
    for expenses incurred directly or indirectly as a result of:
    Any medical condition which is not stable on or within the 7 days before the date
    of departure.


  5. When stability period is ony 7 days , do you get full coverage for whatever issue you require the 7 day stabilty period  for.?

    One company we checked out did advertise 7 day stability available - however they would only offer $50,000.00 coverage for that particular problem .  Did not feel comfortable would that amount .

  6. 5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

    Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I think DH has some argyle socks, I haven't had a bubble bath in years, and I tell people we can't divorce because neither of us wants the kids.  LOL   I'm kidding!


    Well it happened, winter has begun.  We had more snow yesterday and I'm expecting to hear the blower going any time as our snow removal guy makes an appearance.  And it's cold.  Right now it's -23C (-9F), and it's expected to get colder as the week progresses.  I took out my downfilled jacket yesterday in anticipation of the change in weather and will put my light leather jacket back in the closet.  


    DH was supposed to for a tooth extraction today, but yesterday woke with another head cold (what's up with that?), so I called and left a message canceling his appointment.  We'll see how the week progresses and hopefully he can get it taken care of before we leave on vacation.  


    @rafinmd thinking of you as you begin your radiation treatments today.

    @marshhawkhope all goes well with your endocrinologist appointment.


    Other than staying warm, there's not much on the agenda, so I think I'll work on going through our cruise clothes to see what fits, what should be brought, what should stay home and what needs to be purchased to fill in the blanks.  We're getting to FLL 3 days in advance of sailing, so anything I've forgotten will be able to be replaced without worry.  We've cruised often enough that it's rare to actually forget things, but you never know!


    I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass - I had one when we were in Japan and drank it to be polite, but that's all.  I'd like the wine, but it's out of my budget, and look forward to today's recipe.  I'm going to take out some salmon fillets that will be baked in the air fryer and served along with tater tots and a side salad that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


    Prayers for everyone who needs them, especially those in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


    Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


    He may have developed allergies. Took me years to figure out why I was getting so many - COLDS ! 

    • Like 10
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  7. On 7/3/2023 at 6:07 PM, Ex-Airbalancer said:

    Need to be a government worker 

    You can join Alberta Council on Aging . open to anyone - might be a $25.00 fee they will tack on to your monthly payment . Yes - can only pay by the month . Have to commit for the whole  year starting in Sept. and ends ends of August of following year. They offer 17 and 35 day plans . Can then travel as often as you like during that year. They offer 3 levels of coverage  with questionaire with first 2 and last plan - no questionaire required - but still have to have 3 months stability with meds and any other issues. Did use it for years when younger , but finding it really expensive now that we are older. Never did have any claims - so cannot comment on that part  of it. 

  8. 13 hours ago, gnome12 said:

    The only exclusion is a condition that was not stable for 7 days before departure. 

    I didn’t do this online; I went through an insurance broker who specializes in travel medical. He sent me the policy wording for me to read with the quote. (That’s how I learned about the annual plan and got a quote for that too.) There were a few medical questions; it is possible that if your answers are different than mine that the coverage would be different. 

    I agree dojng 


    13 hours ago, gnome12 said:

    The only exclusion is a condition that was not stable for 7 days before departure. 

    I didn’t do this online; I went through an insurance broker who specializes in travel medical. He sent me the policy wording for me to read with the quote. (That’s how I learned about the annual plan and got a quote for that too.) There were a few medical questions; it is possible that if your answers are different than mine that the coverage would be different. 

    I agree doing this in person is the best way to handle any concerns.  Always like to poke around first online . Gives me ideas to address concerns.

    Thnaks again. 

  9. 13 minutes ago, gnome12 said:

    That's not what my endorsement page says. Here it is (my apologies for the layout; I did a copy and past from a long document):


    Unstable Pre-existing Medical Condition Coverage
    This Optional Coverage can be purchased as an endorsement to an Emergency
    Medical Insurance Worldwide or Worldwide Excluding USA plan.
    Maximum limit − Up to the Policy limit
    This coverage does not increase the maximum limits of the Emergency Medical Insurance
    plan stated in the Policy.
    When this Optional Coverage is purchased, we will pay for the reasonable and customary
    charges for medical and related expenses up to the coverage limit for an acute, sudden
    and unexpected emergency medical condition incurred as a result of your pre-existing
    medical conditions that were not stable and existed on or before the date of departure.
    The charges must result from an emergency that first occurs after coverage commences
    (including after any applicable waiting period) and while you are travelling outside your
    province/territory of residence.
    Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions specified in the section entitled
    Emergency Medical Insurance, except for the wording under the sub-heading Pre-existing
    Medical Condition Stability Exclusion and is also subject to the exclusion described below.
    In addition to the Emergency Medical Insurance exclusions and to the General Exclusions
    shown on page 47, we will not be liable to provide coverage or services, or to pay claims
    for expenses incurred directly or indirectly as a result of:
    Any medical condition which is not stable on or within the 7 days before the date
    of departure.

    Thanks again !  somewhat different from what I saw , but still nervous when readfing  some of the wording above.  The part of ": except for the wording under sub-heading Pre-Existing Medical condtion Stability exclusion" seems kind of grey to me.   I am just too suspicious I guess after reading about the $150,000.  I guess it would be best  to have a conversation with some of these Companies to have more explanation. 

    Thanks again - Much appreciated ! 

  10. 1 hour ago, gnome12 said:

    Sorry, I meant to say that TuGo gave me a 7 day stability rider and a year’s coverage. 

    Checked  out  Tugo and the one I looked at would only cover $150,000 if it was the issue they  were covering with the 7 day stability. Everything else would still have the regular coverage.  Maybe I missed something - but I would not be comfortable with such low coverage.


    Thanks anyways for the suggestion. 

    Great site to ask questions. 

  11. 32 minutes ago, gnome12 said:

    I didn't make a claim so I can't comment on that side of things. I needed additional insurance before I went to Africa last summer, because my post-retirement coverage has a 90 day stability period, and I wasn't. I got a quote from TuGo, which seemed fairly expensive, but then I asked for a quote on the annual plan (which I read about in the documents that I was sent) and it was barely more than just the trip itself. Since I had another European trip planned for the fall, and a trip to the US southwest in the winter (ultimately cancelled but replaced with another US trip in April) and the annual plan covers the US (which costs extra on a single trip plan) it made a lot of sense to me.

    My concern is needing stability period when meds can change- there fore was wondering if 7 day stability would be better.  Don t want to pay for a whole year and then unable to travel because not enough stability time. If all is stable for at least 90 days and preferabley the whole year then annaul plans make sense. 

  12. As we age out of country medical or trip cancellation /interuption seems harder to obtain.  Most have aminimum of 90 day  sometimes 6 months or even longer depending on ones health. Depending on Medication sometimes necessary to go for blood work every 30 or 90 days - so long term planing is very diffcult. Buying insurance for the whole year does not change anything as one always has to alert company of any changes even when paid up for the year. Then they will usually exculde that condition from coverage. Had that happen to friends and would not let them cancel or honour trip cancellation part, due to reason  of no proper or full  coverage would  be in effect. They made the hard choice to travel without full coverage as did not want to lose fare or the trip. Their policy was in effect for the year - Sept to end of August. 

    Anyways the question is has anyone used that kind of policy and maybe had to make a claim for condition that was part of the issue - that only 7 day coverage would be available?  If so how did your premiums compare to just buying regular insurance with maybe at least 90 stability? 

    Trust first hand experiences before Insurance co sales person. 

  13. 1 hour ago, koolforkatz said:

    I have 4044 booked on an upcoming Koningsdam cruise. Can you tell me what you liked or didn’t like about cabin? I have heard it’s a bit dark. Thanks!

    Yes - it is a bit dark was our issue. We overcome a bit of that with leaving the TV on to the aft channel - giving the impression that there was a picture or something to brighten up that space. . the first thing you see when entering the cabin is a blank wall ahead as the patio doors are off to the side  in almost a bit of an alcove with the sofa .Overhead Fred - you are right when you say the layout did seem to give the room a bit more space . Just did not like the dark feeling - but if the price was right - might have to think about it so maybe not all that bad. 


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  14. 49 minutes ago, canadianbear said:

    It is Pacific Blue Cross.  We haven’t made a claim in many years but made two in the past.   One in Puerto Vallarta when my tooth cracked and I had to see a dentist there.  They arranged an interpreter and paid the expenses quickly.  The other was when our daughter was little in Hawaii and ended up in ER. Again, no issue & claim paid quickly.   


    Our daughter, now an adult, also used PBC and ended up having to go to the ER while on a trip in Thailand, again no issues.

    Just so you know, all 3 of these claims were well under $10,000 though. 

    Thanks for the info.  Probably only available in B.C 

  15. On 1/14/2023 at 1:52 PM, canadianbear said:

    You’re too funny-new skates!   My husband did that (but not hurt like you) playing hockey the day we were leaving on a cruise.  He saw the chiropractor who luckily fit him in which helped.  Hubby got an earful from me and learned a lesson not to play hockey close to a cruise.  

    I would think your upcoming November cruise insurance might only be affected if you have continual follow up appointments.  It might be better to disclose though just in case?  The policy we buy (but isn’t Manulife) has a 7 day look back for pre-existing. Costs a bit more but we feel comfortable purchasing it that way. 

    Hope you heal well.  I had to laugh at your statement & told my husband what happened-gave him a chuckle too about “new skates”. 



    Name of Company offering 7 day look back for pre existing - do you use.  Have you ever had a claim with them? 

  16. At a CAA ( AMA in Alberta ) info meeting  a few years back., they said invovlving 2 different Insurance was not a good idea.  Said if there happened to be a medical  issue while  the first policy was in effect  -by the time the first one ran out , the second one would say it was now  pre existing and would not want to cover for the extra few days.    Have no idea if that would really work that way - but do not want to find out first hand.  May have been CAA (AMA)  idea of trying to keep all the business for them selves. 

  17. While not a cruise  related question , still a travel concern.

    Will be travelling between Calgary and Halifax later this month with a 1 1/2 hour  layover in Toronto,

    Any one have experinced lately  having checked luggage arrive safely at final destination or is it still a big mess?  

    Not sure only carry ons will work for us. 




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