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Posts posted by Lynnees

  1. These seem like very petty complaints. You never mention that the excursion itself was actually poor, you're just upset with leg room on a bus and that there wasn't anyone telling you to mind your surroundings getting back on a boat. I hate to sound like a jerk, but do you really need someone to tell you to watch your head? How exactly would someone supervising getting back on the catamaran make you avoid being clumsy?


    You do.

  2. [quote name='ISABELLA']This has been bothering me for sometime and I would like to hear you point of view. When Celebrity offers perk like 123, I think they should be same value-
    OBC $$ or prepaid gratuity or beverage package. Most people pick drinks over other 2, but I don't drink, so I feel that I am paying indirectly more for my cruise because X had to compensate for the cost of the drinking package.
    I don't think it is fair....What do you think?[/QUOTE]

    Do you also question the value of a birthday/Christmas gift someone gives you? I think when someone questions a PERK they are just being greedy.

    But what this and other complaints do prove is why ships are being moved to places like China.
  3. Have you dealt at a business level with mainland China businesses? They are known to be fierce and relentless negotiators. Not sure why you say they will not be looking for discounts. Why would they not? Yes, they do love gambling and the ships are being modified based on that. But to claim they happily pay asking prices with no negotiation I feel is not correct.


    I wasn't referring to the business. Businesses don't sail - rank and file do. Totally different.


    They will of course want the best price they can get but they aren't going on the internet to complain yell and scream because others got better prices. Nor are they going to be constantly complaining to the CEO that they should be getting cheaper prices.

  4. They can't abandon the large ships in the American market. And I think they will adjust their discounting window, not their frequency. The ships have to sail full, because of fixed costs.


    But the pricing will be what the people are willing to pay. If they will pay through the nose then I might have a Dyson attached to my beak if I want to cruise with my family. If they won't the prices will stay moderate. They will charge what they can get as is the way of the free market economy.


    Methinks you need the reality check. They will do extremely well in China. Take their population alone even with only the upper end being able to cruise.


    Based on the politics of China, the Chinese do not argue therefore will not be looking for discounts nor whining because they can't get them. However they will gamble because that's their favourite past time.


    Let's see, no arguing for discounts and lots of gambling. Oh yea, Mr. Fain needs a reality check NOT.

  5. If that is the case then it is time for a new agent.... I got charged a $100 cancellation fee. I would have zero problem with that if they had lost their commission, but they are making and extra 100 because we had a death in our family.... think I have booked well over 15 cruises with them as well as at least 6 other friends booking with them to go with us.


    Did you misunderstand me - I said she does lose the commission. She makes nothing from the cruiseline.

  6. After the first overflow, one might hope that beside cleaning up the mess, the mechanical problem that caused the overflow would be repaired.


    After the second overflow, one might hope that beside cleaning up the mess, there was an open cabin available to which the passengers could be moved. Failing that one should expect a serious and intense effort to prevent another overflow.


    After the third overflow, one has to accept that staff is unwilling or unable to provide the passengers with a cabin free from health hazards. Simply cleaning up the mess after the fact does not prevent exposure to disease.


    While I agree with you - they should have been moved, I just don't know why being a Diamond should have any influence on how this was handled.

  7. No credit card or debit card needed even though they may try to tell you so. They will give you a letter telling you that when you reach a certain amount ($300/$400) you will not be able to charge anymore until that is paid down.


    I always set up cash account. It's been years since I used a cc.

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