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Everything posted by canderson

  1. Or the Hotel Director's boss. Have seen many in other threads on CC say they that it doesn't matter to them who the captain of the ship is...
  2. There's little service yet over Greenland, either - about on par with Alaska at present. The current northernmost orbits peter out at about 54~55 degrees north. That said, there are ground stations in Ketchikan, Fairbanks, Nome and Kuparuk in Alaska, and none yet in Greenland. Nominally, given the ground stations, service should be marginally better in several of the Alaskan cruise ports than anywhere in Greenland, so no excuse for poor service on that count. For 'consumer' purposes, one of the better sites for observation of the current StarLink constellation and ground station installations can be found here > https://satellitemap.space
  3. Traditionally, this was because anything that far north (or S in S America, similarly) is at a really acute angle to the equatorial medium Earth orbits are where all of the geostationary satellites live that used to manage all of this data. With Starlink, this shouldn't be the case UNLESS they still haven't done a sufficient job of building out ground stations up there.
  4. They've gotten REALLY slick over recent years, too. Check this out! Scroll down thru the pics on the left to see how they're doing the steering mechanisms now: https://www.amazon.com/Terrain-KneeRover-Steerable-Crutches-Alternative/dp/B00DCYN8UK
  5. To be clear ... your SS agent called you to advise of discounts? Yes, they will help with fare drops, but I've never heard of a line agent doing this proactively, only ever in response to a prompting communication by the customer.
  6. @prudence passenger Wait until you try the 'knee scooter' before making any decisions. I couldn't keep up with my wife in store aisles when she was using one!
  7. Amen to that, and for ALL flights, even direct domestic ones! Always know the 3 letter IATA code for your destination airport, and when they slap those tags on your bags, be sure they're what you expect!
  8. Did anyone ask IT what the issue was, and if so, what was the reply?
  9. I believe you are thinking of the Arts Cafe, at least that's what it's called on the ships for which we have reservations. And it's more than just coffee -- plenty of other calories to be had as well!
  10. My Silversea Bookings Activities Look next to the date at the top of each day of your itinerary
  11. The bowtie now indicates formal nights.
  12. That word 'spew' does have kind of a cool, onomatopoeic sort of flavor to it. I can often guess where and when it will appear in a sentence!
  13. If you're getting up so early that you have to turn on a light to be sure you're wearing a matched pair of socks, you're getting up too early! 😁 That said, love your idea. A cold Americano would definitely do the trick. @TomBeckCruise Should have asked... what cabin class? If you're in Silver Suite or above, you will have your own Illy coffee maker in your cabin. Serious brew, that.
  14. If you want the good stuff, I'm told the Arts Cafe is the place to go. Question is how early you can snag a cup on your particular ship.
  15. Aw, heck ... this ain't nuthin compared to similar discussions in the threads of some other lines. These SS folk are positively tame by comparison!
  16. We scheduled 15 nts during the 'restart' period of cruising. Pricing was all over the map as lines tried to fill ships. Our TA twice called me to advise that she was obtaining reduced fare on our behalf. Absolutely no chance a line's own employee would have done that. That kind of proactive service only comes when working with a really good TA.
  17. Looked at in practical terms, so then would be a collared shirt. Dress is definitely culturally determined worldwide, and within each, there are subcultures. In 'my' subculture, even my twenty year old grandson wears a jacket and tie at nicer restaurants (and the required collared shirt on the golf course).
  18. We pick the line based upon a number of factors all related to the overall style of the line ... includes accommodations, service, food, and yes, a number of 'ambience factors'. That would include the dress code, lack of yapping on the PA system all day, and others that, for us, change whole the vibe of the onboard experience. Then we work on itinerary. We need to enjoy the experience of 'getting there' as much as the 'there', especially on longer voyages.
  19. That ... would be two new data points ...
  20. Guess it's time for the newbie to ask: Does Atlantide work to a rotating 14 day schedule? What about menu rotation in other venues?
  21. @TLCOhio The old tiered distribution chain as we knew it was broken many years ago in some industries when distributors ceased stocking product and ceased to be knowledge experts about the lines they sold. Little if any value added after that. As long as good TAs can provide a personal and knowledgeable service, and know how to promote their business from within a sea of "order takers", they should continue to do well. I can pose a question to my TA and receive an accurate answer with a minimum of my own time spent, and receive a 'bonus' from my TA to boot.
  22. To any planning to use or are already using a VPN, I recommend this site to you. Beyond functionality, pay attention to logging, data retention and other privacy/security issues. https://restoreprivacy.com/vpn/reviews/
  23. True, especially when it comes to privacy on THEIR end! IiRC, vypyr is one of the 'good guys'.
  24. Interporting, as this is called, depends upon both the willingness of the line (and available space!) and the ports of the itinerary, the latter sometimes an issue for disembarkation when customs could become involved. Embarkation doesn't have the same issues. Much depends upon whether the line is willing to negotiate special pricing for the initial 'short leg' or whether they will ask for the fare for the entire earlier leg, which some lines require. She'll need to work with her TA or SS rep to see what SS is willing to do in that regard.
  25. Also explains why Nord wouldn't work for @bitob. Not using Apple products, didn't see that notice. Link much appreciated @Winemaker_1. We will avoid dispensing Nord advice for iOS users aboard SS ships in the future!
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